Daomen Invasion

Chapter 926: :daily


"It's an angel, and his ability is quite good, not limited by the space. Through him, you can go to many places at a small price.

"Teacher, are you counting?" Medieri said with concern.

"Immortal!" Xiahe said angrily: "What a robbery, I am not a sidewalk."

"Then how to get the same thing as the confession?"

Xiahe was speechless, he was just leaving a back road, any guy who came from a door, as long as conditions permit, would leave a back road to himself.

The barren earth has been stained with blood.

Outside the castle, I don't know how many battles erupted, and Baron Pullman has become somewhat numb. The material loss is much larger than he expected. It was originally thought that it could support more than ten years. It seems that it will be exhausted in two or three years.

The only sufficient quantity is raw coal.

There are constantly enemies appearing outside the castle, initially at one or two times a day, and now there are more than ten times a day.

Robots no longer patrol, anyway, no matter whether patrol or patrol, eventually the battle will erupt on the edge of the castle.

No field battles are available, and the number of soldiers is insufficient. They can only rely on fortifications to fight.

The most important thing he does now is combat assessment. Whether it is pre-war or post-war. If you can't call the magician, you won't. The most thing the magician does now is to refine the mess.

At the end of each battle, there is a short time to collect loot.

In the loot, many weapons and equipment can be destroyed and turned back into raw materials.

Now, every wall of the city is lined with ten firearms that are over five meters long, capable of attacking targets five miles away, with great lethality. It takes about five to six seconds to launch once.

The projectile structure is not complicated, and the Master of the Magic Net can refine it.

The disadvantage is that the barrel needs constant maintenance. If there is no magician, this thing will be bad in two days. ..

This weapon had once penetrated a metal tank, the projectile shattered inside, and shot all members of the vehicle.

The magic crossbow has also been refined. The structure of this thing is simpler than the magic musket. The power at close range can meet all needs. The disadvantage is also to maintain.

The advantage is that the robot can use, this is a magic weapon.

The messy weapons and equipment, as long as they can be refined, will let the magician try. These weapons have a common feature, that is, as long as there are loot to take, then energy will be continuously produced.

Most of the current battles are handed over to robots for the sake of economy. Robots have technology guns, melee guns and plasma guns, which have certain demon-breaking properties. Now with the magic crossbow, the robot's ability to break magic is better.

The enemy's corpses are crushed, refined, and used as fertilizer to feed the plant.

"Master Baron, today's task is completed." The men came to report, and Baron Pullman handed over their refining work, which had been reached that day.

"You just came, you see, I want to add some fortifications outside the castle."

"Master Baron, this is too hard." The magician gently objected.

To build a fort-like fortification, a magician needs to add a permanent magic circle inside the fortification. There are a lot of mages in this brigade, but the permanent magic array refining is definitely a difficult job.

"No, it's not for offense and defense. I want to build some one or two meters high stone columns. Around the stone columns, a certain magic space will be formed. Within this range, the enemy's attributes will be reduced, and all negative states will be blessed. The pillars are basically buried underground, just one foot high on the ground. "

The mage smiled bitterly and said, "Master, if the magic circle is not arranged underground, the power of a single stone column is not great. If the magic circle is arranged, it is a huge project. If you want the power of a single stone column, then you need a higher level of magic pattern. It is refined inside, and at the same time inlaid with the original magic stones. We have magic cannons. The original magic stones are not as good as the magic cannons. "

"Rigus, have you thought about it? Our enemies are still sporadic. If there are tens of thousands of enemies attacking the city, what do you think about it?"

The magician froze for a moment, and said: "We robots now have more than 5,000 enemies, and attacking the castle is not a big deal."

"No, the enemies are not always so weak. In case, those enemies have the battle formation capabilities of the cavalry of the Duke Legion? When united to charge, the magic cannons cannot be destroyed."

"How can it be!"

"Why not, so I planned to set up these stone pillars, mainly to destroy the enemy formations that the enemy might appear. The pillars will be sparse, and the power will gather at some points. When the enemy forms a formation impact, there will be Some areas cannot be balanced. This is the most primitive way to destroy the enemy ’s formation. "

"Okay, Lord Baron, give us drawings." The magician was persuaded.

He had personally seen the appearance of the heavy knight charge. Five hundred iron rides, plus five hundred robotic heavy cavalry, the previous legends were all trampled to death.

Looking back now, he still had a lingering fear.

