Daomen Invasion

Chapter 857: : Withdrawal

The rules of the main world have been loosened, allowing more people to become professionals, and many ordinary talents have also become magicians.

Xiahe's college is not for everyone. His college makes money, all in the future. The student's tuition fees are all interest-free loans. In the future, the student has no interest or died, and the money will not come. .

Therefore, investment should be cautious, as for those who are not good enough, Asla College will not accept it. The admission conditions of the college are not worse than those of the nine colleges.

General will be sighing, when this forest is difficult, I suddenly heard cotton cloth jack shouting on the communication channel: "Everyone, immediately withdraw from the forest, immediately execute. Violators, cut!"

Camp was startled, this word was only passed on to him and the lieutenant general, as well as the captains of the various brigades.

He didn't hesitate for even a second, he issued an order to exit the forest on the command channel, and every soldier's helmet mask had red writing flashed. This means that it is an order to be executed absolutely, without any hesitation.

The team in the back row has not touched the battle yet, and it quickly retreated backwards. The command of the battalion continued to supplement the order to make the tanks retreat slower, leaving a group of mechanical warriors broken. He didn't know why Cotton Jack wanted to issue such an order. Anyway, he didn't execute it. It was him who was unlucky.

When most of the team exited the forest, they felt a violent vibration under the ground.

A series of giant earthworm-like monsters came out of the mud, and the earth on the ground exploded like a splash. The dark red skin, the body covered with bristles, the head is simply a round mouthpart, this respect, the appearance that only deep sea creatures have.

The robot soldier's plasma gun was launched at high speed, and the consequences of gun damage have been ignored.

The pure white plasma bombarded the monster's body, and the surface of the monster's body suddenly scorched. During the twisting, the scorched part fell off, and the flesh and blood were blurred. However, the Demon Worm didn't seem to feel it. Once he twisted his body, he wrapped around the nearby Robot Warrior.

The bristles on the surface of the devil's skin rub against the metal body and make a oozing sound. And the liquid gushing under the skin of the devil directly corrodes the metal that comes into contact. The demon worm twisted hard, the metal robot warrior more than two meters high, with a click, shattered into a few knots.


The robot warrior shattered, but it exploded at the last minute. The monster was broken into three parts, twisting wildly on the ground, and each part flew towards the other robot warriors, as if there were Independent consciousness.

Cotton Jack saw this scene and suddenly sat up from the bed.

Now that the Duke's people will be playing in person? What kind of monster is this, with such strong survivability, those noble armies may be unable to resist.

It's enough, all kinds of machinery in the forest, all the details passed to the Fire Crow One are calculated, and it is judged that there is a huge space underground, and there are such monsters everywhere.

If there is also in the north, the threat to its own soldiers is also great.

Thousands of thousands, Cotton Jack doesn't even care, but millions, tens of millions? I knew that the demon were not so good to deal with. Every world invaded by the demons will produce a lot of similar things, and it will not be killed.

Cotton Jack immediately ordered all the small and micro robots to turn off the energy and dormant temporarily. Pure mechanical gadgets, without the influence of energy, will not attract monsters to attack. When the robot shuts down, it can only passively receive the Fire Crow's No. 1 command. If there is no command, it will not start again.

This is the back door of the robots produced by the Duke. Anyone who wants to use the robots produced by the Duke to deal with Rhode Island will get a painful lesson.

It turns out that this backdoor can only be close to the start, and it is the power only in the core personnel in Xiahe's hands, such as the general of the rank of commander of the army. Now this function can be completed without anyone approaching.

Some small robots drilled into the tree hole, some jumped into the treetop, and then quickly turned off the energy. Some who could not find a place, simply turned off the flame and turned it into a cold metal. The medium-sized robot, which is more than two meters high and looks the same as humans, is responsible for the broken cannon fodder, and then opened the crazy attack mode, all the weapons on his body fired, overloaded strike, and prepared to explode.

The battalion will see that the broken robot warriors are strangled one by one, and there is a big team on their side who has not exited the forest.

He raised his hand. In the bracelet on his hand, a dragon-scale scroll was fired, and turned into a magic flying crow in mid-air, pounced on the demon in the distance. This Shenhuo Flying Crow is not a legendary level, but a 35th-level epic scroll. Even so, when the Shenhuo Flying Raven threw up, several demon insects trying to attack had burned before they even touched the Fire Crow.

The flame of Shenhuo Flying Crow contains a trace of the real fire of the sun, even if it is very weak, the restraint on the monster is extremely severe.

The fire crow made a beautiful tweet, circled in the forest, and lit all the monsters within a hundred meters.

