【After listening to the three additional suggestions from Prince Fusu, namely, the Great Qin Medal, the Jingling Hall, and the Monument to the Heroes, King Qin Yingzheng's expression did not relax, but became more serious.】

【He did not forget that in addition to making"small" additional suggestions on the military merit system, Crown Prince Fusu also discovered a possible drawback of the military merit system in the future!】

【If King Ying Zheng of Qin still thought that Prince Fusu might be a little"arrogant" and did not really believe that Prince Fusu could find out what drawbacks there were after receiving the military merit system, then】

【Now, after being shocked by the additional suggestions made by Prince Fusu, King Ying Zheng of Qin admitted in his heart that he had underestimated his naturally intelligent Prince Fusu.】

【And I really believe that Prince Fusu really discovered the possible drawbacks of the military merit system.】

【But if that's the case, then this is a really bad problem.】

【You know, the military merit system can be said to be the foundation of the Qin Dynasty's powerful country.】.

【The military merit system may have a drawback in the future, which means that the foundation of the Qin Dynasty may have a drawback in the future!】

【This is a major issue that will affect the future stability of the Qin State!】

【So how could the face of King Qin Ying Zheng be relaxed? 】

The Qin monarchs and ministers, who were just excited about the Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and the Monument of Heroes, could not help but calm down again after seeing this scene.

Yes, it seems a little too early to be happy now.

If the supplementary suggestions on the military merit system proposed by Prince Fusu are useful, then doesn't it also mean that the problem that Prince Fusu found that the military merit system may have a drawback in the future is also true! The military merit system that they used for hundreds of years in Qin really has hidden dangers!

But if the military merit system of Qin really has hidden dangers, why didn't anyone see it in the past?

Hundreds of years have passed, and during this period, Qin has not lacked various great talents and sages with great wisdom.

For example, Shang Jun, who single-handedly formulated the military merit system and reformed Qin to strengthen it.


Another example is Zhang Yi, the prime minister of Qin, who broke the strategy of vertical and horizontal alliances with the art of horizontal alliances. Another example is Fan Ju, the prime minister who implemented the strategy of making friends with distant countries and attacking nearby countries and repeatedly defeated other countries.

There was even the former prime minister Lü Buwei who was previously sent out of Xianyang and eventually committed suicide by drinking poison.

Each of these could be said to be one of the world's top talents and virtuous people. Could it be that they were not as good as the Prince Fusu on the sky?

If so, then how smart was the Prince Fusu on the sky to be able to see the problems that Shang Jun, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju, Lü Buwei and other wise men could not see.

The kings and ministers of the Qin Dynasty were both a little bit unbelieving and a little bit unbelievable.

On the other side, Zhang Liang, who was originally depressed and powerless, still collapsed on the ground, but his blank eyes gradually became focused and focused on the Prince Fusu on the sky again.

What if!

What if the Prince Fusu on the sky only saw the hidden dangers of the military merit system and did not think of the corresponding solution!

As long as the military merit system does have hidden dangers and there is no solution for the time being, then there is still hope for him to fight against Qin and the tyrant!

Zhang Liang couldn't help but reveal a hint of self-mockery when he thought about pinning his"hope" of fighting against Qin and the tyrant on Prince Fusu, who had brought him despair.

【"You said before that you have discovered that there may be a hidden danger in the military merit system in the future. What exactly is that hidden danger?"】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin knocked lightly on the table and looked at Crown Prince Fusu and asked seriously:】

【Prince Fusu scratched his head, which was rare, and said with some uncertainty:"I don't know if it is a hidden danger or not."】

【"When I was inspecting and visiting the old Qin people in Guanzhong, I stood aside and watched them working in the fields, and then I thought of the military merit system of our Qin Dynasty."】

【"Finally, one thing came to my mind, that is, after the Qin Dynasty conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world, under the military merit system, how should the Qin Dynasty balance the relationship between the Qin people and the people of the original six kingdoms?"】

【Hearing Prince Fusu's words, the originally serious King Ying Zheng of Qin was also stunned.】

【Good guy, although it has always been the great wish of the Qin monarchs to conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world, and he himself has also worked towards this goal】

【However, even he was just thinking about how to conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world!】

【And his Crown Prince Fusu had actually gone a step further and began to think about how to balance the relationship between the Qin people and the people of the original six kingdoms after the Qin Dynasty conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world?】

【Is your vision so advanced?】

【Prince Fusu did not notice his father's slight pause, and continued,"After Qin conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world, everything in the six kingdoms, including their land and fields, should belong to Qin."】

【"But can Qin really completely occupy the land and farmland of the six countries?"】

【"Or to put it more bluntly, should Qin divide up the land and farmland of the six states that logically belonged to Qin among the people of the original six states?"】

【"If it is not distributed to the people of the six kingdoms, then the people of the six kingdoms will have no land and no way to survive."】

【"If they have no way to survive, they can only wander around and become bandits."】

【"The six kingdoms that the Qin Dynasty had just pacified would soon become a place of war."】

【"If it was a head-on battle, then Qin would definitely be able to defeat these bandits who were transformed from the people of the six countries.���"】

【"But if these bandits from the six kingdoms spread out and caused trouble, even if the Qin army sent out a million strong, it would be difficult to quell the situation."】

