Daomen Invasion

Chapter 709: :skin

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xiahe calmly said: "It is the abyss that invaded that technological world. It seems that the achievements of His Royal Highness the County Lord cannot be kept."

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Nobby gritted his teeth and said: "We'll come sooner."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "What's good, the world of technology is too weak and there are few legends. This abyss is afraid that there are hundreds of layers. Even a legend in each layer can swallow the world of technology directly. The biggest problem is that the coordinates of the world of science and technology should be kept secret. If a powerful abyss wants to invade, it must have prerequisites. "

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Nobby gritted his teeth and said: "His Royal Highness is absolutely loyal."

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Don't say this, can you find the county king coordinates?"

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Nobby shook his head and said: "Not in this abyss, when we teleported, there was still some deviation. Your Highness should come in actively, we can find it as long as we go up."

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Okay, I hope there aren't too powerful demons here."

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xia Hexin said that although the demons are chaotic, they are more valuable than the demons, and there is no powerful demons. Am I not going to do it in vain? Anducias was conquered by himself, but it helped a lot. Last time, if you didn't have Andusias, then nearly a hundred legendary monsters would be deadly.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Legendary Master, sensing the direction of the abyss is a very simple matter. A group of people spread their magic wings and flew towards the upper direction of the abyss. After flying more than a thousand miles, Nobby stopped.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Duke, there is a battlefield in front."

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xia He frowned, he felt farther, but only came to this abyss when he did n’t expect to see the person of the county king, which gave him little chance to wander around.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "We are in the past." Xiahe waited for Nobi to answer, speeding up and flying forward.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Nobby had no choice but to keep up and flew more than a hundred miles, and saw a river valley where more than two hundred human soldiers were being attacked by demons. These demons are ordinary flame demons with dark red skin and short horns on their heads. Looking at the armor on the flame demon proves that they belong to the demon legion.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Nobby was a little disappointed. This demon army, with more than five thousand, human soldiers are braced by the terrain. The sound of the magic musket is very sparse, it should be that the ammunition is insufficient, and it is used sparingly, only attacking a slightly stronger demon.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; is not a magistrate team of the county king, but a standard brigade, which lost half of the people. The magicians in the brigade all died in battle.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; At both ends of the river valley, there are two chariots each, blocking the road, which makes the demon dare not invest too much force, it should be bombarded by the artillery on the chariot.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; But the river valley is not so narrow, the demon are scattered, approaching at high speed, the soldiers had to protect the chariot, without the chariot, the other party swarmed up and died faster.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The epic mage in flight accelerated and rushed up. In the demon army, there was only one epic demon sitting, tall, covered with scales, and a pair of long horns above his head was more than one meter.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; If there is no magic flying wings, the battle may be more troublesome, and Xiahe and Nobby are still at hand.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; But with Magic Wings, twenty epic mages released their magic downwards from a height, a fireball was as dense as rain. The highly resistant demon was blown up and burned.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The epic demon roared, picked up a spear beside him, and threw it towards the sky.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xiahe reached out his hand, the spear changed direction

, Doubled in speed, caught in his hand. Abyss purple iron? Unexpectedly, there are such good goods, this layer of abyss, the supplies are quite rich!

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xiahe received the spear, and a flicker came to the demon's head and said, "Still not kneeling!"

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The demon was trembling and his knees were soft, he fell on the ground and dared not look at Xiahe ’s face. Xiahe naturally knew how to deter the demon. He waved his hand, and all the demons in the Demon Legion shuddered and raised his head.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Epic Master of the Heavens, dumbfounded, they did not expect that the devil would also succumb.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xiahe Road: "Where are the other human beings?"

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Respected adults, they are on the next level, the iron abyss."

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Dirty iron?" Xiahe is strange, what is this name.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Yes, the Defiled Iron Abyss and the Bit Abyss where we are are both commanders of an adult devil. These human races are pathfinders and want to climb up."

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xiahe smiled and said: "Dominate the two layers of the abyss, and also deserve to be called the devil? Isn't it that you have at least nine layers of abyss to be considered a devil?"

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The demon was afraid, he did not expect this human being, so clear about the abyss.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Because the previous Demon King was killed, everyone is rushing to be the new Demon King. Forty-story abyss, there are thirty-nine Devil Kings. Only this Demon King has two layers in my house. The abyss is already very powerful. "

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "It makes sense, is your devil a demigod?"

