Daomen Invasion

Chapter 954: :march

Anduzias turned into a human teenager, with red lips and white teeth and a sunny face.

As a demigod flame demon and learned some cultivation methods, Anduzias changed his appearance, but he was still comfortable. Otherwise, he couldn't become the messenger, and went to Princess County to kill nine masters.

Martin did shoot, but those legends, but he killed.

Martin created an opportunity, Anduzias seized it instantly.

The demise kills the legend, no difficulty. It's difficult not to be found. Without Martin, he couldn't find such an opportunity, which made Andusias not too proud. Martin, an assassin of more than fifty levels, played a role many times greater than he thought.

Medirelli was beside Xiahe, not speaking, his face cold.

Fifty unicorn knights felt that this was a matter of course. The commander of their own legion has always been like this. They are all too proud to be one by one.

Xiahe looked back, and the fifty knights all wore masks, which could not stop Xiahe's sight.

This time I selected elite, fifty epic to construct knights.

If it is another profession, epic is nothing. In this era, the number of epics is very large. However, when the construction knight reached the epic realm, with the powerful construction mounts, the construction armor, and the collective battle, the legends below level 60 did not dare to confront head-on.

The equipment is too good to make up for a certain level gap.

This is what Dao Gong is most good at. The ordinary magical configuration can't really do this.

Behind the mask, the knights saw Xiahe's gaze, and the pride and enthusiasm on his face turned to respect. Medierli was very effective in brainwashing them. All the knights respected Xiahe very seriously.

Everything on them was designed by the Duke, except the War Song.

As long as they shouted Asla's name, they could quickly form an indescribable formation, crushing all the powerful enemies ahead.

Such brainwashing is most effective.

Xiahe looked at the army of a battalion he brought, and walked silently on the road, with a breath of killing.

Everyone's armor has a few dozen scars, and a gorgeous cape covers the outside, creating a strong contrast.

Human soldiers, at least ride on Trojan horses. Trojan horses are also a kind of construction and have excellent mobility.

The iron horse configuration designed by Baron Pullman, for Xiahe, cannot be placed in the main force.

The cavalry of the main force, riding a short pterosaur configuration, has great power. The iron horse structure only has more charge functions than the Trojan horse, and it is more difficult to damage.

If this is the case, he might as well add a magic circle to the Trojan, and he can achieve the same effect.

However, the iron horse structure is also valuable, low cost, easy to manufacture, and the same as the Trojan horse. In addition to the main force, in the secondary legion, it is impossible to spend so much money to build a short pterosaur structure. Then there will be quite a market for the iron horse construction.

These veterans ...

Xiahe was glad that they did not let themselves down, and it was worthwhile to promote Lingmi.

In this battalion, the real walkers are robot warriors. Because the robot warriors use high-energy batteries, it is a waste to equip them with mounts. The joints and transmission systems of robots are both balanced in strength and speed, and can follow the construction of horses to march in a hurry.

The main legion finally looked a bit.

The core equipment is the main standard equipment distributed by Xiahe, and then the soldiers will buy some gadgets themselves. Many people hang their own unique equipment, and only the Duke of Xiahe can take care of the soldiers in this way.

A soldier can apply in the illusion, check his physical fitness, skills, etc., and then the illusion will give a data to mark what kind of personal equipment the soldier is suitable for.

If the soldiers are willing, they can spend money and let the Duke's computing core create equipment for a small soldier alone.

There are many similar gadgets, such as a sonic dagger and an exciting formation, which can explode with powerful speed to achieve the purpose of breaking through heavy armor. When heavy weapons are damaged or lost, this gadget can also be temporarily replaced.

For this reason, the main legion of the Duke seems to be not as neat as the noble legion.

But this kind of irregularity has an indescribable taste, like a kind of culture and a kind of heritage.

Looking closely at these soldiers, they are tidy again, and are quite consistent in soul, and have a tacit cooperation with each other.

If it were n’t for Lingmi, these soldiers would soon grow old, and because they consumed Lingmi daily, they could fight at least sixty years of age. After sixty, physical fitness will decline, although the level will be higher.

However, Xiahe has a decommissioning system, and he can retire at the age of 50 unless he is an officer.

After the age of fifty, if the army continues to requisition you, the military pay will be at least doubled.

