Daomen Invasion

Chapter 839: :wait

Xia's Maze is a large-scale space magic that can form a complex and disordered maze around it. The magic of the space system, only two of Xiahe belong to the classic level. One is the summer maze, and the other is the summer palace.

Summer Palace can let many living things enter and transfer at once. Xiahe has never performed it before people. Originally Xiahe felt that the magic was no longer useful. Later, think about it. The effect on the star warship is still very great. If this magic is stimulated, even if the star warship has collapsed, it can be hidden In the magic palace, waiting for the arrival of rescue.

Large-scale guardian magic, persisting long enough, the value is still great.

As for the maze of Xia, within this magical range, enemies cannot escape or attack by means of space. Originally Xiahe replaced this magic with things like dimensional anchors. This time, he met the Void Demon Clan and found that it could deal with the Void Race with peculiar properties.

The material was sent by Xiahe to Xia Ye on the road, enough to cover every wall of the castle with the magic circle. However, the main body of the magic array is in the second floor of the underground. The magic array on these walls is just the supplementary magic of the summer maze. Allow people inside to attack outside.

Is essentially to give his soldiers a permission.

When Xiahe released the maze by himself, he could attack any target in the maze. But if the soldiers are not given permission, the soldiers' bullets can't shoot out of the maze.

What Xia Ye did was to turn this maze into a one-way thing, only for his own soldiers.

The original 500 soldiers did not have this permission. The badges on them were different from those brought by Xia Ye. That is to say, the earliest 500 people could not leave the castle as long as the magic circle did not expire.

"Let them withdraw from the fighting sequence and help carry the supplies." Xia Ye issued an order, the gunshots outside were more dense, and the robot soldiers did not break too much along the way, and Xia Ye came as a decoy, and the robot soldiers and The number of magical constructs is still considerable.

The soldiers of a battalion are all selected elite. After a hundred battles, they have been calm and free from psychological pressure when facing the huge demons.

Soldiers stand on their respective positions, and the combat positions in front are all robots and magical structures. Behind the magical structure is the Mage Web Master. When the castle magic net opened, the combat power of these magic net mages soared.

These new recruits, just after training, one person will command two or three robot warriors. After a few months of actual combat, they can command at least five robots, and most of them have reached the standard of ten.

Xia Ye looked at the demons swarming outside, feeling calm.

The maze of summer is set in his hand. This is a legendary magic. It is impossible to keep it on all the time, and there is not enough energy to burn. Now the entire castle is protected by the summer maze, but it is a trigger type. Only when the power of the space attribute appears in the surroundings will the summer maze be launched.

In other words, if the Void Demon breaks into the castle, it will fall into the maze.

And ordinary demons, will not trigger the maze.

After this magic was completed, Xia Ye only activated the magic circle around the castle. A gravity ring and a long river of fire were all arranged around the castle.

Both magic circles are hidden in the ground, and they were not immediately turned on. It will only be said when there are too many demons and the robot warrior is difficult to clean up. This time there are enough ordinary weapons, and there are hundreds of thousands of barrels replaced.

Xia Ye stood on the north tower and watched the demon shed below to forget his life. He dropped a broken **** and went down to clean up the demon more than 100 meters ahead.

There are many kinds of demons, there are some humanoid forms, there are also various animal forms, and insect forms. Of course, the most is still a mess of life, can not see what kind of creature.

Strong body, high-speed running, if it is not a purely professional army, coupled with a large number of robot configuration, normal human beings may be opponents of these demons.

The division of labor of the robot warriors is very clear. The lowest-level robots attack those demons that haven't even generated the magic source. The higher-level robots aim at the demons with magic sources and extraordinary powers. Soon, under the feet of the robots in the castle, a large number of cartridge cases were accumulated.

Inside the castle, all heavy riders remove their armor and rest in the room. And more soldiers taking a rest in rotation are waiting in the hall to deliver food. Everyone on the road took Shiri Wan, which was originally not hungry. However, Shirimaru only provides the energy needed for combat, and the stomach is still empty.

Toshiri pills are much better than Bairi pills, and will not cause damage to the body in the short term, but relying too much on this thing will make people's bodies forget that they need to eat and eat too much. So as long as it is necessary, the army will still provide some food to the soldiers who take Shirimaru, but they are all low-calorie, high-fiber, and maintain the stomach.

The soldiers from the original brigade were also given pills and food. After eating, the magician reported to Xia Yehui: "Adult, after checking, there are no problems in the original soldiers."

