Daomen Invasion

Chapter 844: :syndicate

Merrifin ’s justice: “Then, let ’s talk about the specific arrangements. Our goal is the city of stars, and the city of stars is a city community. Although each city is small in size, it is not easy to fight each other. According to the scale of a group army of 300,000 people, we have two group army groups, divided into six parts, attacking different positions of the city of stars separately. "

Everyone put their ears up and listened to Grand Duke Merrifin's assignment of tasks and division of troops, which sounded unreasonable. But in places like the City of Stars, if you attack alone, it is a waste of troops.

The army of the Duke of Asra uses magic muskets as its main weapon, and if he wants to fight his army, he must have corresponding weapons and equipment.

"This time, I appointed Malikis to be the marshal and command the army. All generals of the branch must follow his command."

The members of the family were suddenly in an uproar. Malikis was not from Merrifin's bloodline. Although Merrifin had been serving for more than a dozen generations, that would not allow him to become a Grand Marshal. This position must belong to a person who is running Merrifin's blood.

"This is the case, I still have things. Next, the meeting will be chaired by Malikis."

Grand Duke Merriffin finished, stood up, surrounded by his own soldiers, left the meeting room, and left the young and old of the Merrifin family. In the conference room, everyone looked at each other, and no one dared to stand up and oppose the Dagong's decision. Dagong recently mysterious, my temper became worse and worse.

Leaving the conference room, Grand Duke Merriffin came out of the Duke's Palace and rushed all the way to the Magic Tower.

In the main city of the Merrifin family, there are six magic towers, all of which are very old. This is also the heritage of the main city of the Merrifin family. Each magic tower has a history of more than a thousand years. During the reign of the Merrifin family, it will often be added to the magic tower.

Not every legendary master has a magic tower, especially this ancient magic tower. When new technology appears in the main world, it will be added to the magic tower. It is definitely not an outdated product.

In the magic tower of the Merrifin family, there are always three to five magicians stationed.

And now, in the sixth magic tower, a new mage appeared.

Grand Duke Merriffin, directly to the sixth magic tower. At the top of the magic tower, in the master's living room, a pale body lies on the bed, and a young mage is standing on the ground. The mage wore a mage robe of the Merrifin family, with a golden badge on it, which is a symbol of the main lineage.

"Father, you are here." The young mage felt the door opened and did not look back. He pulled a black silk thread from his finger and pulled it out of that pale body and retracted it into his sleeve.

"How is it? Syndicate."

The young mage said: "Father, this demons, half of the soul is in the demon world, and I can't extract information from it."

"Devil Realm ... Go down there, don't do excessive actions." Merrifin was fair.

"Yes." Syndicate, the young mage's son.

"I let Malikis marshal to attack Rhode Island, do you think it's okay?"

"Father, your will is everything."

"No, sooner or later, you will be in charge of the family. From now on, you have to use the Dagong's ideas to judge all affairs. It will be too late to learn when you sit in that position.

"The people below must not be convinced of Malikis, even if he uses soldiers like gods."

"Then these people ... it's not worth sitting in their place anymore."

"Father, I haven't mastered all the magic towers yet, so I have to let them continue."

"Syndicate, you said, Duke Asra, why did you choose me to go to war?" The Grand Duke Merrifin wondered. He did not understand that the Merrifin family was not weak, and there were many more objects suitable for war. The Duke Asra was completely unnecessary. Die with yourself.

"Because last time, Rodriguez College didn't support us, even the dead professor could bear it, hey ..."

"Behind the count of Asla, there was support from Metaline, so Rodriguez could not blend in, otherwise it would be a contradiction between the nine colleges. The war between me and Asla, the two colleges cannot participate . I heard that the Master of Metatron has left from Samsung Town. "

"I am not optimistic about the war, father." Syndicate added.

"Why, we have an advantage in strength, and there are enough legends."

"There are magic schools in Rhode Island, and the number of legends is not small."

"How many years has the college been established?"

"Duke Asra, has a strong heritage. He cultivates mages at no cost. The magical rough stone on the other side of the underground world has huge reserves. Even if his proportion is not large, it is enough to cultivate a large number of senior mages. We are not optimistic. "

Grand Duke Merriffin closed his brows and heard his son continue: "Rhode Island is probably more than one million elite. According to intelligence, they are sent to other worlds to develop. We have two other worlds that have been attacked by them. Actually These elite troops are not in Rhode Island. However, the information we have can be analyzed that Rhode Island also has a strong city defense force. "

"City Defense Army?"

