Daomen Invasion

Chapter 832: : Cherish species

In World Two, the entry point of the Fifth Field Army turned out to be an island.

Choosing the coordinate of the invading world is mainly based on stability, and cannot enter the interior of the material or the places such as ocean lakes. This has made the choice of coordinates expensive, so as long as it is 6 places, there is nothing to complain about.

The island is not big, it is difficult to accommodate 150,000 troops, plus a huge number of robots and structures.

As the commander of the army, Anderson had no pressure. After identifying the direction, he dispatched twenty-four flying warships and flew out in different directions to find the Big Six.

His army temporarily received many old-fashioned flying warships. These warships, Xiahe originally planned to sell, but the selling price was too high. No one was willing to buy it. He did not reduce the price. He simply used it as a weapon to conquer other worlds.

With the continuous advancement of flying warships, the more than one hundred on Rhode Island will also become defective, sent to the outside world until the end of their lives.

Anderson is a necromancer. After entering the main world, the realm is advancing by leaps and bounds. His qualifications are limited to the world where he was born. After going to the main world, his talents are completely opened up. Although the Necromancer is a terrible profession in the main world, and it is not waiting for people to see, Anderson has successfully become a powerful legend with a level of up to sixty.

As the head of the legion, his badge rank is only a part of the Taoist Xianfu under the Taoist priest, and the space is quite wide. As a necromancer, he also took advantage of Xiahe, which is to transform the demon corpses into undead.

A large number of undead ran out of his badge space, carrying materials, and the robot built a dock by the sea and cleaned the site. It took only half a day to build a bone battleship over 300 meters in length. The seven-story white bone battleship has thirteen masts, and both sides are covered with undead artillery. On the rear deck, there are twelve bone dragons.

The level of these bone dragons is not high, only 30 or so. The reason is that they are all pit goods put together by Xiahe with magic, which were not originally the remains of the dragon.

However, Anderson turned it into a bone dragon. The normal bone dragon is also legendary, and the twelve bone dragons have the highest level of 35 and the lowest level is only 30. There are two ways to fight, one is to spit poisonous mist, the other is melee.

The advantage is that this thing is not a normal bone dragon, you can fight in the water, the power is the same as the sea monster.

On the back of the bone dragon, there are seats spawned by magic, five front and back, which can allow a group of soldiers to ride, even if the bone dragon flies backward, it will not fall.

Today's duke leader, with countless brain-opening equipment, does not mention the limitations, the advantages are really strange. These are all graduate design products for college students, and the biggest significance is to open up ideas and allow endless changes to magic. Bone Dragon was also designed by a graduated epic mage. Xiahe experimented, and just because Anderson lacked more thugs, he gave him twelve bone dragons as a senior cannon fodder.

The bone warship is a pure magical product. This time Anderson came out. Instead of carrying the navy warship, he only brought a lot of raw materials for the bone warship.

When the bone battleship was put together, Anderson personally got on the bridge, came to the captain's command room, stepped on the magic circle, and the magic wand in his hand was on the ground. The battleship came to life slowly.

The crowding of people on the island has lasted for several hours, the world channel has been closed, and the flat ground on the island is almost full of strategic materials. Don't look at the professionals above the epic have huge space equipment, but if you want to invade a world, relying on the space equipment of the strong is not enough.

Even the badge of chaos barriers has a little demand for the user's mental strength. The squad's adventurous materials can be installed in any amount, but no matter how many, military supplies like this, piled up like a mountain of stuff, the epic mage can't handle it. Too much pretending will make the mage not have enough mental power to release magic.

Even the generals of the various battalions were crowded together sadly and hurriedly. Some people stood high and looked at the bone warships alive in the distance. They were relieved.

This thing can easily accommodate tens of thousands of people, spacious and bright, and does not have a gloomy atmosphere.

In the distant sky, a dragon sound came, and the strong men turned their heads, and a string of data appeared in front of them.

"Dragon, really a dragon!"

A lieutenant general called out excitedly. On the other side of the main world, the dragon was extinct. Even things like dragon skin have become scarce goods.

"Don't kill it, don't be extinct again!"

"Catch it, find 6 places quickly and build a laboratory. This time it has arrived!"

"What's the name, what's the use of the dragon, Lord Duke can make dragon scales, and legendary scrolls can be made."

