Daomen Invasion

Chapter 945: : Buddha Soldier

One hundred and fifty people survived fifteen.

However, these fifteen people, although with tears on their faces, have not died yet and are still qualified soldiers.

"Logistics squad, stay to help them check their bodies and supplement their supplies. The rest of them follow me northward, and there is a place five hundred miles away that needs to be explored."

"grown ups……"

"This is an order. They finished the inspection and followed up with the logistics team."


The following soldier replied loudly, Baron Pullman said: "Order the Great Wall Castle, send two of our own chariots, and send another 10 loot chariots. It ’s still not safe enough, the space barrier disappears, but the parallel People can still come over. "


Barman Pullman waved his hand and set off with nine teams, leaving a logistics team to handle everything in this fortress.

On the logistics team's side, this time I only brought a tank with a treatment cabin inside.

But that was for the seriously injured, and the medical equipment was used for the examination. The guardian series configuration is the main thing of the logistics team. The injuries on the battlefield can be treated to ensure that the soldiers will not die because of serious injuries.

The medical equipment also injected medicines to give blood to 15 surviving soldiers for examination.

The supporter configuration is a miscellaneous brand configuration. At this time, the march food was heated and given to 15 soldiers.

The fifteen soldiers didn't seem to be hungry, but they had to prepare the heated food, and they all ate.

The logistics team leader said, "Are you hungry?"

The scarred soldier said: "No, I haven't eaten this rice for a long time. In the past year, we have lived by eating each other's mounts. Fortunately, these **** have mounts, otherwise I have to eat people.

The squad leader was startled by him, and the soldier laughed and patted him, saying: "I heard the squadron leader said that the guys coming from the parallel space look like people, actually they are not. They are a shadow . But even the shadow is definitely disgusting to eat. Do n’t be afraid, I ’m normal too. ”

"I'm not afraid." The logistics team leader reluctantly said.

These fifteen people were filled with a strong **** smell.

"Or, drink a bar?" The logistics team leader asked.

"We are still fighting. We haven't taken a break in six months and can't drink. The Baron Fangcai told us to finish the rest, just follow us, and we have to fight."

"The baron will not march too fast, and there will be chariots to follow up. You will set off after two hours of rest and give you an approved dose of sleeping potions in the water."

"Did I say ... I feel dizzy."

Fifteen soldiers touched their heads one by one, and the logistics team there asked the robots to help them change their clothes and wipe their bodies.

The soldiers soon fell asleep, and the logistics team leader sighed. Although these people tried hard to persevere, if they did not come to the reinforcements, they would really collapse.

He didn't know that one hundred and fifty people survived only fifteen. Not all those who died before were all killed in battle. Some are because they can't bear to commit suicide.

It's just that those who survived can't bear to tell the truth, otherwise the soldiers who committed suicide will be punished.

Everyone has a family.

People are dead, why not? Before they committed suicide, they also fought **** battles. I just could n’t see hope and could n’t continue.

Baron Pullman led forty-five people, as well as a large number of robots, to continue northward.

But this time, he didn't increase the speed to one hundred and twenty miles, but just moved forward at about thirty miles. At this speed, the robot can go on for months without stopping.

Five hundred miles, for ordinary people, is a very long distance.

An ordinary person walks ten miles in one hour, and five hundred miles in fifty hours.

And ordinary people cannot be like professionals, insist on rest for two or three days, and still be able to participate in the battle. Although this is also a very hurtful thing, after all, professionals can do it.

The ordinary warhorse, the endurance is not as good as humans, and the hybrid Warcraft warhorse is needed to march for a longer time.

So Xiahe wants to invent the Trojan, even the original Trojan, the speed is so serious.

But on the issue of staying power, Trojan horses explode a lot of Warcraft, not to mention ordinary war horses.

Among the forty-five people led by Baron Pullman, there are ten truly elite cavalry, and the others are also riding on iron horses.

The carrying capacity and endurance of the iron horse structure are slightly better than the Trojan horse.

Forty-five people, with robots and magical structures, walk slowly on the barren ground. Ten elite cavalry, closely guarded by robots, walked to the front.

In the sky, flying a miniature six-pointed star airship, two flying robots.

In more than five years, the number of flying robots has also lost a lot, but this time around the rescue, you can get a lot of computing cores for the robots. Nowhere else can maintenance be done, and on the side of Baron Pullman, as long as there is a computing core, a brand new robot can be rebuilt.

The cavalry moved silently, and the soldiers behind were not prohibited from communicating.

