The salamander went out to buy vegetables with a vegetable basket.

At this time, there was still a moment before he left to talk about the book, so Li Mo was not in a hurry to go out.

On the clothesline in the yard fluttered stockings that were washed and dried by the salamanders.

Li Mo sat in the courtyard and continued to be busy.

Where one pair is enough, you have to prepare a few more pairs for Madame.

There are also several more colors.

Let’s go find jade today and order other colors of gauze!

Although there is no problem with his own thinking, the stockings are indeed made.

But the fly in the ointment is that something is missing.

He made stockings, and if he could add lace or something, it would be perfect!

But this involves embroidery skills.

It’s not bad that a big man will order needlework, where will there be what embroidery!

At most, the salamander will be stitched up.

Her little hand holding a sword is a Ka Zheng, but let her embroider….

The embroidery needle can be pinched by her!

Moreover, stockings alone are not enough.

Women can add ten points when wearing stockings.

But if you pair it with a pair of high heels, you can add thirty points!

Black silk with high heels is the male artifact!

After making a few more pairs of black silk, Li Mo leaned on the rocking chair in the yard and thought about what to do with high heels.

If you want to make it, you must first analyze the structure of the shoe.

Upper, sole, heel.

Li Mo thought about it, it didn’t seem to be too difficult!

The key is the material of the heel, which is not too heavy or too fragile.

The heel of the high heels bears the weight of the whole person, too heavy to walk, too brittle and easy to break.

The upper is simple and can be wrapped in gauze with animal skin.

Both firm and hassle-free, the key is to expose the toes and instep.

Wearing black silk is a plus!

Suddenly, Li Mo’s inspiration flashed.

The upper can be wrapped in gauze with animal skin, why can’t the heel be supported by wooden embedded metal?

Isn’t it light and strong!

My special lady is really a genius!

Just do what you say.

Li Mo took the brush and silk cloth and began to conceive the prototype according to the memory in his mind.

After drawing some details and structure, I found tools to start making.

Finally, when the salamander came back from buying good vegetables, Li Mo made the high heels!

The sole is wooden, cut into the shape of a spoon.

So there is an arc.

The root of the shoe is nailed into the spikes, connecting the sole and heel while solving the heel problem!

The upper is as he thought, and a few straps wrapped in animal skin are simple and practical!

“What is the husband doing again?”

When the salamander came back from buying vegetables, he put the vegetable basket by the well, and punched out a bucket of clear well water to prepare for washing and cooking.

Li Mo held the freshly made high heels and turned his head to smile at her.

“Madam, I have invented another secret weapon for my husband, will you try it?”

The salamander was pulled into the house by him again.

After a sigh of astonishment, the birds in the trees fluttered their wings and flew away.

Is this couple endless?


“Madame rest well, and bring you supper when your husband returns.”

Li Mo helped the salamander prepare a little stomachy thing and put it on the table, and filled a pot of tea next to it.

Others can be ignored, and the rehydration of the lady must not be sloppy.

The shocked salamander only showed one head outside the quilt, and rolled his eyes at Li Mo helplessly.

The matter of concubinage is urgent!

Two days later, Li Mo came to Zilanxuan with a few things that had been remade.

He knew in his heart that this would be a major breakthrough in changing feminine charm!

Zilanxuan’s backyard has never been free of outsiders.

This is where the girls usually live, so no one will come in.

A separate courtyard is built alone on the innermost side.

The courtyard is shaded by colorful trees and flowers and plants.

Small bridges and flowing water, rockery pavilions are all available.

Compared to other courtyards, the environment here is not a little better.

Where the hostess lives, the environment is certainly the best!

“Sister Zinu, Mr. Li said he wanted to see you.”

Liang Yu knocked lightly on the door and said inside.

The purple girl has been thinking about what Li Mo can surprise her these days.

She really couldn’t figure out what a layer of tulle could do.

It made her heart scratch like a cat for the past two days.

Hearing the sound of Yu Yu outside the door, the purple woman’s eyes suddenly lit up.

It’s finally here!

The door was opened, and a graceful figure appeared behind the door.

The purple woman said with anticipation on her face: “You go to the private room before you go to wait for me, I will change my skirt and arrive immediately.” ”


Lang Yu owed, and was just about to leave but was stopped by the purple woman.


Liang Yu stopped: “What’s wrong, sister Zinu?” ”

The purple woman held her arm and thought for a while: “Take Mr. to me directly, don’t go to the private room.” ”

“Huh? Come to your room? ”

Lang Yu was taken aback and said incredulously.

Don’t say that men enter the purple woman’s room, even entering their women’s backyard has never happened.

One head and two big heads.

Kissing him again and letting him into his room, when did the purple sister become like this?

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