Others sang counter-tones, but the magicians ignored it. Indeed, the dragon material is no longer too tempting for magicians today. But the magician still has a fascination with pure natural objects.

"What do you know, research, the data of various dragons are different. The Duke is the most balanced artificial dragon scale, which can adapt to all attributes of magic. However, many people are partial to the door, if they can get the fire attribute. Giant dragons can study dragon scales with fire properties. You can create a scroll with water properties to create ... "

"The price will become very expensive." The voice of the anti-singing person is cold, and the people in the distance can't help but look at the past. Now he is a lieutenant. Seeing the legendary guy, Mo Wu Shuangxiu, of course, the main occupation is heavy armor warrior, magic level very common. No wonder, this guy, hum.

But this vice general is right. If large-scale investment is made, scales of various attributes, even dragon skin, can be imitated. The problem is that the capital to be invested is astronomical.

In the end, due to limitations, the cost will be much higher than the general dragon scale.

"It can be sold to others." A legendary mage said: "Extreme attribute reel materials, as long as there are outsiders to buy, can balance the cost, and internal purchases are much cheaper."

"Don't be noisy, since you are here, there are dragons here, which must be studied. Imitating materials is only a part of the research. The inheritance methods of dragons, natural awakening and other things are valuable things."

"Yeah, cultivating dragons, and still producing dragon potions. The real dragon blood itself is used to make scrolls. The effect is also good. Although the price is a bit expensive, it can be accepted."

"Just, don't you want to get a keel gun?"

"No, Lord Duke, who has promised me to enter the legend, just give me a legendary spear." The guy with the two swordsmanship, he laughed.

Between the words, the dragon was approaching. When he saw the dense humans on the island, the dragon swooped down and wanted to breathe out.

As for why it died, the people present were also confused.

Anderson looked at the huge monster and rejoiced in his heart. This dragon's blood is enough for his twelve bone dragon to advance? My bone dragon rank is not high, not because there is no bloodline inheritance.

Anyway, it is already difficult to advance. After bathing dragon blood, it is completely impossible to advance.


At the height, in the middle of a position surrounded by people, a large magic musket fired at the dragon in the sky. A one-foot-long magic projectile is pointed at the front and back, and the bulged part in the middle is surrounded by spiral holes, which are transparent before and after. When the magic projectile flies, it spins high.

This is different from the rotation caused by the rifling. The powerful wind element pushes the projectile, and the degree is already several times the sound.

"Don't break Longjing!" A legendary mage yelled in horror. This large magic musket is used to destroy heavy tanks. It has its own aiming system, which can instantly analyze the fatal point of the enemy. The musket itself is already very valuable, even more valuable is this auxiliary computing system.

Bang ...

The large magic musket continued to fire, and the huge magic projectile did not follow a trajectory, but spread out. The dragon hovered in the air, evading the first two projectiles, and was shot by the third projectile from the lower jaw through the dragon brain.

"Which **** shot!"

"It's over. It's a big waste."

Seeing the dragons turning their heads down in the sky, the magicians were distressed one by one.

"Master Legion, don't waste the Dragon Soul !!!" A magician screamed at the bone warships in the distance with sound magic.

Dragon Soul ...

Anderson's figure flickered and came to the dying dragon. This one spanned thousands of kilometers, and the magicians on the ground were amazed. Lord Legion, but Necromancer, is not good at space movement. This can span a distance of thousands of meters!

Anderson took a crystal and took a shot at the top of the giant dragon head. The dragon's soul uncontrollably penetrated into the crystal. The crystal that was originally transparent, in a blink of an eye, becomes golden, and looks very attractive.

Anderson frowned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This dragon's level is not low, and it is also a legendary level. Why was it killed by a magic projectile? Such things can be born, not magic.

Anderson retracted the crystal and watched the dragon under his feet continue to fall and roll over. The scales of the dragon's jaws and the blood hole formed a bulging outward structure.

It turned out to be the case. No wonder the old flying warships were no longer built by the Duke.

The breakthrough of the magic gun makes it impossible for flying warships to fight at low altitude. Otherwise, if the magic gun is set on fire, it is easy to break the barrier and hit the magic furnace. Although this kind of weapon is not cheap, as long as it can be made and can kill flying warships, it may appear in the hands of the enemy.

Two small flying machines flew high into the distance and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Anderson sensed that the flying machine had reached the sea and was waiting for two empty magic projectiles to fall. They happened to be recovered on the orbit.

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