Daomen Invasion

Chapter 846: : Starry Flagship (1)

Austin, even the **** of goblins, was frightened by Xiahe. His courage was never big, even if he died occasionally. That's just the bad biological instincts of goblins.

The Star Fleet plan has a long history.

In the world of Shenzhou, the fleet mainly sails in the universe. In the atmosphere, all small warships in the star fleet are responsible for fighting.

The flagship is not the largest warship, but the one with the strongest survivability, and has a powerful command system and multiple self-defense systems.

The types of other battleships are divided into mother ships, heavy attack ships, frigates and galaxy cruisers.

The mother ship is equipped with small combat ships, as well as armored infantry, space mechas and other weapons. There are also a lot of living resources on the mother ship. When the star fleet occupies a galaxy, the materials on the mother ship are enough to provide all the infantry needs, and even tow asteroids, mining large planets in harsh environments.

The heavy attack ship is a battleship with powerful armor and powerful heavy weapons. The power of weapons can threaten immortals and is purely destructive equipment.

The frigate can form a protective area. Without the frigate, the mother ship can't last long in the face of the enemy's heavy attack ship.

As for the Galaxy Cruiser, some people say that it is a small mothership, but it has no infantry and logistics system, and no production capacity. However, the Xinghe Cruiser has a strong individual combat capability, and the cost is not cheaper than the mother ship. In the absence of other arms, the Xinghe Cruiser can also complete the task alone.

The Galaxy Cruiser has powerful firepower, multi-layered defense system, the fastest speed, and can even replace the flagship as a command center in a certain area.

The only drawback is that it is expensive. No one can make a large amount of it except the power that occupies the entire universe like Shenzhou.

However, the world of God Week is rich and self-willed. You can make more of this stuff.

As for the Xiahe side, it is definitely not so rich. These battleships are basically Daomen technology, plus top-notch technological equipment.

Don't think that the technological equipment is weak. When you accelerate the metal weapon part to the level of sub-light speed, the neutron star material can cut the wound.

The role of the flagship is more than a command center. The powerful early warning capabilities can make it difficult for the enemy to lock in. And the frigate's card position is entirely controlled by the flagship's powerful eyes. The frigate is like the shield of the fleet, as long as it is in place, it can block all attacks of the enemy.

The protection of other warships is very afraid of intensive attacks. If the shield is weakened repeatedly, if it cannot be supplemented, it will soon collapse.

With frigates, the shields of other combat ships can be added in time.

Now Xiahe has no ability to let the fleet go through the wormhole. The star map of the universe is simply not there, and it is in a barren state. So he does not need a large and complete fleet.

This cosmic technology level is too low, there is no weapon that can threaten the flagship, as long as the frigate builds a prototype.

The heavy attack ship is also a prototype, just to verify the technology at hand.

As for the Galaxy Cruiser? Xiahe can't afford it, the tall stuff, the weapons are particularly comprehensive. You don't even need to verify the model. Leave it blank first.

Xiahe's fleet plan is to build a true flagship, plus a mother ship.

The demon star warships are heretics, made too big, and the shell is thin. Still moving in the atmosphere, the speed is bound to increase. The backwardness of the technology makes the shell of the Mozu biological material look funny. However, the demon gave Xiahe a good idea, that is, the value of the biological material itself can be dug out.

The biological material is very good for protection against spell attacks.

Moreover, Xiahe possesses a material technology that is not available in Shenzhou, that is, the space technology of chaotic barriers.

The size of the mother ship, measured from the outside, will not exceed 20 kilometers in length.

The size of the flagship is just over a kilometer.

In the vast universe, when a battleship shoots at a target, the one-kilometer target is just like dust.

If it is not considered too dangerous to put eggs in a basket, Xiahe has the chaotic barrier space technology, and can even integrate all functions into a single warship.

In other words, as long as the flagship is manufactured, the interior is a chaotic barrier space, and all the attributes of the battleship are grouped together.

The problem is that this kind of protection may be broken in the face of the fairy.

The real warship of the fairy is Bai Yujing.

Therefore, warships still have to be divided into categories, the flagship becomes smaller, and they can even fight in the atmosphere. The mother ship can also be compressed within 20 kilometers, even if it enters the atmosphere, it also has a certain flexibility. It is not as nondescript as the Devil's things.

Moreover, with the mother ship, moving outside the atmosphere and surrounding the star of the main world, Xiahe can deploy troops to any place at any time and deliver any material to the designated location.

South of Stormwind, the giant island is now occupied by the duke.