"Which is the army?"

"One Viscount and two Barons have gathered 500 people."

"Is the loss big?"

"More than two thousand robot warriors were lost, only two were lost in construction, the ammunition was exhausted, and the unmanned aerial vehicles assigned to them were shot down. The magician's scroll was also used up, and now they are left with them. The cold weapon is still there. If it is later, we will see all the corpses. "

"This castle has four extra firepower points. We installed all the technological guns we brought and handed over to the robots. In addition, the technological guns were also distributed to them, all fighting at fixed positions."

"Adult, do you still doubt them?"

"No, these people are too tired and put them in an important position, something will happen. After a few days, they will be reassigned to robots."

"Yes." The magician agreed and went down to arrange.

The Demon Race is really troublesome, and it always feels like you ca n’t kill it. Unless it ’s Medelly ’s Knights, it ’s too difficult for the human army to be unmatched among the massive demons.

Xia Ye himself feels that the number of demons is too large, which will make people feel tortured to death.

But the Knights of Medirelli can not be copied, so many knights, everyone is equivalent to the feeling of a chariot. I heard that the Knights of Medirelli were expanded into seven battalions, and the magic mechanical unicorn knight was added, which is regarded as the most powerful robot warrior. Unfortunately, these magical mechanical unicorn knights are not assigned to the heavy knights.

Heavy Knights still rely on short pterosaurs as mounts, and their performance is much worse than that of magic mechanical unicorns.

But there is no way. Xia Ye knows that the magic machine unicorn is very expensive. There are some materials in it, which are decomposed by the starry sky worm. The output is very tragic, limited by the original materials. Occasionally made a little, it is also used to supplement the pastry of the Medieri Knights as a spare material.

If you expand again, you will become an army that cannot be logistically supplemented.

This time brought a thousand heavy knights and put them outside. It won't last long.

Xia Ye regrets that he randomly throws a broken **** out. The demon's fire resistance is not as high as the demon. Broken Hell is an interesting magic. If the range is expanded, the lethality will be reduced. As the range shrinks, performance doubles and rises.

Xia Ye ’s Broken Hell has a width of more than 1,000 meters in the horizontal direction and 500 meters in depth. Some small towns are so big. But for targets below level 20, the effect of Broken Hell is still scary. The flame jumped on the ground, rose, and the demon who was caught by the flame seemed to burn from the body.

Devil who is not afraid of death, after burning, it will roll over all over, and it will be painful.

The flame was divided, and pieces, like purple butterflies, danced on the battlefield. A magic continues, that is, thousands of demons are ignited, more demons impact forward, purple butterflies, less and less, until the magic power is exhausted.

God knows how long to stay here, Xia Ye is really boring. If you let him go, these demons are not a thing at all. However, he and Xiahe should not fight outside as a soldier. No matter how powerful a person is, he may fall if he is targeted.

Only the cultivation of enough powerful men is king.

Xia Ye is bored here, but Xia He is too busy to die. Because the elite have been transferred, the New World has become a place for him to train recruits, update weapons, arrange strategies for the Merrifin family, and also consider the layout of the overall personnel ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Want to win the whole world, he The current strength simply does not work.

Not to mention the whole world, he can't handle any of the nine colleges.

There are so many people and family. He thought that it was impossible for Xia Ye to rely on himself by himself.

The legend of the Duke's lord is enough, and the army is huge. In the nine main legions, all generals are people above the legendary realm. Including all battalions and deputies. You know, a main army, full of 25 battalions, based on 50 legends.

So many legends, Xiahe himself did not know how to cultivate them. Because in recent years, there are too many people who have advanced the legend.

Think again about the deep background of the nine colleges. The number of advanced legendary masters is simply incomparable.

This is an era of legendary dogs, and the epic must have gone everywhere.

So apart from the knighthood, which can be a hard and legendary organization, large-scale corps combat will soon disappear. Legend can't start with ordinary people? It was just a scruples, which was not good for one's own practice. But the rules of the main world have changed too much, one day sooner or later, it will be the same as God Week.

The legend of God Week cannot be used against ordinary people, that is because there are laws. Murder is to pay for life. Behind the Dao Palace trial, how dare you a little legend come?

Don't talk about legends, among the three thousand side entrances, there are also a lot of people and immortals.

Speaking of this, this rule before the main world is a protection of the legend. If arrogance is used, one is that civilization is difficult to flourish, and the other is that encountering yourself will definitely kill such a domineering legend.

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