Daomen Invasion

Chapter 578: : Transfer

Xiahe gathered his manpower, replaced equipment one by one, twenty big magicians, twelve low-level wizards, plus four magic warriors, and Xiahe put them on the wind **** chapter.

Xiahe doesn't care what the secret of Kunlun Dao Palace is. If he leaves this world, he will take it all back.

The soldiers are lined with soft armor, which is very light, mainly to prevent beam attacks, and to isolate radiation. The outside is still covered with closed heavy armor, so it is very safe to move in the radiation area.

Xiahe's own alchemy workshop specializes in manufacturing high-level magic projectiles and is responsible for repairing equipment. The alchemy factory was quickly built. Snowows invested money, and everything is not a problem.

There are too many passages in the ruins of this city, there are many metal pipes inside, some are circuited, and some are launched into the water, and some may be the early underground buildings before. A hundred years of history.

In addition to sweeping the ground, soldiers also have to deal with underground mutants.

There are even fishes in the subterranean creatures. These fish live in the sewage, and they can leave the water and prey on the dry ground.

Xiahe was gradually worrying while controlling the alchemy plant while studying the laws of the world.

This world is really a mess. In the past 100 years, technology has erupted and various powerful weapons have appeared, breaking the original balance. So war broke out and many cities were destroyed.

This one in front of me is just one of many cities that have perished.

If this world is destroyed and occupied, how many years will it take to revitalize it?

Of course, this is what Snowvis is worried about. Even if Xiahe is fighting the mutants here, he can be regarded as gaining experience and training.

The humans in this world have not perished, but the number may be relatively small.

According to Dao Gong's ideals, a small world like this has the best population of more than one billion. Can be responsible for providing high-quality food to Dao Palace, plus some resources.

The coordinates of the small world that I know, it seems that I must hurry up, who knows what will happen. There are still a lot of dead human beings. Most of the world is not killed by foreign invaders, but by themselves.

Daogong knew that some worlds had developed negative materials, and as a result they lost control and blew up the entire planet.

Yes, a group of guys who aren't even professionals. What they have researched has blown up the entire planet. So Taoist priests want to live long-term, but also have to stay away from this kind of guy.

At that time, Kunlun Dao Palace also lost a true fairy because of similar things.

People in this world seem to have a serious tendency to die. Although no weapons that destroy the world are seen in the data, weapons that destroy the city have been studied.

Xiahe estimated that he was attacked at close range and would not die, but the physical body was afraid that it could not be saved, and he could only specialize in Yang Shen. For the Taoist priests in the world of Shenzhou, losing their flesh will not affect their own immortality, but the flesh will become your most powerful fairy when you become an immortal.

Loss is a huge impact on strength.

Time passed quickly, and unconsciously, half a year later, the team of Xiahe and Snowvis was also armed.

In the past six months, the entire ruin was cleaned up completely. The Xiahe fighters did not lose much. There were 2,877 people left. On Snow's side, only 400 people lost.

Other refuges in the city have also been found, and weapons in underground facilities have also been excavated. Various tanks, weapons, and soldiers have also practiced skillfully.

The magicians also used this half a year to let every soldier learn the language of the world.

Xiahe built twenty six-pointed star airships. In the underground facilities, he found 250 electric energy airships of this world. According to the data, these electric power airships are all gadgets. There are also large electric power airships in this world, and the attack weapons are more powerful.

What surprised Xiahe and Snowvis was that they found a complete map of the world.

In the whole world, there are three continents, two of which are inhabited by humans, and one is a permanent frozen continent, which is not suitable for human survival, but there are some towns on the edge.

The rest of the location is the sea.

All cities are marked on the map. In this world, all polities are city-states. This is a good thing for intruders and easier to invade.

However, the information is more than 20 years ago. After the city was destroyed, it has not been updated.

Looking at the location of the ruins, in the middle of a continent, all of them were destroyed, and the war was frightened. Xiahe and Snowvis discussed it, but did not dare to carry out a large-scale division of troops.

The two decided to go north in this continent and look for the next city.

But if you want to go to the north, you have to cross a mountain, the road on the map does not know if there is any.

Snowvis decided to personally explore the way ahead and lead half of the people. After he broke Xiahe, he led his own man at the end of the team, and there were 28,000 who Snowows gave him.