"Sir, this time we are past, what is the princess going to do on the ground?" Anduzias couldn't help asking. He killed someone in Princess County and went back again, feeling a little uneasy.

"Nothing, just talk about what to do next."

"Communication magic, can't you say?"

"Actually, this time in the past, I am afraid that it is against me and Muses. Let us two follow the princess all the year round, and the military power is also handed over."

"Is it possible?" Anduzias chuckled.

"Of course it is impossible. The princess is also dissatisfied with me. This is just tapping to see the effect."

"What if it doesn't work?" Anduzias wondered.

"I didn't plan to do it. I wasn't happy that she abolished the Allied base in Samsung Town."

"I don't understand." Anduzias shook his head.

"Women, I don't make her happy, then she also tries to make me unhappy. As for this behavior, what's the benefit for her? She doesn't care."

"Angelina, it's not that kind of person." Medirelli said suddenly.

"She isn't, but many people want her to be, so she has to do it once." Xiahe explained patiently to Medieri.

"Then you just said that?"

"Because in the heart of Her Royal Highness, she also hopes to be capricious once."

Medirelli was speechless, maybe the teacher really looked at people more deeply. But Her Royal Highness is in that position, which is really pitiful.

Xiahe seemed to hear her voice and said: "The princess, she wants power herself, and is quite an empress, she has to pay enough. To be an emperor, you don't have to have a good father. You see me as this Duke, is n’t it easy? Not everything has to be done by oneself. After all these years, I have n’t been relaxed. "

"That's when you drove all the women away." Medirelli occasionally vomited, and the effect was wonderful.

Xia He felt that what she said made sense, and that she bothered to send Ovilla to the world of the Immortal Palace in Taiyin, for fear of being used by the emperor.

Then, Abigail left without leaving.

When Abigail was by his side, he occasionally could drink a little wine, chat, and see the scenery.

now what?

Medierli is indeed a woman, more beautiful than those two, but the two people do the most thing together is to fight life and death.

Medielli couldn't find a suitable opponent, Xiahe, why not?

Fighting skills, you do not hone, and never achieve the desired results. It is absolutely impossible to talk on paper. The actual combat between Xiahe and Medieri consumes a lot of resources.

Without money, you raise a fart.

It's impossible to train with Medirelli. Her sword abyss was released, and it was magnificent, and the sword awn was even brighter than the galaxy. Xiahe is going all out to keep his advantage.

And he can't really kill Medirelli, he can't use the six gods.

The so-called go all out, but also remove his most lethal skills.

"Duke, there is space fluctuation in front and parallel space." A soldier came to report.

Xiahe nodded, he had long sensed that it was people in parallel space crossing over, causing the fluctuations. However, on his own site, the crossing effect caused by the singularity is not good. This time, there are hundreds of people. There are no great troops. Hundreds of people pose no threat to this army.

"Shall I go?" Anduzias was about to move.

"Go." Xiahe did not stop.

Hundreds of people, for the heavy knight, is a matter of one charge, two squadrons can solve it. But Anduzias can save time and reduce costs.

What this guy does is free, no need to calculate merit.

Anduzia urged the Trojan to run out quickly. His Trojan was made by himself, using a little abyss technology. When he ran, the purple flame of the Trojan's body flew, quite dazzling.

Anduzias soon saw a team in front of them, all of which are tall trolls. This is a mixed-race creature that has some relationship with the abyss. From the point of view of most creatures, the troll is too ugly. Very dirty.

This troll army, wearing shabby leather armor, has the hair as if it hasn't been washed in decades, and it smells bad ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's hot eyes after a few hundred meters.

Anduziaston was crazy. After he became a human, he developed a quirk, that is, he hated dirty things. Although he did not reach the level of cleanliness, this smell was enough to irritate his demigod.

How to kill them to be happy!

A long whip of flame appeared in Andusias's hand, sweeping forward, a few hundred meters away, the front suddenly turned into an abyss purgatory, the flame rushed from the earth, and the powerful force even blew the trolls into the sky .

Then these hundreds of trolls burned at the same time.

Anduzias walked away in hiding. The troll could not survive, but the burning troll exuded a stronger odor.

It stands to reason that the taste in the abyss is not good, but why can't you bear it?

"Andusias, it's pretty good." Medieri praised.

Xia He thought for a while and said, "It is indeed powerful. Among the strong men of his level, it is also the best choice."

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