【Xiao Fusu then cited the historical books he had read as an example, saying:"And the former Shang Emperor Tang, did he overthrow the rule of King Jie of Xia simply by relying on his own virtue?"】

【"If King Jie of Xia could be overthrown simply by virtue, then why did Emperor Tang of Shang still raise an army to attack Xia?"】

【"Why didn't Emperor Tang of Shang use his own noble virtues to make King Jie of Xia feel ashamed and then voluntarily surrender and give up his throne to him?"】

【"After all, if virtue could be used to make King Jie of Xia voluntarily surrender and give up his throne, then Emperor Tang of Shang would not only be able to save the world from the calamity of war, but would also be able to further demonstrate his own noble virtue!"】

【"The same is true of King Wu of Zhou."】

【"According to historical records, he was also a man of high moral character. Why didn't he use his own noble virtues to make King Zhou of Shang feel ashamed, so that he would voluntarily surrender and give up his throne to him, but instead he raised an army to attack King Zhou?"】

【"Was it because Emperor Tang of Shang and King Wu of Zhou were not virtuous enough?"】

【"Or was it that Emperor Tang of Shang and King Wu of Zhou were unable to legitimately obtain the position of common ruler of the world simply by their own virtues?"】

【"So, Emperor Tang of Shang and King Wu of Zhou had to resort to military force to attack King Jie of Xia and King Zhou of Shang, and then overthrow their rule, and finally seize the throne of the world from them?"】

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng already had the answer to this question.

But Qin Emperor Ying Zheng wanted to hear the answer from his real eldest son Fusu.

Even though he hadn't asked yet, he had roughly guessed Fusu's possible answer.

"Fusu, you answer"

"Did Shang Tang and Zhou Wu conquer the world through virtue?"

"Or conquer the world with military force?"

Tingwei Li Si, Shangqing Meng Yi and other civil and military officials, Chunyu Yue and other doctors of various schools, Prince Jianglu, Prince Gao, Princess Ying Yinman and other princes and princesses, all the eyes were focused on Fusu.

This question is not difficult to answer.

Because you only need to look at the expression of the First Emperor to know what the correct answer to this question is.

Even Fusu himself actually knows how to answer it in order to be considered a correct answer.

Especially after the previous"Eldest Prince Fusu" was revealed, he knew that he might do something in the future that would make his father disgusted, and finally be sentenced to death.

He should choose a well-known"correct" answer to answer. Only in this way will his father be satisfied, and all the civil and military officials in the court will be satisfied.

While thinking, Fusu slowly stood up, and then slowly bowed his hands, and bowed unswervingly:

""Reporting to my father, King Tang of Shang and King Wu of Zhou conquered the world with virtue!"

As soon as these words came out, all the civil and military officials, princes and princesses, and doctors of various schools of thought looked at the eldest son Fusu in surprise, mockery, disdain, or anxiety.

The court judge Li Si shook his head slightly. Sure enough, the eldest son Fusu was not of the same kind as him. The influence of Confucianism on the eldest son Fusu was too profound.

But fortunately, with his age and the age of His Majesty the First Emperor, he should not have to assist the eldest son Fusu in the future.

And with today's answer, it is still unclear whether the eldest son Fusu can succeed to the throne in the future.

So instead of caring about the eldest son Fusu, it is better to think about how he should make more contributions.

Thinking of this, Li Si secretly glanced at the left prime minister Wei Zhuang and the right prime minister Wang Wan who were not far away.

He saw that the left prime minister Wei Zhuang and the right prime minister Wang Wan were both old and frail. How could they be so weak? To be able to stay in the position of prime minister for a long time!

The new prime minister of the First Emperor should be replaced by him!

Confucian doctor Chunyu Yue looked at the eldest son Fusu anxiously. At this moment, he suddenly regretted teaching the eldest son Fusu to be so gentlemanly and upright.

Although he also knew that according to Confucianism, the answer should indeed be"Shang Tang and Zhou Wu conquered the world with virtue."

