Xun Fuzi and Huan Zheng stood up at the same time!

Xun Fuzi was shocked that Li Mo could actually say such a thing!

There is only one script left, which means that the remaining six are discarded.

To destroy people’s words is to cut off people’s inheritance and faith!

This is a great evil heart!

The most critical is.

Which one to keep, which six to destroy?

How could the other six countries agree?

And Yingzheng is because of excitement!

Li Mo’s sentence is only one word left in the world, and it directly speaks to his heart!

Hit his heart!

He had this idea for a long time.

Turn all those miscellaneous words into one.

Isn’t it pleasant that everyone in the world can learn and recognize it?

“Impossible, this can’t be.”

Xun Fuzi shook his head and said no.

“No one will want to do this, and no one will agree to do it.”

“What the gentleman said is indeed deafening, and it makes the old man empowered.”

“But it doesn’t work.”

But Yingzheng has a different opinion on this matter.

The opening was: “Your Confucian Kong Sheng has already taught you the solution, why did Xun Fuzi forget it so quickly?” ”

Xun Fuzi looked at Huan Zheng: “When was it taught?” ”

If he had been taught, how would he not have known?

Huan Zheng said with a serious expression: “There are words in “Lyrics”, and if you go three, you will have my master.” ”

Xun Fuzi frowned, with a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Huan Zheng said with a serious face: “If you beat three people, one of them will definitely worship me as a teacher.” ”


Then hit until they agree!

Several women in the field couldn’t help it!

This is the king of a country!

Speaking of Li Mo’s “Words”, there is no sense of violation.

He also looks like he is doing God’s will!

Li Mo pursed his lips.

Something unexpected!

This is quite a quick learner!

Huan Zheng saw several women laughing, and his face showed a little embarrassment.

“Sir, is it wrong that the widow understands?”

“187” Li Mo waved his hand when he heard this: “Yes, very right!” ”

What’s more!

What Ying Zheng will do in the future is not as simple as beating three people together.

Hearing Li Mo’s approval, Huan Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

He praised: “This ‘Words’ turned out to be so exquisite that the widow will definitely read it again when he goes back.” ”

He felt that his “Words” for so many years was considered to be a blank back.

I didn’t know until today that there was such a meaning!

If someone else said such a thing, Xun Fuzi would definitely refute it.

But these words came from the mouth of King Qin, and he just wanted to refute it but couldn’t refute it.

It’s like the saying: to learn without thinking is to ignore, and to think without learning is to perish.

If you learn my martial arts and do not learn my thoughts, you will be confused, and if you learn my thoughts and do not learn my martial arts, you will be beaten to death.

And Ying Zheng has this idea, and has enough arrogant capital!

Thinking of this, Xun Fuzi suddenly shook!

In this way, what Li Mo said about “Lyrics” seems to really make some sense!

Li Mo saw Xun Fuzi’s entanglement and said, “Master doesn’t need to think so much, as long as you need to know that the general trend is inviolable, you can avoid Confucianism.” ”

Confucianism is certainly pedantic.

But it is indispensable for every dynasty.

Although they are not a way to save the world, they are a good way to govern the world.

In short, this idea is not suitable for troubled times.

It can only be used to govern the country in peacetime.

Moreover, you also need to pay attention to the degree of relaxation!

For example, Mencius advocated benevolent government.

He once put forward the idea that “the people are noble and the prince is light.”

We advocate “government in winning the people” and oppose harsh government.

It is proposed to give peasants a certain amount of land, not to encroach on their working hours, and to lenient sentences and taxes.

This idea is very suitable for governing the country in peacetime.

The country is people-oriented.

This is a philosophy that all dynasties should not forget.

And what the people want is simple.

Having a piece of land to plant, no need for displacement, is enough.

There is land to grow, there is food to eat.

Who wants to have enough to do and rebel with others?

If you win the fight, you will eat and farm, and if you lose, you will lose your head.

