Daomen Invasion

Chapter 572: :ruins

The moon is dark red, half as small as the main world.

Xiahe glanced around. It was a city ruin. In front of it, there was a building that was blown up in half. The metal door was twisted, and there was a black hole in it.

At the foot is like a square. In the distance in the night, there are towering high-rise buildings, but there is no complete, and the metal structure inside is exposed in some places.

The tragedy caused by technological weapons is more terrible than after the magic attack.

There was a wailing cry from the cold wind.

Behind the passage of the world, chariots began to come in. Xiahe and Snowvis gave way and each experienced the laws of the world.

Xiahe works really well, no problem, he doesn't breathe the vitality of heaven and earth, and he doesn't feel much about this radiation area. The power of deep space is not isolated, and his own Taoism should not be affected much in this world.

Try magic again?

Inside Xiahe, a regular tetrahedron condenses and dissipates instantly.

Also, there is almost no feeling of being suppressed. Of course, I am legendary and powerful. If it is an epic realm, I feel more responsive.

In the end, the laws are different, and it is impossible to influence them at all.

But Xiahe judged that the power of the spell had definitely not reached half of its level. This is a good thing. The law of the world suppresses mankind much more than equipment. At least this equipment can be used normally.

Snowvis also breathed a sigh of relief, although he sent people in this world to conduct the most basic monitoring. But now it's actual combat, and investing more than 60,000 people is also a considerable expense for him. These more than 60,000 people are half of his strength.

The soldiers behind him quickly assembled, and in a flash, more than 400 people arrived in this world.

The howling in the distance approached, and Xiahe's consciousness swept past, and saw two black dogs with deformed heads rushing along the broken road.

The breath of these two black dogs, I am afraid there are 20 levels!

Snowvis naturally found these two mutant creatures, and he immediately gave orders, and two teams of fifty soldiers greeted them. The remaining soldiers, forward, had five magicians standing side by side in front of the broken building.

The magic robe is flying in the wind, and five large fireballs condense in the hands of the magician.

The mage's expression is tense. It is more difficult to condense fireballs in this world than in the main world. Fortunately, fireballs are complete and not uncontrollable.

go with!

The headed master shouted, and five large fireballs flew out at the same time, and the broken metal gate disappeared without a sound.

The five mages are ecstatic, although the control is more difficult, but the power of magic has not decreased much.

A mage turned his head and said to the soldiers behind him: "Open the ten chariots in front, release the puppets, and go down to clean up. There is a lot of space underneath. Compare the map and mark the location to temporarily block the enlisted mage. There should be many variations Creature, not high level, but highly toxic. Everyone's mask must not be taken off, and damaged gloves must be repaired immediately! "


A low-level officer promised to take people and start the chariot.

"Wait a minute." Xiahe made a porcelain doll at hand, stuck at level 39, and let the porcelain doll follow the soldiers to clear the place.

Snowvis said: "Underground is a fortification, a place of refuge, which can accommodate about 200,000 people. It should be under attack, there is no warning, so people in the city have no chance to hide below. Weapons are terrible, they can kill millions of people in one click. "

Xia Hexin said that a return to the ruins was over, the entire planet was dead, and the killing of one million people was nothing.

Technological weapons are like demons. Once you master the manufacturing methods, you can easily destroy a lower civilization.

Because many technological civilizations lack restrictions on themselves.

The reason why the palace is prosperous is also the integration of the advantages of scientific and technological civilization. The Taoist abilities of self-control far exceed that of ordinary people, and mastering powerful weapons may not necessarily be used.

Unless the enemy is the devil, the Daomen attacking a world will basically keep the world alive, not the ghost in front of it.

The radiation here is more violent than in the starry sky. The soldiers don't think they are wearing enchanting equipment all over the body. If the average person comes over and breathes a few times, they will feel the lungs burning.

Snowvis looked dignified and said: "We have to go down quickly. The soldier's equipment can last for two hours. After a long time, he will be injured. This is more terrible than the starry sky."

Xiahe nodded and said, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, the following can be cleaned up very quickly. The original refuge was prepared for such attacks, very deep."

"What about tanks?"

"Somewhere to park, it's just going in and out so fast."

A few whines in the distance, the two mutant evil dogs fled, and did not die with human soldiers.

The mage who enters the refuge, releases the spell, puts all the dust and debris underground into the space equipment, and then transfers it, and then unfolds the cleaning scrolls to clean up the underground space.

