Daomen Invasion

Chapter 960: : Shot in person

It did n’t matter to Muses. When he had these things, he was just full of guns, and he did n’t give away the entire base. This time Asra is also bleeding, these little things look cheap, the problem is that a base magic projectile is sixty-four. The technology projectile is 128.

The equipment of hundreds of thousands of people adds up to a huge number.

He commanded the army himself. He knew very well that the magic configuration and flying warships seemed expensive, but they would last for a long time if they were not damaged.

But what about magic projectiles? Thousands of tens of thousands of gold coins shot at a time, don't feel much.

Of course, this is for the main army. The main army ’s pension is very high, and he would rather spend money on weapons. If it is an affiliated legion, alien legion, you don't need to work so hard to build. Is there less pension?

In some small worlds, the pension is only a dozen silver coins, and the lives are worthless.

Is the magic projectile worth the price? Should it be put into use in large quantities? This is not a difficult question to answer. Prior to this, each war, both sides will project magic crossbow arrows, the consumption is as huge, and the effect is not as good as magic projectiles.

Magic projectiles have at least a clear level of lethality. What level of projectiles can achieve what effect.

As for whether it is true or not, that is another matter. The training of magic archers is much more difficult than that of musketeers. Not to mention Xiahe, where Muses is at hand, there are also a large number of precise shooters, enough to cope with the stage of long-range shooting.

From the perspective of cost-effectiveness, technology projectiles and magic projectiles are similar. If you are willing to spend more money on technology projectiles, you can also get the magical projectile's killing ability at the cost of a decrease in production. The production speed is limited by the number of magicians.

The magic crossbow arrows are not as cost-effective as the two.

Muses was satisfied, and after discussing some details with Xiahe, he contacted his base camp. At present, Muses has less than half a million elites, and the rest of the strength, or combat strength, or loyalty is wrong.

The blockade for several years was a training process for him.

All those who concentrate their troops in large cities and conduct defensive warfare will not suffer much.

Many noble armies are scattered, there are deaths and injuries, but in the end they failed to train elite soldiers.

Xiahe didn't want to pit Muses, the magic projectile was not deducted. Of course, the main reason is that the resources for making magic projectiles, which are regarded as public resources, do not require any rare materials. Technological projectiles are cheaper because the manufacturing cost is lower, and the projectiles produced from the mechanical assembly line can quickly match hundreds of millions of robots.

Xiahe's elite standard is a soldier who can command ten robots at the same time. Of course, this is extreme operation, the best choice is to command five. This is the standard bottom line for the main legionnaires, and no one is qualified.

The secondary legion or noble legion can command three, and one is also allowed.

Soldiers who cannot command robots are not regular troops.

Attack the Merrifin family, ready for half a year, that is, the end of the year. Although it is winter, the Merrifin family is in the southeast part of the central empire. The winter is not too cold, nor will it snow all over the sky, at most a few cold rain.

The coalition has to act now, because it is only a regiment that transports Muses and does not need a huge fleet. The fleet is ready-made.

Xiahe promised to use his troops to lay down the port first, and the rest was relatively simple.

The most concentrated places of the Merrifin family are the port and the main city. Xiahe promised these two most troublesome places.

What Xiahe thought was simple. On the port side, the kinetic weapons directly controlled by the star flagship ended the wave. There were too many civilians in the main city. Unrestricted massacres could not be carried out. It is the same way to deal with the Duke of Zhesu. The Merrifin family will either go out to fight, otherwise I will slowly eat into your territory.

Let others do the things that cannibalize, and Xiahe will concentrate on the siege of the main city.

But before that, Xiahe had to clean up the southwestern part of Princess County with Muses.

He and Muses looked at the map first. In the southwest of Princess County, there are small hills, and then to the south are the truly towering mountains. The world passage is inside the hills.

This limits the offensive, but it is even more troublesome to want to come over the world channel.

This world channel is formed, and there are no creatures coming from the other side, but there is an abyss breath leaking, it can't be too cautious.

Not to mention the strength of the main world army, if you are attacked by a demon, you will lose a lot.

There is also a space singularity near the world channel, which is even more troublesome, and will cause people in parallel space to come into the main world. The rules of the main world are not loose, parallel space, can transfer large groups of people to come, much wider than the world channel, not to be called singularity, that is not a small point.

