"What nonsense!".

"Rituals and music are rituals and music, how can they be laws!"

"The ritual and music system embodies Confucian thought, so what does it have to do with Legalism?"

"In the past, the Zhou emperor governed the world with rites and music, and the country was at peace and undisturbed. Wasn't this the result of rites and music?"

"Since this is the merit of rites and music, how can we say that Confucianism cannot govern the world?"

"If all the princes followed the etiquette of 'ruler is ruler, minister is minister, father is father, son is son', each fulfilled their own way and was loyal to their duties, how could the world be in turmoil!"

"It is precisely because all the princes and countries in the world no longer respect the Confucian rule of rites and music that has led to the collapse of rites and music, and that the world has been in turmoil until now. This is the fault of the princes, not the fault of Confucian rites and music!"

"Confucianism's benevolence’、‘Rites can rule the world!"

"Crown Prince Fusu never truly studied Confucianism, so how could he know the mysteries of Confucian thought!"

"If Crown Prince Fusu really follows us in learning Confucianism, he will definitely know Confucianism, which is the right way to govern the country!"......

Seeing that Prince Fusu on the sky curtain denied that Confucianism could govern the country, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors immediately became anxious, and they did not care about Fusu's identity as the prince on the sky curtain, and they quickly refuted.

For Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors, Prince Fusu's denial of them was more serious than the consequences of other philosophers spraying them a hundred times.

After all, Confucianism and other schools of thought have sprayed each other more than once or twice, and even things like fighting directly have not happened.

However, no matter how hard the other schools of thought sprayed and beat, after the spray and the fight, they, the Confucians, would still do what they should do, and it would not affect the spread of their Confucianism.

But Prince Fusu is different. How much weight Prince Fusu has in the heart of the First Emperor can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

If Prince Fusu clearly expressed his dislike for Confucianism in governing the country, or even resisted and resisted it.

Then the attitude of Prince Fusu is very likely to affect the First Emperor, and then the First Emperor will also resist their Confucian ideas of governing the country.

Once the First Emperor also resists their Confucian ideas of governing the country, it will be very difficult for their Confucianism to replace the Legalists in Qin and become the mainstream of Qin and even the world's thoughts.

And this is not the worst. The sky curtain where Prince Fusu is located is visible to the world and can be seen by everyone.

If Prince Fusu thinks that their Confucianism is not enough to govern the country, then such an idea and attitude is likely to be instilled in the world! If everyone in the world thinks that their Confucianism is not enough to govern the country like Prince Fusu, then who will recognize their Confucianism in the future?

If no one recognizes their Confucianism, then who is willing to learn their Confucianism?

If no one is willing to learn their Confucianism, then won't their Confucianism be like other gradually disappearing schools of thought, gradually without successors, until it is completely lonely and disappears?

It is precisely because of this realization that Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors will refute frantically.

They want to let their words reach the ears of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, and even the ears of the people of the world.

However, the sky curtain did not even pay attention to the First Emperor, let alone Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors.

As for the other Hundred Schools of Thought, at this moment, they either folded their hands on their chests, or sneered, or looked at Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors trying to argue, but no one paid attention.

On the other hand, they were secretly thinking about the words of Prince Fusu in their hearts.

According to what Prince Fusu said, none of the hundreds of schools of thought can govern the country alone, but it can be governed by one of them as the main one and the other hundreds of schools as the auxiliary one.

And before the great unification, the Legalists must be the main one, so that the six countries can be swept away, the world can be unified, and the great unification can be completed.

But after the great unification is completed, the world will enter the stage of great governance from chaos.

At that time, it was necessary to choose a new thought from among the various schools of thought to replace the Legalist thought and become the new mainstream thought of the Qin State.

Now, the Qin State has unified the world.

In other words, the Qin State has entered a new stage of great governance, and the opportunity for their various thoughts to replace the Legalist thought has come.

So how should the various schools of thought to"take the essence and discard the dross"?〃々"Dregs" become the new mainstream of Qin's ruling ideology?

More importantly, what in the schools of thought to which they belong can be called"dregs"?

They think their own schools of thought are pretty good, full of essence, so where is the dregs!

