Chapter 150 Decided to teach the Six Forms? The first emperor who is extremely happy!

Chapter 150 Decided to teach the Six Forms? The first emperor who was extremely happy

After getting this affirmative answer, Win Zheng couldn’t help it instantly, and the smile on his face bloomed directly.

Six-style soldiers, six-style soldiers, what a powerful existence, can fight a thousand troops with one enemy, who will not love?

Even if it does not reach the strong strength of the six-style soldier with one enemy and one thousand, at least it must be achieved with one as a hundred.

He’s definitely confident about that.

There is no shortage of martial arts prodigies in this era, they not only have strong talents, but also very persistent, but also very hardworking, I believe that as long as they master the method of cultivation, they will definitely sleep and forget to enhance their strength.

Because for these people who like to practice martial arts and are obsessed with martial arts, the strength of their own strength is more important than everything.

This kind of person you don’t need to supervise “six eight seven” to urge them to improve their strength, they will desperately improve their own strength.

As long as Ying Yunxiao is willing to teach the cultivation method to the soldiers of the Qin State, then the soldiers of the Qin State are the most powerful country besides the Sea Empire.

Thinking of this, how could Qin Shi Huang Yun Zheng not be happy? But there are two sides to everything.

The six types of the navy must be cultivated to the domineering of the armed color and the domineering color of seeing and hearing.

And domineering is a necessary ability to deal with the ability of the natural devil fruit.

The reason why the three major generals can be unscrupulous on the battlefield is because of hostile countries, and no one will be domineering at all.

If the cultivation method of this ability is told to the people of the Qin Kingdom, it also means that they have the ability to deal with those with the ability of the Devil Fruit, and some people can even awaken the domineering spirit of the overlord.

This is undoubtedly a big threat to the winning sea empire.

The people of the Qin Kingdom have no doubts about Ying Yunxiao’s loyal subjects, but there is no airtight wall in this world.

No matter how tight the mouth is, it is impossible not to divulge secrets for a lifetime.

There is only one way to keep a secret that will never be spoken, and that is to shut up that person forever!

Ying Yunxiao didn’t want to teach this ability to the soldiers of the Qin State, because once this ability was taught, it would be equivalent to burying a hidden danger for the future.

He didn’t want to dig a hole for himself, but in order to enhance the national strength of the whole country and make the winning government happy, he agreed.

The father and son talked happily, so that the other princes were envious.

It is also a father-son relationship, and almost no one of the other princes except Fusu Gongzi can talk to Yingzheng.

It’s not that the relationship between their father and son has been thin as water.

It’s because they look for their father and don’t know what to say.

These princes usually don’t seem to have done anything meaningful to the country other than eating, drinking and enjoying.

They themselves know that they do not have much value for the country, and know that they talk to their father, as if there is nothing else to talk about except nonsense.

With their little IQ and city government, it seems that they are not even good at chess.

So they can only watch the relationship between the five princes winning the clouds and winning the government getting better and better, but they have no way.

Alas, life is like that.

As long as you are not the protagonist of this world, you will meet people who are better than yourself every day, and you will doubt life every day because of the excellence of others.

The ministers of the Qin State looked at this scene of filial piety, and they were extremely pleased in their hearts, how envious they were of Yun Zheng.

Not only the emperor of the country, not only the emperor of the entire Chinese Xia, but he also has such an excellent child.

It only takes a few tens of seconds to walk through any door.

Everyone quickly walked to the other arbitrary door.

Rumen used his abilities to open this arbitrary door and then took everyone out.

What is a great river and mountain? What is scenic beauty? The scene in front of you is a good illustration.

The whole Taiyi Mountain vegetation is very vigorous, the trees are towering into the forest, but the plain below the mountain is extremely open.

There is a dense forest on the mountain, there are a very wide variety of animals, from this lush trees and the birdsong in the forest, it is not difficult to analyze that there must be many, many animals on this mountain.

And this mountain stream is clear, the water and grass are quite rich, there is no doubt that this is where animals eat, both herbivores and carnivores need to come here to feed.

This vast plain below the mountain is the best hunting place 0….

In addition to some low trees and some bushes, there are scattered ten pieces, and there are no other obstacles.

It is also easy for animals to hide their figures here, which adds a lot of difficulty to hunting, and this few obstacles are also the best place to test riding and shooting skills.

No wonder you have to come here every time to hunt, this Taiyi Mountain is the best hunting place.

“I haven’t been here for more than ten years, but I didn’t expect it to be the same.”

Yun Zheng looked at this familiar scene, and in his heart, it was extremely excited.

He was also in his thirties when he was last here, and by that time his face was already showing less obvious wrinkles.

But now when he came to this Taiyi Mountain after more than ten years, he recovered

Young, turned into the appearance of a guy in his early twenties, what a dreamy thing.

“Father, how do you feel when you come to this Taiyi Mountain again?”

Win Yunxiao asked this, it must be feeling happy, relaxed is not okay.

In the past, it was difficult to come to relax and hunt once, and I needed to bring a lot of notes to review.

Because going back and forth on the road will delay a lot of time.

But now, you don’t have to worry about these things.

This time back and forth is only a few seconds, not even a minute, your heart can be completely empty, immersed in this game.

Don’t worry about the country’s affairs at all, this feeling is not mentioned 4.5 how good it is.

In the past, it was difficult to come to relax, there were still many things to worry about, and I couldn’t have fun at all.

It’s different now, and now you can dedicate yourself to it.

Moreover, not to mention how relaxed this young body is, the things in front of him look more clear, his steps become lighter, and his body becomes more coordinated, which feels like he has never felt before.

“Xiao’er, I have to thank you for all this.

If it weren’t for you, how could Father and Emperor have the opportunity to come out so relaxed and do what he wanted to do, and how could he have the opportunity to appear on this hunting ground with such a relaxed attitude.”

Indeed, there is no way to entertain in this era.

For a man, hunting in the hunting ground is undoubtedly his greatest joy.

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