Daomen Invasion

Chapter 797: : Warlock Merlin (1)

"If you see it, fifty cavalry are purely sent." Rexie pointedly proudly directed the battlefield, and Gordon had nothing to say.

It was fifty cavalry, not to mention fifty, they couldn't beat ten.

If five, it is possible to win, depending on the bow and arrow of the wild ranger, can you get a few horses of the other side. The armor defense of the war horse is not so comprehensive, and there is still a chance to go around.

But if you play one hundred and fifty, what is there to show off?

As if knowing what they were thinking, Rexie said: "This is to keep them alive, if you don't care about life and death, ten people will be able to solve them. If there are fewer, they will be escaped."

Everyone is an experienced professional, and after hearing Reese, it makes sense.

The magic musket of this army is too powerful, but it was an attack 300 meters away. If the cavalry has been charging, it will take more than fifteen seconds.

The musketeer's attack frequency is one shot per second, and the hit rate is 100%.

Fifteen seconds is fifteen guns, so ten musketeers, against these fifty cavalry, can indeed solve the problem at a distance of three hundred meters. But it is easy for the other party to escape.

"Do you think that the cavalry can just rush over? Only five of these cavalry are professional, and the level is from three to nine ... I count according to the standards of our world. The highest level is nine, and my these Soldiers, there is already a minimum level 5 standard. "

Lexi's smug look made Gordon very depressed, and Lexi again said: "Don't look at the ten small soldiers behind, everyone is carrying a flame bottle, and the tenth-level magician can't stand things. So, this This is not a war at all, not even a battle. "

"Are you just showing off to us?"

"No, I just thought, if you don't want to touch, just push the city straight."

"Mr. Master, don't do it. Is Iron Furnace worthless?" Gordon couldn't help but dissuade.

"People, people here may have some value. I need more soldiers. Alas, brainwashing them is hard work, and I don't want to use the god's method, the magician's method, maybe something goes wrong and some people die. . The dean's method will take a lot of time. "

"Do you lack time?"

"Although the level of this world is not high, the area is very large. Isn't there a door to the devil? To integrate the power of this world early, I will try to attack the abyss."

After hearing her words, the four adventurers couldn't help laughing.

Offensive abyss? Is this sick?

There is a powerful demon lord in the abyss, the level may exceed 20, that is the true god. Although that kind of existence will not come, but if you pass by, you will be crushed.

"You think the abyss is terrible, right? Under the head of the dean, there is a flame demon, very powerful. If you catch the demon and wash your brain, you can gain a lot of combat power, which is good for attacking more worlds. I want A demon, the dreadlord is good. "

Rexie began to be obsessed. She was not a legend. Even if she was given a dreadlord, she could not control it.

Not to mention digging into the abyss and catching demons, even legends cannot do it.

Xiahe had control of Andusias at first, because he had six gods, and his master was still there. It was a true **** equivalent to the 180th level of the main world. At Daomen, he was a ninth-order Taoist. With the help of the master, he controlled Anduzias.

But the students of the Academy of Magic don't know, they only know that when the dean is very low, he controls a flaming demon lord to fight for him.

Different abysses have different strengths, but even the weakest abyss, once there is a demon, the challenge level will be very high.

Naturally no one dared to argue with her, and four adventurers saw the strength of this army.

Even if there is no army, Rexie can knead the four of them alone, and can't run away.

Fifty captives were soon arrested, and these people, Rexie, were not polite, all took off their equipment, and banned with magic.

She glanced at the ninth-level warrior. He is a cavalry, but not a knight. A knight is a special profession.

"I really don't want to interrogate you, or, Gordon, come on."

Gordon was surprised, pointing his nose at Rexie.

"It's so annoying, if you don't interrogate, I'll kill them altogether, and it's worthless anyway." Rexie frowned. Her attitude is quite in line with the behavior of this world's magician.

Moody, not taking human life seriously.

Gordon had no choice but to save the lives of these fifty cavalrymen, he also had to do it.

The interrogation went smoothly. Sure enough, there was a prophet in the Iron Furnace Castle, saying that the devil from another world would come out of the mountains and destroy the Iron Furnace.

"Sir, the horse meat has been processed, would you like it?" A soldier came and reported to Reese.

"Don't eat it for the next." Reese waved her hand and let the soldiers back.

Fifty cavalrymen listened, and the feeling of tears in their faces. The fifty war horses are all carefully selected. They are half the strength of the Iron Furnace. These war horses are worth more than fifty gold coins and have been eaten!

