【After deciding what he wanted to do in the next ten years, Prince Fusu immediately started planning with great motivation.】

【After all, he still had to get his father's support, so he couldn't just go there empty-handed.】

【This is also the reason why he"locked" himself in the bedroom.】

【Based on what he had learned from historical books in the past, his thoughts and feelings during his inspection and condolences to Guanzhong, and his reference to the relevant situation of Qin State, he then revised it several times.】

【Finally, he compiled three preliminary"Three-Year Short-Term Research Plans" that he was somewhat satisfied with.》、《Five-year mid- to long-term research plan》、《Ten-year long-term research plan》】

【Then he ordered Zhang Han to report to his father, and wanted to choose a time in the near future to report to him the gains of the inspection and condolence trip to Guanzhong.】

【When King Ying Zheng of Qin received a report from the Crown Prince's official that Crown Prince Fusu wanted to choose a time in the near future to report to him on the results of his inspection and condolence trip to Guanzhong, he couldn't help but smile.】

【As early as when Prince Fusu came back from his inspection and condolences to the old Qin people in Guanzhong, King Ying Zheng of Qin wanted to find a time to test Prince Fusu.】

【Let's take a look at what Prince Fusu gained and what he thought during this inspection and condolence trip.】

【However, before he could summon Crown Prince Fusu, he heard from the palace servants that Crown Prince Fusu had"locked" him up in his bedroom and told the palace servants not to disturb him unless it was important.】

【After hearing this news, King Ying Zheng of Qin estimated that Prince Fusu should be sorting out the gains from his trip.】

【Therefore, King Ying Zheng of Qin did not rush to summon Prince Fusu, but chose to wait.】

【Now it seems that Prince Fusu should have sorted out his experience and gains from this trip.】

【Thinking of this, King Qin Ying Zheng also looked at the eunuch Zhao Gao beside him and ordered:"Tomorrow's affairs, except for extremely urgent matters, all other arrangements will be postponed for one day and go to see the crown prince Fusu instead."】

【"Yes, Your Majesty!"】

【Zhao Gao responded respectfully】

【Then he postponed all the affairs of King Qin Ying Zheng for one day, and sent someone to inform His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Fusu that His Majesty would meet him tomorrow.】

【The next morning, King Ying Zheng of Qin came to have breakfast with Fusu's mother and Crown Prince Fusu.】

【After breakfast, King Ying Zheng dismissed his attendants and sat opposite Crown Prince Fusu in a small pavilion in the middle of a lake.】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin looked carefully at the Crown Prince Fusu in front of him. He felt that after inspecting and comforting the old Qin people in Guanzhong, the Crown Prince Fusu seemed to have changed a little bit.】

【If we say that the previous Crown Prince Fusu was like a quiet lake, peaceful, deep, calm, as if he could see through everything, with a maturity and indifference that was not in line with a child, then】

【So, in the eyes of Qin King Ying Zheng, the current Crown Prince Fusu is like a surging river, with surging momentum and vitality.】

【Thinking of this, King Qin Ying Zheng nodded secretly. This is the"lively" look that a five-year-old child should have.】

【The previous Crown Prince Fusu was a little too quiet after all.】

【Then King Qin Ying Zheng asked directly:"Did you gain anything from this inspection and condolence visit to the old Qin people in Guanzhong?"】

【The last time they had such a serious conversation was when Prince Fusu had just finished reading the history book.】

【This time, King Ying Zheng of Qin was also very excited and curious about what unexpected surprise his eldest son and crown prince Fusu would give him.】

【Prince Fusu nodded calmly and replied:"Yes, in two aspects!"】

【"Which two aspects?"】

【King Qin Ying Zheng further asked】

【Prince Fusu exhaled slightly, and then said solemnly:"The first aspect is about the military merit system."】

【"Regarding the military merit system, I have a small additional suggestion, and I have discovered a possible problem in the future."】

Under the canopy, Emperor Ying Zheng of Qin, Marquis of Wucheng Wang Jian, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan, the court judge Li Si and other ministers never expected that Prince Fusu would point directly to the foundation of the Qin State - the military merit system.

"What's the problem with the military merit system?"

Wang Jian, the Marquis of Wucheng, who originally looked relaxed, immediately became serious. The military merit system can be said to be the foundation for the advancement of the generals and common people of the Qin Dynasty, and it is also the foundation of the Qin Dynasty since the reform of Shang Yang in the past!

To put it bluntly, once there is a problem with the military merit system, it will directly shake the foundation for the advancement of the generals and common people of the Qin Dynasty, and it will directly affect the stability of the entire Qin Dynasty.

It involves his own interests and the stability of the Qin State.

As the current number one general of the Qin Dynasty, and also the leader of the military generals, Wang Jian naturally attaches great importance to and cares about the questions raised by Prince Fusu.

"Is there something wrong with the military merit system established by Shang Yang?"

The left prime minister, Wei Zhuang, also frowned and thought attentively.

It has been hundreds of years since Shang Yang reformed and implemented the military merit system.

If there is really a problem with the military merit system established by Shang Yang, it should have erupted in the past hundreds of years.

But in these hundreds of years, Daqin did not find any problem with the military merit system.

On the contrary, the military merit system turned Daqin's elite soldiers into a tiger and wolf army that the six countries were afraid of.

Even now, the reason why Daqin can sweep away the six countries and unify the world can be said to be the credit of the military merit system.

What problems can there be with such a military merit system?

In other words, if there is a problem with the military merit system, can they still sweep away the six countries and unify the world? Or is it that Shang Yang in the past was really a sage who could benefit Daqin for hundreds of years just by relying on a"problematic" military merit system.

In the end, it even allowed Daqin to complete the hegemony of unifying the world?

"Your Highness , the Crown Prince on the sky, you are a little too arrogant this time."

After also thinking about the military merit system carefully, the Right Prime Minister Wang Wan, who did not find any problems with the military merit system, looked at the Crown Prince Fusu on the sky with some doubt.

Although the Crown Prince Fusu on the sky was also"grown up" in their eyes, they also knew very well that the Crown Prince Fusu on the sky was really born with extraordinary intelligence.

But after all, the Crown Prince Fusu on the sky was only five years old at the moment.

Such a five-year-old child bluntly said that he had a small supplementary suggestion for the military merit system, the foundation of the Qin State, and discovered a problem that might exist in the future.

No matter how you look at it, this seems to be beyond the ability of the Crown Prince Fusu on the sky.

No matter how intelligent the Crown Prince Fusu on the sky is, there should be a limit.

"No, we all know that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince on the sky is born with extraordinary intelligence and has his own unique understanding of everything."

"Since he dared to say so, maybe he really discovered that the military merit system has some problems that we have not noticed before!"

Tingwei Li Si stared at Prince Fusu on the sky with his eyes and said in a firm tone.

Ever since Prince Fusu on the sky called him"Master Li", Li Si inexplicably liked the Prince Fusu on the sky. So at this moment, even if what Prince Fusu on the sky said was a little unbelievable, he still believed what Prince Fusu on the sky said.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who was standing in the front, paused heavily with the sword in his hand.

The ministers who were about to quarrel suddenly became quiet again.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng swept his eyes over the civil and military officials present, and said coldly:

"Whether there are any problems with the military merit system or not, you will know after listening to this!"

"At this moment, why bother arguing!"

Upon hearing this, all the civil and military officials bowed their heads and saluted in agreement.

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