Daomen Invasion

Chapter 814: : Random

"Sorry, not long before you exist, let you die." Bill lowered his hand and looked at the clone's eyes.

"The Duke said, Zhao Wen said, Xi Ke was dead. I came to this world for a time and learned so many things, I am very satisfied."

The tone of the clone is neither agitated nor dull, just like telling a common thing.

"Still ... sorry." Bill sighed.

"No, at least the Duke gave me a chance, you see." Bill's clone raised his hand, and there was something that resembled a lunar fairy ring.

"Here, there is a powerful magic stored. The Duke allows me to fight back. If I can kill all the assassins, then I have the possibility to survive."

Bill said that it was only possible. The Duke has always been cautious about the clone. After activation, his life is limited to five years and there is no fertility.

Even if you win, what's the matter?

And the level of this body has reached the ordinary forty level. For a clone, it is at the cost of consuming vitality. It may not even have a half year of life now.

"Thank you, and gave me life." The clone took a step forward and gave Bill a wizard salute.

Bill returned the gift and said, "Do you have any wish?"

The clone pointed to the badge on the chest and said: "I know, the use of this thing. If I die, there is really a soul absorbed into the badge. I hope this soul will not become something like the source. Live again, even if it's not me now. "

Bill nodded: "Relax, if you die, I will check this badge in person. If there is a soul, I will ask the dean to help."

"Thank you, I know, he will help." The blood on the clone's face rose, and it was no longer so pale. His expression glowed with joy, and there was a faint look in his eyes.

"Then I'm gone, the body will be sent directly back to Sun City for disposal."

"I can't send you." The clone made a joke.

Bill saluted again, then put on a hood and turned and walked out of the room. After he covered his face, the whole person seemed to disappear, and the guards outside did not notice his departure.

The clone walked out of the secret room, turned around and closed the door, then came to sit behind the table and took a deep breath.

He remembered what the Duke said to him after he was made: "You are special, but not so special, because as long as the quantity is made enough, you will definitely appear like this. So, you have to reflect your true Different, such as knowing how to sacrifice. "

At that time, I asked myself: "Isn't it time to clone generously to die?"

The Duke said: "No, only when you understand the value of life, will sacrifice become great, and your existence will make me feel valuable. A person who does not cherish life will die and is not worthy of regret.

Later, he was trained to become a real magician, and learned a lot of things that clones could not.

It seems that life really starts to be nostalgic, but the genes in the body doom him not to live too long.

As an experimental body, after having your own thoughts, it seems that you should betray?

No, it cannot be called betrayal, but it is called fighting for freedom.

The Duke said that the most valuable thing is freedom, but he never owned it.

On the desk, there is also a stack of military reports, copies of which have been approved, here is the original. He picked it up for a while and thought he could handle it. I do n’t know how Bill instructed him?

The Duke is an interesting person. He told himself several stories about the creator betrayed by his own life.

The duke said it was no big deal, but most of the time, this betrayal was just a tragedy.

Because of the randomness of the creator, the created person becomes worthless.

This is not the fault of the betrayer, even if they have never done it right. The creator is always right.

This **** logic ring, even if he became a legendary mage, could not understand. Is this the limitation of clones? Or, do you really have no soul?

Like advanced architecture, I can think, judge, execute commands, and even learn and progress.

Why are you not a human being yet?

The clone put down the file, spread its palms, and a feather appeared on it. This is the floating feather and the only magic he can release without going through the magic net.

The Duke said that this was because he yearned for the sky and longed for freedom.

And the desire is reflected into reality, but only turned into a feather.

The dark curtain came from the sky, and the blue moon could no longer be seen. The dark colors spread from the city's main palace and spread towards the entire East Sun City.

The clone looked toward the main palace, the darkness gradually approached, and the sound and color slowly disappeared.

"Soldier, there is trouble in the city, prepare for operation number four." The clone's voice was low and spread outside the door.

The outside soldiers walked in and asked, "Sir, do you want to call the Masters?"

"No, let them do things. You just call a squadron robot."

"Yes, sir." The personal soldiers retreated, and the entire team was made up on a temporary basis. Most of the main forces of the Duke led to the outside world. Today, few can be mobilized, and they are basically in Rhode Island. This was originally the elite of a battalion, but it has now moved out of East Sun City.

There are no real veterans in the whole East Sun City.

