【After listening to the words of Prince Fusu, King Ying Zheng of Qin fell into a brief contemplation.】

【But soon, King Qin Ying Zheng made a decision】

【After all, as Prince Fusu said, such cost investment is nothing to him, or even to the Qin State.】

【Even if there is nothing to gain, at worst Qin can just attack Han (Han: Are you being polite to Qin?), Zhao (Zhao: Please show some respect), Wei (Wei: Please keep your distance), and the loss will be recovered.】

【But if there is any achievement, and this achievement can be popularized to all the old Qin people in Qin State, then】

【Then maybe the profit from this will be higher than the profit from attacking other vassal states such as Han, Zhao, and Wei (Han, Zhao, and Wei: King Qin, don't go too far)!】

【So after thinking for a while, King Ying Zheng of Qin also decided to invest a certain amount of human and material resources in studying how to improve the clothing, food, housing, transportation, and farming of the people.】

【However, how should the investment be made? King Ying Zheng of Qin looked at his crown prince Fusu and asked,"Do you have any ideas on how to improve the clothing, food, housing, transportation, and farming of the people?"】.

【Although it was a question, the tone of King Qin Ying Zheng was very affirmative.】

【After all, according to the character and style of his eldest son and crown prince, it would have been fine if Fusu had not raised this question.】

【But since Fusu was able to raise this question, it means that Fusu must have thought about relevant solutions.】

【Even if Fusu failed to come up with a specific and complete solution, at least there would be a general solution direction, just like the problem of the"military merit system".】

【These contents are also quite inspiring for Qin Wang Ying Zheng.】

【"I want my father to let me take charge of this matter."】

【Prince Fusu also said directly】

【King Qin Ying Zheng was slightly stunned, and then asked:"Why do you want to be responsible for this matter?"】

【He didn't expect Fusu to want to take charge of this matter personally.】

【But for him, this matter is important and unimportant.】

【It's not impossible for him to let Crown Prince Fusu take charge. This will be a good opportunity to train Crown Prince Fusu's abilities.】

【So if Crown Prince Fusu could give him a slightly more appropriate reason, then he would let Crown Prince Fusu take charge of the matter.】

【"Although this matter involves the livelihood of millions, or even tens of millions of people in the world"】

【"However, in a sense, it is still a small matter, a trivial matter, which is uncertain whether it can produce results or gains."】

【"For the father, it would probably be enough to send someone with a high position but little power and responsibility to take charge of this matter."】

【"As it happens, as the crown prince of Qin, I have a high enough status and position. My participation can also show my father's attention to this matter."】

【"At the same time, I was only five years old, and after the New Year, I would only be six years old."】

【"Even if nothing is achieved in the end, or even if things go wrong, it can be easily brushed off by saying it was just a child's play."】

【"It will not bring any loss to my father, the Qin State, or my own reputation."】

【"Moreover, during the ten years from the age of six to fifteen, apart from studying the various schools of thought on how to govern a country, there was nothing else special for me to do."】

【"So I also want to find something meaningful and interesting to do for the Qin State, the people of Qian, and even for myself."】

【"One of them is to study how to improve the people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, and farming."】

【Prince Fusu straightened his face and expressed his thoughts】

【After hearing what Prince Fusu said, King Ying Zheng of Qin decided to let Prince Fusu take charge of this matter.】

【However, he still wanted to test Fusu again to see if Fusu could give him some unexpected surprises.】

【Then, King Ying Zheng of Qin asked:"If this matter is handed over to you, what are you going to do?"】

【Hearing his father's question, Crown Prince Fusu gave the answer he had already thought of:"My father set up nine ministers, and I want to establish six departments!"】

【King Qin Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows and said,"What are the six ministries?"】

【Prince Fusu explained in a clear voice:"The six ministries are: Household, Personnel, Agriculture, Industry, Rites, and Punishments!"】

【"Among them, the Ministry of Revenue is in charge of money; the Ministry of Personnel is in charge of personnel transfers; the Ministry of Agriculture is in charge of research on farming; the Ministry of Works is in charge of the research and updating of tools; the Ministry of Rites is in charge of reading, literacy and etiquette; the Ministry of Punishments is responsible for legislation, supervision, and punishing lawlessness!"】

【"These six ministries were set up by me based on the nine ministers set up by my father."】

【After listening to the six departments mentioned by Prince Fusu, King Ying Zheng of Qin immediately understood the role of these six departments.】

【But, are there six departments established?】

【In a sense, this is a small court!】

【The so-called Ministry of Revenue was his Minister of Grain; the so-called Ministry of Rites was his Minister of Rites; the so-called Ministry of Punishment was his Minister of Justice.】

【Other ministries such as the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Personnel can also be found in the positions of the Nine Ministers or departments under the Nine Ministers.】

【If these six departments are successfully built and run smoothly, then this will be a small court that specifically obeys and serves Prince Fusu.】

【But King Qin Ying Zheng thought about it and thought that such a result was normal.】

【After all, Prince Fusu said that his six ministries were modeled after his nine ministers.】

【��His Nine Ministers were a large court that obeyed and served him, so it was only natural for Crown Prince Fusu to set up a small court under his large court.】

【It's just a study on how to improve people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other matters. Is it necessary to set up six departments to make it so complicated?】

·· ·Request flowers····· ··

【Or did Crown Prince Fusu realize at such a young age that he needed to start training his own team?】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin tapped the table with his index finger, looking at Crown Prince Fusu and saying meaningfully,"We are just studying how to improve the people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, and farming, so why do we need to set up these six departments?"】

【Prince Fusu also answered without hesitation:"Father, if you give me the responsibility of studying how to improve the clothing, food, housing, transportation, and farming of the people,"】

【"Then my father will definitely allocate a certain amount of money, food and supplies to me."】

【"How much of this money and food was spent and how much was left at different times and under different studies? How long would it take to ask my father for the next payment of money and food?"】

【"There should be a detailed list of income and expenditure for all of these, so that my father and I can know the specific use of these money, food and supplies."】

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【"Therefore, I need to set up a special account department to sort out and verify the details of the income and expenditure of these funds for me."】

【"After we have money, food and supplies, the next step is to have people"】

【"These people will inevitably be divided into different teams by me, and there will be a hierarchy between them."】

【"If you do well, you will be promoted; if you do poorly, you will be demoted."】

【"This will give them more motivation to study"】

【"And these things also require a person, or a relevant official department, to help me record the daily performance of these people for future rewards and punishments."】

【"Among these personnel, a special agricultural department should be set up for them to study how to improve the farming methods of the people in the future."】

【"By the same token, a special Ministry of Industry should be set up for the team members who will be mainly responsible for researching how to improve the clothing, food, housing, transportation, and farming tools of the people in the future."】

【"In addition, as the scale expands, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry will certainly continue to recruit new children or students to study, and this naturally requires someone to teach them to complete the most basic reading and literacy learning."】

【"Therefore, it is also necessary to establish a Ministry of Rites to educate children or students in reading, literacy and etiquette."】

【"Finally, when there are too many people, there will be no order without rules."】

【"Whether it is for better research, for their better promotion, or to prevent them from taking advantage of my name to do evil and ruin my life,���Reputation, etc."】

【"This should also be done by setting up a special department to legislate and supervise to prevent illegal activities."】

【"Finally, the six departments are Ministry of Revenue, Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Rites and Ministry of Punishment."】Pills.

My name: Naruto789

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