Daomen Invasion

Chapter 812: : Dispatch soldiers

Xinda 6, Great Wall Defense.

There are still constant attacks from the demons, but the human army will no longer rely on the city walls. Xiahe's army reaps the life of the demon at a very small cost.

The Demon Realm will inevitably be destroyed. Xiahe doesn't understand why, it's just what the emperor made.

All the demon star warships are scattered around Xinda 6, falling one by one.

Originally floating in the sea, they were also captured one by one by the imperial magicians.

Xiahe was too lazy to manage, he just dealt with the star warships at a frequency of one shot every half a month. As for those who were attacked by other people, the useful treasures were naturally taken away. But there is also a copy of him, why ...

Xiahe undertakes the purification tasks of all star battleships. Although others have this ability, they are disproportionately paid and paid. For example, the shell of a starship is a very good refining material, but it is only deeply contaminated by magic energy. If it is refined, the cost is too high.

Xiahe doesn't care about that. Anyway, the starry sky worms are now turning into dragons. They are quite high-level, and they can't digest them long after eating one at a time. Xiahe especially improved the space of the gourd. In the gourd, among the refining stars, all the starry sky battleships that were too late to digest.

Such a huge space can't be supported by the starry sky worms, and all rely on the daily consumption of magic stone to maintain the formation, so that this gourd can sustain.

Xiahe never refuses to sit and collect money. Most people can still remember his good.

Because if he does not care, then the imperial nobles will share these tasks, the most tiring. But no matter how good his benefits are, the entire north is occupied by him. It is impossible for the imperial nobles to say that they are not angry. The most angry is, of course, the Merrifin family.

However, the Merrifin family did not dare to fight in the Xinda 6 and Xiahe. One is that the military is not as good. The other is that there is a high princess here.

There are a lot of ways in it. If the Xinda 6 is wrong, the princess can deprive the Merrifin family of the harvest in Xinda 6.

The two hostile dukes were safe on Xinda 6, but the Merrifin family was angry.

Because Xiahe's benefits at Xinda 6 are too great, others are only jealous.

Of course, Xiahe is not so ugly to eat, after all, he has integrated many nobles in the north, and there are points below.

A branch of iron and steel corps flowed along the defense of the Great Wall. By the side of Xiahe, they no longer have their own army. All of them were transferred to the seaside and the Tongtian Tower to deal with the demons there. His four legendary nobles have become the main force.

Gronitz, Summa, Claudio and Nello, now completely convinced, have no other thoughts.

On this day, Xiahe summoned the four of them to come to him and said, "The Demon Realm, it will not be long before it will be completely destroyed. The remaining Demon Races are not in trouble. The four of you should also return to Rhode Island."

Seeing the reluctance of the four people, Xiahe smiled and said, "What are you fighting for? You are not fishing enough now? In this way, Nietzsche has nothing."

The four people all have embarrassed expressions, Xiahe said: "The rest is to train troops, and then let the rest of the nobles of Rhode Island also take advantage. You are not short of time with me, I am not afraid to tell you, In the future, there will be no more nobles in the princes. You will perform better, and you will get much bigger than being nobles. "

After the four people became legends, they did not feel that the nobility was good. Although they had an advantage in competing for interests, but when everyone was not a noble, their legendary mage status became even more important.

"You have also seen the military merit system, and it will be transformed into a merit system in the future. The entire duke leader will distribute benefits in accordance with the merit system. You are legendary, and you do n’t have to worry about no merit. When you go back, you will still have a task Now that I am in conflict with the Merrifin family, I have already posed in the 6th position, and I am going to fight. Now I am worried that the Merrifin family will attack the nobles who are loyal to me. Although the possibility is very small, if you four go back , There is still a certain deterrent to the Merrifin family. "

"Master, please rest assured that this time we brought back all the soldiers of the Hundred Battles." Suma patted her chest.

"It's not only a hundred battles, alas ... Although there are not many dead people this time, it's not too few. Your team also consumes a certain amount. If you consume it again, one will hurt morale and the other will be too tired. .. After you go back, Nietzsche will bring his people over to take your place, and do n’t worry about it here. "

"Yes." The four agreed in unison.

"If you fight with the Merrifin family, you don't need to keep your hands, but don't target their civilians. You know, what I lack most is people, even if they only grow the land."

"I must be careful." Groenz replied.

"Well, then go back as soon as possible. I transferred troops from the Tongtian Tower. There is no problem with the Great Wall defense line for the time being."