Under the ground, the violent tremor passed upwards, and in a blink of an eye, a deep crack in the forest spread forward. In the cracks, countless dark red insects sprang out of the cracks.

The fire crow pulled high, and a huge fireball spewed out with his mouth open.

Scroll of Shenhuo Flying Raven is expensive because of its long duration and its own attack computing power. Although it is not as good as the robot warrior, it is probably equivalent to the instinct of Warcraft. However, the fireball exploded, and the insects within a hundred meters in diameter were cleaned again.

Such a wide range of magic is not a one-off, but an epic scroll.

The monster was surging, the fire crow opened his mouth and spit out the second fireball. If it is a legendary godfire flying crow scroll, it can spew out the stars.

The crack is still extending forward, the **** fire flying crow spit out eighteen fireballs in a row, and the flame on his body was dim.

In the cracks, tens of thousands of demons took off in the air and finally landed on Shenhuo Flying Crow. The flames of the flying fire crows ignited the demon. The demon is not afraid of death, and uses its own body to block the flame.

In a blink of an eye, a layer of shell appeared on the surface of the fire crow's body.

The fire crow fluttered its wings, the crunchy shell fell off, and it suddenly plunged deep into the crack, and then heard a thunderous roar, the crack was blown out of a huge circular gap. Demon worms within a range of 500 meters were cleared.

Robot warriors jumped into the crack and exploded, the chariot accelerated back, and a huge magic projectile was ejected in the muzzle.

The sound of roaring is endless, the soldiers are all looking great, the gunfire of the chariot, tearing the monsters into meat sauce, but more monsters still impact from the forest.

No more!

Cotton Jack had no choice but to order the six-pointed star airship to be dispatched.

Twenty-four six-pointed star airships took off from Yamaguchi City, fully armed. Above the ground, the noble army quickly retreated, and the chariot fired while driving backwards.

Mages also did not care to retain the magic power, and took turns to take action, everyone finally understood the pain of the Duke. In this situation, any messy magic is of no use, and the fireball volley has the best effect.

The continuous fireballs, the distance between each other, just happened to cause a cascading effect of explosions, within the scope of demon bugs, crushed bones. The mages do not need to pay extra magic power and spiritual power.

The robot behind is also attacking. The distance of the devil is about 500 meters, which is just outside the attack distance of magic. As long as it enters this range, it is a round of fireball volley to ensure clean up.

But the mages couldn't kill the insects by taking medicine. The battalion had no choice but to release a scroll of magic fire crows. At the same time, all the epic mages in the army released magic books and floated in front of their bodies.

Unlike the thirty-three pages of the imperial standard, the magic books of these masters are all twenty-four pages. They are exclusively for the army and invented by Xiahe.

Every seven pages is a collection of magic, can be combined to cast.

This is a variation of his own seven-page book, which is quite easy to use and extremely efficient.

Mages also struggled, and another super fire flying crow was released, the lethality of this thing is higher than the meteor fire rain, and lasts longer.

"Adult, I can't hold it for a long time!" There was a magician who was eagerly authentic in the communication channel.

The battalion general gritted his teeth and said: "For another moment, the soldiers will retreat at the fastest speed."

He only regretted now that he didn't bring enough Trojans. Fortunately, the new type of armor has alchemy magic circles, which can allow soldiers to run at a speed of fifty miles per hour. Although it is not fast enough, it can last.

Fortunately, there are transport chariots, many soldiers jump on the chariots to retreat ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ faster than Trojan horses, this road is flat, if the hilly areas are over.

Soldiers without a chariot can only lean on their legs, and the pattern on the armor flashes the elemental glory. This ran up and consumed all the raw coal crystals in the miniature magic furnace.

"Adult, I can't stand it!"

The scrolls carried by a magician are used up, the magic in the magic book is also finished, and they can only fight with their own magic power.

"Don't be afraid, there is a magic furnace in the mage armor, which can be activated with mental power. The magic wings can fly thousands of meters high, and these monsters can't attack."

The Master was so upset that the camp general said angrily: "You can go, but you won't have to come back in the future!"

The mage had to temporarily stop the attack, and while his companions had power, he first recovered some magic power. Don't wait to recover when the magic is exhausted. At that time, the speed of recovery will be much lower. This is the experience of combat mages.

Magic Masters are actually worse, and their recovery ability is not as good as these combat masters.

But the Magnet Master dare not say retreat, their status is inferior to the combat master.

There are several magic net masters who are already taking medicine and insisting on it. They only hope that the battalion commander can give the order of retreat, they do n’t have to stop here.

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