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Not yet." That demon was awe-inspiring.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Then I will see him." Xia He said, his finger at the apex of the demon's head, and a rune was printed on his brow.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The demon did not dare to resist, the breath released by Xiahe was invented by Xiahe ’s master.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; This breath proves that Xiahe once killed a level 79 demon.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; All demons dare not resist, in their eyes, Xiahe, a human being, is the real devil. As for all the nearby self-proclaimed demon kings, they are weak chickens.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The demon worships the strong, this is not chaotic, and the order is very clear.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; For Taoists, the threat of demons is mainly aimed at the world they occupy. Daomen will have many worlds, some of which are relatively weak, and if the demon enters, the damage will be more serious.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; But the devil can not threaten the rule of the Taoist, compared with the Devil, although it also carries a magic word, the demon is just a more troublesome creature in the eyes of the Taoist.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Nobby gathered the two hundred people and watched the Duke of Asla leading the Demon Legion, walking in front. The attitude of the demons was too respectful, and he didn't know what to say.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; It took a long time for his own people to kill hundreds of demons. If you want to kill them all, you have to do it yourself. Duke Asra, it was resolved in a few words.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; But what are they talking about?

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Noby doesn't know the devil's language, Xiahe knows it well, he has Anduzias in his hand, and he wants to learn it is a magical thing.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xiahe is in a happy mood. This abyss is not too far away from the main world. The coordinates are remembered by myself, and can be used as a training place for Daomen students in the future. The method here

It is powerful and may have hundreds of layers. The exact location is still unclear, but it should be one of the top 40 floors.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; If possible in the future, occupy all the places of this abyss as the back garden of Taiyin Xianfu.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Andusias arranged to come over and continue to grow here.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The abyss boundary, the law has changed, Xiahe feels the pressure on him from the next layer, increased by about eight to ten thousandths. Only oppression, not restrictions at the fundamental level, the Taoist priest has a way to break through this pressure and return to normal levels.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; He tried to contact Lucifer again. Sure enough, the magical Lucifer responded to his call.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xiahe said nothing, and Lucifer just said he sensed it.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xiahe turned back and said to Nobby: "Don't go down, camp here, I will take the wild to see."

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "How does this work!"

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Maybe, there is no need to fight. You can rest assured that since I am here, I will be responsible for the affairs of the county king. Anyway, between me and your county king, they are allies.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xiahe said that he is gentle and polite, but in essence, he is telling Nobby that the relationship between the two is not equal. He and the county king are on the same level.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Even if Nobby is a senior legendary master, he can only tolerate this.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; He arranged the magicians to camp and inspected more than two hundred soldiers. Although the level of the soldiers is very low, but after training, they are all qualified and elite, and the worst can also lead a squadron.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Dirty iron abyss, Xiahe saw a lot of strange rocks, the hardness of these rocks is more than metal, but not tough. Sha Shuo rolled up in the violent wind, pounding on the rock, and it was full of holes. Over time, the hard rock was broken down and merged into Shashuo.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The wind here is not too big, but it is continuous, and there is no river, but the air is not particularly dry, and it can sense the groundwater veins.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The vegetation on the ground is also as hard as iron. The jagged edges of the leaves are sharp, waving in the wind. If they are drawn, they might be bloodied.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The color tone of the dirty iron abyss is gray, black, and a hint of dark red.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Unlike the previous abyss, the air here is a little cold, not hot. The number of demons should be correspondingly small, Xiahe did not see the guys who were in the wild.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; A tall city in the distance, like a mountain, with a chiseled gate above it, can enter and exit the dragon.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xiahe looked at this embossed city, towering into the clouds, and also felt novel. Is this devil, or an art lover?

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xiahe unscrupulously released his primal sense, and in the city, the devil immediately responded.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xia He smiled, more than sixty levels of demons, still weaker than Anduzias ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so there is nothing to say, if the gap is more than ten levels, the demons are also Will choose to fight, but the solution is doomed.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Andusias has no other skills, melee ability, and he is no better than him in the same level.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The Yan Mo recently learned all of Xiahe ’s fighting techniques, which came from Taoism.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "It's really arrogant, humans from other worlds, you" r />

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The Demon King ’s words were not finished yet, Xiahe had turned into a streamer, rushed into the city, and came over him. Xiahe looked down and saw a demon with a height of more than ten meters sitting on a square. It seemed that the Phantom Demon had evolved and had rare colorful markings on his body.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; After seeing the demon, Xiahe couldn't help but say: "What a leather coat, who didn't want to kill you, Andusias, come out for me!"

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Andusias was summoned out, and the flaming demon looked down in the sky and listened to Xiahe Road: "kill him, I want his complete skin."

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The Demon King saw Anduzias, he roared suddenly, then turned into a shadow, and fled towards the distance.

& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Andusias grinned and shouted: "Don't go, leave your skin to talk!"

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