Daomen Invasion

Chapter 875: : Plan

Xiahe said to Snowvis: "Your Highness, haven't you seen the weapon gallery I gave you?"

"See, what's wrong?"

"Flying warships can attack magic cannons. Even if Dzhesu has powerful magic cannons, he will be fired by flying warships if he can't attack for several rounds."

Magic cannons can strike in radians, which is hidden behind the fortifications.

But Xiahe has a flying fleet, and flying warships can attack downwards from a high altitude, choosing any angle. The reason why Xiahe is not worried is because it is impossible, and he can use the kinetic energy weapons in space to destroy the main city of Duke Zhesu in a wave.

"Then prepare materials." Snowvis agreed to Xiahe's plan and asked Xiahe for a list directly.

"So happy?"

"I want the flying fleet too. I heard that you made some for my sister?"

"Well, no problem."

Xiahe didn't want to say more, this flying warship, he sold to two people is not cheap. No way, the price of making this stuff by himself is too low, and no one will believe it.

"It's all winter. I hope that in the early spring, the main city of the Duke of Zhesu will be surrounded."

"It ’s almost the same. Now the soldiers are working hard. In the spring, our weapons and equipment can also be unified. Do n’t be idle during this time. Sweep the village of Duke Zhesu first, and do n’t touch the big cities. , Harassment in small cities. I will provide you with priority for robots. "

"Some of the technologies I want to magically build are mainly cost-reducing technologies."

"There is no cost-reducing technology, as long as you are willing to spend time to build a growth-type structure. In addition, some materials are unique to me, although the number is large, but there is an upper limit, and now my army can handle it. That does not mean The price of a magical outfit is cheap. "

Snowvis was greedy and unyielding: "How can I support me a little legendary level."

"You make the diamond golem yourself, except you can't fly, fierce."

"You help me make artificial diamonds."

Xiahe frowned: "I don't have so much energy indiscriminately now, otherwise the battle will be difficult to fight in a year or two. Your Royal Highness, what are you doing with magic, do you have no resources at hand?"

"Synthetic diamonds, if I make them myself, the cost is 50% of normal diamonds."

"Then it's not expensive!"

"You must have a way, I know."

Xiahe couldn't help crying and saying, "I only made two diamond golems. One was placed on the side of the Sun City. As a mascot, one was in the Tongtian Tower, and there was no chance to use it. It consumed a lot of magical rough once. . "

At this moment, a magic device on Snowvis's body rang.

The expression of overjoy on Snowvis's face was then connected to the communication. His thing, which can only receive text, looks like a boxy gem with changing text in it.


"The aristocracy in the North, completely collapsed, and the last Duke was taken by my army, ha ha ha ha!"

"You still have an army!"

"Of course, what do you think my father asked me to do in the north? My father let my sister take office, and I arranged a lot of them before. My sister and I have a part of the troops that my father gave, placed on the ice field, and some military towns in the north. .These troops are all paid by the royal family and are under our command. When they are needed, they will be started immediately to suppress the entire northern nobles. "

"Hehe." Xiahe smiled.

At first, he had no power at all, and he could only intimidate the nobles of the Northland. It was impossible to completely destroy him. When the south came to the nobility, they did not work, and then kept dragging on.

As a result, the emperor kept the means and easily solved the problem.

"My sister and I, on the icefields and in the north, there are a total of nearly 5 million troops, including 200,000 local soldiers, and the rest are mobilized from other worlds. On the icefields, I opened a total of five Fortress, the materials stored in it can keep me fighting forever without having to produce, and persist for a hundred years. "

"How about meat?"

"There are also a lot of frozen meat, I know the taste is bad, but when you do n’t eat meat for a month, you ca n’t tell the nuances. What do you pursue so much when fighting?"

Xiahe suddenly thought that the ice field north of the Northland, storing frozen meat is not a problem at all.

I have such a large territory in the underground world, so I never thought about freezing the meat. As the king of the county said, he pursues the extreme too much, and even the meat for the military needs to be fresh. How does this work.

Even when the Shenzhou Empire attacks other worlds, it cannot guarantee that soldiers will eat fresh food.

Factory food is the standard of supply most of the time.

Besides his own army, a squadron has a logistic tank, which is the standard of 50 people. There are also five logistics machinery configurations, which are purely used to transport materials, which is better than any Warcraft load and is not limited by terrain.

Heating food is very easy.