The people at the bottom are just not highly educated, and they are not stupid!

Spare him a Confucian embarrassment?

Xun Fuzi always felt that Li Mo’s words were words in words.

But he thought about it for a long time, and he didn’t think of anything difficult for Confucianism.

“But what does the gentleman know?”

He saw that Li Mo would not be untargeted, and he must have his intention in saying this.

Li Mo pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, “Xun Fuzi remembers my words that if you believe me, I have a way to make your Confucianism prosper.” ”

“If you don’t believe it, I won’t persuade you more.”

Some things can’t be said.

At least not yet.

It’s like a heavenly machine.

You can know, but you can’t divulge it.

To be able to give Xun Fuzi such a hint is already his benevolence.

Confucian culture still has something, otherwise it would not have been passed down by future generations for thousands of years.

As long as they have read books and gone to school in later generations, they have more or less been educated by Confucianism.

No need to raise the bar.

Take the simplest example.

The book teaches you to be humble and courteous, not fierce.

This is where Confucianism is there.

Xun Fuzi pondered for a long time before nodding.

“If it is really as Mr. said, the old father will first thank Mr. Guo for the Confucian scholars in the world.”

Li Mo accepted his gift.

Xun Fuzi lifted his sleeves and said, “Although Mr. is young, it visibly makes the old man feel shameful. ”

“Let’s talk with my husband today, don’t waste this trip, don’t waste this trip!”

Han Fei stood behind him and pursed his mouth tightly.

That’s not what you said in the first place!

When I was on the road, I also said that I would teach Mr. what it means to respect the teacher.

Now he respects him in turn!

“The hour is not early, the old man will not disturb the gentleman and several ladies, and leave.”

Xun Fuzi glanced at several beautiful and temperamental women in the courtyard, and said with a smile: “Sir is so blessed, what a blessing.” ”

The atmosphere in the field was immediately strange by his words.

Until he left with Han Fei and the red lotus who still wanted to rely on the refusal to leave.

Flame Ling Ji felt that he pointed to the gate and said to Li Mo: “That old man, did you say that I am your wife?” ”

Mrs. Hu’s cheeks were hot for a while, and she said hello and went back to her room.

Li Mo pursed his lips.

Except that he lives here are all women, who sees it without misunderstanding?

Xun Fuzi left, but Ying Zheng did not.

“Madame, let’s go to rest first.”

The salamander helped the two change the tea again, and when he heard this, he looked at Li Mo and nodded gently.

Before leaving, he also called away Flame Lingji by the way.

Because she knew that the less people heard the next conversation between Li Mo and Ying Zheng, the better!

Gai Nie arched his hand towards Huan Zheng and said, “Go and wait outside the door.” ”

With Li Mo here, no one can hurt Ying Zheng.

If Li Mo wanted to do something to Ying Zheng, it would be useless for him to stay.

Then it’s better to go outside and guard!

Soon, only Li Mo and Huan Zheng were left in the courtyard.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

A gentle breeze blows and the leaves in the yard gently swing.

A leaf swirled in the wind, slowly falling, and fell right in front of Li Mo.

Li Mo stretched out his hand without hurry, holding the leaves in his palm.

He spoke, “Let King Qin wait for a long time.” ”

Yingzheng stood up and walked slowly towards him.

His gaze fell on the black cloth on his face.

After looking at it for a long time, he shook his head and said, “Not soon.” ”

“It is worth hearing this remark by Mr. for a long time.”

“It’s just that the widow is a little curious.”

“In this dilapidated courtyard, how can the gentleman write an article like in the snow, and how can he know the true meaning behind the “Words”?”

Li Mo played with the dead yellow leaves in his hand and said slowly: “Some people have never seen Wang Yang, and think that the river is the most magnificent. ”

“And some people can see the whole autumn through a single leaf.”

Ying Zheng’s gaze also fell on the leaves in his hand.

“So, sir is the latter?”

