Daomen Invasion

Chapter 889: : The beginning of the war in the world (1)

"Airship? I can make it myself." Princess Angelina didn't want to buy this kind of equipment all over the continent.

"His Royal Highness, our new airship, large, can carry two thousand heavy troops at a time, the medium can also carry 500 people, and the small can carry 50 people. Moreover, the flight speed is close to the speed of sound.

"so much!"

"There are absolutely no false data. Two thousand people, but not robot warriors. The new pod can carry more robots. One battalion of six thousand people can be transported by three airships, including Trojans and chariots, magic Construction. In the words of the robot warrior ... about nine large airships can pack all the battalion robots. "

"In other words, can twelve large airships transport all battalion personnel and equipment at a speed of 1,800 miles per hour?"

"That's it, Your Highness, in your flying battalion, prepare some large airships, and you can take the ground troops and quickly arrange them."

"how much is it?"

"Large airships, plus pods, are a total of 150,000 gold coins." The price quoted by Cotton Jacket this time is really very cheap.

Princess Angelina felt the sincerity and said, "Well, I will order ninety-six."

"Is it large?"

"Ninety-six medium-sized ones will be doubled in size. By the way, are these equipped with weapons?"

"All have weapons, but no magic ammunition."

The flying warships and airships in Xiahe have always been low in manufacturing cost, but the energy consumption and weapon consumption are considerable.

Energy problems, Princess Angelina don't need to worry for now, at least the magical ore mine on the other side of the underground world is still being mined endlessly. The part belonging to His Majesty the Emperor is now transferred by her. There are more coal mines controlled by the royal family, and raw coal crystals are accumulated in countless, which is the most stable and cheap energy.

"Your Highness, please do me a favor."


"Musis's side, help me sell it, and I don't want to give him the price too expensive, just a little higher than the princess's side."

Angelina pondered for a moment, got it.

Jack sells weapons because the New World is in a mess now, he has to think about his allies. Before these weapons were put into production, they could only be produced in small quantities and the prices were extremely high. Now, for the sake of the big picture, it is impossible for the Duke to sell it.

She guessed right. Xiahe didn't want his main weapons to be sold, but he had to let Angelina and Muses safely.

There are not many allies in the whole empire.

Fortunately, his home was Rhode Island. Although not far from the mainland, if he wanted to attack, he had to build a fleet. The Merrifin family was bombed once, and now they haven't eased.

"I will tell you, this, isn't it a resale?"

"Do not count, just keep the price difference princess." Cotton Jack is intimate and authentic.

Princess Angelina knew it was small money and was still very happy. She said to Cotton Jack: "Then hurry up, the war on the New World will be particularly long, I ..."

She doesn't know what to say, this world has serious problems.

Is not just a new continent. On the ice maple continent, there have also been many troubles, such as the undead and the underworld. It was just strangled in the cradle.

On the New World side, the empire does not have that strong power.

After the sale of Cotton Jack, Tongtian Tower's alchemy plant started full production. The time of the outbreak of the Wanjie Passage was late. The Duke's leader in the New World has completed the initial layout. The production materials have accumulated enough, and the large cities have also existed, and the Great Wall has been built.

Even if it is an invasion, it is unlikely to have much influence on the power of the duke.

Led the production to continue production, the number of soldiers is difficult to increase, but the number of robot warriors, there is no upper limit. This thing is produced from the assembly line, and it has the attack power of professionals, which can be said to be the most reliable basic force.

The legendary strongman can indeed pour a large piece of a skill, but when the number reaches a certain level, it is not a joke that the ants bite to death. The power of legends is not endless, the legends of the main world are more powerful,

In some small world legends, the number of times to release legendary skills is very small.

Demon Worm Forest ...

The noble legion increased its strength, and built a temporary fortress group at the center of the crack first. If you want to build a large-scale construction, you must first close all the world passages nearby, or blockade.

All patrol teams are now on the scale of two squadrons, and one squadron has too few manpower.

The number of weapons distributed above has also increased. Needless to say, magic projectiles, reels for magic net masters, advanced muskets for heavy warriors, and some powerful equipment, such as flame bottles, and reel sequence launches Things like devices.

On both sides of the crack, the nobles built some simple fortifications.

In the simple fortification, there is a secret magic circle, which can be triggered if it is occupied by the enemy.

These simple fortifications are for patrol soldiers. If they encounter powerful enemies and have fortifications, the army armed with magic muskets can hold on for a long time.

