Daomen Invasion

Chapter 886: : Jack, Cotton Jack

All robots also ejected into the sky at the same time, and the high-energy batteries in their bodies exploded and exploded. The swooping dragon's gray-faced face was smashed with metal shavings.


The first breath of the dragon was in vain, and the dragon was even more angry. He wanted to kill everyone, and he could not let it go.


On his back, the shells of two magic ballistas exploded, making him feel pain.

The ballista fired by the flying battleship flew in the air, looking for the target. As for the battleship, it had long escaped a hundred miles away. Forty-four battleships fired forty-eight ballista shells.

Very cleverly, the people on the battleship also know that the magic ballista can not kill the dragon. Therefore, these shells were scattered and attacked, not at the same time.

The sound of explosion was endless, the dragon waved his wings in anger, and his body shone with seven colors of light.

He didn't hide anymore, simply resisted hard.

The realm of the dragon, so that the shells of the magic ballista no longer hurt him. Humans on the ground are not too far away. The dragon sneered in his heart, so I will play with you.

Simply follow these people, go to their city, set a fire, and burn them all!

Two pieces in three seconds, more than a minute, all ballista shells are considered to explode, the dragon spreads its wings and flies slowly in the sky. He found that although the humans on the ground were scattered, they still ran westward.

Must be over there, there are human cities.

These cowardly things don't gather together, as if they can't survive, they also act boldly.

Only the dragon, no city, just a dragon and a hole.

Holding a group to keep warm is the behavior of the weak. If it is not natural to like elves, he even needs them. The strong do not need friends.

Elves are lovely species. When the elves ride on his back, the feeling of scales passing back makes him obsessed.

Damn human, dare to hurt the elves?

The squadron leader looked at the sky, and the dragon that followed the soldiers flying away felt like a weird escape. I didn't want to live, stayed to attract the target, but the dragon ignored him and chased others?

Isn't the dragon killing from the strongest?

It's a pity that those soldiers who followed themselves had no chance to escape this time. The direction they ran was too simple, and they all rushed back to Yamaguchi. Yes, there are legends sitting there, but Yamaguchi is far away, and the dragons fly fast.

The squadron leader did not become weak because of death, he stood up, raised his magic rifle, and launched an attack on the dragon in the distance.


The magic projectile had fallen to the ground before it reached the dragon's body.

boom! boom!

The squadron captain blasted one shot at a time, hoping to attract the dragon's attention. However, the dragon was too lazy to ignore his little bug. The dragon was going to the city of mankind to massacre.

In the eyes of the captain of the squadron, weeping. He sat down on the ground and dropped the magic gun, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, not far away, he saw dozens of elves killed again, and the squadron leader's eyes burst into anger. He jumped up at once, grabbing the magic musket that he had just dropped.

The dragon ignored the battle behind him, and his mind was attracted by the killing.

Suddenly, the huge dragon's heart trembled, a fear spread, he looked up and saw a figure approaching quickly in the sky.

It was a human mage, wearing a cheap white cotton robe, holding a magic book in his hand, and did not have a lot of ring necklaces, nor magic wand.

The human mage volleys, standing, looking down at the dragon, thinking about something.

The dragon opened his mouth and growled in a low voice.

The human mage suddenly laughed and said, "Master Duke said, this kind of dragon is very resistant, it is better to kill it directly, so as to avoid much trouble."

The dragon understands that the human mage speaks magic words.

Just when he wanted to mock him back with magic words, the human mage disappeared.

Magic overclocking, Juno gear, witch dance steps, magic

Book Slam, Split, Spiral Arcane Missiles!

Cotton Jack released six magics in one breath. The first magic is magic overclocking, which allows him to accelerate the release speed and power of magic in his non-destructive state, and can still be precisely controlled.

This is one of Jack's most powerful magics. Even Xiahe thinks he is the protagonist hidden in the shadows.

Usually this kind of power will bring about negative effects, but Cotton Jack, just not, except for the increased magic consumption, it will not cause any sequelae.

The magic consumption is intensified, which is a very normal state. The power of your magic release becomes larger, and the consumption will of course increase.

Juno gear, the time attribute, makes Cotton Jack look faster and interferes with the dragon ’s elemental control. In the ear of the dragon, the click of the gear was heard, as if it resonated in the depths of the soul, causing him to disperse even his mental strength. But he is a dragon, and his spiritual strength should be hundreds of times that of humans!

Witch dance steps, a magic that is more practical than any door, Jack stands directly on the dragon's head, elegant posture.