As for Li Si on the other side, he glanced at the other doctors of the Hundred Schools of Thought and retracted his gaze.

Just relying on the other schools of thought to replace the Legalists as the mainstream ideology of Qin, they are dreaming!

The reason why the Legalists were no longer suitable for the Qin State after the unification was simply because the military merit system was no longer suitable for the unified Qin State.

But as Prince Fusu said, as long as the Legalists reformed and adjusted themselves, that is, he successfully changed the law of the military merit system and let the new law replace the military merit system.

Then the Legalists will naturally continue to adapt to the Qin State after the unification, and it can also allow the Qin State to enter the stage of great governance, and also allow the Legalists to continue to maintain the mainstream position of Qin's ruling ideology.

In short, with him, Li Si, the leader of the Legalists, the others The thoughts of the various schools of thought, don't even think about shaking the ideological status of the Legalists in the Qin State!

On the other side, Chen Xiang, Chen Xindeng and dozens of other disciples of the Farmer Family spread out bamboo slips, holding brushes, lying on the ground or leaning on stones.

One by one, they splashed ink and wrote quickly to record the debate between Prince Fusu and their former mentor Xu Zi on the sky curtain.

For them, the content of the debate between Prince Fusu and their former mentor Xu Zi is simply an expansion and supplement to the current Farmer Family's thoughts on governing the country.

With this debate, they can further improve the Farmer Family's thoughts on governing the country and make the Farmer Family's thoughts on governing the country more perfect.

In this way, their Farmer Family's competitiveness in the aspect of governing the country will become stronger in the future, and then maybe one day it will be their turn to govern the world with their Farmer Family's thoughts as the main body and other hundreds of thoughts as the supplement.

Just thinking about it is enough to make these Farmer Family disciples excited!

Therefore, Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other Farmer Family disciples were all full of motivation to copy.

【After listening to what Prince Fusu said about Xu Zi, a smile appeared on his face.】

【For him, as long as Prince Fusu did not truly deny the Nong family's ideas of governing the country and agreed that the Nong family's ideas could also govern the country, that would be enough.】

【As for the part that Prince Fusu believed was not the right way to govern the country,】

【Later, he would further revise and improve it according to the idea put forward by Crown Prince Fusu that"those who work with their minds and those who work with their hands each have their own responsibilities and obligations."】

【For Xu Zi, this does not cause any psychological pressure.】

【After all, any theory progresses through constant questioning, modification, and improvement, and so does the agricultural thought.】

【The only difference is whether other people's doubts about the farmers' ideas can be accepted by the farmers.】

【Well, here Xu Zi specifically mentioned the Confucian Meng Dui Dui】

【"In addition to what was just said,"The wise man tills the land and eats with the people, and governs the country by eating with them," what else did the farmers say that you think is not the right way to govern the country?"】

【Xu Zi looked at Prince Fusu and asked seriously:】

【Now this test is no longer a simple test for Xu Zi, but also a test that can further improve the farmer's thinking.】

【Therefore, Xu Zi wanted to see what other aspects of the current agricultural governance ideology that Prince Fusu thought were problematic.】

【In this way, he can also modify and improve it later, making the farmer's governance ideas more competitive.】

【In this way, maybe after the Qin Dynasty unified the world, the farmers really had the opportunity to govern the world and realize their ideals by using the farmers' thoughts as the main method and other hundreds of thoughts as the auxiliary method.】

【Hearing Xu Zi's question, Prince Fusu also pointed out the second point he thought was problematic:"I think the point of 'market merchants are not two' is also problematic."】

【Xu Zi, who was sitting opposite, twitched his mouth slightly.】

【You know, among the many ideas and propositions of the farmers, his personal ideas and propositions mainly have two points:】

【One is"the wise man works with the people to farm and eat, and governs with the people", and the other is"there is no difference between merchants and merchants, and there is no false"!】

【As for the other"follow the will of the people, be loyal to the people""、"Repair hunger and disaster relief"、"Strictly speaking, the idea of "agriculture first, commerce last" was not proposed by him, but a summary of the ideas of other agricultural predecessors.】