Li Mo shook his head and smiled: “Only by traveling thousands of miles can you see the breadth of heaven and earth.” ”

“King Qin also said, I can’t see things, how can I see or not.”

“If you have heaven and earth in your heart, you can see all the world.”

“The size of the heart is the size of the heaven and the earth, and the beauty of the scenery.”

Ying Zheng closed his eyes and stood silent for a long time under the fallen leaves in the courtyard. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He was savoring the meaning of those words.

“Sir means that the size of the vision depends entirely on the mind, not on the form?”

Li Mo smiled.

“Is the heaven and earth in your heart bigger, or is the heaven and earth in your eyes wider?”

Without hesitation, Ying Zheng replied, “Naturally, the heaven and earth in my heart are greater!” ”

“In the heart of the widow, there is a vast world.”

“It’s too big to be covered by vision; It’s so wide that people can imagine it! ”

He clenched his fists behind his back.

A fierce pride stirred in his heart with these words.

Li Mo could feel his actual heart, and his pride was filled with the courage of swallowing mountains and rivers.

However, Li Mo chuckled.

Asked, “Then why, King Qin’s face is still lost?” ”

Ying Zheng was startled and looked at him full of surprise.

Surprised: “How does the gentleman know the expression on the widow’s face?” ”

“For my ears can hear, and my heart can see.”

“I heard King Qin’s helplessness and saw King Qin’s loss.”

Li Mo continued to talk: “You have the ambition to ascend to the sky, but you have no ladder to climb the clouds. ”

“You want to achieve your ideals, but now you can’t even guarantee your own safety.”

“Because… You will die. ”

Ying Zheng froze abruptly!

It seemed that he was shocked by Li Mo’s words, and his tone was a little gaffe: “What did you say?” ”

Li Mo was still calm and said: “The key is when and how to die.” ”

Ying Zheng’s face became ugly.

It was only now that he really discovered that Li Mo was unusual.

He seems to know everything!

No one knows their situation better than Win Zheng.

Li Mo gently raised his palm, and the leaves in his palm rose without wind.

Slowly floated into the air and flew towards Yingzheng.

Huan Zheng stretched out his hand to take it and looked at him puzzled: “Does Sir know?” ”

Li Mo muttered, “I have crossed the river of years and witnessed my own death. ”

“I have also traveled through history and witnessed the changes of thousands of years.”

“You, believe it?”

Ying Zheng’s breathing gradually became rapid, and finally he shook his head: “Widow… Don’t believe it…”

What kind of person can travel through the long river of history, and what kind of person can still live well after witnessing his own death?

And what kind of person can know the history of thousands of years?

If there really is such a person, he should be called God.

Li Mo slowly asked, “Is King Qin afraid of death?” ”

Ying Zheng’s eyes showed incomparable determination: “Nature is not afraid!” ”

“Everyone dies, doesn’t they?”

“The widow is only afraid, and the regret will end!”

People live, but ambitions are not realized.

This is the cruelest ending for a person with big ambitions.

“What exactly do you want to say to the widow, sir?”

Ying Zheng did not think that Li Mo would ask him such meaningless questions.

Li Mo slowly raised his head, feeling the gentleness of the breeze on his cheeks.

“The mountains turn into deep valleys, and the vicissitudes of the sea turn into mulberry fields.” ”

“Summer withers, nations rise and fall.”

“Human life and death are really mysterious.”

“Ten years can distinguish spring and autumn, and a hundred years can prove birth, old age, illness and death.”

“A thousand years can lament the change of dynasties, ten thousand years, you can see the stars shifting.”

“Life is only a few dozen years, since King Qin is not even afraid of death, then what is there to fear?”


A thunder exploded in the heart of Ying Zheng!

The wind in the courtyard suddenly became stronger.

The blow made the two robes hunt.

Zheng Zheng was as sober as if he had peeled away layers of fog!

It was as easy as tearing off the thousands of chains that imprisoned him!

Die without fear, live fearlessly!