The power from the Holy Thunder Empire was cleaned cleanly, and the whole island is now covered with a faint mist. This is a powerful formation of Daomen. The whole island is operated by Freya as a nest. Such a huge formation, with the help of natural ground power, is not controlled by Taiyin Xianfu now.

After Austin received the mission, he immediately started the starship plan. Above Kirishima, the power left by Taiyin Xianfu began to work at full force. The only starry flagship left behind was transferred over for transformation and upgrading.

Xiahe is anxious to complete the flagship because after the flagship and the mothership are manufactured, all their territories can instantly communicate, transmit images and sounds. There is no need to worry about the interference of the command system anymore. The powerful flagship communication radiation range, the transmission unit is 100,000 kilometers.

Although Xia Ye was trapped in an unknown castle, Xia He quietly left the New World and headed to Kirishima.

The manufacture of the flagship could not be completed without the presence of him on the island of Kirishima. Especially the refining of the core formation, not only requires energy, but also the magic of Taoism.

The flagship of Taiyin Xianfu, the core is an artificial egg of the flying fire crow.

In addition to the same energy response as the fusion of stars, this artificial egg also has a strong life force and is a unique technology of Taiyin Xianfu. The same energy operation as fusion is just to drive the surrounding auxiliary array. These auxiliary array methods are used to extract deep space energy.

In the deep space of the universe, in addition to the material interface, there are not many dimensions. These dimensions appear to the main material world as if they do not exist. In fact, they can extract the power and transform them into all the energy needed by the main world. This is a huge resource.

Xiahe had already prepared the man-made magic fire flying crow eggs. The starry sky flagship was disassembled, and the materials were stacked on a huge mirror surface. This is the Taiyin mirror array method, which can make the environment most stable. It is the Jiu Avenue Palace and has always wanted this thing.

It's just that the information of Taiyin Xianfu was destroyed by itself. Kunlun didn't get anything except Xiahe, so it was impossible to share it with other Taoist palaces.

This Taiyin mirror array method is set among mountains and has a diameter of five kilometers.

Xiahe took out a Taiyin mirror he had refined. This Taiyin mirror was not the kind of fusion in his soul. The kind was private equipment. Now, this Taiyin mirror is green all over the body and exudes a faint light.

The appearance of the three-foot-long egg of the artificial **** fire crow, oval shape, the surface is gold and red, as if wrapped in layers of scales. In the place that looks like a gap, there is a dazzling brilliance flowing. Xiahe put the egg gently in the Taiyin mirror, and the two quickly merged.

The terrible energy feeling in Shenhuo Flying Crow's egg was suddenly blocked, and the Taiyin mirror was still cold, as if there was no change at all.

However, this mirror, which is just over two meters in diameter, is the energy core of the entire flagship.

The eggs of the artificial **** fire crow, even if they do not draw deep space power, can operate for thousands of years on their own, providing all the power for the battleship. If Xiahe ’s flagship does not have such a large independent space, this thing can even run for millions of years.

The flagship of Xiahe's design has much better attributes than Shenzhou's. After all, Taoist Palace doesn't want to give the most powerful power to Shenzhou Empire.

In Taiyin Xianfu, there is only one Daomen system, not a nine-united system, and there is no inconsistency between multiple systems.

The flagship designed by Xiahe does not need to be protected by frigates, so it will consume so much. The Azra, when necessary, must run with his men to avoid the Dao Palace's pursuit and jump to other universes.

This is also something that can't be done. Nine Avenue Palace never needed this design.

The nine big Luo Jinxian can confront any forces, and there is no problem of running away.

This assembled mirror is installed in an octahedral metal column, which is the most central position of the entire battleship. Every face of the octahedron ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has a strange rune cast in the core, and together, it forms a thing called gossip.

This is not a local product of Shenzhou World, but a technology obtained by Shenzhou conquering the door of another universe.

The symbols of gossip can be combined with each other to form the sixty-four changes, but in essence it is still an octal calculation method, which is the core of a powerful intelligent system.

Each of the sixty-four hexagrams evolved can function as a separate energy core. In coordination with the power drawn from deep air, the sixty-four hexagrams circulate endlessly, providing the greatest protection for the flagship's defense. Many warships were destroyed by heavy attack ships because the energy supply could not keep up and there was not so much network support.

Usually a battleship has three energy sources, one is usually used, the other is auxiliary energy, and the last is backup energy.

The Xiahe flagship is equivalent to 64 energy points. There is not much more in the total amount, but the instantaneous output capability is far more than the battleship in the ordinary sense.

It is a pity that there is only one artificial **** fire flying crow egg, and the auxiliary lunar mirror has two sides, but the material decomposed by the starry sky worm can not get the five flagships within a hundred years.

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