Daomen Invasion

Chapter 918: : Self-financing

The straightforward question in this sentence, John did not say, just said: "No matter my current identity, or the future into the Holy Mountain Legion, should not say anything about this issue."

"No, I mean, according to secular terms, how likely is it legally?"

"Who knows, there are five pope candidates now, and Irene ranks last."

"They are all in the place of death, I see the mechanical life here, the largest number and the highest level."

"Yes, all came to the place of death with elite, in fact, don't worry about Irene, the temple will not put these candidates in danger."

"That's good." Lynch smiled happily.

But he didn't listen to what John said. Just like not dying? If you are injured, lose your family, etc., you may knock someone down.

Today, Lynch is not the young man who knew nothing. He knew that even if Irene lost her identity, she would not be able to leave the temple, and she would not be able to protect herself.

The temple could not afford to lose that person. If Irene had an accident, it would be more difficult to reach.

In the end, we still need our own strength to have that faint hope. Asra was right, only strength is true. No one can deny this. If you have more power now than the Lord of Dawn, you still need to consider so much.

The temple knight took the space bag. The **** blood warcraft was fed. With John's order, half of the knights directly disarmed and rested, and the other half were responsible for vigilance.

They are no longer included in the combat power, but they really encounter a greater number of mechanical lives, and the two legends can't take care of all. Many battles have to be carried out by themselves. Now take time to rest, and in the place of death, their physical recovery speed is also slow, and the ability of the mount to withstand is far worse than outside.

In fact, there is no vitality in the land of death now.

It may be mechanical life, the seeds were sown, and there was some grass on the barren ground, but it looked sick. Without insects, plants want to spread, it is not easy.

Especially in the place of death, the higher the level, the greater the impact.

These grasses are all ordinary vegetation and have no grade.

I do n’t know if mechanical life intends to use the place of death as its home base.

Life Assembly dismantled all the metal figures, and then smelted the metal with a fire and took it back into his bracelet.

John is also not hot, the temple has gained more mechanical life, the metal of mechanical life is indeed interesting, but it is nowhere smarter than this world. Xiahe used some means to analyze that this metal did not deviate from the scope of Dao Gong research. The threat of mechanical life is affirmed under the Tao Palace.

Tower of Babel.

Medirelli asked, "Teacher, is it important for Irene?"

"Of course it matters. At the beginning ... when I first came to this world, the first friends I met. Lynch ... I can't help him. For so many years, he didn't have any extravagance and tried very hard."

"Irene must be beautiful."

"Why say that, I thought you didn't care about this."

"I don't care much, I was thinking, Lynch, he hasn't forgotten for so many years and won't give up. It's not just because she is beautiful?"

"At first, beauty can attract people. If you want to forget, you have to have a common life. When two people get along, that period is indelible. However, when your life is endless, forgetting can also happen."

"Maybe, or must it?" Medierli asked.


"That's good, I don't want to forget the teacher."

"What is this, I will live well, and you are less likely to die."

"The teacher put everything in hand, but I can't see the interest. That's to prepare for the enemies that will appear." Medieri knew about the palace, but she wouldn't say it directly at any time, it is said , Even across the universe, Da Luo Jin Xian will have a weak sense.

It's unclear whether things are true or not, anyway, just don't take risks.

Xiahe was silent for a moment, and said: "It's not so pessimistic, and the other party has many restrictions. I won't talk about this matter first. I ask you, what happened to the northern part of the New World?"

"It's good. I've been doing it carefully. The Knights didn't reduce staff, but the auxiliary legion still lost some manpower. If they had more robots in their hands, they might have lost more. The robots are still very useful.

"It's also expensive. Originally, my financial resources shouldn't make so many robots."

"No wonder you want to cheat the 400 million gold coins on the princess's side." Medieri laughed softly. She seldom laughed for small things. She usually looked cold.

Xiahe was surprised when he saw it, and Medierli said: "In fact, it is possible to manufacture low-level robots. In small and medium-sized cities, it is protected by an urban protection system and can be made particularly cheap."

"What do you care about, don't be distracted."

"Not distracted, just talk."

"Do you want to participate in governance?"

"Well, I feel that the demigod realm is not far away, and when it reaches that level, it may be more lonely."

"Do you realize this feeling? That's great!"

