Daomen Invasion

Chapter 922: : Enemy from nowhere

Baron and Baron Pullman were worried. He received the order from the Duke. He could command the brigade alone and decide to face this change on his own.

There is nothing to hide, the space barrier may not disappear forever.

He wanted to make sure that five hundred people guarded the castle. No, more than five hundred people. He also brought more than a dozen technicians, some of whom were masters and some warlocks who were skilled in calculations.

In the warehouse below the castle, there is a lot of raw coal, because here was originally a transfer station, and we want to transport materials for the port for construction. There are several similar transfer stations.

A small plant for planting is just underground, and the supply of 500 people is still available.

This team is considered to be in a full-fledged state. Among the logistics teams, there are engineering robots. The maintenance of the plant is not a problem.

There is no alchemy factory, but you can build a workshop scale, and the factory parts can be built and replaced by yourself.

But how many years can it be supported?

Pulman did not really despair, but he had to think about his soldiers. You know, if you stay in this narrow space, people will go crazy.

When training, there is a similar space in the illusion.

Let soldiers get used to loneliness, so that they can be trapped in extreme environments. But that was the illusion of adjusting the flow rate of time, which was not particularly true, and the soldiers were accustomed to the plight of three to four months at most.

Can't hold on any longer, this is something that can't be done.

It did n’t take long for the commander of the squadron to come to the upper level of the castle, and Baron Pullman said: "Very bad news, the space is blocked. I do n’t know how long it will be lifted."

No one said anything, commanding the squadron is the core of the entire brigade, mainly based on the caster. The number of combat mages is large, and calmer in the face of difficulties.

"I am planning to stick to the castle for a long time and send robots to explore the surrounding area. Then, our castle has no illusion, and everyone's psychology will be uncomfortable. Over time, the situation may become worse."

"Are we trying to create an illusion?" Said a magician.

"It's not impossible, you are the highest level here, how many levels?"

"Thirty levels."

"Look, our team, there is only one epic mage, rely on your strength to create the illusion, the cost is not low?"

"It will not be too expensive."

"What about operating costs?"

The magician stopped talking, yes, his refining illusion is not a problem, but the cost of maintaining the illusion will be very large. Anyone can create an illusion, why don't other big nobles train soldiers this way?

The Ninth Academy only trains mages with illusions, it does not train the college mercenaries.

Because of the cost, only the illusion created by the Duke can reduce the use cost. A lot of raw coal and crystals are stored in the lower layer of the castle, but it is really not enough to maintain the operation of the magic array.

Another great magician said: "Otherwise, we only create a super-mini illusion, anyway, I know the underlying magic language. It is guaranteed to consume very little, can not be used for training, just go in and enjoy the food. As a soldier ’s reward . "

"This is fine." Barman Pullman immediately said: "Then hurry up and find a space underground to refine an ultra-small illusion."

He was trained on Xiahe's side and knew how important the soldier's heart was to the war.

Baron Pullman should be fortunate that his supplies are sufficient, and he can also consider that in the minds of soldiers, there are not so many raw coals in some small fortresses, nor the manpower and materials for refining fantasy.

In addition, Xiahe ’s plant has no technical treatment for the seeds of all crops, that is to say, the crops you planted can be planted by yourself and the next batch can be planted.

These crops are carefully selected, and the degradation of seeds will not happen within a generation.

"Sir, all weapons have been checked and they are already in a state of readiness." A soldier ran up to report.

Pullman nodded and conveyed the order. The soldiers left the castle for the last time, patrolling the surroundings, and searching every inch of the space.

The location of the castle lies on the south side of the Great Wall. Eight

Squads were sent out, two teams in each direction, carrying a large number of robot warriors.

The space left for Baron Pullman is very small, only a radius of fifteen miles.

Of course, his original baron collar was not so big, but the baron collar communicated with the outside world. These five hundred people are blocked in this space, and the feeling is completely different.

Barman Pullman ordered all the magicians to compile books, or extract information directly from the equipment.

Magician's communication equipment itself is like the core of intelligent computing in the technological world. There are many messy things stored. Usually it is closed, because the magicians don't know what the use of those things is.

Let the soldiers read and study, this is Barman Pullman's choice.

In addition to technical books, there are also some literary works such as dramas, novels, poetry and so on.

