In the 26th year of the reign of Qin Wangzheng (221 BC), two sky curtains suddenly appeared above Tianwei.

Above the left sky curtain, seven large characters were displayed: [Great Qin·Eldest Prince Fusu]. Above the right sky curtain, seven large characters were displayed: [Great Qin·Qin Taizong Fusu].

These fourteen large characters were all different from the characters of the Qin State today and the characters of the six kingdoms in the past.

However, even the illiterate people could naturally understand the meaning of the characters as long as they looked up and saw the characters on the sky curtain.

Then, the left light curtain [Great Qin·Eldest Prince Fusu] began to light up, and the pictures quickly flowed through one by one:

【The First Emperor Ying Zheng, who was sitting at the head of the table, spoke calmly without any disturbance:"Fusu, do you also agree with the Prime Minister's proposal to divide the fiefdoms?"】

【Prince Fusu, wearing a Confucian robe and with a refined face, stepped out and answered respectfully:"The world has just been unified, and the people of the six kingdoms have not yet settled down. I think that by enfeoffment, the people of the six kingdoms can stabilize their hearts in Qin."】......

【The first emperor Ying Zheng stared at Prince Fusu below with an angry look on his face and said coldly:"Fusu, do you want to plead for them?"】

【Prince Fusu looked resolute and resolute, and said:"The world has just been settled, and the people from far away have not yet gathered. All the students have recited Confucius' teachings. Now the emperor has enforced the law. I am afraid that the world will be in turmoil. I hope the emperor will take action."】

【Hearing this, the First Emperor Ying Zheng could no longer hold back his anger, and threw the memorial in his hand at Fusu, shouting angrily:"Go to Shangjun to supervise the troops!"】......

【An envoy arrived at Shangjun and said that the First Emperor had sentenced Fusu and Meng Tian to death and ordered them to commit suicide immediately.】

【After hearing the imperial edict, Meng Tian realized that something was wrong, questioned it in public, and asked Fusu to return to the capital to defend himself. If it was really the order of the First Emperor and it could not be changed, it would not be too late to kill him.】

【However, Fusu cried and said,"My father has given me the death penalty, how can I ask for it again?" Then he committed suicide in public.】......

【Hundreds of ragged, gaunt-faced people gathered together, with two leaders in the middle. One of them said,"If we die now, we will die. If we carry out our plan, we will die too. If we wait to die, is it okay for us to die with our country?"】

【Another person roared in anger:"Kings, princes, generals, and ministers, are they of the same species?"】

【Finally, the two leaders shouted at the same time:"Destroy the unjust and punish the tyrannical Qin!"】

【Hundreds of people also shouted in unison:"Destroy the unjust, punish the tyrannical Qin! Are there any kings, princes, generals, or ministers of different races?"】

【Finally, hundreds of common people cut wood to make weapons and raised poles as flags. In just over ten days, they conquered several counties and had six or seven hundred chariots, more than a thousand cavalry, and tens of thousands of infantry!】

【For a time, the whole country was shaken. The nobles and people of the six countries who had long resented Qin responded to the uprising by killing the local officials of the Qin Dynasty.】

【Qi, Zhao, Yan, Wei, and Chu, which were destroyed by the Qin Dynasty, all recovered their states. Wars broke out all over the country. The huge Qin Empire was on the verge of collapse in just a few months.】

【The Qin Dynasty is only one step away from its demise!】......

Then, the light curtain on the left dimmed, and the light curtain on the right [Daqin·Qin Taizong Fusu] began to light up, and the pictures also quickly flashed through:

【In the pavilion in the middle of the lake, Fusu, wearing a black brocade robe, sat opposite another young scholar. The other looked at Fusu angrily and said,"The war started by the tyrannical Qin Dynasty caused so many people to lose their country and their families. Have you ever thought about it?"】

【Hearing the other party's resentful words, Fusu's mouth flashed with sarcasm, and he stood up and looked at the fish swimming in the lake in front of him:"The country is destroyed and the family is ruined?"】

【"Yes, Qin fought this war"】

【"Our Great Qin fought for ten years, with countless soldiers fighting and blood flowing like a river, before we unified the world."】

【"People all over the world only saw this war, and only saw that the Qin Dynasty was the winner of this war, and that the First Emperor was a murderous tyrant, right?"】

