Daomen Invasion

Chapter 952: : Minister of Power (2)

This kind of thing made Xia He understand the truth, and some people had to be power ministers.

If you are not tough, you will be eaten by others.

The people around the princess want power and want to suppress themselves. If you know yourself, you should make friends with them before you can get the chance to communicate with the princess.

However, Xiahe didn't care to play these with them. The power of the princess had no way to control everything in the empire. Now, let him bend down and get no benefits.

If it is an emperor, he may endure himself.

Xiahe lost a lot of people. In addition to the death of more than 200,000 soldiers, more people died. The main ones were the nobles of the imperial territory.

In the current Six Realms City and the original Six-Sided City, all recruits have grown into veterans, and Xiahe ’s own main army has been replenished.

In Princess County, half of the noble legions withdrew from the city. Outside, there was a flying legion.

The people around the princess had no brain damage to prevent the army from leaving.

Princess Angelina was very troubled. The people around her had their own ideas. Regarding Asra's affairs, she knew that this was not in her interest. But because of this, all the people around me are replaced?

Angelina discovered one thing, even if the people around her followed him for many years, most of their sources were arranged by her father. Unlike Asra, his people are actively surrendering to the past.

On my side, there is a huge interest group.

Asla, he is like a king.

This matter, she had to suppress it, and she couldn't make trouble. It is now difficult to clean up the noble rebels on the New World without Asla ’s help. It is not impossible to directly mobilize the royal army, but where is the cost.

This is the idea of ​​the people under his command, and he wants the Royal Legion to fully intervene. In this way, the influence of the minister of auxiliary government can be weakened.

But he invested 400 million gold coins by himself and developed the floating city. Is this the case?

"His Royal Highness, Highness!" A young magician ran in.

"Why are you yelling." Princess Angelina said with a smile on her face. This young mage was cultivated by himself and was different from those.

"The transformation of the magic furnace is done!" The young mage was delighted.


"Your Highness, don't you say that you want a magical furnace with dual attributes of water and fire?"

"So fast?" Angelina remembered that she had indeed arranged such a task, which was specifically done for the Master Group she had trained. It was about six months ago.

This idea has been around for a long time, but similar magic furnaces are all placed in fortresses and used for large-scale ordnance.

If it shrinks, it becomes unstable.

There are too many techniques in the empire, and no one will pay attention to this. When Angeli case chatted with Xiahe before, when Xiahe talked about it, and later found this in memory, let people try.

Unexpectedly, it really succeeded.

The mage gave the magic crystal to Princess Angelina, which contained drawings, and Angelina immediately immersed in the design.

In the center of the drawing, there is a circular magic array, intertwined with water, fire and magic patterns, achieving a wonderful balance.

And the outer magic pattern is very concise and super stable.

The Princess Angeli case pondered and calculated that she wanted to find out the flaws in it. If there were no contradictions or conflicts, you can now make samples for the test.

Once successful, this magic furnace will bring better power to individual armor.

Whether it is attack or protection, there are qualitative breakthroughs.

She fell into research like this, which is a very common thing for magicians, and originally nothing. But when she woke up from the research, she heard noisy outside the door.

Angelina was very angry. She walked out of the door and saw half of her core mage group in the corridor.

"you guys……"

"His Royal Highness, Madeus, Heguila, Catlin, Stemanvis, Julian ... they are all dead."


Princess Angelina was surprised. These people, all members of their own mages, how could they all die? Several of them are legendary mages with great strength.

"The bones are gone and burned to ashes." A middle-aged mage said sadly: "This is a provocation against His Royal Highness."

Angelina's complexion became quite ugly.

Asla started? However, it is not possible to kill someone in my own princess county without knowing it.

"The murderer?"

"No fierce beasts were found, what happened in the early hours of this morning."

"No murderer, what are you doing here!" Princess Angelina's voice was a little sharp.

"Go find it!"

"Your Highness ..."

"What do you have to say, Depp." Angelina held back her anger and asked her second master mage with Yan Yue.

"This matter, the Duke Asra has the greatest suspicion. He had conflicted with Julian before."

"Then you go to the door and ask if he did it." Princess Angelina said sullenly.

Depp was embarrassed and said, "This is without evidence ..."

"Then what do you say it does."

"Your Highness, Your Highness!" Another person ran from the stairs to the corridor.

Angelina felt a headache and exhaled, saying, "Say."

"Geely is dead."