"Let me count, that warlock, according to our standards, has about twenty levels. A twenty-level warlock is not too much trouble. I don't know how the warlock's character is, can I trust us."

She sounded like she was talking to herself. Gordon thought for a while and said, "The warlocks have nothing to do with them. They are different from magicians. Their strength comes from blood, and they will not be more difficult to get along with than magicians."

"I mean, can the warlock work as a bull or a horse for me? Why should I get along with him? If you don't get along, you can just kill it and have no time to cultivate feelings."

Gordon stopped talking, and Reese said, "Do you know why I'm so irritated? Because I don't want to kill too many people, otherwise I will send flying warships and airships to bomb the circle once, and the artillery will blow once again, and you can push it flat. You have to wait for the army to be in place, you want to be surrounded, you ca n’t die too many people, you have to stay for two days. "

She looked at Gordon's couple and said, "Simply you guys have to die, let you lead the way, so troublesome."

Gordon smiled bitterly. He didn't want to die now. The army in front of him was so powerful that he had nothing to say. In fact, the Iron Furnace Castle had only one hundred cavalry, and it seemed that all of them were taken out, and it could not cause any trouble to this army.

One day passed quickly. The result of the interrogation did not make much sense. In Ironforge Castle, there was no too strong presence. The city master was a baron, equivalent to the 20th-level knight of the main world.

Among the remaining professionals, the strongest is the dozen-level warlock.

When the troops on all sides of the city gate were in place, the gate of the Ironforge Castle was opened, and the baron did not wear armor and took his men and walked out to surrender on foot.

"Baron Garrison, I didn't expect you to surrender so happy."

Rexie received the captives in the big tent.

The baron smiled bitterly: "What skills do I have to resist your army? The warlock said that you have tens of thousands of people, and you can reach them all in half a month at most. In half a month, Wangcheng has absolutely no possibility of support. . Anyway, even if it comes, it is an army of 10,000 or 20,000. "

Rexie glanced at the warlock with her head down next to her. The warlock looked young, probably less than thirty years old, wearing a white robe.

"Okay, I am Rexie, the second battalion of the Second Expeditionary Army under the Duke of Asura, and I am here to represent your Duke of Asla and accept your dedication. Here is the contract, signed by both of you Come down. "

"Am I going to sign too?" The warlock was surprised.

"Of course, I don't want to waste the caster in Ironforge Castle. Signing your words will save a caster."

The warlock raised his head and said, "My name is Messi."

"Okay, Messi, in my world, you are probably at the twelfth level. You can barely lead a caster squad, but you know the world well, and you can assist Baron Garrison in the future and become a deputy to Ironforge. You have made enough credit, and the Duke will reward you for your practice, and your qualifications to become a level 40 legend should be hopeful. "

Warlock Messi frowned, he didn't believe it.

Lacey said much lazily, "I'm a thirty-five-level mage, twenty-two years old."

Messi was surprised. He couldn't see Rexie's level, and he wouldn't convert it. But listening to her say that level 40 is legendary, the level 35 is quite powerful.

The situation is pressing, he will die if he does not sign a contract.

But the soul magic on the contract makes people tremble.

Rexie said: "Let you sign this to save time. In fact, after joining the Duke, you can't bear to drive you away for up to six months. Baron Garrison is a 21st-level knight, although he is older and becomes a legend. It ’s not easy, but epics are absolutely fine. "

"Legend, isn't it lower than epic?" Warlock Messi couldn't help asking.

"Just to say that, you can understand the legend as the legendary level of your world. In my world, there is no such level. It is really troublesome. If I say, I will use numbers to represent in the future ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can save a lot of trouble. "

The warlock dared not ask, and silently signed the contract.

He prophesied and got a very clear answer. He couldn't escape, he could only come over and surrender.

"Okay, Garrison. Since you surrender, there will soon be an army entering the Iron Furnace. I will rebuild and expand the castle for about half a month. You will need to arrange staffing within three days. To remove all residents. "

Garrison gritted his teeth: "This is impossible."

"Absolutely, Iron Furnace Castle, I will try to keep it as it is, and it will not be dismantled, and then serve as the core of the new city. On the periphery, I will expand it as the first base in the world. This time I bring a little manpower There will be a large number of factories in Iron Furnace. For the people here, I will choose a younger age for training. "


"Giant workshop, get it?" Rexie looked disappointed, and Warlock Merlin was downcast ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just search for "", the fastest update!

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