Daomen Invasion

Chapter 592: : Great chaos

Everyone knows that the leader of the reinforcements, the robot Alisha, is a legend.

Under the legend, in this city, there is Marcus's close-to-legend warrior, the Five Thousand City Defense Army, and four epic mages.

There are fifty other magicians.

In addition to these, the periphery also has an endless stream of reinforcements impacting the mechanical legion. Inside the town, all flying warships are well preserved. There are also five six-pointed star airships, full of firepower.

As long as the soldiers are at the head of the city, they are responsible for the auxiliary part of the defensive operations.

The powerful magic musket has a lethal damage to the robot.

Marcus said to Eliza: "It's easier than you think. Why do I feel the impact of the mechanical legion is not strong enough?"

Eliza thought for a while and said, "These mechanical regiments are not the troops directly under Silicon Valley. The combat effectiveness is a little worse. The air fire is not enough, and too many aircraft have been knocked out. For the robot, it is a situation that can only be injured. However, human muskets can kill the robot. "

It makes sense for Alyssa to analyze that most of the robots have not been killed by Alyssa ’s forces, but are already half-dead. When they are closer to the city wall, they are no longer able to resist when they are hit by magic guns.

Alisha said again: "There is also a possibility that your vision is high. Compared to your world, the war here is a bit low-level."

Marcus shook his head and said, "I haven't experienced much, but I have heard of the wars that adults have participated in. I have been attacked by countless undeads. At that scene, I saw the video and it was indeed more tragic than it is now.

"Undead, is a form of biological death?"


"At that time, how many undead?"

"I don't know the specifics, anyway, it is more than 10 million. The adults rushed to the front line and solved thousands of powerful enemies with their own hands. The level of adults was not so high at that time."

"You humans, the rate of ascension is so fast."

"Adults say that this is determined by the level of civilization. The higher the civilization, the faster the individual will improve. In some worlds, the most powerful people may only have level 20. They want to become masters, and become masters than the main world. Legends are hard. Laws are low-level, resources are scarce, and talent is poor. "

The two chatted with great interest, and from time to time raised their special magic muskets, and sent them to the far plains.

Both of them use weapons equivalent to epic levels, but their locking ability is a real legend.

"Actually, I also have the urge to rush out." Alisha said.

"I didn't." Marcus answered.

"Why? Don't warriors like the battlefield?"

"The following ones are of no help to my promotion. I only have to walk through them step by step without stepping on them."

"Come here, who will deal with it?" Alyssa happily pointed to the steel monster that appeared behind the mechanical army in the distance.

The steel monster is more than fifteen meters long and looks like a giant lizard with a thick metal tail. There is no need for detection. Both of them sense the body of the metal monster and have a powerful reactor.

The magic projectiles falling in the sky spread to the steel monsters. The steel monsters all had a layer of invisible defenses to bounce off the splash attack.

"The energy field, Silicon Valley finally came up with this thing!"

"Isn't it the magic shield, the nature of the earth, the magnetic field tendency." Marcus is not a magician, but he still has his eyes on his lips.

Alisha shook her head and said, "The trouble is serious. These steel monsters, the reactor is very unstable. It is a product of the rush to work. The defense does not look perfect, but it should not be difficult to manufacture."

"You mean, Silicon Valley will invest a lot of this dangerous thing?"

"It seems that the adults are right. The world is still human. Even the machine thinks so. It feels okay to destroy it." Alyssa gritted her teeth.

After listening to her, Marcus felt that the situation was serious. These steel monsters, that is, the attack reached the legendary level, but it must be melee, and there is no ability to attack remotely. But if the quantity is too much, it can be manufactured in large quantities, which is a disaster for this world.

Because the reaction furnace of each steel monster is so unstable, it may explode at any time, causing serious direct injury and environmental pollution.

"It's not difficult to manufacture, but what about the cost?" Marcus asked.

"It's a bit tall, but mining is much easier for machines than humans. Many machines are manufactured and replaced by humans to mine. The factory can also produce all day without rest."

"Let's go to no one, let the steel spider first, and let the magician immediately assemble the one-time golem and throw it away to see if we can deal with this kind of stuff."

The one-time golem is a product of Snowvis. The cost is low, but the fighting power of the steel golem is not durable. It can be played for half an hour on the battlefield. The enemy will automatically disintegrate without attacking.

