Daomen Invasion

Chapter 871: : Separately (2)

"Abigail, if ..."

"Nothing, if you let me leave the goddess now? Can you bear the consequences?"

"Not now." Xiahe replied honestly, if he had taken Abigail away, the goddess would never spare him. Now, the gap between him and the goddess is still very large. Even if he is close to the power of the demigod.

"I go to Lynch, and with him, look on the half-elf continent, what is the development."


"Ah, you man." Abigail shook his head.

"I am still a good man, drifting temple, do you want to keep it for you?"

"Keep it, anyway, the coordinates of the half plane, the goddess knows, you can't do anything with it in the future."

"Then I will send you a boat."

"I want the best."

"Not the best, but under the demigod, it is difficult to break the defense of this ship, and I can build this level now."

"After that, change to the best." Abigail chuckled.

"Well, I promise you that I will build the best boat for you. You can go wherever you want. If you are willing to teach the goddess, you will directly create a temple."

Abigail's amber eyes suddenly burst into tears. She reached out and stroked Xiahe's face, and asked, "I will see you obviously. Why do I feel so sad now?"

Xiahe was speechless, Abigail said: "I understand, because I know that your heart has not hurt, which makes me feel lonely. No matter where I am, it is the same."

"Abigail ..."

"What are you going to say?"

"I'm in trouble, much bigger than the goddess' trouble. So even if I have the power to fight the goddess, I can't guarantee any future. So, ah, wherever you like to go, it's good, as long as you live."

"That's it ..." Abigail took away her tears, took out her purse, took a gold coin of wealth and placed it in Xiahe's palm, said: "When did you miss me, just tell it . "

Xiahe seemed to be struck by lightning, and suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

He clutched the gold coin and smiled, "I will."

"Then where can I get the boat?"

"How many people do you have?"

"There are ten people in the drifting temple. They are not clergymen, they are battle sequences."

"Let Jack ... forget it, I'll give it to you."

Xiahe said, taking Abigail to the shipyard of Tongtian Tower. All the docks here are flying warships. Xiahe is a fleet of four battalions, and there is only one on the New World side.

In the dock, Abigail saw the Fire Crow Type 4 for the first time, his eyes lit up.

"Is it worth a lot of money?"

"The money can't be bought. I built 24 in total, and only 6 in a fleet. Now that there are insufficient resources, I can't make more temporarily."

"I want this one." Abigail pointed to a four-rowed crow in front of him.

"It's yours."

Xiahe said that the ship was started, and the shields floating outside slid open to both sides, revealing the door inside.

"Can I drive myself?"

"Can drive autonomously, but normally need to prepare five people."

"You take me around, should I do it myself?"

Xiahe opened the cabin door and took Abigail into the inside of the Crow IV to the cockpit.

There are five seats in the cockpit, but there are only two controllers, one is the driver and the other is the deputy. Xia He sat in the position of his deputy and instructed Abigail how to control the Fire Crow IV.

When the furnace was started, the bulkhead around the cockpit seemed to be transparent, and everything outside could be seen from the inside. Those shields no longer block the line of sight, only to see the general shape, and the fine lines inside.

"Hello, Lord Duke."

A sound came from the cabin. Abigail smiled slightly, this thing is quite advanced.

"Hello, now I authorize you to Abigail. From now on, Abigail will be your supreme chief."

"Yes, Duke."

"You will be called Abigail in the future. Now you can lock your mental frequency and take samples of biological tissue. Abigail, you need to put your mental strength out and connect it to the back of the seat."

Abigail nodded. On both sides of the seat, the metal armor closed forward and fixed her to the seat. A needle thinner than the tip of the needle stuck in her back and took some blood. Then she released her mental power and sensed the core of wisdom of Abigail.

"Hello, Captain, this is Abigail. Now I will give you all permissions, please pay attention."

In front of Abigail, the Abigail's data directory suddenly appeared. Then on the surrounding bulkheads, like a screen, a large amount of translucent data appeared.

"So simple? Can you take off?"

"As long as you think about it, I will execute the order." Abigail answered.

Abigail is tiny, looking at the front. In the virtual picture, the dock exit has a preset track. When her thoughts moved, the battleship swished silently and flew out of the dock silently. Pull up.


"what happened?"

"It's really powerful, but it's difficult for a wizard below level 20 to control it?"