Xia He's thoughts moved slightly, and he entered his thoughts into the phantom array. Logistics standards should be based on the environment, and places that are easy to resupply can give the army some preferential conditions. When supply is difficult, you can no longer improve the taste of food at any cost.

"Your Highness, so many people, how are you going to use it?"

"According to your standards, 150,000 legions are recruited, and some 40 legions are recruited. The Empire ’s inherent defense is handed over to the Empire Legion. These forty new legions will be replaced after all training is completed After equipping it, fight from north to south to clean up the rebellious nobles. "

"That is to say, on the Duke of Zhesu side, you can't mobilize those forces?"

"What anxiety, your plan will not move until next spring. If there is an accident, you can let these legions move, and now let them train and produce in the north."

Xiahe was slightly distracted. Before the emperor left, had everything been laid out?

If this is the case, in other parts of the empire, the emperor will have the means to make room for himself, that is, the Duke of Zhesu may be his biggest income.

For the Merrifin family, it is impossible to swallow all of them for balance.

The princess, the magistrate, and even Muses will nibble a little.

As for the rest of the empire, do n’t think about it unless you are willing to give up the benefits of Xinda 6. The benefits of Xinda 6 will not let them out. The mineral resources here are basically in their original state. The whole north is too rich to imagine.

After the land is purified, it is a good pasture and farmland.

Since the Great Wall has been repaired, why should I go out?

Forget it, the territories within the empire's territory cannot be swallowed up in large numbers. Although the territory of the Duke of Zhesu is small, it is also a standard duke. After taking it, Rhode Island and Big 6 are inseparable, which is the most important.

Then, I will build a bridge across the sea between Dalyang City and Bingfeng University 6.

No boat is required, and things from Rhode Island can be easily transported to the Big 6.

Under this strait, the six bridges were almost out of sea level when the tide was low. So the cost of building this bridge is not high.

And because of the 6 bridges, this strait cannot drive large ships.

The remaining trouble is Muses.

Xia He laughed. His Majesty the Emperor, because of this, did he arrange Muses there?

When Xiahe looked at the map again, he found that his own territory, lonely overseas, even after the site of Duke Zhesu was laid, there was still no way around.

Close to the territory of the Duke of Zhesu, to the north is the site of Muses.

It is estimated that this time Muses will be awarded by the royal family. It is certain that the site will extend westward. Even if he does not block himself, he wants to go to the underground world of the northern ice field, and it is still across the royal fortress.

Five huge fortresses completely separate the northern land from the ice sheet.

The fortress wall that is 200 meters high cannot be fought at all. Any unnatural disasters are jokes. The fortress cannon in the fortress has great power, long range, and low consumption. As long as it is not damaged, it can continue to fight against the storage of the fortress.

The cost of the fortress cannon is lower than that of the technical artillery. The only disadvantage is that it requires the huge magic array of the fortress to support it. Scale is needed, and small cities cannot afford it. Although the real consumption of fortress cannons is not high, to continue to operate, it must be scaled.

Further south, it is the scope of the veteran veteran forces. Although there are no big nobles, it is not that they should provoke themselves.

To the west, it is a lot of sites that have turned to their little nobles, but there are also people who are princesses and kings. There is no space for exhibition. It seems that in the future, I still have to give priority to the new 6?

Forget it, so many worlds are waiting to be conquered. This Bingfeng 6 is left to the royal family first.

The emperor's back hand made Xiahe temporarily extinguish the idea of ​​competing with him. Randomly gave the princess and the county king five million people, plus a bunch of obedient nobles. How do you compare Rhode Island?

As for Muses? The situation is the same as his own, even if he shows up, there are still a lot of guards around him.

Subsequently, the Empire began a civil war, and no one was in a mood to attack the contaminated land.

On the Xinda 6, the only danger is Princess Angelina.

If Xiahe and Muses do not want to lose power, they have to help at Xinda 6. His Majesty the Emperor, is there no way out?

"Asla, what are you laughing at?" Snowvis felt the Duke in front of him was a bit wrong.

"It's nothing. UU is reading www.uukanshu.com. I think, your reputation is not much different from that of the princess?" Xia He still smiled and asked Snowvis.

"There should still be some gaps." Snowvis looked modestly, clearly showing off.

"I think, during this time, you can't help with military reform and training. It's better ..."

"I am lazy."

"It took a month to train a legion, and it was in Liangliang City. This month, the equipment was almost enough for this legion. Then, you will command this legion and sweep the territory of the Duke of Zhesu. "

Snow Weston's heart, fame, who doesn't want it?

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