Daomen Invasion

Chapter 837: : Artificial Demon

What a boring ...

Xia Ye looked at the battle on the edge of the city wall. Tens of thousands of robot warriors cooperated with each other seamlessly. There will never be two robots hitting one target at the same time.

In other words, the distribution of magic projectiles, the loss is reduced to a minimum.

The new type of robot warrior can already use a single attribute magic musket. Xiahe also invented a new type of projectile, a projectile with a cartridge case. Casting an inscription on the cartridge case in advance can obtain a single magic attribute and increase lethality.

The magic muskets used by professionals have no shells, and the projectile manufacturing is also very complicated. It needs a high-level alchemy factory to fill the potions. However, the manufacturing of magic projectiles with bullet casings is not easy. In terms of craftsmanship, it also requires a high-level alchemy factory to complete, and it must be a worker with intelligent mechanical life to make it perfectly.

This kind of projectile is not like the integrated projectile can be stored for a long time, and there is no possibility of the property being weakened for three to five hundred years. Projectiles with cartridge cases can only be maintained for more than 20 years now, so they cannot be made too much.

These contents flashed in Xia Ye's mind, and under the city wall, there was already a dead body. And the Void Demon that has gone to the top of the city has been almost burned. Inside the four heads, a bunch of colorful crystals were burned out.

Thousands of robot warriors picked up, found the medical equipment, placed it in the testing equipment, and confirmed that there was no radiation pollution, and then handed it to the magician. The magician turned over to Xia Ye again. Xia Ye explored and found that it was just the ordinary crystal of the void, although the attributes were good, but clearly did not reach the legendary standard.

Is this Void Demon created artificially?

"Adult, there are more demons, surrounded by this direction, the direction is to the west." The six-pointed star airship in the sky gave Xia Ye a warning.

Xia Ye thought for a while and said, "After the heavy firepower chariot and the structure are broken, we continue to move forward and meet the companions trapped in front of the castle. In addition, we ask for help from the Tongtian Tower. I suspect that the Merrifin family has some control of the demon The means is preparing to kill me with a huge amount. "

Xiahe received Xia Ye's distress signal, froze for a moment, and suddenly felt that Xia Ye's tension made sense. It stands to reason that besieging a legend with a large army is a rather idiot behavior. Legends can fly.

But what if there are more void demons among the demons?

Xia Ye flew up, but he was not an opponent of the Void Demon. It's almost the same for yourself.

If the rash of the Void Demon Race was really artificially spawned, there must be more than one. If a group of Void Demon siege legendary mages in flight, what a terrible scene!

However, flying warships are not opponents of the Void Demon. Flying attacks of the Void Demon in a short distance is quite troublesome. Only a versatile magician like yourself is easy to deal with. Other legendary mages have the risk of falling.

Xiahe contacted Mianbu Jack and said: "Let the people in the laboratory put down the work at hand, and there will be crystals of the void sent over in a while. I will start a research project and conduct research immediately. No, don't wait for them, shoot the fastest flying warship, Go to Xia Ye and bring back the crystal of the void. "

Xiahe commanded in this way, recalling things about the Void Demon in his heart.

This branch of the demon is quite rare, not only has the ability to survive in the void, but also has the ability to flash in space, which is used more frequently than the flash of the mage. This is their instinct, as natural as humans breathe air. Of course, panting hurts your lungs.

A battalion brought by Xia Ye this time, the lieutenant is good at space magic and is the nemesis of the Nether Devil. But if there is only one person, they will still be piled up by the void demons.

Xiahe hurriedly issued another order to send the flying warship a magic book.

Immediately a magician came to pick it up, and saw Xiahe holding a thick magic book in his hand, adding magic to it. The speed at which the Duke adds magic is amazing, and the same magic is added, which is even more terrible. Because this thirty-page magic book contains legendary magic, he can't see how high the level is.

Xiahe entered the thirty-three summer maze, which will form a space maze similar to the boundary around him. Even the Void Demon Clan can't penetrate.

Xiahe recalls while working. The Merrifin family seems to have lost two legends in one battle, killed a Demon Star Battleship, and completed the mission alone. And after that mission, the purification work of the star warship began only a full month.

Many nobles, only studied the structure of the starry sky warship, and made all the drawings back, but did not take the loot.

There are many magic pools in the Devil Star Battleship. All the materials are contaminated by the magic gas. If you want to recycle the materials, you have to spend a lot of money to purify them.

So these purification tasks are basically handed over to Xiahe.

Xiahe got the materials and paid hard work.