Xiahe This is the truth, the demigod is not a hurdle for Daomen. But Mediel Li's human awakening must be before becoming an immortal. And it's a human fairy.

When she became a fairy, she was still dedicated to the sword, then it really became a sword.

This is what he is most afraid of, and the road of sword repair is not easy, but he is useless to say next to him.

Medierli awakened early, this danger is equivalent to no longer exist.

For many sword repairs, this is a robbery. The reason why Xiahe was worried was because Medielli dealt with the sword king.

Letting go of your concerns is not what the Immortal Cultivator pursues. Whatever cares are put down, it is not a fairy.

"Medirli, let's not talk about the matter now. In the future, I need you to help me manage the palace. At least part of it needs your strength. Your current identity is the head of the knighthood ... Your star fleet is called the unicorn fleet. Of course, there is no battleship now, and I have no resources. "

"Not in a hurry." Medielian said quietly.

"I will give you the Forest of the Demon Worm. Are you the city master?"

"I'm going to follow you. No one else can point me anywhere." Medieri shook her head.

Xia He couldn't help crying and laughing, saying: "You have always been a knight of the Dukes' Palace."

"But before, the teacher kept throwing me far away." Medirelli blinked.

"Understood, you will follow me well in the future." Xiahe shook his head and said that it was okay. Anyway, the original purpose of cultivating Medieri was to improve the combat effectiveness of Taiyin Xianfu.

If you add Medirelli yourself, if you still have Smith, you can't stop the demigod.

"Teacher, if you add Smith, can the three of us kill the closed guy?" Medirelli said of Juno III.

Xiahe waved his hand and said: "All become demigods, let's talk, if you are for this ..."

"No, I just want to know where we are now."

Xia He thought for a while and understood that Medieli was worried about her lack of strength. Because I am now arranging everywhere, no place has the meaning of giving up. In this case, the power of the entire duke's lordship is quite dispersed. If there is no Taiyin Xianfu World, and there are no five different worlds that have been beaten down, and all the power is concentrated in the main world, the Duke of Zhesu will not escape. The Merrifin family is a weak chicken.

Medelly ran to the New World, really to help, nothing else.

She followed her, and she could do something a little more adventurous.

Thinking of this, Xiahe said: "Actually, I either lack strength or dare not show it. Before the real trouble comes, the duke can be very strong, and I can't myself. If you really need your help, then also The secret of doing it is only to the extent that the gods cannot find it. "

"What about the Merrifin family?"

"It's just a bunch of idiots, you have to cross the sea to fight. I really have to toss the Paine family, and the legion I put there can't ignore it, I must support it. But they feel that if they are not satisfied with killing a legion, they must step on Rhode Island To extinguish my prestige. "

Medellion yelled and stopped asking.

"I heard how many students do you have?"

"Only two, the qualifications are OK. If the teacher needs them, call them back to the main world?"

"No, it's good over there." Xia He knew that her two students had become first-level sword repairs, and their combat effectiveness was quite good, but on the main world side, the difference was not two sword repairs, it was a lot worse. Pcs. Anyway, he can't decide the scale of the war. It depends on how far the imperial nobles and princesses can fight.

There are not many first-level sword repairs in Taiyin Xianfu. The cultivation of sword repairs in Taiyin Xianfu will not be a waste of effort. Let the practitioners have a solid foundation, and the future achievements will be greater.

Jianxiu has no golden fairy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you want to live forever, you have to rely on martial arts.

"Okay, Medirelli, you make a budget, look at the Knights and Fleet combination, how many manpower will be needed in the end, and then start saving money."

"Save your money!" Said Mediel Lixin, I don't want to owe money.

"Do I pay, the Knights are your name, and the fleet is based on the Knights' mounts totem."

"But all this is yours!"

"Unless rebellion, these people are not what you want them to do, they will do what."

Medirelli grimaced and said, "Teacher, you are such a person!"

Xia He smiled, with a gentle smile. He said to Medil Li: "Build up your own power early, even under my door. In the future, Taiyin Xianfu will grow stronger, you really think that it is my student, there will be no one Envy, jealousy and hate? Let this kind of person never have any thoughts. Even if there is no problem inside, someone will know one day sooner or later, you are my most reliable helper. Those who want to deal with me will first find a way. Cut you out. "

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