The four men got Xiahe's order, and they brought all the horses together and killed all the way back to the Tongtian Pagoda. After getting the transfer order from the cotton jacket, they went to the beach. ..

The harbor controlled by Xiahe has no longer been intercepted by the Demon Race. In this case, the Demon Coverage will not stop them from leaving.

To completely block the magic domain, you need to cooperate with various nodes. The nodes on this side have been destroyed, and the magic energy has become thin.

Xiahe transferred his troops back. Rhode Island has arranged for the expeditionary army to come to Xinda 6.

Nietzsche also summoned a lot of nobles to send troops, and at the same time called a large number of college mercenaries, but this time there was no new fleet. Xiahe simply mobilized his star fleet to serve as a troop carrier.

Xiahe transferred the elite soldiers back here, also worried that the Merrifin family really started a large-scale war.

Although it is costly to transfer troops from another world, you cannot pin your victory on the stingy character of the enemy. Cotton Jack did n’t go back, because the Tongtian Pagoda became very important. It has been exhibited here. There are many mineral deposits in the north. After the temple was driven away, there are still many treasures left.

Xinda 6 could not be farmed by the devil, but fortunately, only a few of the ore were contaminated.

The Star Fleet has taken away all those who can take it away, and now only the Fifth Field Army is left, handed over to Cotton Jack. The number of 150,000 people is not a lot, especially the Xiahe army, which is equipped with a large number of robot warriors.

Others also want to imitate, but imitate will not come.

If you want to control so many robots, you must be a professional. Ordinary people can control one or two robots, but more will reduce the combat effectiveness. The army of pure professionals like Xiahe is the basis of the riot.

Not to mention, he still has intelligent mechanical life and can control more robot warriors.

The ports in the east of Xinda 6 are now under the control of intelligent mechanical life. There are very few human soldiers. The entire port city is full of robots.

At this point in the battle, almost all the forces in Xiahe's hands have become veterans.

With the new army, terrible numbers can be revealed at any time. As for the recruits, it must be from the hands of those nobles who have trusted him.

Xiahe is still generous in allocating land, and no one will feel bad.

The Merrifin family is indeed an ancient family and a giant with slow movements. It wasn't until winter that Merrifin's army advanced westward and went straight to East Sun City.

At this time, Dongri Castle had already become a fortress of war, and it had built an underground arsenal.

All the supplies should be delivered. There are low towers everywhere in the city. There are projectile artillery in the tower, and there must be anti-aircraft guns. come.

May be worried about the legendary revenge of Rhode Island, the Merrifin family did not really attack other places, they simply moved the troops they gathered to a distance of fifty miles east of East Sun City, and directly built a permanent camp .

Fifty miles away, it is no longer the territory of the Paine family, and the border is thirty miles east of the East Sun City.

East Japan City did not attack, knowledge was above the border, and many old-fashioned airships were dispatched, all of which were driven by robots to conduct investigations from a distance.

East Japan City has increased its troops to 20,000, and two of them are elite. The Merrifin family, combined back and forth, mobilized more than 140,000 people.

You know, although the East Japan City was expanded, but 150,000 people still could n’t spread it out and seemed crowded.

"Master, when will we be able to attack!" In the eastern camp, the generals of the Merrifin family asked impatiently a middle-aged man in heavy armor.

These generals are all magicians, and the men in heavy armor are legendary warriors.

Yes, there are a few generals who are not even epics, but are still rude to the legendary warriors. This is the status of the Merrifin family. The status of the magician is always higher than that of the warrior.

"The weather is cold, and the combination of rain and snow these days is not suitable for siege warfare." Master said expressionlessly, the generals under his opponent said.

"Master, do you know how much food you need to wait for a day here?" A magician said aggressively to the legendary warrior.

"Then you know, rushing up, how many good guys are going to die in one day?" Master suppressed his anger and asked coldly.

"Soldiers of other worlds, some families have the Duke's order to let you knock down the Tori Castle as soon as possible." An older magician's voice was sharp.

"Then take away my commander ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Come on your own." Master finally couldn't help it.

"Ha, Master, you have a lot of temper after you advanced into the legend. Don't forget, where is your family."

Master was bitter in his heart, lowering his head and not talking, only looking at the map.

"Okay, don't read it, let the dare camp test the opponent's firepower, I heard that Duke Asra's men are all elite."

After saying this, all the magicians laughed, like a group of twittering menopausal women.

"Ok, then listen to my orders." Master lowered his head and stared at the map, his eyes falling on the mountain area south of East Sun City. In that place, there was a flying force that would threaten the big battalion.

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