The refuge is not crowded, it looks like an underground city below, and there are also streets. But the air is pretty bad. The machine that was originally intended to purify the air has long been damaged. The radiation in the channel becomes very high.

Masters can only clean one by one channel, and replace with their own purification equipment.

The refuge also has passages outward, and there are also mutant creatures entrenched. The mage is responsible for cleaning up, and pieces of the area are taken. Found the road to the ground, opened the hidden metal gate, and drove the chariot below.

The flying puppet was released and probed around.

Xiahe also has the authority, but he still let his puppets go out and directly opened the horizon to observe this ruined city.

The city has a huge area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers.

There are broken walls everywhere, and some places seem to be repeatedly attacked. There are many variant organisms, and the high and low plants have covered most of the city.

There are several locations where there is no mutated plant coverage, the distance is equal, and it should be near several points attacked by technological weapons. The radiation here is the most serious, and even mutant plants cannot grow. There are also fewer variants.

"What is your plan?"

Snowows said: "Of course, take a rest for two days to allow the soldiers to adapt to the world, and then send people to investigate. Choose a good direction, leave here, and stay in a normal place."

"and then?"

"Find the nobles of this world, destroy them and replace them."

Xia He couldn't help crying and saying, "Is this how the Royal Family educated you?"

"Of course not, but I don't have much time and money to support my outworld war. So, I have to fight quickly."

"Doesn't matter if there are too many casualties?"

"Yes, whether it is the enemy or my own."

"Did you think about it? In this way, you will encounter too much resistance. In the face of alien invasion, the attitude of each world will not be much different."

"what do you mean?"

"Try to subdue the people of this world and fight for us. Language proficiency is not difficult magic, right?"

Snowvis nodded sternly. He didn't think about it, but the time was really too urgent.

Xiahe calculated silently that the speed of time in this world is four times that of the main world. Snowves is anxious and makes sense. It is impossible for him to stay in this world for too long. If the time difference is four times, the main world will be half a year ago, and only two years have passed here.

Conquering a world in two years, even if it is a weak world, is not likely.

It should have laid the foundation within two years, and later sent more power to come, and Snowows had to go back and do his thing. In this case, it was a long war, and Snowvis was afraid that he would not be able to maintain it.

The mineral veins of the underground world made him rich, but he was burning money every day in the battle against the outside world.

Only input, no output in a short time.

"Snow, my three thousand people are very reliable, but if you let me take more power, it is impossible to guarantee that the news will be leaked. Everyone knows that if you choose a small world attack, someone will be curious. If you expect me to send troops to help you, it's unlikely. "

Before Snowows spoke, he sensed a powerful breath approaching in the distance.

He looked dull and said, "Look after me."

Xiahe nodded, and Snowvis flew up, rushing up against the powerful breath. There are his soldiers here, and if that thing comes over, he doesn't know if he can protect the soldiers from poison.

Among the ruins, a monster with a height of more than six meters is running wildly.

It looks like an ape, its fangs in its mouth are half a meter long, and the fangs come out, and the yellow inside is red. Snowvis looked at the monster and felt a horror in his heart.

Inside his chest, like the sun is hidden, the muscles all over his body are afraid of being tougher than steel.

The fangs and claws, an absolute legendary level, were shot, fearing that they would all be killed.

In terms of physical strength, this thing is more terrible than the legendary creatures of the main world.

And the power inside it is so violent that it seems to explode at any time. If you fight with it, I'm really afraid that it can't control the power, and it will hurt both sides.

However, Snowvis did not release the power of the boundary ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ in the world of science and technology, the sky is flying with surveillance things, although the radiation intensity here is too large, basically equal to blindness. However, the strength of the boundary is different, and once it erupts, it will inevitably be felt in the high altitude.

Gravity well!

Snowius released four gravitational wells at the same time. On the ground, a strange vortex was born, but he could not see the real cave. The gravitational force suddenly changed, and the monster stumbled to the ground, and its left front paw slapped on a gravitational well.

The monster roared, struggling to pull out its paws, rolling its body, and escaped the traps of the four gravitational wells.

Snowvis was alert, a yellowish shield condensed momentarily, and when the monster rolled, his mouth protruded with a blast of wind, which contained a sharp fang.

Upon hearing a loud noise, Snowvis' shield shattered.

He also took the opportunity to flash in the other direction, his face freezing cold. If it weren't for the legend's reaction to the life-and-death crisis, this time he would fall.

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