Daomen Invasion

Chapter 804: : Strong in case of strong

Shrek dropped the scroll, and the scroll glowed dimly, falling into the cave on the top of the mountain. He waited patiently, and not long after, a violent explosion occurred below, and the whole mountain shook.

The flame rushed out of the cave from the ground, and it rose more than a hundred meters high. When the flame extinguished, looking at the wall of the cave, it was smooth like glass.

Shrek dropped another metal ball, and the metal ball fell into the cave and exploded violently.

This time, there was a screaming voice below.

Shrek sneered, thinking he would go straight? Who knows if there is a magic ban below. There are a lot of magic circles in this mountain. If you go down and be banned for magic, the surrounding arrows are shot and the legendary mage is shot. If you die, you will be laughed at for hundreds of years.

Then Shrek took another cloth bag and poured the contents into the cave, and then wrote a rune on the cloth bag, and lost it with the bag.

The following screams, this time into a film, are no longer half-false.

"Wear the armor!"

Shrek ordered that the thin mage armor immediately disintegrated from the mage's belt behind him, quickly covering the whole body up and down, even covering his face.

Shrek directly summoned a small steel golem from the badge, let the golem first jump in from the cave, and then he jumped with the golem.

There were only five remaining masters, and the rest jumped with Shrek.


The steel golem fell to the ground, but Shrek hovered in the air and waited to make sure that the golem was not affected before continuing to fall. The mage followed the landing and dispersed quickly, but here is the underground hall, and many people fell around, but a muzzle appeared on all sides of the hall wall.

A magic book flew from Shrek and quickly opened.

Four spells, almost in no particular order, shot into the muzzle. Only four black lights made four magic guns dumb.

"Go!" Shrek pointed his finger, the steel golem rushed towards a door, and the wooden folio door was crushed by the steel golem.

Shrek frowned, not stomping, but stomping his feet.

The mages knew what to do, except for one legendary mage who followed him, all the other magicians started to do it.

Digging, Digging, Digging ...

I would like to ask what the mages led by the Duke are best at, of course, basic war spells such as fireball, etc. After that?

Of course, it is ground digging. As long as the mage has enough mana, the speed of digging the ground can be much faster than that of the robot.

Digging for three meters, the entrance is still not visible below, and the magicians are struggling.

"Stop, space spell." Shrek immediately saw the problem. He frowned, thinking to himself, the son of this rule was really afraid of death. The underground arsenal did not know how deep it was hidden, and the space spell was used to isolate it.

This consumption is not small, it is bad.

But no matter how bad the trick is, it can't be cracked by the magician under the legend. He immediately communicated with Drizzt, saying: "Resolve the people in the town, and then enter the main entrance, guarding the exit."

"Yes." Drizzt agreed.

"Um ... the six-pointed star airship is charging, waiting for my order."

The people on the six-pointed star airship did not ask why, and they answered officially that they were ready.

The rest of the Masters listened, but their hearts were cold. The energy storage of the main gun of the large six-pointed star airship? Legendary spells ca n’t be stopped. If you do n’t aim, everyone is not going to die together.

In fact, they thought too much. When the six-pointed star airship hovered, the shooting accuracy was quite terrible.

This is still in the atmosphere, with various strange effects. If flying into the universe, even at full speed, the six-pointed star airship can shoot accurately.

Frightened, everyone followed the steel golem and walked into the corridor outside. I do n’t know what the people in the arsenal thought. There was no trouble along the way. After walking for a few minutes, Shrek stopped and said, “It ’s a lock.”

When no one spoke, Shrek frowned, saying with heart, this road wouldn't work, right, under the passage, those killed, and the four magic cannons, were clearly stationed for a long time.

These people are not very strong, and they don't have tools to pass through the locks ...

"go back!"

Shrek directly used the acceleration technique, and the steel golem also ran up. He is a legendary mage. He has the ability to walk back a long way without patience to crack the puzzle.

The earth-colored passageway turned a dozen circles and then returned to the basement hall. The corpse on the ground was gone. Looking up, the passageway above disappeared at the same time.

Hey, this trap is good!

Shrek thought about it, or should not be entangled in the lock too much, I have no clue what you do, all dead.

Thinking of this, Shrek communicated with the airship and said, "Can you see my position?"

"You can see it, just below the naval gun. I fire now ..."

"Don't don't!" Shrek didn't want to joke with his brothers. Someone missed. The thing accidentally activated the gun, but he couldn't stand it.

