Daomen Invasion

Chapter 650: : The Devil's Disaster Is Coming Again

When Xia He was a little proud, he suddenly received news from Smith.

In the eastern waters, there is a magic disaster.

This demonic disaster is a real invasion of demonic creatures, with a huge fleet, the number of which cannot be estimated. Thousands of miles east of the sea was originally a place where the storm raged, and the Xiahe fleet did not dare to go. The current environment seems to be much better. Those Devil Fleets may not be as powerful, but they are already able to pass.

Smith and others are mining on the seabed, and now they are all robots, ghosts, **** soldiers, and doom iron rides.

It has not been discovered by the demon creatures for the time being, they are all hidden under water, and they can only endure.

Xiahe was a little uneasy. He was not afraid of any devil creatures. Rhode Island was building a large building and built the Great Wall around the island. It was originally intended to protect the railway. Now it has become the best defense. And Rhode Island has a small population, most of the land is barren, there are fewer areas to defend, and the troops are concentrated.

Rhode Island is a tough bone, and Xiahe is not willing to attack such a place.

However, the outbreak of the magic disaster means that before, everything on the ice maple continent was just a means of the devil world, which attracted your attention. But this time, the Devil is afraid that he has invested a huge force and can enter the main world with so many people. Who is dying?

The only thing that made Xia He think it was possible was His Majesty the Emperor. He did n’t know what he was doing, and he did n’t show up recently. He was a powerful mage with a demigod level, possibly close to the **** level.

The destruction and destruction caused by such people is quite terrible.

He also has control of Juno City, which is a terrible city, and Xiahe doesn't want to go now.

The devastating disaster was so huge that Xiahe didn't even think about it, and ordered the fleet on the other side of the Red Sea City to retreat immediately. The offensive coalition forces also withdrew to the empire.

Although the power of the coalition is already very strong, in the semi-elven empire, the supply is entirely at sea, and if the sea passage is cut off, the coalition is in danger.

In addition to the Red Sea City, the coalition forces have occupied a lot of half-elf land and dozens of small towns. The results of these battles can't be spit out. I don't know what other nobles think, Xiahe sent people to go, purely for training. Rhode Island has been changing troops in the Red Sea city.

However, after the order was issued, there was news from the Red Sea City that the Demon Fleet had approached the coast and could not retreat back to Rhode Island. In the south, the demon attack is faster.

Xiahe can only order the army to defend on the spot, he asked Freya: "How much troops should we invest in to support the Red Sea City?"

"There are only three ships in the Red Sea City, and the rest have been replaced. The number of people is only in the early 3,000s. More troops are from the eastern coastal nobles. It seems unnecessary for our family to save? "

Xia Hexin said that three thousand people could be transported directly back to Rhode Island by airship. If it is not equipped, two airships can get it. With equipment, there are 500 people in an airship, and they are still equipped with mounts.

"Freya, if we run away without a fight, our reputation will be broken. This is in the face of the invasion of the demon world. And the power of the demon world is not just aimed at us. The half-elf empire is also going to be hit. Not many people attacked the Red Sea City. "

"So what do you do, you also said that you would go to the southern waters and settle the bill with the Duke of Decca."

"Where are our fleets?"

"The main fleet of starry sky is closed at Storm Point and Dragon Island. The replacement is now almost the same, but you said that you want to refine the Thunder, which is not suitable for direct take out."

"Then send it as planned, what about the local fleet?"

"A total of seven local main fleets, three rested, two at Storm Point, one at Dragon Island, and one at Sun City."

"How did you transform?"

"The Star Fleet is twenty-four ships, and this has not changed. The local main fleet is eighteen ships, which can sail all year round and are self-sustaining. Then there is the secondary fleet, twelve ships, Small fleets, ranging from six to seven ships. The flying warships and airships in the secondary fleet and the small fleet are all as you want. They do not need to fly throughout the world. They are all centered on the mother ship. Just fly a few thousand miles. "

"What about the cost?"

"Of course it is very low. In fact, this is the most cost-effective. Most of the time, the combat range of a flying warship is around the mother ship. The flight distance of thousands of miles is too far."

"That was the original idea. The reason why I lowered the cost was because of the addition of robots. Flying warships can be made cheaper, without considering the user's feelings. They can withstand much more power than humans. And warships You must keep me within a radius of more than six thousand miles. "

"Got it, I did it."

"That's good, do we have more sub fleets and smaller fleets?"

