Daomen Invasion

Chapter 826: : Outbreak (1)

This Earl, I know you have a coal mine. You can transport the raw coal and let the Duke master handle it for you. Because the Duke needs a lot of cinder to make artificial stone, you will not be charged your processing fee.

What should I pay?

Everyone here can evaluate and purchase raw coal crystals from you. After the new robot warrior, such as the Duke, came out, the raw coal crystal was afraid to increase its price. You can only sell it to everyone at the current price. I can represent the Duke and ensure that they will not buy it to hoard.

This count also feels very cost-effective. The production of raw coal crystals, the loss is on the one hand, and it is also very expensive when refining, otherwise the price of raw coal crystals will not be so much higher than raw coal.

The Duke needs cinder, but he doesn't need it. Although man-made stone is cheap, he is not willing to use it to build cities.

I can guarantee the supply of raw coal for everyone. The Earl replied happily. As a result, everyone had a strong interest in this robot warrior. Not everyone had a lot of raw coal in hand. Even if there is, it is certainly not as good as this count, supported by a world coal mine.

In fact, it is Xiahe. Now I think that the crystallization of raw coal in this world is a high technology, which is more cost-effective than using magical raw stones. Because of this technology, fuel oil can also be refined to form crystals. It is also possible to extract combustible gases such as biogas.

In addition to raw coal, other things have a lot of storage on many stars.

Others have trouble refining, but Daomen does not matter. Daomen can extract energy on a hostile planet. In fact, Daomen is responsible for the energy supply of the Shenzhou Empire. The energy for war and the use of deep space power require larger models of equipment to operate, but this raw coal crystal is a stable giant battery that you carry with you.

Xiahe really didn't have the idea of ​​making money on these men, as long as the money he made can maintain this kind of operation, letting his men communicate with each other can maintain the loss of war.

Because these nobles followed him, he could not help but be responsible, and sooner or later these people would be stripped of their titles and become citizens.

However, if the merits of citizens are high enough, their status will be high, so Xiahe gives them the opportunity to let them have a certain status in their own system as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will indeed chill many people's hearts. People will fight with you, and eventually the privileges will be gone, the title will be gone, and future generations don't know if there is a way out.

The initial followers can all get huge benefits. Xiahe can't let them continue the rule of the nobility. This is certain, but the higher civic power can still be obtained. As long as they have credit, they may even enter the civic assembly.

These nobles did nothing wrong. If Xiahe was born in this world, his vision might not be higher than them. The master only said that he was a genius of monasticism, but to create a system, he had no talent yet. So he has been imitating God Week for a long time. As for whether these nobles are willing at last, it is not that they have the final say.

Xiahe has opened up the world of Taiyin, and is creating a prefecture.

With Taiyin Xianfu, it is equivalent to a Taoist palace. Suppressing the world, with the Earth Mansion, the soul belongs to the Earth Mansion, and ultimately is in the hands of the Taiyin Mansion.

In this way, the souls of all the worlds controlled by the Taiyin world will be attributed to and distributed by the local government. Since then, the power of the lunar world will continue to grow steadily, while the growth of other worlds will become slow.

The strength of a world grows too fast and it is easy to collapse, but the world with the capital is different. The direct source is constantly becoming richer, but it will become more stable.

At least in the universe where Shenzhou is located, the world of Shenzhou is definitely the last one to collapse, on the day when the universe dies.

Among Daomen, this belongs to management. The management of the soul in the universe, the universe breeds the soul, is actually a means to fight against extinction. Some monsters reap the soul, but they are the means to destroy the universe.

If a soul born in a universe can grow continuously, it will inevitably delay the death of this universe.

Daomen also showed this, but this alone is not enough to make the universe eternal. But with the capital, you can stabilize the main world and make the power of the main world extremely powerful.

Xiahe is still passing through the main world, but as long as the land of the Taiyin world grows up, it can annex the main world, and then the gods of the main world will be helpless.

And even if the gods have appeared in the world of Taiyin, the real body cannot come. As long as the world has the first fairy, or Xiahe has become a ninth-order Taoist, and he has the level of a human fairy, then he is not afraid of the true **** ’s avatar trying to invade.

