Daomen Invasion

Chapter 942: : Before disappearing

Organizing documents and allocating tasks, mainly because the space blockade is about to disappear, Baron Pullman is ready to integrate the surrounding forces and allow the Duke's army to be as large as possible.

There is a legendary mage on his side, two legendary constructs, and the epic mage counts him, and there are also four people.

In terms of strength, it is not weak.

And he may also advance to legend soon, and being a battalion general is not a problem. He can now at least serve as a deputy general.

Everyone below is busy, checking all the configurations, robots.

The soldiers reported that they had to repair their equipment, they had to check everything on their bodies, and then they had to inspect and repair the weapons in the castle.

Over the years, the soldiers did not die in battle, but they were disabled. Fortunately, with medical equipment and prosthetic limbs installed, the combat effectiveness did not decrease much.

These artificial limbs also need to be re-tested, and the brigade will also provide spares, so as not to lose it on the battlefield.

There are too many messy things. On the side of Barman Pullman, he has to put important supplies on himself and another legendary mage. The loot must be carried with you. There are many strategic materials in this castle, such as refined raw coal crystals. Such a thing, the magician will not carry too much.

Trojans have been useless for many years. Although they will be repaired every month, it may be far away from the castle this time. Fire Crow One personally inspects Trojans, plug-ins, various constructed weapons and so on.

The castle was busy, but the Shazhen people were not in a hurry. Anyway, he calculated clearly, and he wanted to see the Duke, he had to have years.

Over the years, he helped Baron Pullman, and he also gained a lot of loot and actual combat experience.

The speed of spiritual practice is almost the same as in your own world.

He did not plan to leave, just to wait for all the space barriers in this world to disappear.

As before, he still called the disciples of the doormen to come and preach, and instruct everyone to practice. The rules of the Tianqimen are still very strict. He is in a high position and does not dare to neglect.

In the sky, flying robots keep on going and monitor the surrounding environment.

Although Sha Zhenren said that the space barrier is about to disappear, and in the past month, there have been fewer parallel space visitors to and from this world, and everyone still dare not take it lightly.

Five hundred people are too few after all, and the robot lost half, which means that the combat effectiveness has dropped by more than one third.

Fortunately, there are more and more weapons in the chaos in the city nowadays, all of which are special weapons refined by using the spoils obtained by killing invaders in parallel space as resources.

On the right hand side of Sha Zhen's residence, there is a huge magic crossbow, which is as long as a lance.

The two mutants were guarding the magic crossbow, plus five soldiers in the Tibetan cave behind them, and forty robot warriors standing outside.

These people are guarding the magic crossbow, of course, looking at Sha Zhenren, although they can't help it.

In the distance, several miles away, in a camp, dozens of metal tanks surround the camp, with a large self-propelled artillery in the middle.

The officers met in the barracks, one by one, with a serious look.

"General, why don't we attack? The enemy is already within our range!" A young officer, with a contemptuous look on his face, clearly.

General Bai Fa, wearing a straight military uniform, sat at the end of the long table and said, "We are also within range of the enemy. They are too lazy to attack. Do you know why?"

"Because there is no courage." The young officer sneered.

"Because this is a magical world, our technological weapons do not hurt them so much. We don't think they are threats at all. Or that they don't want to waste resources and fight us."

"Haha ..."

"There are a lot of parallel space entrances in this world. If we do n’t attack, we will soon encounter other parallel space enemies. And if we attack, how to attack. Is it bombarded with artillery? Let the soldiers climb the twenty-meter-high city wall? "

"Lord General, you mean, we have surrendered?"

"The other party will not accept the surrender. The investigators have looked around. In this space, there are only traces of fighting, but there are no corpses, no damaged equipment, and everything is cleaned up."

"General, the order of the committee ..."

"I have full power to command, are you questioning me?"

"Dare not."

"Don't dare, don't say it. Let's observe first, at least look at the other party's fighting style, and then decide how to attack. We only have three thousand people and can't afford it. Major, what would you say?" The general looked at a young officer on the other side.

"There are only three days left for our supplies. To be precise, there are only three days left for drinking water. The water generator is not good in this space. There is food, but there is no supply within three days. We will be severely short of water. "

"Then wait two days and attack on the last day." General Bai Fa said lightly.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded, and on the electronic map behind the general, a team of less than 1,000 people appeared on the west side, approaching here.