There is no complaint, everyone just wants to rescue as soon as possible, hoping that the task can be completed as soon as possible, and go back to Twin Cities to have a good rest.

In five years, many young boys have matured.

Just listen to a team leader say: "Don't dispute, you must have land allocation this time. On the New World side, the Duke has too many sites, and people with enough merits can get the land. Now the land is not planted. If there is no food, and there is no magician or construction help, there will be no money to be made with land. After all, you have to wait for the war to stop. For the time being, you wo n’t be able to cultivate the land. "

"Henry, why is that?"

"Did you not see it, just the fortress, obviously the space barrier disappeared, or was under attack. If we don't come, they can't stand it. How can we grow in such an environment?"

"So what are you going to do?"

"What should I do, continue to be a soldier. Anyway, the Duke can learn something. When I go back to the Twin Cities, I apply to study at the Tongtian Tower. I plan to get a piece of land and raise sheep."

"Haha, raise sheep!"

"What's the matter, I look at the catalog of animal husbandry breeds, there is a kind of sheep mixed with abyss, which is very interesting, although there is blood veins of abyss creatures, but it will not cause any pollution, and there is not much danger. This sheep's wool, not only The Duke led the recycling, and there was a lot of demand in the empire.

He said this, the soldiers around him all sounded to him.

The captain of the squad recommended to them the bibliography to study, and after retiring from the army, what to do for a living.

Although it is said that the five hundred of them, the merits gained in the past five years, are enough to make them worry-free, but who doesn't want to live better. What to do for children and grandchildren if they eat and die.

"Everyone pay attention, there is an army in front, nearly a thousand, twelve and a half." Baron Pullman said to each soldier on the communication channel.

Immediately, each team leader paid attention to the information of the flying robot and the six-pointed star airship.

The six-pointed star airship is in front, and it is the enemy trail it has discovered.

In front of a dry forest, opposite the dry river beach, there is a camp. In the center of the camp, there is a wooden statue with a height of more than thirty meters.

Baron Pullman has never seen that statue style.

He had to inquire in the badge, but these would consume merit.


Barman Pullman found a vocabulary that he didn't quite understand, and it was specifically represented by a text symbol.

He patiently consulted the information below and frowned.

Buddha is a symbol of religion, similar to God, but not God.

But the power of the Buddha is not weaker than that of the gods. They also have believers, powerful armed forces, and powerful ability to cast spells.

Buddhist disciples, collectively called monks, are like a combination of magicians and warriors.

This is not very good, as a robot, and now there are only more than 500 forces around him, and there are a thousand on the opposite side.

Judging from the information queried in the badge, this thousand Buddha soldiers are more difficult to deal with than any enemy.

The 30-meter-high Buddha statue, which can form an effect similar to the magic tower, is even more difficult to attack.

Barman Pullman had a headache, and it was only a hundred miles away. It was impossible to make a detour. He did not dare to put this thousand people behind him, and he might cut off his escape route. If there are enemies ahead.

Want to deal with this army, do you want to build on the 18th?

Barman Pullman turned his thoughts in his head and gave up. He said to a small captain: "You, go back to our castle at the fastest speed, and say to the real man, the strange enemy we encountered, show him the image . "

"Please ask him for help?"

"No, just tell him that we found this strange enemy. Ask him if he knows what it is."

"Yes." The team took the projection stone and led it away. In the projection stone, the picture passed back from the six-pointed star airship. The huge Buddha statue was quite clear.

"Master Baron, what shall we do?"

"Don't worry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Rest in place, camp, and wait until the tank troops arrive."

The people under him naturally had no opinion, and the magician took out the materials needed for the camp and started camping on the spot.

This squadron-sized camp will have an earth platform in the center, built by the magician, as a base for giant magic guns or various types of artillery.

In the past few years, it was the battle to protect the castle. There was no need to waste marching materials. The things camped outside were still new. The magician raised the earth platform, and inserted eight huge shields around the earth platform. If the magic pattern was excited, the earth platform would be protected.

This is similar to the magic armor concept on the team captains, which can jointly cast spells to form an air shield.

The magician installs a giant magic rifle on it, and is also equipped with a small magic ballista. The magic ballista is not a standard equipment. It is a rapid-fire type and is close-in. If a flying unit approaches, this magic ballista can instantly fire hundreds of tiny metal crossbow arrows.

Around the camp, the magician still built the earth wall, and then inserted a magic flag every ten meters.

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