But now, Xiahe had a big fight, he did divide his troops, and sent his main troops to the world of Taiyin Xianfu. The rest of the troops remained part of the main world, and a small part went on attacking what he knew. Other worlds. The ranks of those worlds are not high. If you send four or five legends, you do n’t have to worry about the other party ’s legendary action.

Because there is no true **** in these worlds, there is no need to worry about being wiped out by the strong when invading.

The problem is, if you do n’t engage in this world, the other world will be exposed. He does n’t know that Dao Gong is coming. He may have been fighting for ten years, maybe only three to five years, or even a year or two.

If you don't fight for it, you will have nothing.

Anyway, as long as the means of the Palace of Dao are not intended to break the main world, it will be done slowly, and ultimately it is necessary to establish a local government. As long as you build the prefecture yourself and let the Taiyin world take the qualification of the main world, Dao Gong will do everything late.

Xiahe Layout in Xinda 6, Rhode Island

In the Sun City, everything is as usual, as if the war was tens of thousands of miles away, and it has not affected here at all.

In Goliath's magic tower, the files piled up, and across from her, Smith was bored and half lying on the chair.

Goliath dropped her pen vigorously, looked up at Smith. Smith pouted and said nothing.

How is it possible that Rhode Island has two thousand children of laws!

Shrek said, not me. Smith spread his hands.

They all appeared in the last month, and the level is not high. How do you make me believe that do you kill these two thousand new professionals?

Everyone has been tested in the illusion, there is nothing wrong with it.

I mean, more than two thousand people, all killed? The new professional within a month, just died, do you know how much it hit us!

That ’s your business. I ’m just killing people. I ’m a sword learner. It ’s harder to use my brain. Smith showed his white teeth and gave Golia a smile.

What else do you do!

Of course it works. For more than two thousand people, I can be hacked to death with a sword.

You are going to chop!

Smith shrugged and said: The teacher won't let me start with ordinary people, although I don't think there is any trouble.

Goliath gritted her teeth and said: The adult is using the things that emerged from the Merrifin family to fight against the Merrifin family. Now we have more than two thousand on Rhode Island.

This situation is called lifting a stone and hitting your own foot, which is interesting. Smith smiled undiminished.

Golia leaned **** the back of her chair, rubbing her temples, and said: I have said, I am not in charge of this matter, you talk to the Duke, let Jack come back. I really can't do it anymore, a lot of business has to be handled every day.

The person who can reassure the teacher is me except you. Do you think I am the city master in Sun City, okay?

Golia looked at Smith's mouth, the beard was not yet formed, just some fluff, and she said that you would manage the Sun City, then I am really sorry for the Duke.

Apart from me, those closest to you, that is, those of Nietzsche, are you at ease?

Golia shook her head, Nietzsche, they all have their own men, all from the noble empire, Sun City gave them, of course, not at ease.

Either the people who came out of the college, but now they all have their own positions, and they are too young, and I may not be reliable in handling things. Besides the legendary ones, they are arranged for important positions. The rest are loyal and reliable, and the level is too low. Not to mention Mount Vajrasattva, it is your magic tower that cannot be controlled.

Alas, Smith, how do you deal with these two thousand people?

Of course, everyone makes clones and the body is destroyed. The clones were sent to the front line, and all sacrificed within two or three years. Goliath, I would like to get such a simple solution, you will understand?

Kill? Such a large group of people

Do n’t we still have a different world that has n’t been beaten down? We made clones over there, and these people sent them and killed them directly, or simply threw them into the storm outside the space channel. No, it's safer to poison the food. It's safer to throw the corpse in. It must be a gold-burning poison so that they can't stay. The **** can't make waves.

Other world

We now have the coordinates of thirteen worlds ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The zeroth world has been fixed. The first world is almost the same. The rest, the second to sixth worlds, are all on the way. The most difficult to solve is the 11th and 12th world. Choose one of these two, as a breakthrough for our next step, to bring real training, can increase the upper limit of loss.

However, the Duke did not say

Of course, the teacher will not tell you how to do anything in person, or else you will do it. In the eleventh and twelfth worlds, although the upper limit of the level is not high, the limit is quite large, and the legend cannot enter. However, the resources of those two worlds are quite abundant, and if they can be taken down, it will be extremely beneficial to our expansion.

Goliath said: In these two worlds, the people sent to investigate are dead. The news sent back is incomplete, the analysis of the rules is incomplete, and all sent to the army may be dead.

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