General White Hair immediately opened the communication and said, "Pass my order, artillery troops, carry out intimidation."

Ordered to deliver it layer by layer, the three artillery fired quickly, the shells fell 500 meters in front of the army, the smoke rose into the sky, a huge shock wave, the cavalry in the front row rolled out, the horse roared lament.

The soldiers on guard on the Great Wall looked at the scene and laughed when they saw this scene.

In the past few years, the reason for keeping the castle is purely because these intruders will fight each other when they see it. In many cases, before waiting for the castle to start, the two sides have almost killed.

Because it is impossible to unite, and the advanced attack on the castle suffers.

Anyone who sees a wall that is 20 to 30 meters high will drum in his heart. If you hit it, you will have to lose a lot of money, and then you will be attacked by someone behind your back. This is basically the rhythm of extinction.

However, since they cannot coexist peacefully, there will always be losers in the end. The winner is still scarred. The people in the castle are not good men and women. This is a **** army.

If one side falls and the other side is seriously injured, the castle will send people out to clear the battlefield.

Kill all those who survived.

"Seriously, didn't you hear what the baron said?" A squadron leader reprimanded: "Now it's the most dangerous time. Seeing the space barrier disappear, more enemies may appear. Put your pride in, if It ’s not that the Duke built the castle, replenished so many robots, and had enough material reserves, everyone has long been dead. "

The soldiers did not dare to refute, and laughed away one by one.

The squadron leader said: "If we can survive, this time we have accumulated a lot of merits. In the future we will be able to live a good life under the Duke. But don't lose everything because of your own intentions."


The captain below responded with a lead. This is an old saying. On the battlefield, being too proud is not a good thing.

"Okay, there is another hour to change the guard, you are all cautious."

After the squadron leader finished speaking, he was silently in sight, observing the picture brought back by the flying robot.

The science and technology troops in the distance, after an artillery warning, the force apparently from the magic world, rushed forward like crazy, and did not mean to stop.

And it seems that this 1,000-person force is quite experienced, immediately dispersed into dozens of scattered teams, dispersed, and rushed towards the camp of the technological world.

Very powerful!

The squadron leader made a judgment in an instant. This unit from the magic world, each squad that was dispersed, had a magician lead the charge, and blessed the team.

These magicians seem to be at ease, at least level 20 upwards.

If the tech world can't solve these magicians, the steel cavalry wearing magic armor after being close to them is the nightmare of the tech world soldiers wearing cloth armor.


The squadron leader was surprised that in the past month, the impact of parallel space has been reduced. Before this morning, there were three groups of enemies. I hope that what I have said is not a crow's mouth.

The fourth batch of enemies appeared, and the squadron leader couldn't hold his breath, and immediately reported to them.

In this squadron, only he is a magician, actually less than fifty people, all the wizards are working. Because there haven't been many battles recently, the standing teams are basically not full.

All the Magnet Masters have been transferred to work, mainly to repair equipment to prepare for the subsequent operations.

Relying on the castle before, some things are not used, such as Trojans, such as personal logistics and so on.

All mages have to buy a batch of scrolls.

The squadron leader also bought some reels and exchanged them for merit. He was not distressed, but he was not allowed to owe money on the battlefield. Everyone had no money and could only use merit to exchange. Fortunately, within the limited purchase quantity, the price is still very cheap.

There are also scrolls that do n’t require money ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But using that kind of scroll to kill the enemies, the merits are reduced sharply, it is better to buy it by yourself.

The Duke's leader does not have to reclaim these merits. This is to encourage everyone to use their weapons as much as possible.

If you do n’t need to spend money on the scrolls, these mages will throw the scrolls when they are in danger, and throw them if they have enemies. Xiahe ca n’t afford to consume them.

Shortly afterwards, five magical structures walked up to the head of the city, and the one headed said to the squadron leader: "Construction No. 1001, please direct."

"Okay, one thousand and one, help me direct the robots, and monitor the movement of the enemy in the north. You decide when to fire."

"Okay, Sigma Squadron Captain." The outfit nodded and agreed to immediately control the robot warrior with the other four companions.

The soldiers in Chengtou are also a lot easier. These five configurations are all up to level 30, which is equivalent to the human epic mages. Constructed battles may not be as complicated as humans, but on the battlefield, everyone likes simple and crude things. The speed of constructing and releasing spells is faster than that of human mages.

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