Daomen Invasion

Chapter 868: : Festival Flag (2)

"So, Duke Zhesu, they have secretly united long ago." Xia He looked at the battle report and said to Mianke Jack.

"Yeah, the princess forced them over, and we failed to attack at the first time to prepare these people. The Duke Suzhe's army is going to cross the sea. It seems that the goal is the city of Liang."

"No, there are a lot of forts on the side of the Liangliang City, and the defense is strong." Xiahe said with surprise. What the other party said is an old duke, and there are many people in the family.

"No way, we are too close to the territory of Duke Zhesu. Although Liangliang City is a place to train recruits, there are 60,000 city defense troops. With some rotating troops, it is almost enough to have a legion. Then The traffic in Daliang City is considered to be a bar. There is a port, and there are 6 roads that directly pass through Rhode Island, which can reach Samsung Town. "

"It makes sense that there is a six-sided city in the middle, and there are some troops there."

"So, if the Duke of Zhesu does not attack the city of Dalyang, he will have more troops to defend, otherwise we will be attacked at any time."

"Let the princess dispatch the battleship and help me transport all the unused artillery on the Xinda 6 to the Great Beam City."

"she was……"

"Will be obedient." Xiahe Road.

Cotton Jack said: "Sir, we haven't chosen our offensive point now."

"Jack, you are the master. Duke Zhesu's side, we have explored it for almost two years. The main city has the best defense, it should have a fixed space bridge, and the world occupied by Duke Zhesu is important to him. The main city is connected, this is a little ... "Xiahe did not say, and finally let Jack find a way.

"Sir, the Academy Corps, in addition to our Asra Academy, let's build a tenth Magic Academy. You are still the principal. Now that the emperor is gone, the princess's funding will continue as usual, and no one can control you."

"Also, if I swallowed the territory of the Duke of Zhesu, there must be a foothold in the north. The Tenth School of Magic, in the end, is the principal's hard work. I can't throw it to others. Then ... I will clean up the people inside Let ’s apply for some more funds and transfer our own professors. "

Mianke Jack was speechless. This was to eat the academy at once. The emperor was not there. The Duke was unscrupulous.

Xia Hexin said that now this is cheaper than white, and the address of the Tenth Academy of Magic is good. It was transformed from a falling floating city. Others think that the things inside are important, but they think that the shell is better.

Many things are worthless for a long time, especially some magic items. Because attributes will be reduced, technology will fall behind. But this shell is different. As the years go by, it will have some special properties.

Angelina heard Xiahe's request and couldn't help but say, "Asla, what do you think of me?"

"What happened to the regents of the empire?"

"You apply for a royal loan of 400 million gold coins?"

"I didn't say to pay it back."

"Did I hear it wrong?"

"Yes, I didn't intend to return the money to you," Xiahe said.

"So what can I get?" Angelina listened to him, but patiently listened to Xiahe's explanation.

"Juneau College supports His Majesty. Metatlin and Neisser are more neutral. You do n’t think these two colleges will support you?"

"It's just a part of supporting me, but if you say that the Tenth School of Magic will support me, why don't I change your principal and do it myself! In this case, I will spend the money in my own hands."

"Give me a loan, I let the Tenth Academy of Magic fly, how about such support?"

"The Devil's star battleship is bigger and has not been shot down yet."

"His Royal Highness, the floating city is a symbol. If the Tenth Academy of Magic is flying and loyal to you, the magic schools other than the nine colleges will know how to do it. I ’m building an army of colleges here, if those small colleges If you are loyal to you, you can use their power to form more mages. "

"I don't care about the Masters or something."

Xia He smiled and said: "I finally heard what I'm going to say. That's right. The most valuable part of the mage is the brain. A legendary mage is powerful, and its computing power is limited. And there are some things that have nothing to do with the mage's realm. Dare not think about it. "

"We will have a huge design team, strong computing power, an idea that can be completed!"

"Yes, as long as I drive the floating city and go to each college for an interview, the rest is the princess."

"Good idea, these 400 million gold coins, let the floating city fly?"

"Not enough, although the technology in ancient times was not as good as it is now, but the core power of the floating city has not been cracked. I intend to use the Devil's Star Warship as a template to get a biological furnace."


"I heard that the royal family has a species library?"

Princess Angelina thought for a while and said, "Are you going to Juno City?"

"No, I just need some seeds and creatures."