"Waiting for your order." On the six-pointed star airship, the legendary mage is not kidding. The attack on the arsenal was unexpectedly difficult. On the ground, Drizzt finally opened the door of the arsenal, and a shot was fired directly inside. Fortunately, the equipment of the bodyguard responded quickly, otherwise the legendary mage was injured.

Shrek left the hall again, thought for a while, used a stone wall technique, closed the door technique, and finally came to a point.

He wouldn't turn the stone into gold. That's the fairy's method. This stone is just a powerful defensive spell. Such a big iron gate should be able to block the aftermath.

Do you have a lock? Just borrow the power of your locks.

Shrek took out the astrolabe, this thing was to break the mystery lock, but he did not go straight forward, feeling that there was a certain distance from the hall, he then summoned the six-pointed star airship, saying: "attack."

The six-pointed star airship had a strange posture, with the main gun down vertically and facing the top of the mountain. It had already been charged, and upon hearing Shrek's order, a blue-gray light flashed from the muzzle, which was so thin that it penetrated the mountain instantly.

Shrek felt the breath of death pass by, and cold sweat came out.

Although you have practiced for thousands of years, only strength is good.

The second dissociation gun, the attack weapon on the large flight equipment, needs energy storage, and the attack level is above the legendary level.

In the world of technology, there are many energy shields, but in fact the defense against elemental magic is quite good. This weapon can exert enough power in any world, and it is nothing but to consume a lot.

This is equivalent to a bombardment of a battleship main gun without the aid of a magic array, and the original magic stones are all turned into powder. However, there is a large magic circle on the airship, and it can communicate deep space power. When this cannon continues, sixteen standard magical original stones disappear, and the accumulated deep space power is also completely released.

After the light disappeared, waiting a full minute, from the top of the mountain, there was a terrifying penetration. It is about three meters in diameter with a depth of two kilometers away.

If it were not blocked by the space array, I still don't know how deep I can shoot.

Below the arsenal, the portal opened wide.

With a grudge on his face, a magician disappeared, and his left arm disappeared. He closed the wound with his spells, and an arbitrary door was about to escape.


There was no movement in any door, he only found out that the surrounding space was blocked.

If he is a legend, this power does not matter to him, but **** it. At the critical moment of the mission, the mission item is destroyed and an arm is lost. The main **** is warning him that if the mission fails, it will be wiped out.

How is it possible that his own soldiers were penetrated at a depth of 1,500 meters below the ground! And the other party's attack was too accurate, so that he was unprepared.

This is because he thinks too much. The pursuit of the duke is different from others. It stands to reason where the attack is good? Of course it is a weak defense position, then you should not aim at the top of the mountain, there are many obstacles out of thin air.

Jess is also in this heart, anyway, this position is the thickest defense, certainly the safest.

However, the people on the six-pointed star airship just like to aim at a center of the circle, with a unique sense of accomplishment. Like obsessive-compulsive disorder, aiming at the trap position is a shot.

Then Jess was in a tragedy. He was doing alchemy missions below. When warned by the main god, he was reluctant to fail the mission. He stretched out his arm, his arm disappeared, and the mission items disappeared.

Life alchemy, if you refine it successfully, you can get the sage stone!

After a shortfall, the space was blocked. He didn't know who was coming. After the Lord God warned, he didn't release the task to continue. Under normal circumstances, when the enemy came, the Lord God should immediately release a related thing to make himself come back.

Is it that he was abandoned by the Lord God?

No, I am the Son of Destiny, the protagonist of this world, how could it fail! If you are not in order to gather wealth and spend too much time here, you will be legendary.

Damn it! Damn it!

He was cursing, but he was not idle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A huge scroll unfolded, and the power of the surrounding space blockade suddenly dissipated.

The roar sounded underground. Except for himself, all the arsenal workers and mages were deterred by the roar. Most people fell into a coma, and a few were directly scared to death.

Shrek's face was gloomy, his palm demon flashed into a sharp blade, he turned into a golden light, broke through the wall next to it, unstopped all the way, came to the three-meter-diameter deep pit and jumped down. The mage followed closely, but his speed was so fast that he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Beneath the pothole, a bronze dragon roared and flew upward to meet Shrek, spraying a white light.

Shrek's face was grim, and there was a deep voice in his throat: "I know it's a dragon, watch me kill the dragon!"

The words fell, and the golden light in his hand flew off the body, instantly expanded ten times, and turned into a huge golden arc, ruthlessly everything. The white light sprayed by the dragon dissipated, and all of his eyes were amazed.

Time magic is just broken ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ just search for "", the fastest update!

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