However, the civil and military officials who had always been trusted by Emperor Qin Shi Huang were all hesitant at this moment. They looked at each other and no one answered immediately.

Because they had thought of the same thing as the First Emperor.

But it was precisely because they thought of it that they did not dare to answer rashly.

Seeing this, Emperor Qin Shi Huang frowned and asked again with dissatisfaction:

"All the nobles present here are extremely talented and intelligent people in the world!"

"Could it be that the Qin State is facing the danger of national destruction, but no one can come up with a solution?"

All the civil and military officials present smiled bitterly upon hearing this.

The civil and military officials who can stand in the field at this moment are not the top talents in the world, but at least the best among ten thousand.

But precisely because they are the top talents in the world, they are more aware of how troublesome and difficult it is to solve the"dangers of national destruction" raised by the First Emperor! The military merit system is the foundation of the Qin State, and millions of old Qin people support the foundation of the military merit system.

Once the fairness of the military merit system is undermined, it is undermining the foundation of the Qin State. , that would be going against millions of old Qin people.

No one in"Six Zeros" could afford such consequences.

Not even the First Emperor!

Before truly winning over the hearts of the people of the six original countries, once the Qin State and the First Emperor lost the support and endorsement of millions of old Qin people, they would be courting their own destruction!

Now looking back at the previous"Fusu, the eldest son of the Qin State", the final scene of the world rebelling, the restoration of the six countries, and the shaky collapse of the Qin State seems to confirm this point.

But after the Qin State pacified the six countries and unified the world.

They had to admit one thing, that is It was the system of military merit titles. With the demise of the six kingdoms, it seemed to have also come to an end and could no longer be maintained.

The simplest point is that the Great Qin could not create enough military merit to allow the 20 million people of the original six kingdoms to"receive rewards".

Therefore, it was almost impossible to continue to strictly treat and require the people of the six kingdoms based on the principle of"no merit, no reward" under the system of military merit titles.

Moreover, the people of the six kingdoms were very resistant to the Qin's system of"rewarding people with military merit".

Under such circumstances, the Qin State took the initiative to undermine the fairness of the system of military merit titles and directly gave the people of the original six kingdoms Dividing the land and fields can almost be said to be something that has to be done.

Unless the Qin State does not want the people of the original six states to become Qin citizens who obey the Qin State.

But in this way, the Qin State can only conquer the six states and the people of the six states by force at most, but it cannot really make the six states disappear completely and make the people of the six states truly submit.

In the former lands of the six states, there will always be people who rebel again and again under the banner of restoring the six states.

And the Qin State will never be able to truly unify the world!

Thinking of this, a group of civil officials and generals remembered the words of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain:

"The military merit system will force Qin to choose between the old Qin people and the people of the six kingdoms after Qin has conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world."

How apt this sentence is!

Now it is a choice between two options!

But the question is, can they choose?

Judging from the"Fusu, the eldest son of Qin", it seems that in the future they will have to choose between the old Qin people and the people of the six kingdoms, and finally choose the people of the six kingdoms. As a result, Qin was about to perish.

So this time, should they choose the old Qin people over the people of the six kingdoms?

Apart from anything else, the Qin State, which has the support of millions of old Qin people, will never be in danger of perishing. At most, it will return to the situation where the various vassal states in the Central Plains will compete for hegemony again.

However, as soon as this idea came up, was extinguished by a group of civil officials and military officers.

Unifying the world is not only the wish of the Qin emperors, but also the wish that these civil officials and military officers have been fighting for all their lives.

Now tell them to give up the real unification of the world and return to the situation where the various vassal states in the Central Plains compete for hegemony again. Not to mention that the First Emperor disagrees, they are unwilling to do so.

At the same time, they also know why there were so many great talents and wise men in the Qin State before. Shang Jun, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju, Lu Buwei and others are all among the wisest people in the world.

However, no one has seen the hidden dangers of such drawbacks in the military merit system.

Because before them, whether it was the Qin era when Shang Jun and Zhang Yi lived, or Fan The Qin Dynasty, in which Ju and Lu Buwei lived, was either working hard for the unification of the Qin State, or at most saw the dawn of the unification of the Qin State.

However, they could not even achieve true unification, but were thinking about the problems of the Qin State after unification. If this were said out, it would probably make people laugh.

Not to mention Shang Jun, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju, Lu Buwei and others, even they would not have realized this problem if it were not for the reminder of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain.

But this is normal. Before the Great Qin was truly unified, the only thing they needed to think about was how to unify!

