Daomen Invasion

Chapter 930: : Medieri's flagship

"Of course it is different, Medirelli, you have to remember what I said, our own world is the only truth. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā"

"How is it determined?"

"No need to be sure, the self in the parallel space is dead, then the self is the real self, the only self."

"Maybe, we are the people created by others in the illusion? Otherwise why is the world divided like this, which is not reasonable."

"Medirli, you know, the illusion over the Sun City can really be a creation. For example, the people inside can come out alive and have soul origins at a price. If the people in the illusion lose control, kill After we replace it, who is real? "

"I just talk about it casually." Medirelli said with a smile: "Teacher, are you feeling better now?"

"Much better." Xiahe sullenly faced, when was Medieri not so direct?

"Teacher, either, shall we find something to do?"

"Find something?"

"Huangjin Lux, can you make a very powerful one?"

"Yeah, but it's not much use, it can't deal with the fairy."

"Then design a powerful war machine that can really grow up. Didn't you make Lucifer? You should be able to create another way."

"That time, it was an accident."

"It's no surprise this time, let's design together."

"What is it for?"

"Just as a game, when I was a kid, I cut a wooden sword myself."

"It makes sense, what shall we do?"

"I heard the teacher say that there is a dragon in that world, and its power is much stronger than the giant dragon in this world. Or, build a dragon?"

"Haha, dragon, that is a natural creature, how to make it?"

"The unicorn is still a holy beast. The teacher hasn't built a large number of constructs yet."

"That's not the same. The Shenlong let go of its shape, bigger than the Tongtian Tower, hiding, and smaller than the mosquitoes. It can control the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and it can go into the sky. It ’s a legendary creature. I have n’t heard of becoming a god. ”

"Teacher, let's not build a structure. According to Huangjin Lux's thinking, build a dragon that can be put on the body at ordinary times and thrown out when fighting."

"Feeling boring ..."

"Or, host a ring game?"

"Also boring."

"Let's fight."

"Called this afternoon."

"What the **** does the teacher do!" Medirley asked with staring eyes.

"Let's build a boat for you now. There is nowhere else to use the materials in the Tongtian Tower. I still have some on hand. Star worms have more and more stored resources.

"The teacher finally remembered this matter." Mediril suddenly smiled.

She really wants to have a boat that can travel the universe when she is not immortal. Now she can too, but the risk is too great.

"You said to build a dragon, I can't make it. I can build a starry flagship like a dragon. I can still do it. It just costs a little bit more ..."

"Teacher, I will return, I will return!"

"Then come with me." Xiahe said, turning around and leaving, and Medirley was excited, and followed Xiahe to his independent space. This independent space is also quite rare, with a large space. Only Tongtian Pagoda and similar places like Mount Vajra will be built.

Even the Twin Cities, there is no such complete internal space.

Around the space, the buildings are scattered, the style of Shenzhou, the cornices and the arches are more attractive than the buildings of the city of Juno.

In the space, the artificial sun hangs above, and there are rivers and forests on the ground, and the area is very small. The central location is a huge Daomen formation, made by white jade.

Xiahe is here to design and refine all kinds of weird things, but also to practice here.

In the Sky Tower, it is no longer possible to absorb the power of deep space. Here it is okay. The efficiency has not fallen too much.

Xiahe took a piece of bright yellow paper and spread it on the ground. Then he painted in the sky. The brush was painted and the true gang condensed into ink, and a vivid dragon was drawn on the paper.

Medirelli looked at it seriously, not missing every stroke.

When Xiahe finally finished painting, his fingertips flew out a bit and landed on the paper, which suddenly burned. Medirelli was surprised, what was it for?

Then she saw a translucent dragon flying out of the fire, only the size of a thumb, and circling in the palm of Xiahe.

"This is the flagship computing core, you take it and keep it."

"Alas." Medieri took a leather bag out of the lunar fairy ring and took over the flagship computing core, the miniature dragon, and put it in carefully.

"Teacher, what does it eat?"

"Soul origin, but not too much. In addition to the soul origin, the most consumed is jade. At the beginning, the lower grade jade will do. When it does not need the lower grade jade, give the jade liquid."

"Do you want to keep feeding like this?"

"Depending on the situation, this thing only needs to eat jade when it evolves. Usually it absorbs the free energy in the air."

"That's okay, I can't afford it if I feed it all the time."

Medirelli said that Xiahe spent six hours to make this thing when he sensed the lunar fairy ring. She was staring at the side all the time, and didn't feel the time passing. However, the level of the two people is high enough and energetic, and the soul has evolved several times, and there is no feeling of not sleeping for days and nights.