No, the Merrifin family got a star warship, and it took only a month to study the artificial void demons? This technological approach is comparable to Taoist palace.

Xiahe is not envious, jealous, and hateful. For the Mozu, Dao Gong's attitude is to purify and finish it. I definitely don't want the techniques of the Mozu.

Dao Gong's technology is much better than that of the Devil.

Although the Void Demon is powerful, but its number is rare, and it is an armament that is easily restrained by Taoism, even if Dao Gong knows, he will not study how to make it.

The Merrifin family did this, but now they do not exterminate themselves. They are all a little sorry for the status of Taoist.

Is now his own territory. Hurry up and create something to restrain the void demons. Otherwise, the loss will be great. Who knows how many man-made void demons are there?

"Yes, all flying warships, six-pointed star airships, canceled the patrol mission, and the accompanying legendary mage returned. The patrol mission was temporarily handed over to the unmanned aerial vehicle, and all intelligent mechanical life took over the patrol work."

Xiahe hurried to supplement the mission. The Void Demon could not kill the legendary mage, but if he stared at the flying warship, there was no corresponding means for the flying warship, and he would definitely die. Five magicians are standard on the flying warships, and there are at least two combat mages. The loss is very distressing.

These magicians are well-trained talents who will later control the reserve team of large star warships.

Originally, Xiahe didn't care about the Merrifin family. On the New World, the legendary mage and legendary configuration in his own hands were enough to deal with these people. Unexpectedly, there appeared the Void Demon Clan, which forced me to shrink my strength. Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with void creatures in the Taoist palace.

Void Demon is not the most powerful thing among Void creatures. After all, the natural attributes of Void and Demon affect each other, which is a weakened unlucky attribute. Even if the demon learns to blink in the void, the individual's strength has not been strengthened, and the upper limit is limited.

According to the information returned by Xia Ye, this artificially created void demon has not very good attributes. The siege of two legendary warriors and the addition of a space mage can easily kill them without damage.

As long as the tactics are ready, the Void Demon Clan is inadequate, just worrying about this technology, it is really made by the Merrifin family. Now in the New World, there are a large number of demons, and if the cost of man-made void demons is not high, if more things are done, the damage to ordinary troops will be greater.

Although he said that his elite has been transferred back to the local area, but now this group of people has also been in actual combat for a few months, only to upgrade their ranks. Once many soldiers become professional, they are also able to pull into the main lineage.

I don't care about the loss of robots. What I worry most is that elite troops are slaughtered by such unruly creatures.

Xiahe added a few more orders, and immediately contacted Princess Angelina. Princess Angelina is now in the magic tower. It's easy to get in touch. Hearing Xiahe's voice, Princess Angelina has a hint of joy and asks, "Duke, what's the problem, would you like me to solve it?"

Xiahe was not in the mood to guess why the princess was happy, and asked directly, "Is there anyone around you?"

"Wait a minute, you all go out." Princess Angelina gave her a face.

Xiahe asked again: "Are all trusted mages chased out?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"I have a confusion, either complaining to you, or worrying that the matter is true. Even if only one point is possible, I have to tell you first ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let you be prepared to avoid too much loss . "

"What do you say."

Xiahe said: "My people found out that the Merrifin family was going to assassinate me in the New World. I found a substitute and went to fight outside for me. The result was just that my substitute was attacked by the Demon and attacked him. It ’s an artificial void demons, what is the void demons, you know? "

"Void Demon?"

"Yes, that's the strange creature with reduced pollution and instinctive instinct of continuous flashing in the sky. The threat to miscellaneous soldiers and flying units is great."

"You said it was made by man, do you think it is the Merrifin family?"

"You go to bring up all the files that shot down the star warships. Only the Merrifin family once shot down a star warship alone, and then occupied it alone for more than a month. The other nobles, whether united or shot alone, are the first. Time to notify me, let me deal with purification issues. "

"Only with these doubts, I can't help you against the Merrifin family."

"I don't need your help, I can destroy him myself. I am worried that the Merrifin family will be bad for you. The attributes of the Void Demon Clan are also a threat to the legend. Your ice magic does not restrain them. It would be easier if Snowvis was there. "

Princess Angelina was silent, she almost supported Asla on the bright side. If the Merrifin family hates because of this, it is really possible to deal with yourself with a large number of Void Demons. And the other nobles are happy to see their success!

Angelina is not the Virgin of the White Lotus. She was born in the royal family and received a very comprehensive education. She naturally knows the virtue of the nobles. ...

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