Among the five hundred people, the strongest is an epic warrior, but the legend cannot even fly, and is trampled into meat sauce.

If the enemy has a similar formation, the magic guns may have lost all their power.

Thinking of this, he shivered.

The alarm sounded outside again, and most of the soldiers were still asleep. Different levels of alarms will awaken soldiers of varying numbers. This time the alarms are weak. As long as there is a team sitting on the town wall, the rest will be handed over to the robot soldiers.

The Baron, do n’t know, this is the normal state of the Shenzhou War.

Usually a squad, commanding robots, cloning people or something, to fight. The biggest task of the soldier is to direct. Training combat skills is to ensure that you will not die on the battlefield.

Not to mention ordinary soldiers, that is, generals or marshals, they must have strong individual combat effectiveness to avoid beheading.

At the head of the city, a five-member team came up, and the team leader looked at the picture transmitted by the large alchemy telescope at the top of the fort in the horizon.

This large alchemy telescope has much stronger properties than the handheld alchemy telescope. It has a longer viewing distance, is easier to refine, and has a lower price.

Because of its size, it can only be placed on a hard platform and carried along with the army, so special tanks must be used. Barman Pullman asked the magicians to refine eight and install them at the top of the fortress. After that, all the reconnaissance only sent flying robots to hover at a considerable height.

The alchemy telescope discovered the enemy, a team of more than 100 people.

Alchemy telescopes have scanned the enemy. The strongest one is only in the early tenth grade. Most of them are ordinary people and only twenty-five professionals.

They didn't even wear heavy armor or anything, just plain clothes, quite bloated, with guns on their backs.

Like a warrior in the world of technology, but with professionals, the source is a bit more complicated.

The enemy appeared in the north, and the captain ordered the robot to attack the professional first. Because the distance was still ten miles away, the captain ordered at the same time to put up the spare huge guns.

He ordered his precision shooters to go to the high walls of the castle behind him and use large alchemy magic rifles to attack the most powerful professional among the enemies.

It should be relatively easy to fight. All the troops that are in contact with the baron have added an additional ten scorpion robot warriors.

Now there are more than 60 robots in the city head, and more than 120 enemies, which is exactly double their own strength.

On the baron's side, there are walls that cannot be collapsed with heavy artillery. If the enemy does not have more than five times the strength, it is impossible to attack.

The captain continued to observe, and he suddenly saw that a professional in that unit looked up at the sky.

Above that location, there was a flying robot that was investigating, and it was over a thousand meters in height.

The professional who raised his head took off a spear from behind and aimed at the sky.

The captain was anxious, but he couldn't command the flying robot. The flying robot was still consciously hovering. This professional must have used any means. Otherwise, once the flying robot has an enemy aiming and locking, it will immediately escape.

Because small flying robots do not carry any powerful weapons, their self-defense capabilities are very poor.

Ten miles away, the weapons that can be attacked are magic ballistas, as well as technological artillery.

"Robot Charlie!" The captain called. The soft voice of the robot Charlie came from the communication channel.

"Madrid, I'm in position."

"Artillery attack, use burst bombs."

"you sure?"

"Ok, I use special authority."


Ten miles away, the professional shot, and a slender projectile flew towards the sky. The flying robot was alert, and a strong airflow was ejected directly from the abdomen. It rolled in the air, avoiding the slender projectile.

The projectile exploded nearby, and the finely crushed metal shot.

However, when the robot evaded, there was armor covering the surface of the robot body and falling freely. Metal debris hit the armor, and the armor was bumped.

Fortunately ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is not a shrapnel shrapnel, but a special projectile that strikes against the position of the rotor or wings.

This flying robot has two pairs of transparent wings to provide flying power.

"Bah? Avoid it?" The shooting professional was surprised. He withdrew the shell, pressed a new projectile, and began to aim into the air again.

Ten miles away, above the castle, a heavy artillery boom roared, and a huge burst bomb flew to the team roaring.

This projectile is not a magical creation, but it has been treated with magic. The surface friction of the projectile is extremely small. Before the people of this team are alert, the projectile has fallen and exploded accurately in the center of the team.

The shock wave instantly blown everyone out, and the non-professional soldiers died instantly.

What surprised the captain was that of the twenty-five professionals, only five had no damage. Are these professionals too watery?

"Madrid, do you want to attack? Cannonballs are expensive." The robot's voice froze, as if with real feelings.

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