Xiahe and Muses led a battalion, Xiahe walked a hundred miles westward, approaching from the other side, and Muses approached in the east.

In the hilly area, on a small open space, an elf army is resting.

The warriors of this elf army are tall, and probably look like two meters on average. Like Xiahe's elite, every elf is a professional.

Around the camp, tall wood was used to build the tower, on which stood the crystal eyes released by the wizard.

A powerful elf army of about 5,000 people, a silver elf flying in the sky, does not look powerful, but when the flying robot is approaching at a height of several thousand meters, the elf is crazy Cried.

On the tower, the elven archer looked at the sky, frowning one by one, issuing a warning.

Four kilometers away, it is impossible to hit.

The armies of Xiahe and Muses are in place. They are still far away from the world passageway. There are probably more than one hundred miles. The elf army coming out of the singularity of space looks much stronger than the half elves.

However, for Xiahe, these are already games, and he is only a little scrupulous, so after the space barrier disappears, he has not taken it in his own hands.

This elf army has no major threats and a small number. There are more than 100,000 robots in two people, and even pushing can solve the problem.

The detection distance on all four sides of the camp was about five miles, but it was far from enough.

Xiahe's legion must be detected within a hundred miles of the camp, whether in all directions or over the sky. Because of his own weapons, the attack distance is more than twenty miles, those magic cannons and technological heavy artillery. Xiahe's army is now scattered in the east of the hills, and the mages have fixed the heavy artillery at a position thirty miles away from the elf camp. In future wars, without long-range detection, they were beaten unilaterally.

Xiahe did not know the opponent's defensive distance, but this old-fashioned army was more than ten miles away, so he placed his troops in the position of ten miles and prepared all the infantry to charge.

Fifteen minutes later, all the troops were in place, and the technical heavy artillery and magic artillery fired at the same time.

At the same time, in the sky, a four-kilometer-height airship dropped 128 scrolls down, all of which were large-scale fireballs.

Reel sequence transmitter.

When the opponent's legendary mage was not dispatched, the airship attack was really terrifying.

The reel was launched, and the legendary mage under Muses, which appeared behind the fireball, crashed down. The powerful breath radiated out, and the strong among the elf troops stunned.

Just a moment of hesitation, the fireball first covered the ground, and then the elemental ball and the technological shell fell.

Muses looked at his vision blankly. This was not a war, it was a one-sided slaughter. If the opponent discovers an airship, sends a legendary mage to expel, and kills, there will be no first wave of fireball coverage. The following technology shells can be solved with magic spells. The magic cannon can also allow the epic mage to intercept and destroy.

But his four legendary men, after releasing coercion, everything is over.

There may be more legends on the other side, but it does n’t make sense to make a shot. Large fireball, each fireball is about six meters in diameter, forming a range of attack, the power is far above what meteor fire rain.

Every fireball is a dangerous existence. When it does not explode, it can still be destroyed. After exploding, the legendary mage can only resist it and can no longer restrain the fireball.

More than one hundred fireballs blew up the elf camp, and the subsequent attacks made the destruction irreparable.

The elven army of five thousand people was directly wiped out by remote attacks, leaving more than a thousand people. Who made their camps so intensively designed and lacked remote protection.

Both sides are full-time soldiers, and there is no difference in level. The difference lies in equipment and fighting philosophy.

In the elf camp, the breath of twelve legends rose into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, the legendary elves flew to the sky and rushed to the four legends under Muses.

They just hesitated and caused irreparable losses.

The legendary elf is angry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is so angry that he has lost his mind.

Four legends under Muses, open the magic book at the same time.

Thundercloud Storm Electric Chain ...

The legendary elf flew too fast and rushed into a thundercloud storm. The pages behind the magic book opened, and a series of magic poured out madly.

The figure of Muses landed at high altitude and rushed into the raging thunderstorm.

Those magics all evade by his side.

Xiahe was surprised. The technology of Muses is also advanced. It is definitely not the first time to cooperate with the four legendary mages.

It seems that he has also built advanced phantom arrays.

Muses' eyes were blood red and rushed into the thundercloud storm. The red in his eyes condensed into light and swept past. The positions of the twelve elven legends were clearly distinguishable. In his hand, a heavy sword of Voldemort's gold condensed out, gently thrusting at the nearest elven legend.

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