Daomen Invasion

Chapter 958: : Accept the task

"It's a modular tower, a combination of robots and mages' toys." Xiahe Road.

"Mage? Robot?"

"Yeah, who said that magicians can't play machinery? Module towers can be attached to build small components, and magic guns can be installed on them. The mage likes to study some independent small magic components, which are installed on non-magic devices and happen separately It ’s just that I do n’t encourage or stop it, it ’s their personal hobby. ”

Muses looked at the modular tower robot in the distance and envyed him.

Duke Asla's men always had so many talents. After working so hard for many years, they didn't accumulate much.

The height of the modular tower robot is only about four meters. It stands to reason that large robots are based on five meters. However, this modular tower has an indescribable and heavy feeling, as if it is tens of thousands of heavy metals. The parts are assembled and no trace of magic is visible.

Then, it carried a magic cannon.

Behind the magic cannon, sit a mutant who is less than two feet tall. The mutant has no legs and is more like an empty shell on the upper body. Under the constructed armor, it seemed to be empty.



The module tower walks on the ground and is debugged. The metal parts on the body repeatedly change the order, and occasionally spit out a little steam at its head position.

That is to say, inside the module tower, there is an old magic furnace, which burns coal.

"It's great," Muses admired. He tells the truth, so many parts that look like **** are actually listed according to the basic laws of this world. It seems to be a machine, but it is actually a perfect combination of machinery and magic.

No, it's not perfect, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

However, this design has deviated from the original intention of the robot.

Don't look at it's rusty appearance, it needs to be scattered at any time, and its protection performance is better than most armored robots.

Xiahe was also observing himself, and soon got the information of this modular tower.

The mages have transformed the modular tower beyond recognition, but the core idea is still a changeable mechanical device. The center of this robot is two spheres, the upper and lower structure, the part connected between the two spheres is three flexible metal columns.

The sphere above is an old magic furnace that burns coal.

This magic furnace is the most mature model with almost no room for improvement.

The sphere below is the latest model of bio-energy battery.

The three metal pillars are power transmission devices. The two spheres are protected and the output is on the energy transmission device around the three metal pillars.

The magic furnace is self-disciplined, which is the most successful transformation of the magician.

Because this type of magic furnace is abnormally stable, it is possible to be constrained, otherwise it will affect the operation of the science and technology side law due to the violent transformation of elemental power.

In essence, it is this magic furnace with a little computing power, not the half mutant who plugs in outside.

In the middle of the three metal columns is the calculation core. The magic furnace is an auxiliary calculation, mainly to help the magic decoration of the module tower.

The messy design has many whimsy in it.

Most of them are low-level designs, which can be done by mages below level 20.

"Try it, try it!"

A young mage yelled loudly, and an old mage beside him shook his head, and he created a teal stone puppet.

The stone puppet walked slowly forward to meet the module tower. It didn't want to go fast, but when the old mage made it, he paid full attention to defense, and he didn't intend to let it attack the enemy. This speed is two or three times faster than the turtle.

The modular tower looked bloated, suddenly a crouching motion, a click inside the lower limb, and then jumped up, looking at the position of its right arm, a ray of more than ten meters long appeared.


The module tower landed, Xiahe shook his head, who designed this special, good magic cannon is not used, engage in melee.

The power is great, is this a waste of resources?

The stone puppet was cut by this light and split into two halves from the center. At the cut position, the smooth feel of the crystal shimmered.

Angelina said in surprise: "High temperature?"

"I don't know, it should be."

"I feel that it is only more than a thousand degrees. Why is this the case?" Angelina doubted her perception, but she was a legendary master over level 60.

"Special attribute of light element, that is not energy blade." Xiahe vaguely said. He probably knew the direction himself, but the weapon was not designed by him, and he did not dare to talk nonsense.

The modular tower split the stone puppet, his arm shook, two pieces of stone puppet flew out, he turned around, kicked one of them, and the magic on his left shoulder shelled out, just a small element ball, blasted on another piece of stone puppet on. The elemental ball was not in, and the half stone puppets turned into powder, flying all over the sky.

Fighting robot ...

Xiahe is speechless, the design is really good, the speed, strength, and timing of fighting are perfect under the premise of the same level.

This combination of modular towers may not be what you want, but the person who compiled this program is amazing.