Only after the Great Qin was truly unified, they needed to further face, think about, and solve the problems of the old Qin. The problem of balancing the people and the people of the original six kingdoms, and how to govern this huge world!

Thinking of this, they found that they seemed to be completely immersed in the joy of the Qin State sweeping away the six kingdoms and unifying the world.

They did not notice the various problems hidden underneath after the Qin State unified the world.

They still continued to govern the new Qin State that swept away the six kingdoms and unified the world in the same way as before!

However, this way of governance is obviously inappropriate.

As a result, facing the inquiry of the First Emperor, none of them present could come up with a truly effective solution.

"Is there no one among you who can relieve my worries and the troubles of Qin?"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng slammed his sword again, the dissatisfaction on his face became more obvious, and his eyes fell on Li Si vaguely.

Seeing this, Li Si, the court judge, gritted his teeth, stepped forward, bowed his head and said:

"political reform!"

"The method of changing the military merit system!"

"Now that the military merit system has become no longer applicable as Qin unified the world, we should protect the original interests of the Qin people and take into account the interests of the people of the six former states."

"Create a new set of laws and enforce them throughout the country!"

As soon as these words came out, the other civil and military officials present all took a deep breath and looked at Li Si in shock. It

's not that no one had thought of such a solution, but even if they had thought of it, they didn't dare to propose it.......

Because the last person who carried out reforms in Qin was Shang Yang, and although the reforms were successful in the end,

Shang Yang was falsely accused of treason, and was defeated and killed in battle. His body was transported back to Xianyang and torn apart by chariots, and his entire family was killed.

With Shang Yang's tragic end in front of him, Li Si still dared to talk about reforms. The other civil officials and military generals had to admire Li Si's courage, and secretly sighed in their hearts:

"Li Si is indeed a disciple of the Legalists, just as stubborn as Shang Yang in the past!"

Li Si, who was bowing his head and saluting at this moment, was also in tears.

As the leader of the Legalists, how could he not know the fate of Shang Yang in the past?

But did he have any choice?

He still wanted to go one step further and become the prime minister of Qin!

And the eyes of the First Emperor also fell on him frequently.

If he did not stand up to respond and take responsibility at this time.

Then the First Emperor probably would not give him any small shoes to wear later, but it is estimated that it is unlikely that he would want to go further.

After all, the First Emperor would not promote or reuse a person who dared not take heavy responsibilities as prime minister.

Especially when he needed this prime minister to take heavy responsibilities, it was even more so.

But since he dared to stand up, he was naturally not without any confidence.

According to his understanding of the First Emperor and reviewing the past dynasties The relationship between the King of Qin and his respective Prime Ministers.

A general conclusion can be drawn, that is: the contemporary King of Qin and the Prime Minister of the contemporary reform can basically be said to be a good match between the monarch and the minister.

However, with the death of the old King of Qin and the succession of the new King of Qin, no one can continue to protect the old Prime Minister.

At the same time, the new King of Qin also needs a suitable candidate to establish his authority and win the hearts of the ministers in the court.

At this time, the old Prime Minister who had previously presided over the reform and offended many people would often become the first choice of the new King of Qin.

The Prime Minister with a better ending either fled to another country directly or resigned and retired out of fear. The Prime Minister with a worse ending was either killed or committed suicide.

So Li Si also figured it out. In order to keep his position as Prime Minister, he still had to reform the law.


At worst, after the reform is completed, if the First Emperor unfortunately dies in front of him, then he will drink a glass of wine and follow the First Emperor directly.

In this way, he can be regarded as both rich and noble in life and preserve his reputation after death.

By then, even if the new Qin monarch succeeds to the throne, he can't do anything to this dead man, right?

After all, he only offended other ministers in the reform, and did not harm the Qin State. On the contrary, it can be said that he has made great contributions to the Qin State!

If the new Qin monarch wants to open his coffin and mutilate his body after his death, or liquidate his family descendants.

Then I am afraid that no one will dare to reform the Qin State and serve the Qin State in the future.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked at Li Si, who"bravely" stood up, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face. He nodded and said:


"Since Li Qing has this intention, Li Qing will be responsible for this matter!"

"After the curtain fell, Li Qing thought about how to reform the country so that the people of the six kingdoms would not be alienated from the country and would obey him."

"This matter is neither urgent nor urgent, and safety is the most important thing!"

Li Si nodded, looking ready to die, and nodded vigorously in response:

"Yes, Your Majesty!".

Comments: Naruto789

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