Daomen Invasion

Chapter 909: : Mechanical Flies

Xiahe is not a man who can't make a better robot. He can be small. However, that is to give up protection.

The so-called protective ability means that the robot will not be betrayed by external factors.

In his hands, even if it is a miniature robot, this self-protection ability is also given top priority. Otherwise, you have worked hard to manufacture a large number of machines, and in a blink of an eye you become your own enemy, which is ridiculous.

If the robot wants to be autonomous, the logic language inside the wisdom core will have more and more loopholes for the enemy to attack.

Fools are easy to rule, which is the same in the human world.

Shenzhou makes people must be smart, and compulsory education, the price is to provide people with a better living environment. Try to provide a fair system.

Even so, there are still many people who are unwilling to become citizens and unwilling to give.

Such a price must be borne, but that is against humanity. Taoists want to inherit the Taoist civilization, they must constantly absorb fresh blood, and more talents are selected.

Machinery is different, each machine can be manufactured according to their own ideas, how much is required.

And every human being is essentially unique.

The only essence allows human beings to create countless possibilities. The reason why machinery is cheap is because of its unity.

So the world of God Week, the cost of intelligent robots is also very high, most of the cost is placed on the level of loyalty, so that the robot will not betray God Week.

However, the low-level machinery is still as stupid as ever, and must be commanded to exert more power.

The robots and structures carried by Lynch are no different from humans in appearance, but they are not involved in the battle, and they are all together with those Trojan horses.

Lynch also saw that the highest level of these mechanical lives did not exceed tenth level, and the lowest might be one or two levels. It is enough to massacre civilians, and to fight against the professional army, we must rely on quantity to win.

After all, if you attack from the air, you may also order long-range combat.

More than a thousand mechanical lives, against a hundred temple knights, the temple knights may be killed or wounded, and these things will fly. When fighting, the best condition is the death of the mechanical life, and the knight damages one or twenty people. The worst situation is that these mechanical lives are entangled with the temple knights and greeted more mechanical lives.

As for remote?

The attacking distance of flying machine life may be one or twenty meters, which is much worse than the magic rifle.

Lin Qi said: "My people, collect samples in the past, okay?"

John nodded and said, "As you like, this flying fly is the most common armament, and it is worse than the combat effectiveness of some mechanical sims on the ground. There are many samples collected from the temple side, and the information is very clear. You and Lord Cheno Relationships can be accessed directly. "

"No, I just let them know how to collect samples. We are college mercenaries and have our own tasks. We can't fake others."

"Then go."

Xiahe's students listened and urged the Trojan to walk towards the mechanical life on the ground.

Known as the mechanical life of the mechanical flies, the wreckage was spread on the ground. The students of Asla College personally disassembled it, and assembled two complete ones using different mechanical life wreckage.

Although this kind of mechanical life is low-level, you can also see some ideas of the overall mechanical life.

The core design of is a bio-battery, which can be converted into electrical energy by ingesting the energy in food just like real life, and supplied to the whole body. Unlike ordinary living things, this kind of biological battery is extremely efficient.

Xiahe's robots are all rechargeable batteries, of course, some high-end goods can absorb deep space power, or star power, heat energy, high pressure energy and so on. However, the main energy sources are stored in advance. For these mechanical lives, energy is self-ingestion.

The disadvantage is that it is easy to cause damage, the advantage is that the self-replication ability is extremely strong, the production is easy, and the growth type.

This thing, the defensive ability is stronger than the Demon Clan, and it can be reproduced. The birth is directly on the battlefield. After all, the Devil Clan has to go through a period of growth.

Mechanical life is more troublesome than Mozu. Although the demon pollution is more serious, the destruction is more troublesome.

Mechanical life, for humans, is far more dangerous than the Devil Race.

Low-level mechanical life is a great threat. John's Temple Knight's combat effectiveness is not weak. In the face of this more than a thousand low-level gadgets, he must bear at least 10% of the battle damage. These mechanical flies can be manufactured in large quantities as long as they have metal and some biological materials.

Making mechanical flies is easier than Xiahe manufacturing fifth-level robot warriors.

The biggest trouble is, how to eliminate the source?

Mechanical life reaches a certain level, it becomes an independent source, and a large number of mechanical bodies can be copied. There are more than one source, not just those that invaded the main world.