I am not even afraid of death, what else can stop my steps?

Even if there are a thousand mountains in front of you, then you have to move the mountains and catch the sea!

Even if there is an abyss in front of you, you must ride the wind!

“King Qin, I seem to understand.”

The leaves in Ying Zheng’s hand turned into a pile of powder with Li Mo’s words.

The sprinkles fluttered and dissipated in the wind.

Ying Zheng raised his hand and bowed deeply to him: “Thank you sir.” ”

This is the answer he came to ask for on this trip!

His question has not yet been exported.

Li Mo had already given him the answer!

Li Mo nodded gently: “Tell me, what do you want to do?” ”

Ying Zheng straightened up and was full of pride.

“Widow, I want to forge a sword!”

“What sword?”

Ying Zheng looked solemn and said slowly: “The Great Zhou has ruled the world for eight hundred years, Confucius has ruled the Spring and Autumn, and the Warring States are divided into seven heroes. ”

“In this world, it is always all sentient beings who suffer.”

“The oligarchs want to forge a sword of the Son of Heaven!”

“Take the Seven Kingdoms as the front, and the mountains and the sea as the curtain.”

“Make the five elements, open with yin and yang.”

“Hold on to spring and summer, walk in autumn and winter.”

“Unparalleled in the world, the world is subdued, this is the sword of the Son of Heaven!”

“The widow wants to use this sword to carve out a promised land!”

The wind stops.

Li Mo was left alone in the courtyard.

He gently picked up the teacup, but found that the tea had already been drunk.

“Are we leaving?”

A gentle voice sounded beside him.

The salamander helped him fill the teacup again and asked softly.

“Madame, do you know what does the sudden cessation of the wind mean?”

The salamander squatted beside Li Mo and gently leaned on his shoulder.

He took his hand and replied, “Representative, heavy rain is coming.” ”


The raindrops of Douda 3.2 slapped the wooden carriage.

In the warm carriage, the red lotus lifted a corner of the curtain.

Looking at the heavy rain that suddenly poured down, he pouted unhappily and complained: “It’s so annoying, why is it raining all of a sudden?” ”

When he was at Li Mo’s place just now, it was clear that the sky was still full of stars.

Now it’s raining suddenly.

The heavy rain came suddenly, violently.

Red Lotus sat bored in the carriage.

Listening to the sound of rain lapping on the carriage, the dripping gaze fell on Xun Fuzi.

Xun Fuzi had not spoken since Li Mo came out.

Sitting cross-legged in the carriage with his eyes closed, he never moved.

Red Lotus’s voice fell, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

Lifting the curtain and looking at the heavy rain outside, Mumu said: “Because, the sky has changed.” ”

Hong Lian rolled her eyes and said speechlessly: “Of course, the rain has changed the sky!” ”

Who doesn’t understand such a simple truth?

The carriage suddenly swayed a few times and stopped in front of Han Fei’s mansion.

Several nursing homes saw the carriage and immediately ran over with umbrellas.

Xun Fuzi got out of the car and took a step, and suddenly stopped again.

To Han Fei behind him, he said, “You come with me.” ”

Han Fei was stunned, and before he could reply, Xun Fuzi had already strode forward.

“I don’t know why the teacher called the disciples to come.”

Inside the study.

Before he could change his soaked clothes, Han Fei was drenched, and his whole body seemed to be fished out of water.

Xun Fuzi turned his back to him and stood by the open window.

After being silent for a long time, he slowly said, “In your heart, there seems to be a question.” ”

Han Fei’s face changed slightly.

Sure enough, he couldn’t hide it from Xun Fuzi.

He pursed his mouth and hesitated for a moment before saying, “Hearing Sir’s remarks today, the disciple had some epiphany. ”

Xun Fuzi’s figure did not move, and he asked again: “What did you realize?” ”

Han Fei pursed his mouth and lowered his eyes: “Rule of law in the world, Confucianism indoctrination.” “。

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