【"However, Qin's war of unification lasted only ten years, while the war between the seven countries lasted for a full five hundred years!"】

【"Why didn't you say anything about the country's destruction and family's ruin in the past five hundred years?!!"】

【The young scholar was speechless for a moment.】

【Fusu slowly turned around, looked at him, and said coldly:"You said that Qin destroyed Han, so you want to avenge Han."】

【"Since Han divided Jin and destroyed Zheng, should the people of the former Jin and Zheng overthrow Han and avenge Jin and Zheng?】

【"Or is it that only you, whose homeland was destroyed, are allowed to take revenge, but other people whose homelands were destroyed by Han are not allowed to take revenge on Han?"】

【"If the people of the former Jin and Zheng states continued to take revenge on Han, then would the people of Huo, Wei, Geng, Yu, Guo and other states that were once destroyed by Jin continue to take revenge on Jin?"】

【"If this continues, how can the world ever have peace?"】

【The young scholar, who was always eloquent, seemed to be at a loss for words at this moment.】

【Fusu turned around again, looked at the lake, and said calmly:"For five hundred years, the world has been divided into many parts, with different powers, different writing systems, different languages, different living habits, and different traditional beliefs."】

【That's why they always fight wars, and once they start, they won't stop for 500 years."】

【"Qin conquered the six states in order to eliminate these barriers."】

【"Without national boundaries and language misunderstandings, people can live together harmoniously. Only such a country is qualified to be called a paradise, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment."】

【Hearing this, the young scholar, who had been speechless for a long time, finally squeezed out a sentence:"This world is only the world of your Great Qin. There is no Six Kingdoms, and there is no home for us!"】

【Fusu smiled, and his smile was very contemptuous:"Country?"】

【"How can we have a country if the princes are divided?"】


【"After a hundred years of fighting, how can we have a home?"】

【"It was Qin that made all four directions submit and the world became vast!"】

【"It is Qin that ensures that the people have food in the morning and food in the evening!"】

【"It was Qin that created the real country and home!"】

【At the end of the words, the voice was like thunder, shaking the heavens and the earth.】......

【Wearing the imperial robes and with eyes as deep as the sea, Fusu sat on the throne, looking at the young general kneeling on one knee with high spirits below, and said with a smile:"Is there really no limit to your command of troops?"】

【The young general raised his head and said proudly:"I am the commander of many troops, the more the better!"】

【Fusu restrained his smile and said majestically:"Okay, in this case, I will give you a million soldiers!"】

【"I want to see whether Maodun of the Xiongnu's 300,000 soldiers can really withstand my million-strong army!"】

【"In this battle, I will either see the Xiongnu Maodun dancing for the nobles at the celebration banquet!"】

【"Or you may see Maodun the Xiongnu lying in the Imperial Ancestral Temple and being presented to me as a captive!"】

【The young general cupped his hands and answered loudly,"I will definitely live up to your majesty's trust!"】......

【Afterwards, various fragmented images flashed by again, with the whole family of Guizhou sitting together, eating hot white rice, and even a few meat dishes on the table.】

【There are people wearing clothes made of unknown materials walking in the winter snow, not afraid of the severe cold.】

【There were children from Guizhou holding books as thin as cicada wings, which looked like silk but were not silk, and reading aloud in unison.】

【All kinds of scenes are interwoven and finally merged into a prosperous scene where the people of the Qin Dynasty are well fed, warmly clothed, and live and work in peace and contentment!】......

After a few brief flashes of images, the light curtain on the right side of [Daqin·Qin Taizong Fusu] also dimmed.

At this moment, there was silence everywhere in the world.

Therefore, those who looked up and gazed at the sky curtain naturally knew from the dark that these two sky curtains showed the past, present, and future life of Ying Fusu in this world and another parallel world.

It's just that the content shown was too shocking and too terrible.

One is the future of Fusu's death, the rebellion of all walks of life in the world, and the shaky future of Daqin. The other is the future of Fusu's life, the millions of Daqin soldiers chased the Huns, and the people under the rule were well fed and clothed, and lived and worked in peace and contentment.

In this, the past, present, and future fate of tens of millions of princes, nobles, and common people under the rule of the two Daqins are reflected.

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