At night, such a battle broke out in the eastern part of the Demon Forest.

Two squadrons of patrol soldiers encountered an elf army. The number of elven army can be more than that encountered before, reaching the scale of three thousand people. And this time there are magicians and cavalry.

But the current noble army, the patrol army is all equipped with Trojan horses, and Xiahe's main army is the same.

How much is the raw coal crystallization? The nobles have figured it out, and the soldiers are the most important.

This patrol team also brought a light tank. Due to space effects, the detection of aircraft often has problems, and the tank itself also has detection capabilities. This time it is the enemy discovered by the tank.

A thousand kilometers away, when the elf army had not found the patrol team, the patrol team activated the aircraft above, forcibly expanding the signal.

The gunners on the tanks took aim and then fired, and they shot out the most fancy magician in the elf army.

The chariot did not carry any flower bombs at all, all of which were armor-piercing shells that could destroy medium-sized equipment.

Is the pursuit of single power, ultra-small range of damage, if you encounter a monster or something, you will not be helpless.

The elf mage was bombed, and two other magicians were affected. The shrapnel cut off the arm of another elf mage and the thigh of a mage.

The squadron leader in charge has opened the map and said: "Southwest direction, twenty degrees angle, there are temporary fortifications, we retreated to the past defense, the tank immediately called for support!"


The chariot fired another shot, and while the elf was still stunned, he killed a very fancy guy. Elf archers pulled out feather arrows and looked in the direction of the attack.

The human patrol team is already retreating, only two teams with robots, and the chariot is broken in the back.

Yamaguchi, the magician on duty received the distress signal and immediately reported it.

"The size of three thousand people?" Nietzsche II was moved when he heard this information. In many worlds, the scale of three thousand people is the main force.

In fact, the Duke's side is also the main unit based on six thousand people.

A battalion is the standard scale for a small war.

"The princess's goods haven't been sent yet, let two fire arrows, take twenty-four floating fishes, and immediately support."

'S people did not dare to refute, these goods were originally trained for the people of Yamaguchi City, as the name suggests testing. But if you take the actual combat, you will be a little sorry for Her Royal Highness, that is considered second-hand goods.

"Sir, do you want to send ground troops over?"

"Of course, I think about it ..." Nietzsche II's mind calculated the layout of the troops on the side of Yamaguchi City, and felt that the noble legionaries wanted to manage these three thousand elves, and they almost dispatched two battalions.

Is ten thousand people.

The battalion of the noble army has a scale of only five thousand people, which is one thousand fewer than the main army of Xiahe.

Is not to say that the fighting power of the noble legion is not good, but since playing in their own home field, it is necessary to reduce the loss to the minimum. Even if only one thousand people can solve the problem, ten thousand people must be sent. r />

"Send two battalions of the Ninth Legion, and then let the reloaded knights of our first battalion pass ... Four squadrons will do. Send two more squadrons of chariots and leave within five minutes."

"Yes." The people below immediately went to arrange.

Nietzsche II was very young, but he also suppressed the urge to go by himself. He made people call the two legendary mages in the Central Barracks and instructed them to follow the heavy knights. If not necessary, they did not have to shoot.

Two legendary mages received orders from ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same time, on the side of Nietzsche II, they additionally received temporary equipment and carried it on their bodies to prevent accidents.

Xiahe Legion, this system has taken shape.

The legendary mages each have their own weapons, but the public equipment has been supplemented, making each legion more powerful. These equipment are not for someone, but for special missions.

Because Xiahe has made the highest warning, all epics and legends are not allowed to be alone.

Moreover, you must bring equipment to guard against the Nether Devil.

The team of elves moved quickly. The cavalry floated on horseback in the dark and rushed up at high speed. Then five of them were bombarded by the tank.

The elf cavalry immediately spread out, more than ten meters apart.

On the armor of the elf, there is a magical brilliance. If it is not the main gun of the chariot, the ordinary magic rifle can't break the defense.

The people in the chariot were not surprised to see this scene.

The attack of magic musket is a compound attack, and the magic defense effect alone is poor. This shows that the opponent's armor level is very high, and the blessed magic power is also strong enough.

This is an army from another world, suppressed by the laws of the main world.

The medium-sized magic musket on the tank has been firing slowly, but the lock is not as easy as the main gun. Most of the attacks are empty, but there are more than a dozen guns hitting the target, blasting the elf cavalry from the horse. Go on.

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