"Not many. There are only four secondary fleets. They all retired from the previous main ships. Although they have been modified, they still cannot satisfy me. There are many small fleets, which are usually used for training, combat power and secondary fleets. There is also a gap. "

"What about weapons?"

"The main fleet has all been changed. Under the secondary fleet, it is not necessary to repair it. If it is replaced, it is better to rebuild."

"Is the musket updated?"

"That's all updated."

"Add the drawings of the magic projectile, and let the alchemy factory immediately make the magic bullet, elemental light bomb, order bomb, and law shock bomb. In addition, add the real sun fire bomb to the important mages to attack powerful monsters."

"The cost is high." Freya frowned.

"There are plasma bombs on the robots, and the killing effect on the monsters is also good. However, the robots need to use the effect to be good. We built it here, we can't use it ourselves, and we can use it to kill the Devil Realm later. "

"Master Daojun, would you like to listen to my opinion?" Freya was very serious.


"The evil disaster is terrible, but the person who is most worried about is definitely not you. Our roots are in the storm corner. The real worry is the nobles of the empire, including the royal family. So we don't need to fight well. If we have outstanding results, the empire There will be no support, and the Mozu will increase its efforts to target us. "

"It seems reasonable, but weapons against the Devil must be made."

"It's good to make one, even if it's more complicated, it's cheaper than dividing it into many types like this."

"I'm confused." Xiahe suddenly awakened. He even wanted to make four kinds of magic projectiles aimed at the Demon Race. If it was for several people, it didn't matter. If the army was installed on a large scale, the cost would be high. It is better to design a more complex and better magic projectile.

"Then you can do it. I'm going to see Red Sea City."

"Is the adult going to shoot?"

"No, unless legends appear in the demons, I will watch. I have to see how the legends of the empire do."

"The lord is careful. If not necessary, don't send Anduzias. Mirroring is rarely used."

"I know that now is not the time for the limelight, and my reputation is enough."

"Well, that ’s it. The Seventh Fleet does not move to protect Rhode Island. Then I dispatched a sub-fleet to pass by and send some supplies to see if I can reach the Red Sea City. The magic projectile, since the new magic gun It ’s all installed, and the design is also simple. I ’ll draw it out. I ’ll read it before I go. ”

"Okay." Xiahe was really beside him, watching Freya drawing the drawings.

In just half an hour, Freya completed her design. Because the musket is universal, but the level is different, the projectile will be unified. Various magical attributes can be refined on the projectile without affecting the attributes of the musket itself.

Freya's projectile has two pointed ends, like a jujube core.

The front end of the projectile is the most concise blade array method, easy to refine. Demons are chaotic creatures, and the Blade of Order works best to tear them apart. The effect of elemental light is added to the blade of order. This is by the way, mainly to protect the magic pattern of the blade of order on the warhead.

The projectile is still a hollow structure, which is not a metal, but a honeycomb material refined from raw coal slag. This can be manufactured on a large scale. It refines a range of magic patterns, which simplifies the ascension of Asra. With this magic pattern in it, if the user is a magician, it can expand the effect of Asra's curse.

The last is the burst attribute. At the tail of the projectile, it is Xiahe's law of choice.

The projectile looks complicated, but because the choice is simple magic pattern, the cost is not high. The comprehensive attribute is higher than any kind of projectile proposed by Xiahe.

Duke-led weapons can control costs, but also benefit from Xiahe know a lot of technology. His material manufacturing capabilities far exceed the magicians of this world.

"Also, remember to print one-time runes, aimed at monsters." Xiahe said to Freya.

The so-called printing is actually made with magic machinery, which is fast. It is not really printed, but it must be activated by the magician.

"Relax ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One month later, everyone we need can be equipped."

"A month ..." Xiahe had a headache.

"Three days later, Sun City will be able to produce it by itself. One month later, I sent it to senior soldiers and mages."

Xiahe shook his head and said, "Don't tell you, you are careful here."

He was anxious to go to Sun City, but he still brought some necessary supplies from the storm corner. This time, instead of flying by himself, he transferred three flying warships to act together.

Rhode island.

In the eastern coastal area of ​​Rhode Island, Sun City is the core, and then there are no major cities.

To the north is a military port, and the defense is stronger than Sun City. Although to the south is a commercial port, it also has a battery, and there are many fleets stationed there. Then the larger city is in the south, with Nietzsche stationed there.

No more, so Rhode Island ’s defense is relatively easy, as long as the people are gathered into the big city.

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