A large number of soldiers, riding on chariots, and some on wooden horses, look very primitive. However, the Trojan itself has been transformed and its speed is not too slow. It can run close to two hundred miles in an hour, but this speed is too dangerous and it is easy for professionals to be injured.

The team left the city and embarked on a road in the suburbs. In the wilderness, it was still the world of mutants, but the radiation was not so strong.

Several mutated creatures, unaware of life or death, rushed out of the trees and rushed to the soldiers on the horse.

However, in the soldier's helmet, there was already a danger of approaching in the field of vision. The soldier in charge raised the musket and pulled the trigger without hesitation. For such a close distance, for the soldiers, there is no reason to miss.

The calf-sized monster was bombarded by magic bullets, and the whole head exploded, killing him instantly.

The cheapest projectile studied by Xiahe exploded after penetrating bone or fascia. Metallized into sharp blades, cut wildly in the living body, no matter how tenacious vitality, it can't afford this kind of attack.

Some soldiers go to check for mutants and report to the officers above.

Xiahe is also observing that the soldiers have adopted two types of attacks, one is using magic guns, and the other is electric guns.

The penetration of electric firearms is excellent, but the projectile's explosiveness is not good, and it can only be split into a few pieces, rolling in the mutant organism, causing a huge cavity.

For small creatures, power guns are very good, but for giant creatures, this damage is light, and it may not be able to produce such good effects.

But the cost of electric firearms is lower, and the attack distance is farther.

For the magician, the threat of power guns is not too big, because if the projectile flies farther away, the magician can easily escape.

In the sky, there were several giant birds circling, and Xiahe looked up. These giant birds were almost ten meters in length.

But the giant birds did not dare to slam the humans on the ground. They knew these terrible monsters. Once the giant birds went to the city to hunt, but when they encountered the demon on the ground, no one dared to venture into the city soon.

Now that the demons have left, the giant bird hovering in the air is fortunate.

"Hurry up, throw this thing into the truck, be careful not to pierce the gloves, pay attention to the fragments on their bodies!" An officer urged. The material of the mutated creature is used to make armor. Now the entire alchemy factory has been transported into chariots and taken away, and no one here wants to come back.

The **** radiation made the soldiers go out every day and had to wear face masks and couldn't breathe fresh air at all.

Only in the refuge, the magician's purification device, plus the daily cleaning, can everyone take a good breath.

Many soldiers feel like they are turtles.

No, the tortoise was just covering its body with its head and limbs outside. They were all wrapped up in metal armor, their faces covered by magic masks. If this were not the case, everyone would not survive a day.

The team continued to move forward, and Xiahe was attacked on this side. The team in front of Snowvis can be imagined.

Therefore, the speed of progress is not too fast. The two teams took two days in tandem and came to the bottom of the mountain. The image returned by the aircraft in the sky, you can see that this mountain is east-west, and the width of the entire mountain range is more than two hundred miles. It is not a good place to cross.

But the air in the mountains is already very fresh, because the mountains are too high, and there are thousands of kilometers on the edges.

The dust had long since disappeared, and although there were mutants in the mountains, it seemed to be alive.

Hope the world is clean across the mountain.

Even Xiahe prayed in his heart.

The team entered the mountains along the roads built in this world. The roads in the mountains were very narrow, and they could only drive two tanks side by side.

The soldier in charge of the alert, riding a wooden horse, walking outside the road, was quite nervous.

In the mountains far away, there are strange sounds constantly ringing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Be careful in the air! "A large number of alarms sounded, Xiahe looked up and saw the distant sky, dense metal aircraft flying at high altitude, the number is probably thousands. These aircraft have narrow wings and many red dots flashing on the abdomen.

The flying height should be three kilometers, and it is still decreasing all the way.

"Ready to attack! Masters!"

All magicians, including those riding on chariots, raised their magic guns.

The flying warships in the sky immediately pulled up and aimed their weapons at the flying metal aircraft.

The small metal aircraft swooped down, and metal bullets were ejected from the abdomen, and the soldiers who were facing the ground were covered. The soldiers rolled down the Trojan, hid under the Trojan, and raised their magic rifles to fight back.

Fire Cloud!

There was an epic mage under Snowvis who released a cloud of fire across the sky. Hundreds of metal aircraft were ignited and fell towards the ground.

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