"The messenger sent there last time."

Angelina was silent, and she suddenly discovered that Asra's suspicion was indeed very large, no evidence was needed. Geely came back from the duke's side, but he never saw him.

Suddenly died? Then several magicians died beside him.

Asra, your hand stretches too long.

Angrily, an official came and submitted a document. Angelina looked in her eyes and couldn't help sneering: "Very well, look at it."

The document was circulated to the Princess Mage, and it turned out to be an official document issued by the Duke.

The joint army is no longer needed, and the situation on the New World side is stable, so the forward base on the other side of Samsung Town is cancelled and ships have been sent to send people back to the mainland.

"You guys, satisfied?" Angelina was angry, not only for Xiahe, but also for the people around her.

How could Asra's temper not be clear. If you can't suppress him, then don't provoke his dignity.

Well now, Samsung Town said it would be dissolved.

"Your Highness, Duke Asra is too much ..."

"what happened?"

"Finally, here, he wants everyone to jointly lay down the territories of the Merriffin family and build a wartime command center there. Then he started fighting against the half-elf empire. After the half-elf empire was defeated, he would fight the green forest, and ... It ’s Leo Continental. I think he ’s crazy. "

"I think so too……"

"His Highness, let's remove his post as Minister of Political Affairs."

"Nonsense, that was given by Your Majesty, I have no power." Princess Angelina said sullenly. Only then did she discover that her father still had such a hand.

If you ca n’t figure out Asla yourself, you may not be able to do anything.

"Your Highness ..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let Asla and Muses come to me, we are ready to clean up the new continent."

"What happened to the Master Master?"

"Without evidence, what can I do with him, you say!" Angelina is really angry, this matter, she is difficult to behave on both sides.

And she really just doubted, without any evidence. If no one came over from Asra, he died on his own, and he should not blame him for anything.

But this thing was probably done by him. If he did it, Angelina also had a fear in her heart.

Several legendary mages and several epics died so silently.

This Asra is really not a good courtier. But his father arranged him because it was easy to use. This is also a test for yourself. If you don't handle it well, you won't get that position in the end.

I originally wanted to share with Asra the new magic furnace, but now it seems, forget it.

Own elite army, priority equipment, technical confidentiality.

There was a gap in Princess Angelina's heart.

Xiahe's side originally meant this, he didn't need to be so close to Princess Angelina. Because sooner or later, he will replace it.

It's a bit of a contradiction, but it's also a good thing, lest I get too close in the future, I am embarrassed to start.

Xiahe was busy meeting Sha Zhenren. Sha Zhenren brought thirteen Taoists to the Tongtian Pagoda. Seeing the thousand-meter-high Tongtian Tower, Sha Zhenren also admired for a long time.

This duke is amazing.

Xiahe was on the upper level of the Tongtian Tower, and he saw Sha Zhenren, and he didn't greet him. Sha Zhenren was accompanied by Barman Pullman and entered Xiahe's room, he was a little restrained.

Sha Zhenren and Xiahe knew each other first. Xiahe saw his level at a glance, and felt that Tianqimen was really powerful. It is not the main world that has cultivated the fourth-order Taoists. Sha Zhenren is definitely not the strongest among the Tianqimen, otherwise he will not be assigned to such tasks.

Tianqimen, I am afraid there is a fairy.

"Pullman, you have worked hard all these years. Before you gathered the army, you did very well." Xiahe said to Baron Pullman.

Barman Pullman suddenly relaxed in his mind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Not nervous at all.

The Duke is still that Duke, which is no different from his attitude towards himself.

Everyone was seated, and Xiahe said to Sha Zhen: "Tianqimen, I know. When Qiu Xuanji came, I told him. If you are willing to join, I am very welcome."

"Qiu Xuanji is my teacher's nephew. What is he doing now?" Sha Zhenren can't see Xiahe's level, and he has some drums in his heart, so he is very polite.

"He is now a legendary spellcaster, and I have been in charge of the coalition work. Samsung Town was originally responsible for him. However, Samsung Town wants to abolish the coalition base. He has nothing to do temporarily. I will give him a legion. Still the commander of foreign joint operations. "

"A legion?"

"Yes, about 150,000 people. If you count the robots, build, and have a mess of power, you have close to two million combat units. Of course, the core force is still human soldiers in 24 battalions.

"In this world, wars are so frequent, how can they develop ..." Sha Zhenren listened and sighed.

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