【"Therefore, it is definitely not feasible to use tough measures to treat the people of the six countries."】

【"Or to put it bluntly, if we don't give the people of the six kingdoms land and a way to survive, that will definitely not work."】

【"It is necessary to distribute land to the people of the six kingdoms, so that the people of the six kingdoms can be transformed into the people of the Qin Dynasty, and it is also possible to win the hearts of the people of the six kingdoms."】

【"But there will be a problem, that is, the hearts of the people of the six countries may be won, but the hearts of the original Qin people of Qin will be lost."】

【"Under the military merit system, the land and fields of the Qin people were earned by fighting on the battlefield."】

【"Now the six states of Qian do not need to fight desperately on the battlefield, they can obtain farmland with just a Qin edict."】

【"This is undoubtedly fundamentally shaking and destroying the foundation of the Qin Dynasty - the military merit system. It is also a great injustice to the old Qin people!"】

【"Moreover, after the Qin Dynasty conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world, it actually had no rivals except the four barbarians."】

【"Even if there were still opponents, it would not be enough to make such a large number of people from the six countries go to the battlefield to gain military merit in exchange for farming."】

【"In addition, the Qin Dynasty had just conquered the six kingdoms, and the most important thing was to use conciliatory means to reduce the resistance of the people of the six kingdoms to the Qin Dynasty and make them truly become the people of the Qin Dynasty."】

【"At this time, if the Qin Dynasty still forced them to fight on the battlefield, it would further arouse their resistance to the Qin Dynasty!"】

【"Finally, the Qin Dynasty would face a dilemma: it would strictly abide by and maintain the fairness of the military merit system and not give the people of the six states land, otherwise the people of the six states would be dissatisfied and rebel."】

【"Failure to strictly abide by and maintain the fairness of the military merit system, and directly distributed land to the people of the six states"】

【"Then the integrity and fairness of the military merit system that Qin had spent hundreds of years to establish in the hearts of the old Qin people would collapse and disappear on the spot."】

【"From now on, Qin law will no longer have any credibility in the eyes of the old Qin people!"】

【"At the same time, the Qin State will also lose the hearts of the old Qin people for hundreds of years!"】

【"The military merit system would force Qin to choose between the old Qin people and the people of the original six kingdoms after Qin conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world."】

【"This is the hidden danger that I came up with when I saw the land and fields and thought about the military merit system."】

【"However, the premise for this hidden danger to break out is that the Qin Dynasty must sweep away the six kingdoms and unify the world."】

【"Now that the Qin Dynasty has not yet conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world, it is possible to say that this hidden danger does not exist for the time being."】

【After listening to Prince Fusu's story, King Ying Zheng of Qin frowned and lowered his head to think for a long time.】

【However, the problem that Prince Fusu mentioned,"How to balance the relationship between the Qin people and the people of the original six kingdoms under the military merit system" is indeed very tricky.】

【At least for a while, King Ying Zheng of Qin really couldn't think of a solution that could win over the hearts of the people of the six countries without destroying the fairness of the military merit system and losing the hearts of the old Qin people.】

【Fortunately, as Prince Fusu said at the end, the premise for this hidden danger to break out is that the Qin Dynasty must conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world.】

【Although Qin King Ying Zheng was confident that he could conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world, this was not something that could be accomplished in just three to five years.】

【In other words, Daqin and he still have at least three to five years to think carefully about how to solve this problem.】

【In the next three to five years, the Qin emperor and his ministers should be able to work together to come up with a solution that satisfies both parties, right?】

【King Qin Ying Zheng thought with some uncertainty】

【Moreover, it is better to wait until the Qin Dynasty conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world before noticing the hidden drawbacks of the military merit system and then thinking about how to solve this drawback.】

【Now that they are able to realize this drawback so many years in advance, it is already a very good thing for them.】

【Thinking of this, King Qin Ying Zheng no longer worried about this problem. He chose to put it aside for the time being and planned to find a few trusted ministers to brainstorm together.】

【Then King Ying Zheng of Qin looked up at his eldest son and Crown Prince Fusu and said with a smile:"I haven't even conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world yet, and you've already thought about what to do after unifying the world."】

【"I don’t know whether to say that you have a long-term vision or that you are a little arrogant?"】

【Prince Fusu smiled widely and said with a firm and confident tone:"The six countries will definitely not be able to stop my father!"】

【"The Great Qin will also unify the world under the leadership of my father!"】

【"Even if the six kingdoms were lucky enough to survive the catastrophe of the father,"】

【"In the end, the six kingdoms will surely end in my hands, and the world will surely be unified in my hands!"】

【"I am very sure that we don't have to wait many more years before the great wish of our ancestors and countless Qin people to go east, strengthen Qin, and complete the unification of the world will be truly realized between my father and me!"】

【King Qin Ying Zheng nodded slightly, with a hint of unquestionable arrogance in his self-esteem:"I think so too!"】

【At this moment, both father and son regarded the six kingdoms and the world as something that was destined to be in their hands.】

【As for the princes of the six kingdoms, they were nothing but trash waiting to be swept into the garbage dump by the father and son.】.

This is my mother: Naruto789

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