Daomen Invasion

Chapter 653: :Statistical data

Great Wall.

On the sea side of Samsung Town, there are tall and sturdy towers on both sides. The weapons on the tower were aimed at both sides. Part of the demon army came along the Great Wall.

This time, it should be a native creature of the devil world. It looks similar to humans, but the height is generally two meters away, covering the heavy armor.

The regular Mozu are not willing to let go of the magic energy, that is the root of their lives.

Although it can infect enemies, it is very difficult to recover after being consumed.

In the sky, the five royal warships went north and five south, and slowly flew past. The flying warship designed by Xiahe is popular among the nine colleges and the royal family, but everyone had a similar weapon, but it was not taken out in the main world.

After Xiahe designed it, everyone would not hide it.

Because Xiahe's power system is good enough, it is very economical to fly in the main world. Xiahe's technology is also used on the royal side. But the battleship itself has changed a lot. For example, the low-speed flight, the royal family was redesigned.

Xiahe does not. Xiahe's warships are all high-speed, low-speed weapons, which are six-pointed star airships.

Below the flying warship, a group of gun barrels were found, and they began to fire at the demon who were advancing on the Great Wall. The number of the barrels is thirty-two, which in turn sprays metal projectiles.

The barrel of this weapon is thick with dense patterns on it. The colors of the patterns are all dark gold.

Ordinary metal bullets, sprayed from the barrel, are attached with weak magical attributes. The metal bullet easily tore the armor of the Demon soldiers, and five battleships flew over. The Great Wall immediately paved a **** path.

Commanding the tower, seeing the battle within the magic illusion, Von and Ramotis were relieved.

The armor of those demons is indeed strong, but in the face of a musket of this level, there is no resistance.

Feng told Ramotes: "What's the cost of your magic bullet?"

"The bullet is cheap, the barrel is expensive, and it needs daily maintenance. It consumes the magic stone. Otherwise, the speed of fire is not so fast, and the additional magical power is gone. You see, the resistance of those demons is still very strong. Those who have not been hit are just seriously injured, not yet dead. "

"That's not low cost ..."

"With a reel-sequence launcher, it is powerful, and the cost is not too high. It still has an effect against the dense Demon, but it will blow up the Great Wall. Do you agree?"

"Of course when you can't resist, you certainly agree. Many sections of the Great Wall haven't been completed yet. The side near the sea is made of artificial stone. It's not inside and it's not so strong. It just collapsed and rebuilt."

"Master Duke is really willing."

"The teacher said that as long as people live, it doesn't matter how much things are lost." Feng smiled faintly and answered the epic master from the royal family.

Ramotez looked very ordinary, with a forty-year-old face, short beard, and a few white strands of black hair. That's because he didn't want to modify his appearance. His forties in his forties were epic, and Feng closed slowly. But when he advanced in that year, the master of the main world was not easy to advance now.

Feng is catching up with the good times. In the first place, he may be three or two years more advanced epic than Ramotes.

Ramotes's qualifications are even better than Feng's, but Feng has a good teacher, targeted training, and the acquired teaching makes him later.

Daomen also has many small means to modify the innate attributes. After Feng has the consciousness and cultivates the true energy, Ramotes can no longer catch up.

When he heard Feng say this, Ramotes said: "Master Duke is indeed a real name, and he is a real strong man. The reason he said is close to the law."

"You are also very strong. This change in the world has made it easy to practice. Should you have a chance to become a legend?"

"Yes, if enough demons can be killed this time, and the merits are qualified, the royal family will give me resources to let me advance the legend." Ramotis answered truthfully. In fact, without royal resources, he can also advance the legend. It's just that the effect of advanced is different.

With the help of the royal family, his legendary road will go further, although I don't know if he can become a demigod, but at least it will not be a legend.

Because of hope, Ramotes' eyes were radiant.

"If we can't keep here, we'll go south, on the Count Nietzsche's side."

"Can't hold it?"

"You come here to kill more demons, but not to help us protect the land. What kind of use does this place hold, but it is just a place to park flying warships. Attract the demons' attention and see the city defense war , What state they will be. After the data collection, the meaning here will be lost. "

Ramotis smiled bitterly, the other party was indeed a disciple of the Duke of Tombstone, and his mind was really clear.

The firearms on the flying battleship can carry tens of thousands of rounds of bullets, but for cost reasons, after these 10,000 rounds of bullets are emptied, they have to return to the base and reinstall them by means of senior mages.