Then the magic book in his hand hit the dragon's head. This blow brought together the magic stored in the magic book. The original spells were all consumed, and the shocking effect was exchanged.

The dragon is directly comatose. In the magic book, thirty-three legendary magic is stored.

Splitting technique, this magic is released, the magic head is not smashed on the giant dragon bone, all the protection is eliminated, you can reach into the crack of the fist, and vaguely see the golden brain.

Spiral Arcane Missiles!

This last blow is the missile, the spiral form that the arcanist likes.

Looks like a sharp snail.

Cotton Jack took a deep breath and held out his hand, releasing the mage's hand, and pulled out a huge dragon crystal from the dragon's head.


The dull explosion sound, but the spiral arcane missile, exploded in the dragon's head.


Cotton Jack did n’t want to waste his brain, and sealed the wound instantly, and the dragon ’s body fell to the ground.

Cotton Jack took Long Jing, wiped his hands, and said, "Sure enough, the master said, in the face of the dragon, spike is the most correct way. Fortunately, it was almost more than two seconds."

The elves on the ground did not know that the dragon they were relying on was dead and rushed towards the stone mountain.

There are human soldiers over there, and he killed several elves on his side!

Cotton Jack glanced at the ground, his hand scratched in vain, and a void fulcrum was released, and the dragon's body flew in the air and flew towards the back.

The huge shadow was shrouded, and the elves entered the range of attack, and they were smashed under the dragon body from the sky.

"Tell Nietzsche II that the dragon corpse sent to the Tongtian Tower, he can get some materials."

Cotton Jack's appearance is too conspicuous. He is the commander of the entire Duke's campaign and has a high status. For the squadron leader, it is an unattainable figure.

"Yes." The squadron leader lowered his head.

"You just did a good job. Would you like to join the Duke's main army? You may just be a squad leader. If you are willing to give in, I recommend it to you." Cotton Jack didn't just arrive, he observed for ten seconds Time to start. This squadron leader, willing to sacrifice for his teammates, is a good fighter.

The squadron leader was surprised and stuttered and answered, "I wish ..."

"Well, just tell Nietzsche II, it is my order, you go to Tongtian Tower to report it."

Cotton Jack said no more, turned around and disappeared in the air. He slaughtered more than 60 levels of dragons and consumed 60% of his magic power. This wasn't the case at first, but it was a huge cost to mobilize the magic in the magic book for a heavy hit.

Thirty-three legendary magical powers, otherwise it is impossible to stun this powerful dragon.

After the stun, the dragon ’s natural defense power could not resist his cracking.

Besides, in order to kill the dragon in one second, all the magic is released in the shortest time overclocked, so many legendary magic, all overclocked to

The extreme, so that the dragon has no power to fight back. This only consumed 60% of his strength, showing how deep the accumulation of Cotton Jack.

His training, almost all with Xiahe, has a strong legendary combat experience.

The dragon is not easy to kill, it is a big trouble to run away.

The squadron leader laughed silly. The dragon corpse in the distance still twitched. This thing must be a low-level animal, otherwise this phenomenon will not happen.

The squadron leader used a vicious idea to characterize the dragon. This thing is the same thing as a lizard.

Jack hurried back to Yamaguchi City, this time, he was directly sent from the Tiantian Tower to Yamaguchi City, and then used the magic circle of Yamaguchi City, and then sent to the vicinity of the accident site ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ consumption is not too large, one Longjing is a big profit.

More than sixty dragon crystals, even if this thing can be synthesized, the price will not be cheap.

In the forest further away, a team of elves witnessed the battle from afar, and the elf mage headed shivered.

The legendary ancient dragon was killed by a magician in seconds!

In the world of elves, this legendary ancient dragon may not be a top-notch existence, but it is also a creature within a thousand.

The mage opposite ca n’t even afford a magic robe, what is he wearing?

How can such a poor mage advance to legend, and how can he have such a powerful power?

Suddenly, a huge voice appeared in his mind.


As if the giant was beating the drum of war, the sound appeared, and the eyes of the wizard wizard spouted out the eyes instantly, with blood, and the brain had shaken into a paste.

He uses magic to watch battles, which is so easy.

The magic book was hit hard, and he felt that he was injured at the time, he didn't know yet.

The elves around were busy and jumped down the tree to see the elf mage's injuries.

The elf mage is dead. When he peeped into the battle, he was discovered by Cotton Jacket. By the way, he also came to him during the attack.

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