Rhode Island's definition of a veteran is to have really gone to the battlefield, not a rookie trained in a fantasy. The training in the phantom array always has an unreal feeling, because there are very few real dead people.

No one will have an accident after training for 10,000 people. The mortality rate is about 1 in 100,000.

The condition of the dead is an accident, not a problem of the phantom itself. Some people will ignore the regulations and die on their own. The Duke said that this is human nature.

The prince's strict system cannot stop the dead.

Humans like to die, clones are eager to live, alas ...

The camp at Dongri City quickly became active, and commands were issued one by one. A large number of soldiers came out of the barracks and were ready to leave. I do n’t know what madness Bill is going to go out to meet the enemy. You know, I had transferred a battalion to Dongyin Mountain before, and now I have mobilized a battalion out of the city to fight.

The city is empty, and if the enemy divides its troops, it is difficult to defend against the East Sun City.

Everyone was worried because the army left behind in the city could not lead the manipulator fighters like the battalion out of the city.

Although there are more than 8,000 people left, the combat strength is not as good as the battalion that is out of town.

Bill didn't know why, and the clone didn't know. This thing was actually directed by Xiahe Remote Control.

The sound of the artillery gradually stopped, but the army of the Merrifin family had already suffered heavy losses, and the army was gone. The chariots, artillery, and airships that followed the army were almost completely lost.

But now that it is dark, the airship has to land on the ground even if it is not shot down.

The army rested on the spot, gave up heavy weapons, and re-formed the team. The three-thousand forwards in front of them advanced forward, taking advantage of the artillery fire in the city, and approached East Sun City with one blow.

Master was frowning. He didn't expect the enemy to have so many artillery pieces, not magic cannons.

This type of technological weapon, if there are enough magicians, can still intercept it, but it will also kill a lot of the magician's magic power. If there are enough artillery, it may even cause the magic power of the wizard to dry up.

So when the gunfire stopped, he immediately organized 3,000 people to speed up the march and wanted to hit the enemy unexpectedly.

But how did he know that the people in the city simply beat themselves, and quickly organized a battalion of troops and killed them from the main entrance.

Suddenly, gunfire sounded in the city, and huge flares burned in the air, almost illuminating the land within ten miles. Three thousand forwards, the first time hit the army forward of the Duke.

A standard infantry brigade, plus a chariot brigade.

The three thousand of the Merriffin family are not cavalry but standard heavy infantry. Normal heavy infantry should be armored when they arrive on the battlefield, but the military evolution of the main world is extremely fast. After Xiahe launched the Trojan, because of the low price, everyone even bought and built a little noble, now the Trojan .

Looking at the price, there is no difference between Trojan horses and war horses, but the most expensive war horses are rearing, adjustment, training, etc., eating more expensive than ordinary soldiers.

After the Trojan was bought, the smallest furnace was used, which consumed raw coal and replaced parts.

In addition to not being able to charge, all kinds of cost-effectiveness have crushed the old war horses. Now many noble cavalry are pure giant wolf cavalry, and they no longer want to raise war horses.

Some have also made Trojan horses that can be used for charging, and even the giant wolf has been eliminated.

Three thousand forwards, all wearing heavy armor, and after being bombarded by the chariot twice, there was no panic.

"Dismount the array, assault!" An officer shouted loudly, the sound spread through the magic equipment, covering the entire battlefield.

Because it was not a dense formation, the two-wave attack only lost the appearance of less than a hundred people. The heavy armored infantry in front of him dropped the Trojan and immediately pushed forward.

The battalion who went out to fight against the city ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ was also sighed to see this scene. The Merrifin family still has some elite soldiers.

In such encounters, being attacked by tanks, he was able to organize a counterattack immediately without any chaos.

"The two wings of the chariot are separated, waiting for my attack order." The battalion judged the distance, and there were more than two thousand meters left on both sides. After the other party got off the Trojan, it was impossible to rush to the front immediately. Although there are only three brigades on my side, the rest of the team is behind, but there are two hundred heavy riders who arrive at the battlefield first, and it can be finalized.

"The first brigade, ready to attack!"

The voice of the battalion general passed through the magic circle in the helmet to the ears of the lower officers. The team also lowered the degree and got off the Trojan. A magic net mage withdrew the Trojan to the back. A standard brigade of infantry set off against the enemy.

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