After they found the passage, they would send the army over without end.

The gods didn't care at first, because the level of mechanical life was not high, but when the gods found this kind of thing terrible, they immediately lowered their oracles, and spared no effort to kill them.

Okay, after analyzing the mechanical flies, Xiahe had to start making weapons against mechanical life immediately.

Single soldier equipment does not need to be replaced. The magic rifle kills mechanical life very impressively, but the one-on-one attack, the efficiency is there, and the number of mechanical life is too impressive.

For example, today, there are more than 1,000 mechanical lives. If all of Lynch ’s fifty people are in level 20, there will be casualties. There must be a legend sitting in order to win without loss. Depending on the epic, there may be places that cannot be taken care of.

From the aspect of science and technology, the role of electromagnetic bombs is not too big, but it can effectively reduce the enemy's combat power on a large scale, and the cost is not high. It must be manufactured. Throwing a batch among the mechanical legions is cost-effective.

Sonic weapons can cause the mechanical life to temporarily lose combat power, but these two things are inseparable from each other, so use caution when using them.

Xiahe ’s own main army is not afraid, but the rest of the human forces have to spend a huge price to replace their equipment, so that they will not be injured by electromagnetic and sonic weapons.

May face urban warfare, small mechanical life, trapped with a trap.

The production of spider silk is still quite convenient. If a special musket fires a spider web at close range, the mechanical life of the mechanical flies can be trapped at once. The magic projectile that can release the cobweb is not difficult to design.

Before Xiahe had this weapon, modify it to make the range more than fifty meters.

Sword-like weapons are not easy to use for mechanical life. The best weapon is a heavy lance, but this requires technology, and at least five fighters or more can use it with ease.

Xiahe's army, there are some elite reloaded knights, and those of the Medielian Knights can do it.

Is either a long-handled warhammer, with a simple magic array on it, which can quickly destroy the streets of mechanical life.

Magic Epee is also a good choice, the cost will be higher, and the use is also more difficult.

Xiahe thought about it, and at the same time, wrote his own judgment into a written document and distributed it to the students of Asla College for reading, so that the students could participate. He will not solve everything by himself now.

College students can always surprise him, don't care about efficiency, if there are a large number of people, you can always find suitable suggestions.

The students present, after assembling the mechanical flies, are still testing, using their weapons, attacking the parts by shells, researching the effects, and recording them.

John said to Lynch: "These are useless, the mechanical life is quite complicated, and there are many varieties of mechanical flies. The research understands this and encounters new ones, which is useless.

Life is looking at the sky in the distance, it seems to be thinking.

The sun is still high, making people feel cold. But this piece of sky, with a trace of blood.

Air is poisonous, slightly poisonous, and mechanical life itself also requires air, but the composition of air is different from that required by humans. It looks like it is the means of the demon.

Reshape this world and make mechanical life easier to survive.

Life configuration can quickly analyze the air composition, so Xiahe is also worried. Professionals do not care about this change, environmental adaptability ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Professionals are more than a hundred times more than ordinary people. Do not look at the power gap is not so big, what professionals really change is the ability to survive.

Even if he is a Level 5 professional, he will not die immediately when he goes to the starry sky.

And ordinary people, without protection, leave the atmosphere, they will be finished immediately.

But it is simply impossible for mechanical life to transform the entire main world, but they can create this kind of environment in a small specific area, which is enough.

Mozu knows nothing about life and death, and wants to replicate the experience of some small worlds in the main world. Demonizing the main world seems almost successful. However, they only destroyed in the main world. In the long run, the main world can repair itself, and the time is millions of years.

Mechanical life is not so stupid, they are to transform parts, and for humans, to transform parts is also a relatively simple thing.

But in a short time, this part will become unsuitable for ordinary people to survive.

Life is constructed, there is no own idea in essence, his expression is Xiahe's own. Seeing the anxiety of life construction, Lynch waved, and life construction went over and said, "The air is not good here."

John said: "The temple knows this, but it will not be purified for a while. The real trouble is not that the air is polluted."

"What is that?" Lynch asked.

"Mechanical life is not a demon, they don't want to kill humans, they are enslaving humans." John carelessly used their words instead of them.

"Slavery of human beings?" Xiahe felt incredible. After all, mechanical life is self-produced and self-sold, capable of self-replication. Is human beings useless for them?

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