The people of Snowvis did not dare to resist the order, and now it is up to Marcus and Alyssa to deal with the attack. If there are really only five thousand human beings, this small town cannot hold on.

It ’s not that humans are not capable of fighting, but that machines do n’t need to rest at all. Now, these five thousand people only have one thousand at a time, and they rotate to fight, so they can maintain their vitality.

In the sky, large electric airships put down the assembled one-off golems, and the magician activated dozens of steel spiders, all of which were left beside the three steel monsters.

The golem landed, making a loud noise, and flung himself up.

The steel monster's body twisted, and it could not be seen that it was a fifteen-meter-long guy, flexible and abnormal. It just fell on a one-time golem.

The goblin glowed from the goblin's body, which shattered instantly, and his body was distorted.

The two steel spiders bounced into the air, the steel monster flicked its tail, flicked one, and then stepped on the other with one foot.

A loud explosion sounded, the spider exploded, and one of the iron monster's forelimbs was blown off!

The force field of the steel monster still failed to block the forelimb of the spider. The forelimb of the steel spider was too sharp, just a stroke, and left a deep wound on the forelimb of the steel monster. Then the steel spider exploded, and the wound The monster's forelegs exploded.

Marcus knows the cost of steel spiders, but still feels heartache, this thing is huge, but in front of the steel monster, it becomes a one-time thing.

The deformed golem turned around and threw it back, hammering his hands heavily on the steel monster's neck.

The head of the steel monster was smashed into the dirt fiercely, the goblin roared, the magic halo on his body flickered, and he repeatedly attacked the spine of the monster with his fist.

The robots around attacked the golem frantically, and the golem didn't even care. Finally, when he hit the fifteenth punch, the steel monster's reaction furnace couldn't hold on. In the wilderness, there was a shocking explosion.

The mushroom cloud rises into the sky, and around the steel monster, within 500 meters in diameter, can no longer see what can move.

"It's terrible ..." Marcus looked at this scene with awe of heart. If you are, you can still survive this explosion. Under the legend, epics may not be able to stop such destruction.

What if Silicon Valley manufactures this kind of stuff in large quantities, if it can fly?

On my own side, it is okay to say that there are two legends and many steel spiders. What about other cities?

Human refuges, as well as the mechanical city that betrayed Silicon Valley, simply do not have much power to resist this kind of stuff.

"Since then, there is no peace, ha." Alyssa smiled softly.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Adult said, as a man, you can't frown, so I sealed my sadness."

Marcus is speechless. In many cases, Alyssa looks no different from human beings, and the occasional words are purely machine language.

"Master Marcus, as for our city, we can resist the attack for at least half a year, as long as there are enough steel spiders and one-time golems."

"There are not many one-time golems. They were made by the legendary mages. Iron spiders, adults gave me a thousand. About five steel spiders, together with a one-time golem, can destroy a monster.

"No need to destroy, just break their legs, and then slowly hit with long-range weapons."

"What about other cities?"

"We do n’t have to worry about it? Anyway, the world has become chaotic. The wave of madness in Silicon Valley is just creating more chaos. I guess there will be more robots who question Silicon Valley ’s decision. Is that what adults want? "

"Many cities will be destroyed, and a large number of survivors can only compete with the mutants for survival space in the wilderness. This is not only chaos, but also extinction."

"I don't believe it. In the multiverse, humans can never be killed. It can even be said that humans are the protagonists of many races!" Alyssa raised her eyebrows.

"But this world is going to be destroyed after all."

"Silicon Valley is not so big skill ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Rest assured, there is really trouble, adults will inform us."

Before Alisha's voice fell, she heard Xiahe's voice and rang in her ears.

"Alyssa, Marcus, to tell you something, Silicon Valley is supposed to completely exterminate humans. Now not only has a very dangerous reactor been built, but also a new kind of killing machine, flying, metal structure, fist Size, can fire poison needles. "

"What should we do?"

"Other people, can't control it. For this tiny flying machine, I plan to make a flame bottle. I experimented and sprayed a flame, and I could kill hundreds."

Not waiting for Alyssa to be happy, Xiahe continued: "However, the manufacturing cost of this tiny flying machine is not high, and it should be able to produce millions of millions in Silicon Valley."

Marcus said: "Is it only possible to rely on legend?"

"That poison needle can kill the legend." Xiahe said coldly.

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