Daomen Invasion

Chapter 907: : Go to

Xiahe's current magic level is equivalent to the level of a demigod, that is, less than eighty levels. In this world, he is already a super mage.

In fact, he has always studied the matter of making life structures.

Mainly because of his lack of avatars, Daomen's avatars also have flaws, which are a last resort. If the life is configured, the combat effectiveness will be much lower than its own, but how it works, it is more than sixty levels, and it will not be said that it is weak and ugly.

More than 60 levels of life configuration, even if it is just a fighting instinct, can run wild in many places.

The material is ready-made, that is, the design has never been fixed. This time Xiahe had a whimsy and drew a construction that had nothing to do with the original designs.

The construction uses biological materials, and the bone structure is no different from normal humans, but through magic, magic metal is infiltrated into it, and the entire construction bone structure is a magic array. Inside the hollow bones, there is a flowing liquid, which is repair fluid. When the bone is damaged, the magic circle works, and naturally the repair fluid will be drawn for repair.

The construction will not design internal organs, there is a soul jade in the chest cavity, and a magic furnace on the left and right.

The abdomen has the largest muscle group, which provides the basic strength for the whole body movement.

The internal muscle structure provides strength, the surface muscle structure and skin, and the magic patterns that operate magically. All are three-dimensional designs and have automatic repair capabilities.

Inside the tiny blood vessels is the repair fluid for artificial muscles.

The design of the legs has the connotation of the Daomen. When the formation is stimulated, it rushes up, and even the birds cannot catch up.

But the real core is inside the skull, a large piece of crystal.

This crystal is purely man-made and has a structure designed by Xiahe. Through this crystal, Soul Jade is attached to his power, which can release some of the magic he is good at.

The core processing of the crystal, similar to the magic source of the Devil, is just that it can manifest magic.

This is a pure mage configuration, and the combat effectiveness is not easy to say, but Xiahe can communicate with this configuration in any corner of the world through the fire crow one.

Even the doppelgangers have no such convenience.

Two magic furnaces can also provide the power of magic, but compared with the crystal, the power provided by crystal can release classic magic, and the two magic furnaces are not advanced.

More importantly, the crystal can also release the power of the boundary. It seems that this configuration is no different from the real person.

Unless you cut it with a knife and see inside.

Then, outside this structure, a set of mage armor was created. The mage armor is the standard equipment of the Duke's collar, but it is only the highest level configuration.

This mage armor has a dark night magic pattern, the main body looks like the color of mythril.

There is a Duke collar badge on the chest, which is space equipment, and there is a dark red three-legged fire crow symbol on the badge.

Outside the mage armor, he also wore a magic robe, exactly the same as Xiahe is wearing now. The magic robe is still very useful and has many effects.

Xiahe is standing there now, and ordinary legendary magic can't break the defense of his magic robe.

There are many pieces of equipment that should be built on the body, just like Xiahe travels by himself. Xiahe was not worried about constructing safety. Some people from Asla College accompanied him to visit Green Forest to see what the mechanical life is all about.

Even the demigod mage, after reading this configuration, thought it was an avatar of Xiahe.

On Lynch's side, the information was quickly passed to Xiahe. He didn't bring many people, just four. The main reason is that the manpower in his hands is not as rich as Xiahe. Most of the strong people have to stay on Titan Island.

Titan Island is too close to the half-elf empire, although the half-elf is no longer in trouble to find him.

But the safety of his home nest cannot be pinned on others.

On Xiahe's side, he brought 20 people, all of whom are students with special skills in the college, and they are about to graduate. This time, if the task is completed well, there is no need to write a thesis.

Just write the mission report.

Knowing this, Abigail simply went to the half-elf empire and did not want to meet Xiahe.

Xiahe, a pedestrian, took a flying warship and arrived on Titan Island.

Xiahe's life configuration, with the team and twenty students, thought that the dean and the leader personally led the team. But Xia He made it clear that this time, I hope they can complete independently.

Xiahe is a spectator himself, and he will not control unless a stronger enemy appears.

There were a total of 27 people. Lynch didn't see many people in the Xiahe Belt. He simply filled up with 50 people and took a six-pointed star airship to the Green Forest Continent.

This airship is designed for fifty people, not comfortable, but the space is acceptable.

Xiahe ’s life configuration took fifty temporary refining rings and said, "This is equipment that hides its own level. Of course, it is only one of its functions. Our current identity is a mercenary of the Tenth Magic Academy. , Accept the mission and go to Lvsen to investigate the invasion of mechanical life. "

Lynch said: "Why should you hide the rank?"