For a few days, the commander of the squadron was all around Barman Pullman, and the baron issued orders, and they all quickly executed them. With a baron, this team has the backbone. For the first time, Pullman felt that he was so important. As a leader, he was responsible for the people below.

He was breathless because the order given by Fire Raven One had a special note. When something he encountered exceeded the strategic level marked by the Duke's leader, he could contact the Duke.

In other words, Duke Asra was not completely isolated from the news, but only contacted once. The cost was too great to consume all the supplies in the castle. He also understands that he is a 25th-level magician himself, and it is almost impossible to understand that the space barrier wants to break through.

However, it is not easy to maintain such a strong space barrier, should it disappear by itself?

That his task is actually not to protect the fortress, but to ensure that his soldiers can live well before the space barrier disappears, without any mental problems.

On the front line of the Great Wall, such a situation as Pullman repeatedly staged.

Basically, the fortresses are all at least one large team. There are also smaller bastions, and there will be two squadrons of 100 people.

These fortresses have the ability to simply replenish the passing troops, so although there is not as much raw coal as Baron Pullman has in storage, there are also a lot of them. It is not a problem to support them for several years.

The role of building a fortress was also to store materials.

Because there are demons everywhere, it is impossible for the mobile combat army to carry enough things with them, so it has to have a supply point every distance.

"Master Baron! Discover the enemy!"

A magician cried out loudly. The upper level of the fortress had already been used as an office for early warning. The baron ’s resting place was next door.

In the office, there is a small phantom array, but it is either an entry type or a brigade command center.

Robot warriors are also patrolling the periphery, and an army suddenly appears in the northern part of the Great Wall.

"What is that!" A magician yelled.

"It's a goblin!"

"Goblin? Alien goblin?"

"No, I see, how does it look like the one described in the book?"

Baron Pullman came to the office and looked at the pictures returned by the robot. The distant team was wearing strange armor and riding a grotesque chariot. Behind the soldiers, they carried huge magic muskets. Even if they did not compare with their physiques, the magic muskets were quite conspicuous.

"Go to the Great Wall!" Barman Pullman issued an order, calling two squadrons, from the north gate of the castle, into the top of the Great Wall.

The castle is 25 meters high, and the Great Wall has a height of 20 meters.

The castle itself is part of the Great Wall system. It is not easy to enter the castle from the Great Wall. It was taken into consideration when constructing. However, the Great Wall itself is a transportation highway and a defensive system. It is not a problem to regard the Great Wall as the first line of defense.

Flying robots rise rapidly. These goblins have magic muskets. The precise attack distance may not be very good, but the killing range is still very large. It may shoot people hundreds of meters away.

Ballman ’s brigade can only repair robots and cannot be manufactured independently. The computing core is destroyed. Then the unit ’s machinery

People have disappeared from the establishment. The entire brigade has more than 5,000 robots, but the spare computing core is only one hundred in the hands of Baron Pullman.

He doesn't worry about the more than 200 goblins, but where does the goblin come from in the enclosed space?

If more than two hundred goblins can appear, more enemies can come.

Two squadron soldiers stood on the Great Wall and looked at the goblins in the distance, they were a little nervous. They are all considered veterans, nervous because of this strange closed space recently.

Barman Pullman said: "We save magic projectiles ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ precision shooter, use the technology gun to test to see if they can cause effective damage to them."

Because it was determined that the goblin was in front, Barman Pullman did not intend to communicate, but directly prepared to attack.

There are artillery in the castle, but large-scale magic projectiles cannot be produced here, or the production speed is extremely slow, and it must be completed by the magician by hand.

The castle is used as a supply point, mainly to supply energy, not to supply ammunition.

Since the space is closed, even the power generation center on the lower level of the castle has reduced power generation by 90%, only maintaining lighting, air purification and circulation, planting factory production, and robotic charging. In the evening, lighting control was also implemented.

The power generation center of the magic world, how much demand and how much electricity is generated, will not cause waste.

Pulman Baron was careful in his calculations, and he never thought he would get out of trouble in a short time, so this battle should not be wasted too much. The new type of projectile cannot be refined by the magician's handwork. The structure is too complicated and requires the magical machinery processing of a large alchemy factory.

The magician can make it by hand, is an old projectile.

Since it is hand-made, don't consider the output. If there are too many enemies, maybe everyone will consider melee combat in the future.

The goblins had long seen the city wall, and they also had telescopes in their hands. At a distance of thousands of meters, the goblins wailed and began their charge.

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