"So there are five positions in the cockpit, which can be controlled in turn."

Abigail's pupil angle is constantly changing, and he sees the weapon option on the virtual control screen in front of him.

"These ones?"

"There is another weapon control room, but you also have the final decision."

Abigail did not go to the test, but let the warship fly upwards and keep flying. Soon, the warship flew to a height of tens of thousands of meters.

"Asla ..."


"How high can it fly?"

"There are no restrictions. If you want, you can fly all the way to the depths of the starry sky. But with energy, it will not last long."

"Then forget it, I'm afraid I won't come back."

"This is my secret weapon."

"Don't let me expose?"

"After using it, it is not a secret. I plan to use it against the Merrifin family. That is a monster."

"How about Duke Zhesu?"

"He is not so dangerous, he is a conservative noble, there may be many soldiers, and a lot of money and equipment. But he is not dangerous, he just hates."

Abigail controlled the warship and flew all the way to the east. The speed of the warship quickly broke through thousands of miles. In the middle of the sea on the east, a space barrier existed, spreading all the way into the starry sky. Here, It feels difficult to fly upwards, and the energy is rapidly consumed.

Abigail did not insist, so he turned and flew south.

Below her field of vision, there is an area, but zoom in, see the ground. However, the rapid flow of the picture, even if she is a legendary magician, can not lock the specific image.

"Was it dangerous to be so fast?"

"Did you see the area in the upper right corner? If the display is green, it means that it is safe, and yellow is a little dangerous. If it is red, the shield is almost at its limit and it is easy to be broken."

"Green is safe?"

"Yes, it won't fall apart when hit by a meteor."

"In other words, can you resist the legendary attack?"

"Yes, it can resist the legendary attack."

"No wonder you don't take Duke Zhesu's eyes in mind, this technology, I am afraid it is only available to the royal family?"

"Some royal families have it, some don't. At least the one I made is cheaper than the royal family. Once the price of the warship exceeds the limit, it will not be worth the loss, it is better to train a few more legendary mages."

"It makes sense, what is this?"

"This is the ultimate acceleration. When you need to escape, the main power is lost. This allows you to fly at the limit speed for about 24 hours, but after using it, the power core is broken. Rest assured, the main power is not Before losing, there is no way to control it artificially. "

Abigail lowered his speed and height and flew over a thousand meters.

In this way, the scenery on the ground can be seen clearly.

It did n’t take long for Abigail to fly to the south of the New World. On the ground, a fortress was under siege by the noble coalition. Abigail looked at the battle below and hovered the battleship.

"That was the site of Muses, he was fighting the Merrifin family."

"Can this weapon be used?"

"Reel sequence launcher, now highly available, but why help him?"

"That's right, it will cost money." Abigail suddenly dismissed the idea of ​​shooting, but on the ground, two figures suddenly flew up and rushed to the Abigail.

"What should I do?" Abigail asked nervously.

"Give me permission if you don't know anything about life and death."

"Okay, Abigail, give the Duke permission to control weapons."

After Xiahe got the authority, the armor under the battleship was divided into five positions, exposing the muzzle inside. Five large magic muskets simultaneously target and fire.

The huge magic projectile instantly hit the target.

The shields on the two legendary mages were broken, and the runes hanging on the necklaces on their necks shattered instantly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ These two mages were scared of danger and used any door during high-speed flight. Disappeared in Xiahe's attack vision.

"So powerful!" Abigail was surprised, but they were two legendary mages.

"It was their luck not to kill them." Xiahe said with regret. The mage has never seen such a high-speed attack weapon, and its penetration is extremely powerful. If you rely on the magic shield to resist hard, you have to have a specific skill.

But these two guys are also decisive, after any door teleports away, it is difficult to lock themselves again.

Two legendary mages, but without any sense of pride, all five magic projectiles hit them and hit the body. It's just that the magical attributes on the projectiles are offset by their powerful power, and the kinetic energy is almost lost. The damage they receive is not fatal.

Abigail also understood that those weapons, she can be activated with thoughts, locked extremely quickly, just like using spells.

As long as the mental strength is enough, the attack can be released.

That's right, if this thing is driven to legend, it will be able to fight for a long time with high intensity and great power.

Abigail was in a much better mood. After all, she was a little fan.

Such a good warship is more valuable than any equipment she has in her hands.

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