Xiahe took another blank drawing, paved it, and began to draw the drawings of the starry flagship.

Mediterrie only understood one-tenth of what she had just painted. This time she could basically understand it. Very few did not understand it, and she was not in a hurry to ask. Xiahe also painted for a while, and stopped for a while.

Xiahe started with a skeleton, with long spine and meandering. This means that the shape of the battleship itself can be bent. Unlike other battleships, the shell is fixed.

The middle of the spine is empty and there is a long passage. Xiahe opened at this time and said, "This is the weapon track, which can accelerate the projectile to sub-light speed. Of course, it was unbearable at first, and it had to be upgraded slowly. "

"That's not invincible anymore?"

"How is it possible, the more powerful the weapon, the harder it is to launch it once. Do n’t look at us as the main world. At the edge of the universe, there may be a huge secondary world. There may be a lot of similar star warships over there. You Launch once, while others launch thousands of times. "

"Ah, that's useless?"

"Of course not, the flagship is not here to fight, this is a self-defense weapon, so as not to encounter the existence of the level of the fairy, there is no power to fight back."

Xiahe finished, and continued to draw the curved ribs on both sides of the spine. Each rib was also hollow. Medieri saw clearly that the ribs actually provide energy to the spine. The formation of each rib , More complicated.

Then there is the skull, which is different from other star battleships. This skull is the main cabin. Command and pilot are here, and the battle part is all arranged. The chaotic barrier space technology is used inside, and the small-world fetal membrane is also prepared. The leading part can be viewed as a separate battleship.

And the latter part, even if it is abandoned, is the loss of some materials and weapons.

The flagship cannot be made too large. The staff of this dragon ship is mainly placed on the head, and it is not enough to open up space.

"Teacher, don't you say, the dragon has claws, how bare?"

Xiahe once painted the fascia and said: "In the torso, I will arrange five formation spaces. You can do it yourself. After the excitation, five claws will be born, and the energy body will become visible. You can directly urge it. Like your own sword, close melee is powerful enough. "

"This is good." Medieri rejoiced.

"The battleship or something must be unique. The teacher is going to build five fleets, which is as fun as others."

Medieri concentrated on the sword, but it didn't mean she didn't like anything else.

Otherwise, she will not read as many books as Smith.

"Mainly in the cosmic sky, many melee battleships are quite annoying, flying fast and difficult to lock. With these five dragon claws, you can easily destroy the flies that wrap up. It is the dragon horn that really releases the powerful sword gas attack. It can be stored in the same way as your sword bag for a long time. It is not necessarily your own. As long as it is sword repair and the level is enough, it can be stored inside. "

"Teacher, I look at the arrangement of the faucet, it is very powerful, is there still a need to exist behind?" Asked Medilly curiously.

"Of course, the latter part is for bullying."


"Just kidding, the energy stored inside the faucet is spare. Usually, the resources carried in the dragon body are used to urge the battleship. The tail of the battleship is the usual weapon launcher, which is based on scorpion machinery. The design principle of human firearms is a very mature technology.

"Is there a fin behind this?"

"It's a dragon fin ..."

"it works?"

"The shield generator can also strengthen the signal. You are the flagship."

Xiahe added things a little bit, and Medirley asked one by one, he was not bothered, and he slowly explained to Medirli.

It took almost a day to draw the three-dimensional drawings of the battleship.

Xiahe Excitation Array ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Overlay the drawings. In the array, the three-dimensional figure of this dragon ship emerges, which is translucent and can be seen clearly inside and out.

The leading part is the most complex and solid, the core of the command system, and the most important part of the entire fleet.

Inside the torso, mainly store materials, energy, layout, various weapons and so on.

The spine of the dragon ship, the hollow launch track, ends at the mouth of the dragon head. This is the main weapon. The dragon horn is equivalent to the sword pocket. It is also the main weapon, but it is only used for close range attacks.

The weapon other than the dragon's claw is the dragon's tail. A round hole can be opened at the end of the tail fin, and dozens of launch ports.

It can be seen that the dragon ship's faucet is the Daomen style, and the technology behind this world is still dominant. This is not a perfect work, but it has unlimited possibilities for improvement.

Although it was Xiahe's time-passing design, even if it were so refined, it would be much stronger than the flagship of Huowan-1.

This is a flagship designed specifically for Jianxiu. In the future, Medieri will be able to refine it into a fairy sword.

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