【However, now, Prince Fusu has"denied" both of his two major ideological propositions, and believes that both are problematic.】

【This was more or less a blow to Xu Zi.】

【Xu Zi decided to struggle a bit. He couldn't just put forward two ideas and then have all of them be problematic.】

【If this gets out, it's not a question of whether he will lose face or not, but whether the agricultural thought has not been reused by various vassal states because he put forward"problematic" ideas.】

【Therefore, Xu Zi also leaned forward slightly, and asked in a more serious tone:"Nowadays, the market is not the same, and various merchants are cheating, making the people of Qianshou miserable."】

【"That is why I proposed"no distinction between market and business", so that there will be no deception in the country. In this way, even if a five-foot-tall child goes to the market, no one will cheat him. How is this not the right way to govern a country?"】

【In his opinion, there are all kinds of unscrupulous merchants in the market who buy low and sell high, hoard goods, cheat and deceive, and fraud is rampant. Only by unifying the market prices can merchants no longer commit fraud.】

【In this way, even if a five-year-old child goes to the market to buy something, he will not be deceived.】

【Prince Fusu nodded, then shook his head and said:"` ~ Mr. Xu, your idea of "market and business are one" is correct."】

【"But your actual practice of unifying market prices is: if the length of cloth is the same, the price is the same; if the weight of linen and silk is the same, the price is the same; if the amount of grain is the same, the price is the same; if the size of shoes is the same, the price is the same"】

【"In other words, if the length of cloth is the same in the market, the selling price is the same."】

【"If the weight of hemp and silk is the same, they will be sold at the same price."】

【"If the food capacity is the same, the selling price is equal"】

【"Shoes of the same size are sold at the same price"】

【"In short, the same goods have the same quantity and the same price."】

【"This approach is wrong."】

【"For example, you say 'shoes of the same size should be sold at the same price', but suppose I have two pairs of shoes, one made of silk and one made of linen."】

【"They are both the same size, but can we say that they are also the same price?"】

【"Obviously this is not equal, because even if they are the same shoes, the rarity of the raw materials used to make them is different, so their prices will inevitably be different."】

【"If you, Master Xu, think that the prices are the same, then I am willing to exchange my linen shoes for your silk shoes, no matter how much I have!"】

【"Teacher Xu, are you willing?"】

【Xu Zi was speechless when he heard this. A pair of shoes made of silk, to be frank, could be directly exchanged for a hundred kilograms of shoes made of linen, and there would still be a surplus.】

【Seeing Xu Zi speechless, Prince Fusu continued,"For example, you said 'the same grain capacity, the selling price is the same', but if I put wheat in one bucket and rice in the other bucket,"】

【"Due to the geographical environment, the Qin State planted far more wheat than rice."】

【"The capacity of both barrels is equal, but can we say that their prices are also equal?"】

【"This is also not possible, because there is little rice cultivation in Qin State, so it is difficult for Qin people to eat rice."】

【"Scarcity makes things valuable, which means that the same amount of rice in Qin must be sold at a higher price than the same amount of wheat!】

【"For example, a salted fish may be exchanged for an equal amount of meat in coastal areas, which is fair."】

【"Because there are more salted fish in coastal areas, its value is lower"】

【"But if in a place like Qin, exchanging a salted fish for an equal amount of meat, is that fair?"】

【"Of course not!"】

【"In a place like Qin, salted fish is rare and precious, so if you want to exchange for a salted fish, you should pay more meat in exchange, this is called fairness."】

【"However, Master Xu, regardless of the rarity of the raw materials, regional differences, the labor and effort behind the items, etc., you force the same type of items to have a unified price. Although this has achieved the goal of 'no duality in the market,' it is not fair!"】

【"The consequence of unfairness is that no one is willing to exchange, and everyone can only use what they produce, but cannot exchange for other things they need."】

【"Finally, either everyone takes on multiple roles and strives to be self-sufficient; or everyone takes the initiative to break the"market and business are the only two" set by Master Xu and let the market prices return to the previous level."】

【"Regardless of whether it is the former or the latter, how can it be considered the right way to govern the country?"】.

Don't worry: @u_229757

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