"Counting the two of us ..." Life constructs: "The average rank is already epic. Do you think if fifty epics are mercenaries and if you go to Green Forest, will the people of Green Forest not pay attention?"

Lynch didn't see the details of life's construction, and nodded, "What about the position?"

"You are the leader, just call me Asla, anyway, there is more than one me in the world." Life Construction smiled.

"Okay, I am the head of the group, and you are my chief mage." Lynch leaned back in his chair and began to close his eyes and recuperate. He actually wanted to ask Xiahe what he thought of himself. What is left between him and Irene?

When I was young, I thought love could be eternal.

Although I haven't extinguished the thoughts in my heart now, I have also clearly seen the world. If there is no power, you deserve nothing.

The life configuration did not say much. He asked everyone to check the equipment on his body. These are the suits Xiahe prepared for this inspection. Everyone designed new equipment according to their own skills and their own levels.

Lynch brought two legendary mages, three epic warriors, and twenty-three veterans. The average rank of these veterans is close to epic. Because I have n’t read any books, thoughts were formed too early, and they are not mages. Although the treatment of these veterans is very high, there is no chance to become a senior.

They are all designed in accordance with the duke's collar, so that the veterans have a very high level of citizenship.

As for Xiahe, among the 20 students, epic occupies half, and the rest are all 25th grade upward.

Don't look at the new continent, there are often legend-level battles, that is, wars with demons. In addition, let the legend participate in the battle, usually have to prepare the legend suitable training space, such as magic tower and other environment.

Xia Hexiu has so many large cities, that is, he has too many legends. You have to arrange the daily life of the legends.

Life constructively said: "Everyone pay attention, when you reach Green Forest, you will automatically reduce your level by ten, and don't show your true level at ordinary times. But I don't want to cause trouble, don't have to control him when there is danger. The weapons in our hands can exert great power even if the level is not enough. "

Everyone agreed, Shengmin's costume again said to Lynch: "I will give you a unicorn costume, do not take it out normally, this time I prepared a short pterosaur costume for you."

"If you don't fight, short pterosaurs can't be used, so I can ride a horse."

"Then Trojans." The life construct smiled, which was passed from Xiahe's face in the Tongtian Tower. Xiahe feels very interesting. He is like he is in a phantom array now, but his body is not lying on the bed.

Short pterosaurs are ranked, as are Trojans.

The Trojan's low-level configuration is because Xiahe doesn't want to waste resources. Ordinary soldiers must not be too expensive to ride a Trojan horse in order to catch the road. The principle is that it is cheaper than riding Warcraft, and the price used is equivalent to that of ordinary war horses.

In the early days, war horses mounted by ordinary infantry were also used on the road, and could not be used for charging, so the breeds were not so expensive, and the feeds they ate were not particular.

The low-level Trojan is one such existence. However, the structure of the Trojan itself is very good, if you change the material, you can directly upgrade the level. The level is not high, because the materials used by ordinary soldiers are the lowest level.

Running fast, stable, easy to maintain, and low consumption, these are enough.

However, this nominal college mercenary regiment has fifty Trojan horses, all of which have a level of more than ten, which is considered good equipment. The Trojan horse is also covered with armor, and it can also face ordinary soldiers.

Of course, the real role of those armor is just to make the Trojan more stable and not to be disturbed by the magic environment, so whether it is to chase the enemy or run away by yourself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has a more important meaning.

In addition to Trojans, the universal equipment is the magic musket. Xiahe has prepared three kinds of magic muskets for everyone.

The first is for the mage, and the appearance is a short spear.

The second type is for warriors. It looks like an ordinary medium and long magic musket. It is not very conspicuous. Its structure is simple. The rate of fire is slower than the general musket made by the Duke. It takes about three seconds to attack. But the lethality of this musket is more than three times greater.

The third type is the short-barreled musket. Everyone hangs one. The melee weapon is used within 50 meters. The range of 10 meters is the most accurate.

These firearms are of the type that do not have a lot of ammunition, single-unit attack power, simple structure and convenient maintenance.

Of course, these equipments are all hung on the body and hung on the horse. The standard equipment of the duke was still carried by the magicians. Even those veterans have the ability to equip space items. Simple supplies can still be installed.

Such as clean water bottles, Shiri pills and the like, as well as long-term preservation of dehydrated food, all prepared for three months.

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