Daomen Invasion

Chapter 949: : Demon

The singularity itself is difficult to detect and is not a fixed location. Xiahe has yet to find a way to deal with it.

Of course, this attribute is very annoying for people in parallel spaces to come over. They do not know where they will appear.

Anyway, if it does not appear directly in the city, it will not cause huge losses to Xiahe.

Unlike other nobles, most of his leaders live in cities.

Although Rhode Island has many farmers and herdsmen, it is also concentrated in the middle. The north is the mining area, the west is the training base, and the south is mainly trade and fishing. The eastern part is the political center of Xiahe.

Not only Xiahe, but also the Nine Great Magic Academy is still being blocked.

The places where the space barrier disappears are all relatively weak in this world. Xiahe has nothing to help, he can only hurry up and do his own thing.

Various buildings appeared around the Tongtian Tower. The nearest building is also five miles from the Tongtian Tower.

The Tongtian Tower is a fairly safe place. Xiahe needs a place like the city of stars in the New World. The Forest of Demon Worms is one. If the Twin Cities are to be given to the nobility, the fortress is mainly to protect the resources. In the area where the Tongtian Tower is located, the quality of the surrounding mineral veins is high and many, and between the Forest of the Demon Worm, a large area is full of treasures.

Therefore, the Tongtian Tower should be used well, and within a hundred miles of the surrounding area, a safe area can be formed.

The future of the New World, just like Rhode Island, is centered on large cities, surrounded by small and medium-sized cities, and interdependent.

The existence of a planting plant allows the field to be used for growing some cash crops, as well as grazing.

Of course, these products are for nobles, to enhance the style.

The common people can only eat the goods of the factory, and the diet of the nobles comes from the beautiful fields.

Of course, this is bullshit, and Xiahe won't believe it. Daomen needs good things, it will transform a planet, and specializes in the cultivation of raw materials for refining Elixir.

That kind of planting plant requires huge investment.

This kind of general wild food is just that. The taste may not be as good as that from the plant.

As long as the plant is willing to invest, even Lingmi can be planted.

The factory is cleaner than outside and will not be polluted.

The city circle around the Tongtian Tower was designed according to the calculations of these years. The urban planning is very characteristic. Almost within an average distance, there will be a tall building. The role of this building is to exclude singularities. Although all buildings have this ability, this building is very special and can connect the surrounding buildings into a network.

In addition to this building, there is the Magic Clock Tower.

It is also evenly distributed. When the magic clock of the magic clock tower sounds, the singularity of space will be turbulent. In other words, even if singularities appear inside the city, they will be affected.

People who dare to enter the parallel space of the city can easily die in the process of crossing.

All tall buildings are the nodes of the urban array, forming a continuous network.

The humans in the sky tower gradually migrated out and entered the inner city life. The huge metal ring on the sky tower begins to release the light that covers the city circle, alternating day and night, turning on, off, and back and forth.

The huge metal ring has been refined and evolved repeatedly, and now it has been equipped with many magic cannons, even with legendary levels.

In fact, living in the Tongtian Tower just makes people feel safe.

Soldiers are tired of this closed space, even if there is a phantom.

When the outside city opened, the soldiers were so excited that they finally no longer had to live in the tower.

The huge circular city has a magic tower every twenty miles from the periphery. They are only six floors, not high-level, but also built of artificial stone, without using high-end goods such as obsidian.

The peripheral defense circles of the city, which are usually patrolled, are mainly constructed and various robots.

There are many robots with modular towers on the Tongtian Tower. The magicians usually have leisure time, so they design modular towers to play as a relaxation.

Therefore, the modular tower is ever-changing, from the earliest robots to the hottest models nowadays.

In theory, the modular tower can replace all other types of robots, but the cost is not low.

On this day, Huowa 1 took the initiative to contact Xiahe.

"Eleven years?" Xiahe was surprised. He was still immersed in his experiment. Unconsciously, the surrounding space barriers have completely disappeared.

"Yes, eleven years."

"How many places are still separated by space barriers?"

"A lot, more than a hundred places."

"So much!" Xiahe was surprised. That is not to say that there are more than 100 places in this world where the strength of the Tongtian Tower is concentrated.

"Well, there are so many, I will give you the map."

Xiahe nodded to Huowa No. 1 across the sky and said, "I'm watching, Juno City is not surprised, and the Ninth Academy is not surprised. The rest of the mess is nothing."

"It's all the forces that we didn't know before." Huowa No. 1 has a human voice, a bit naughty.

"That's okay." Xia He didn't mind, because he and Medierli both controlled very well, and it seemed that no one would think he surpassed the demigod. The same is true of Medirelli.

