【The time spent by Prince Fusu on his inspection and condolences to the lonely and widowed Qin people in the Guanzhong Neishi area was much longer than expected.】

【According to the original estimate of Prince Fusu, the Internal Affairs Department was in charge of 36 counties, and it would take about two to three months for them to inspect and comfort them.】

【But later, because Prince Fusu wanted to understand the specific clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other issues of the people in various places, after visiting the lonely and widowed Qin people in each county,】

【Prince Fusu would spend an extra one or two days, or even three or four days, to observe and understand the local people.】

【In addition, because Prince Fusu had been away for too long, King Ying Zheng of Qin felt uneasy.】

【After all, since the birth of Crown Prince Fusu, this is the first time he has been out of the palace for more than a month.】

【Therefore, King Ying Zheng of Qin specially ordered Prince Fusu to return to Xianyang. After confirming that there was no problem with Prince Fusu, he allowed Prince Fusu to rest in Xianyang for two more days.】

【Then he allowed Prince Fusu to continue his unfinished tour to visit and comfort the old Qin people in Guanzhong.】

【By the time Prince Fusu had visited and comforted the widowed Qin people in the thirty-six counties of the Guanzhong Neishi area, four months had passed.】

【At this time, it was already the end of the eleventh year of Qin King Ying Zheng.】

【It is worth mentioning that after the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Yellow Emperor's Calendar appeared.》、《Zhuanxu Calendar》、《lunar calendar》、《Yin calendar》、《The six ancient calendars are Zhouli, Luli, and】

【Different states used different calendars. The Qin State used the Zhuanxu calendar, which used the tenth month of the lunar calendar as the beginning of the year.】

【In other words, the Qin State celebrated the New Year in the tenth month of the lunar calendar.】

【After inspecting and visiting the lonely and widowed Qin people in the Guanzhong Neishi area, Prince Fusu"locked" himself in the bedroom.】

【This trip to inspect and comfort the lonely old Qin people in the Guanzhong Neishi area was really a great gain for him.】

【The first harvest was that after inspecting and comforting the lonely old Qin people in the Neishi area of Guanzhong, the old Qin people in the thirty-six counties of Neishi really knew about the existence of him, the Qin Prince Fusu.】

【When the old Qin people in the thirty-six counties of the Internal History heard the four words"Prince Fusu", what emerged in their minds was not a superficial, empty symbol without any sense of existence.】

【Instead, one would think of a person who is either innocent and cute, or calm and generous, or well-behaved and polite.】

【He was particularly interested in all aspects of their lives, and visited the lonely old Qin people in the county, the young prince Fusu with red lips and white teeth.】

【Not to mention that all the old Qin people in the thirty-six counties of Neishi would especially support Prince Fusu, but at least the old Qin people in these thirty-six counties would have a certain basic good impression of him as Prince Fusu.】

【As for those lonely old Qin people whom he personally visited, it can be said that they had a very strong liking for him.】

【After all, to put it bluntly, most of the lonely old Qin people treated Prince Fusu as their own grandson.】

【It would be strange if this favorability could be lower.】

【This is another pillar that supports and maintains his status as the crown prince, on par with other civil officials, military generals, and royal relatives.】

【As long as he improves the livelihood of the people in the name of Prince Fusu, the life of the Qin people will be better and better.】

【Then he will get more and more support from the old Qin people!】

【Coupled with his management and communication with other civil officials, military generals and royal relatives in the future, it can be said that his position as the crown prince will become more and more stable.】

【At that point, he had the strong support and protection of civil officials, military generals, royal relatives, and old Qin people.】

【Even if his father accidentally lost his mind and wanted to depose him from the position of crown prince, it would be difficult to do so.】

【Unless his father is willing to risk a great upheaval in Qin, or even give the other six kingdoms an opportunity to annex Qin, he must also be determined to abolish his position as crown prince.】

【Otherwise, his position as crown prince would be as stable as Mount Tai.】

【From another perspective, when Prince Fusu gathered the four princes and received their strong support,】

【His position as the crown prince was already tied to the stability of Qin.】

【Deposing him as the crown prince would destroy the stability and order within Qin.】

【Generally speaking, a sane King of Qin would not do this.】

【Prince Fusu thought his father was pretty smart.】

【And he didn't think his father had any reason to depose him from the position of crown prince.】

【If we depose him, who will be the crown prince of Qin?】

【It’s not like he hasn’t seen other brothers and sisters who were born in recent years.】

【How to say it, he only had one thought: why are his younger brother and sister so stupid?】

【At the age of one, he could speak and walk simply. At the age of two, he still needed help with eating, drinking, defecating and urinating. At the age of three, he could not recognize a hundred words.】

【If his father appointed his younger brothers and sisters as crown princes or princesses instead, he felt that the next generation of Qin might perish.】

【He doesn't think he is a genius, and he doesn't know that the behavior of his brothers and sisters is what normal children should behave like.】

【On the contrary, Prince Fusu, who used himself as a measure, was very worried about how his younger brother and sister would survive in the future if they were so"stupid".】

【I even had the idea that an elder brother is like a father, and as their eldest brother, I should encourage them to study more in the future.】

【However, considering that all the brothers and sisters are still too"stupid" and can't even understand what I say,】

【Therefore, Prince Fusu did not put the matter of urging his younger brothers and sisters to study on the agenda for the time being, but just kept it in mind for the time being. 】

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked at Prince Fusu on the sky, and his mouth twitched slightly. He felt as if he was scolded by the"rebellious son", but it seemed that he had not.

After all, if the"King Qin Ying Zheng" on the sky really abolished Prince Fusu's position as the crown prince.

Then even he himself would think that the"King Qin Ying Zheng" on the sky was really confused.

And later, didn't Prince Fusu say that he felt that his father's brain was still pretty good.

Well, let's observe it again.

If Qin Emperor Ying Zheng was not sure whether he was scolded, then Prince Jianglu, Prince Gao, Princess Ying Yinman, Princess Ying Liyang and other princes and princesses were really sure that they were scolded. At the age of one, he could speak and walk simply.

At the age of two, he still needed help with eating, drinking, defecating and urinating.

At the age of three, he couldn't recognize a hundred words.

The knife strikes one after another, perfectly piercing the weak and pitiful hearts of every prince and princess!

Because they are just as"stupid" as Prince Fusu said!

But, are they"stupid"?

Obviously, this is how normal people should behave!

Like their eldest brother, oh, to be precise, Prince Fusu on the sky, that is abnormal!

The princes and princesses looked at the Prince Fusu on the sky who said they were"stupid", but was thinking about them, worried that they were too"stupid" to survive, and wanted to urge them to study hard. They all wanted to cry but had no tears.

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