"Do you want to cultivate extinct species?"

"The Titan is said to be a natural god. The heart of the Titan has incomparable power. If the heart of the Titan is installed on the power core of the floating city, should it be allowed to fly?"

The royal family has collected many specimens, and things that have been extinct in history can be resurrected using cloning technology.

Moreover, the magician's cloning ability is not worse than that of the technological world, but there is a defect and no soul. Because there is no soul, the clone itself will also lose certain attributes. This is a very wonderful thing, but the things cloned by the magician, although higher in cost, will have a slightly smaller attribute.

The royal family collected these things, and they were originally to resurrect them. It is nothing to have no soul. When they are born, they will be there sooner or later.

It's just that the royal family hasn't unified the world yet, so don't rush to do these things.

Xia He wanted it now, and Angelina felt that giving him some resources was not a problem. To clone a creature, a little specimen is actually enough.

"Well, what do you want, I'll give it to you." Princess Angelina is now bundled with Xiahe, it doesn't matter. If she can't handle the nobles of the empire, in the end nothing will be left.

Xiahe Road: "Then I will send someone to pick it up, no need to make a list."

"When will the Tenth Academy of Magic fly?"

"If the money is in place, you can fly within a year."

"That's okay. I did what my father couldn't." Angelina's voice was a little lost. In fact, the city where his father wanted to rise was the city of Juno, not the Tenth Academy of Magic.

"His Royal Highness, don't feel bad. Raise the Tenth Academy of Magic. A lot of technology will be verified. Eventually, I will give you these data."

"In other words, can I copy one myself later?"

"That's not necessary. The significance of the floating city is that it is a place for magicians to live, a giant magic tower that can move, and in addition, the value is not so great."

"Then you have to spend so much money?"

"I'm going to build a class of arms, exclusive to the Tenth School of Magic."

"What arms?"

"Iron Angels, everyone can fly." Xiahe smiled and said with a magic circle, Angelina felt a little restless in her heart, as if she saw Xiahe's expression.

What can the floating city do? Of course, it is a node of a huge magic net.

Within the area covered by the floating city, thousands of miles, I am afraid that a stable magic net can be formed. Such a powerful power and powerful magic net can provide more powerful power for magic equipment.

The soldier's flying armor is no longer a problem.

As long as it is the area that the floating city can radiate, the flying armor will bring huge mobility to the army. The power brought by the armor also greatly increased the combat effectiveness of the soldiers.

Think about it, a flying legion, not relying on airships and battleships, every soldier will fly, with huge metal wings installed behind him. Advanced technology can also bring a powerful deterrent.

Many enemies will lose the courage to resist when they see such magical creations.

Of course, these are not worth 400 million gold coins, but Xiahe has his own raw materials. He wants the gold coins just to provide liquidity for his duke.

At Xinda 6, his gold plant has been running, and the robot has been mining.

In the construction of the Tenth Magic Academy, most of the purchased materials were traded on Xinda 6, left hand into right hand.

There are so many nobles under Xiahe's men, they can't play with you for bartering, and high-end materials can be, but ordinary materials can only be exchanged for gold coins.

This problem is not obvious because it has always been in a state of war. In many cases, Xiahe can solve the problem by giving food and weapons. The transportation of grain from Bingfeng Da6 is very costly after all. If it is traded directly in Xiahe's grain factory, the cost will be controlled within the normal range.

However, if Xiahe recruits troops from these nobles, then the settlement expenses must be paid with gold coins, and it is impossible to send food to the soldiers' homes.

In the arcane empire, the price of food has not been high, and it is not easy for ordinary people to store it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Gold is easy to store, there are many in the multiverse, and the industrial value is huge. Even if mining becomes easy, Nor will it depreciate much. Because when you mine enough, on many equipment, where some ordinary metals were originally used, gold will be used.

This money came from the royal family in exchange for the Tenth Academy of Magic to support the princess. It sounds like the princess is losing money.

But in fact, with Xiahe ’s faculty, it is relatively easy to improve the quality of the Tenth Magic Academy, and the college has a certain historical heritage. It soon became a top-notch presence in the second-rate academy. Wouldn't it be another first-rate college?

The princess thinks the same way. She doesn't care about the money. What she values ​​is the Duke's ability to train students. At the Tenth Academy of Magic, the Duke did n’t pay much attention, but the Asla Academy in his territory, but the talents came out in large numbers and trained many legendary mages.

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