"They were all trained in the New World and the Demon Race. They may not be good at field combat, but if the city is defended, it is very powerful. Even if there is no Samsung Town, we ca n’t beat Sun City. If Sun City ca n’t fight, wait for Rhode Island. The elite tune back, then we have to retreat again. "

"You mean, it doesn't make sense to play Rhode Island?"

"No, we are going to destroy. The city of stars has brought too much profit to Rhode Island, countless gold coins, otherwise the Duke of Asra will not be able to start the war."

"Asrah, it has attracted more than a hundred nobles." Merrifin was fair.

"No, the army of these nobles is not worth mentioning. The army of the important Duke Asra arranged on the side of the Paine family looks like hundreds of thousands. If they go east, our family's territory will be destroyed. . If we do too much in Rhode Island, then they will revenge in the same way, destroy our city, and slaughter our people. "

"You say that we really have no advantage. The elite Duke of Asla's elite troops are too difficult to deal with."

"Yes, they have a large number of robot troops. On the side of the Paine family, it looks like more than a million. And the robots are damaged, it is easy to supplement, as long as their gold plant is still there."

"Asla's alchemy factory, Rhode Island is mainly near Sun City, we can't attack directly."

"So we have to seize the city of stars, grab everything inside, and do n’t target civilians or the nobles under Asra. Unfortunately, we do n’t have a decent warship on hand, otherwise we will go to the northern waters and destroy their coal mine "Syndicate shook his head in regret. He didn't want to go to war now, but he had no choice.

After Asla returns from the New World, the war will be more difficult.

"Duke Murphy, we have reservations about us. I had hoped that he would walk across the strait and meet Lynch to see what the army was. But he detoured and refused to do more. Entangled. Now we attack Rhode Island, but also to guard against Lynch ’s army and attack us from the sea. The fleet in Asla ’s hands is either sold or transferred to this Lynch, which is a big trouble. "

"Father, I originally did not agree to assassinate Asla, which is pointless. The best thing we should do is to clash with him in the House instead of confronting him head-on."

"But how can I ignore the affairs of the Paine family, if not, our affiliated nobles will not all run away in the future?"

"At the earliest, Duke Asra did not target us, or did not find a reason to target us. There was indeed a son of the law over the Paine family. Father, did you know that Rhode Island also appeared, thousands of, As a result, the Duke of Asla killed all the children of these laws. "

"When you sit in my position, you will understand that even if I don't want to come forward, people in the family can't tolerate me. After Paine's incident, I have no way out."

"Malikis's father said everything?"

"Okay, let these people go to the front and prove that they are not stupid."

"Father, over there on the New Continent ... wait any longer, don't let the Void Clan take action. Maybe we should bring the Void Clan back to use against Rhode Island."

"That won't work, it will leave a handle. And this thing can't hide the emperor."

On the bed, the pale body suddenly showed a rich blood, and Syndicate released a thin black line, plunged into the demon source of this demon. The demon's body twitched violently. He opened his mouth and tried to scream, but he could not make any sound, just a plume of **** mist from his throat.

After the **** mist blew out, it was forcibly pumped back, and the blood color of the Demon's body subsided rapidly, but his face turned into purple.

"How long will it take to **** him up?" Duke Merriffin asked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I'm already legendary, probably four days left. After waiting to dry him, I can reach level fifty. "

"Well, after you **** him, I will get you another one. Can you become a demigod after you **** all 13 legendary demons?"

"Of course not, at most it is more than seventy levels." Syndicate lowered his head and could not see his face. His posture seemed a bit regretful.

"What if I give you the strongest Demon Race?" Grand Duke Merrifin asked.

Syndicate raised her head and showed an excited expression, said: "I don't know, but I will work hard, father."

"Then you will do your best, Syndicate, only I know your existence, they all think you are still a child who has done nothing. Let you surprise everyone, the Merrifin family, has decayed, I am powerless to change. Only you, me Son, you are the hope of the Merrifin family. "

"I won't let you down." Syndicate lowered her head again, and the thin black thread retracted his sleeve. There were blood droplets smaller than dust in the thin thread.

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