Of course, this is because in his large illusion, there are development tools that can extract the combat skills of various warriors and program their own combinations to form a unique combat style.

If there is no such tool, no matter how talented mages have to spend a lot of energy to get such a thing out, instead of everyone researching and studying together, they can come up with finished products.

The golems in all kinds of magic towers can now fight by themselves in fixed mode.

It has been a long time since a magician has developed this kind of thing. The combat power of the golem itself is already very good, and the modification has little significance.

The cost of robots is lower than that of construction. If you have the combat effectiveness of construction, then the meaning of construction is growth, level, and depth of development.

Robot warriors, it seems that the number does not have to be that much?

"Duke, can I pick some students from the Tenth Academy of Magic in the future?" Princess Angelina's eyes were hot.

"Of course, we said in advance."

Angelina blushed, and she forgot about it. It was just that Asla and the court mage faced each other, and they wrapped themselves in.

Damn Asra, since he didn't plan to repay the loan, of course he could choose some students and join his own group of mages.

As for the loyalty issue, this kind of academy is not Asla ’s private, he has an influence, but it does not let students really kill their lives against the royal family.

Besides, Asra has his own magic academy, although small in scale, but the students are absolutely loyal.

Rather than engage in the Tenth School of Magic, it is better to concentrate on cultivating his own private students, that is the longer-term.

The three men again looked at Muses ’army. The 6,000 men of Muses were also quite elite, but most of the equipment was purchased from Xiahe.

This is something that can't be done. Muses can't waste his energy on these. He has become too senior and has no time to develop his territory. He can only buy it from Xiahe.

After all, Xiahe's products are cheap and easy to use, and he is willing to sell them at a discount.

Weapons purchased elsewhere cannot guarantee quantity, quality, and delivery time.

What Xiahe saw was different from what the princess saw. Under Muses, there were many children of laws. The children of these laws are well controlled by him, and the soul is in the hands of Muses.


Xia He sighed in his heart, and Muses was still unable to resist the mysterious god. No wonder, his level of upgrade was so fast.

Lynch, after all, there is only one.

I do n’t know what happened to him now. I ’m sure he did n’t die, but after so many years, Lynch went to the parallel space, which made Xiahe feel anxious.

His own life structure was not damaged, and with Lynch, he could not get in touch.

The parallel world is really a mysterious place.

The higher the Lynch level, the greater the significance of Xiahe's research. Lynch is the son of the law, but when he came to this world, he gave up his dependence on the Lord God and grew up alone.

This does not explain anything. People like Lynch are too rare.

The children of Daomen's research rules are very long, and similar things are very rare. Xiahe wants to know how Lynch resisted the main god.

After watching the barracks of the two men, Angelina asked the following people to write two documents and go to her alchemy factory to transfer 500 large robot warriors.

This is to prevent the appearance of an abyssal demon. The abyssal demon has a huge body. Although the army of two people is composed of professionals, it is very disadvantageous to deal with the demon and some people with insufficient strength.

Large robots are more than five meters in size, and the lightest ones weigh a few tons.

The other is that the alchemy factory should prepare the materials needed by two people within a month. Princess County, as a supply center, also gave two people a large transport airship, and the flying fleet was added as a supplement to call for air support at any time.

Mucisi was sure that the princess did not let him go in order to pit him.

Xiahe returned to the camp to rest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ did not go to the residence arranged by the princess. At night, he greeted him on the 18th, and said, "You go to the Tenth Academy of Magic and ask if Sha Zhenren wants to come over. There may be strange races here.

"Master Duke, do you want to mobilize more troops to come?" The 18th build asked very humanely.

"Of course not. I'm here. It's more useful than a legion."

"Yes, but Lord Duke, don't shoot at will, there are people looking at us. The court mage, who was deadly wrong, died without seeing anything."

"Haha." Xia He laughed and asked the 18th outfit to leave quickly, looking for Sha Zhen.

Xiahe really didn't want to do it by himself, if Sha Zhenren was willing to help, even Medierli didn't need to work. The old Taoist was very keen to fight, and helped Baron Pullman before, many times because of his itchy hands.

The eighteenth figure is very clear, and Xiahe also understands Sha Zhen's temper.

If he said so, he would definitely come to help.

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