Mianhua Jack contacted Xiahe on the tower, and Xiahe asked what was the matter.

The Tiantian Tower is more than a year later than the Princess County. The space barrier disappeared. The Princess has sent a lot of people to come.

"You are welcome, I am still at the Tenth Academy of Magic."

"You are back, Lord Duke."


"Well, over there at the Tenth Academy of Magic, the floating city was successfully manufactured, leapfrogged into the sea, and came to the New World."

After hearing this news, Xiahe was a little dizzy. Is this true?

Floating city, it sounds so refreshing.

"That, Xia Ye, he is not in a good condition."

"what happened?"

"Come and see for yourself. After flying back to the floating city, stay in the Yamaguchi city. The princess went to see in person ... As a result, the summer wild disease is more serious and the Tongtian Tower was sent today."

"I'll go by now."

In front of Xiahe, a space door stood up, he stepped into it in one step, and then walked into his room inside the Tongtian Tower.

Then he flashed a few and came to the upper level. Xia Ye lay on the bed and saw Xia He and laughed.

"Hello, my mission has come to an end."

Xiahe reached out and stopped again. Xia Ye was not a real human being. He is just a life construct. However, he has wisdom and feelings.

"I don't know, will you be sad, anyway, I am very sad. Life is really short." Xia Ye sighed.

"What happened to you?"

"Order Libra, don't allow me to live. I'm either assimilated or destroyed. I don't want to be assimilated by Order Libra and be part of it."

"How can it be?"

"The last time I used Order Libra, things changed, and this thing came alive. If I were not isolated at the Tenth Academy of Magic, but by your side, it would not develop to this point."

Xia He's eyes were bright and he looked at Xia Ye's eyes.

In Xia Ye's eyes, two golden weighing pans of Libra appeared.

Even if he is a demigod, nothing can change. The essence of Xia Ye is still too fragile. The use of Daomen is congenital deficiency. Now no matter what material Xiahe uses to make up, Xia Ye will disappear and reappear, not the original Xia Ye.

"What is your wish?" Xiahe asked in a low voice.

"Libra of order, it's very powerful. I don't want it to be destroyed. It can be used for you. Let my consciousness disappear. Come on, don't let it devour me."

Xiahe nodded, held out his hand, and put it on Xia Ye's forehead.

Xia Ye's head, like the bright star-like light spots, flew one after another and was drawn into Xiahe's body. Order Libra launched an outrageous attack, and a powerful force rushed towards Xiahe's soul.

In the depths of Xiahe's soul, a thunder sound exploded, and the scales of order suddenly fell silent.

After all of Xia Ye's consciousness and memories were taken away by Xia He, Xia He's palm thunder and light rose again, covering Xia Ye's body. Xia Ye's body turned into a mass of green colloid, and it looked like soft sapphire. In this colloid, the gold-colored order scale seemed to tremble.

Xiahe repeatedly urged the thunder force to baptize.

After not knowing how long, Xiahe called out: "Andusias ..."

"Princess!" A huge flame demon jumped out, and his level actually reached the 80th level. But now, this flaming demon looks better than a dog.

Reaching the demigod state, he found that the gap between him and Xiahe had become greater.

And he also understands that he can never surpass the other party. In the depths of his soul, the Six Gods are growing stronger, but they can't be elusive.

"Become ... Forget what you like, I will give you freedom, and follow me to do things in the future."

"Yes, protagonist." Anduzias smiled.

Xiahe took out the entire set of tarot cards, which was flawed at the beginning of the design. Although he made up as much as possible, it was unfortunately not meaningful.

This thing can't be used by others. Xiahe simply put it into the colloid in front ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ uses the power of Lei Chi to integrate.

Over the years, Lei Chi has grown to a terrible level, and the accumulation of Lei Shui is also quite rich.

Xiahe Thunderlight baptism took four days and nights, and the power of the Thunder in the Thunder Pond only consumed more than 60% of the points.

Amidst the thunder, a black gold three-legged fire crow slowly formed.

This three-legged fire crow is seven meters away, and its feathers and flames are flying, but even if you reach for it, you can't feel the temperature. When you feel the temperature, it's death.

The fire crow fell at the foot of Xiahe and said, "Master Daojun ..."

Xia He didn't know what emotion was in his heart. Without Xia Ye, he got a three-legged fire crow, and it was the Taoist creation that opened the spiritual wisdom.

In the thunder, life was born, it really was.

This three-legged fire crow is one of the best Taoist artifacts he made. Before becoming an immortal, there will be nothing better than it.

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