But the problem is that everyone with a discerning eye present can see that"Shang Tang and Zhou Wu conquered the world with military force" is the answer that the First Emperor wanted.

Even Fusu himself knows it!

However, Fusu still stubbornly answered"Shang Tang and Zhou Wu conquered the world with virtue"!

Is there any other benefit to such an answer, except that it will anger the First Emperor and make the First Emperor more angry and disgusted with him?

At least Chunyu Yue didn't see any other benefits.

Even if Fusu really" believed that"Shang Tang and Zhou Wu conquered the world with virtue".

But at such an important moment, it is not impossible for Chunyu Yue to be a little more tactful and say"Shang Tang and Zhou Wu conquered the world with military force" to please the First Emperor.

You know, their Confucianism has placed all its treasures on Fusu.

Once Fusu fails to become the second emperor of Qin in the future, then their Confucian investment will be wasted.

Chunyu Yue did not forget that in the"Eldest Prince Fusu" sky curtain, Fusu did not inherit the throne and become the second emperor of Qin in the end.

Seeing that the eldest prince Fusu was about to repeat the mistakes in the"Eldest Prince Fusu" sky curtain, Chunyu Yue was even anxious to speak up to defend Fusu.

However, even though Chunyu Yue had such an idea, looking at the obviously furious First Emperor, he could not I dare not speak without authorization at this time. When the First Emperor gets angry, he will really kill people.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng closed his eyes, and his heavy breathing showed his restless mood.

Although he had expected that his eldest son might give such an answer before asking the question.

But when Qin Emperor Ying Zheng really heard his eldest son's answer, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng almost couldn't hold back his anger.

At this moment, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng suddenly understood why the future"he" would decree the death of his eldest son.

If the future Fusu is exactly the same as the current Fusu, without any change, and may even become more"worse".

Then Qin Emperor Ying Zheng felt that he would either demote Fusu to a commoner, or let Fusu be an idle clan relative, or decree Fusu to be killed in the extreme.

There are probably three possible results, but he chose the most extreme one for the future"Fusu".

Fusu, who had been bowing his hands and lowering his head, could not see the expressions of others, but he could roughly guess the reactions of others.

He knew that he should answer"Shang Tang and Zhou Wu took the world with soldiers", and he also knew that this answer was what his father wanted.

But he still believed that"Shang Tang and Zhou Wu took the world with virtue", which was not only from Chunyu Yue's current teachings to him, but also from his own thoughts after real thinking.

Because if it is only with soldiers, then during the time of Xia Jie, was it only Shang Tang who had soldiers?

No, in addition to Shang Tang, there were also forces such as Jiuyi who also had soldiers.

Similarly, during the time of Shang Zhou, was it only King Wu of Zhou who had soldiers?

This is naturally not the case. In addition to King Wu of Zhou, there were also many princes who had soldiers at that time.

So why did people in the world not support Jiuyi or other princes, but all chose to support Shang Tang and Zhou Wu?

This is because the virtues of Shang Tang and Zhou Wu are far superior to those of other princes!

Therefore, Shang Tang and Zhou Wu can make the world obey them, and then become the common lords of the world!

This is the answer he got after thinking over and over again, but Fusu only said the answer after thinking over and over again, but did not say all his thinking process.

Otherwise, if Qin Emperor Ying Zheng had listened to Fusu's thinking process, then his disappointment with Fusu might have been reduced by two points.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who had calmed down his anger, looked at Fusu who was bowing his head, and shouted coldly:

"look up!"

"Kneel down!"

"Listen to what the other 'you' says!"

Although Fusu is stubborn, he is also very filial and obedient.

Otherwise, in the future of the original history, Fusu would not have committed suicide directly because of a death edict whose authenticity is unclear.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for Fusu to be filial and obedient, that is, not to conflict with what he thinks is right.

Otherwise, even when facing the First Emperor, Fusu would still be stubborn and stubborn to advise.

So when he heard the First Emperor's order, Fusu did not hesitate at all and immediately responded:

"Yes, father."

After saying that, Fusu raised his head and knelt down.

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