Although it is troublesome, the structure of such a weapon becomes simpler, more powerful, and lower in cost.

Besides the battleship itself, it is not that it will not crash. It is meaningless for you to carry millions of bullets with space means. In a battle, you can burn more than 10,000 rounds.

The magician on the flying battleship is highly nervous. Under the Great Wall, the strong man with the demon clearly pays attention to the sky.

Hundreds of flying demons rushed from the ground and rushed to the flying warship. Another set of multi-barrel muskets on the flying battleship fired and fired at the flying demon.

The demon clan fell one after another, but it looked carefully. Hundreds of demon clan were swept through before they fell more than twenty. This is because it is not easy to aim. The flying demons are not straight in the air, they are all drawn with arcs, approaching in a circle, and actively avoiding the muzzle of the musket.

"It seems impossible." Feng frowned.

"Humph." Ramotis was very dissatisfied. How do these magicians train in the usual time?

The five flying warships had to be pulled up, and soon they found that the demon's pulling speed was not as good as theirs. The barrels of the two sets of magic muskets are all down, and the flying warship starts shooting vertically.

This time, hundreds of demons fell from high altitude.

Ramotis also felt helpless. The accuracy of the air attack was not good. Many of the demons' falling stances circled like fallen leaves, and they would not fall to the ground. Most of the demons had broken their wings before they fell.

Only a few bad luck eggs were hit directly in the head and exploded into soy milk.

Feng looked at him anxiously and said, "It doesn't matter, at least the weapons in our soldiers' hands can hit the Demon Race, right?"

Ramotes thought about it and thought it was right, because another flying gun system on the flying battleship is based on the magic gun in the hands of soldiers, but the rate of fire is more dense. It was originally installed to deal with the flying Warcraft, and to consider the target fire at the ground.

That small musket system can kill demons, and soldiers are even better.

Because the soldier's firearm has a slow rate of fire, the additional magical attributes are slightly higher.

"Our soldiers, the armor is better?" Ramotes asked Feng, because those demon soldiers, the armor was hit by magic bullets, and there was nothing that was not penetrated.

"That is of course, our technology is better." Feng's answer, a natural tone.

The technology of the main world is indeed much higher than that of Demon Realm. Everyone is afraid of Demon Realm because of the pollution of Demon Qi. Those demon corpses that died on the Great Wall will have to be dealt with later, otherwise it may cause plague.

And the demon can grow without cultivation. Those demon soldiers are tall and have several times the strength of ordinary people. However, Xiahe's current training plan makes all soldiers professional, and the strength is even greater than that of the Demon Race.

In the main world, it is easy to become a professional.

If it is an ordinary world, or a lower-level small world, encountering an invading demon, then it is impossible.

They may have few legends, not to mention the existence of demigod levels.

The declining goblin world, the strongest is a goblin demigod. The technological world invaded by Snowows is not even a demigod. It is estimated that there are only some powerful legends.

There are even lower-level worlds, even legends do not exist, and achievement of epics is extremely difficult.

The essence of the law restriction is that the resources of a world are not rich enough to be able to achieve some strong ones. Insufficient resources make the rules imperfect. Assuming that there is no iron on a planet, the elements in the organism are unbalanced. There must be some problems in practice.

Ramotes thought, Feng looked anxious at all, not at all disguised.

He was here to collect data. Of course, he brought some soldiers to protect his battleship. Duke Asra, not too worried about his territory being invaded by demons.

The battle continues ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Five flying warships, shooting vertically at high altitudes, although the flying demon were not killed, but they could not catch up with the warship. The magic gun on the warship, the attack distance is at Three thousand meters away, a long distance shot around the Great Wall.

This is also the man on the battleship who saves projectiles and does not allow large magic muskets to increase the rate of fire.

The demon accelerated its speed and rushed to Samsung Town. The sky's attack was still limited. The demon commander ordered the soldiers on the Great Wall not to gather too densely. In addition, the troops on the ground all accelerated along the railroad tracks.

The railroad track is the flattest area on the ground, only slightly narrow.

However, while the Demon Race was desperately running, an elemental ball flew up and down on the tower several miles away, and exploded on the Great Wall. The impact force blew out the uninjured Devil.

On the tower, the magic masters stared at the coordinates of the attack in the magic circle, and were very nervous.

The tower of the Duke, unlike others, is called the Little Magic Tower. The structure here seems to be where the garrison is. It has a turret, a multi-angle shooting hole, and it is extremely strong. Except for the lack of an element pool, the defense power is similar to that of the magic tower. Run.

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