“Whether it’s a black cat or a white cat, as long as you can catch mice, you’re a good cat…”

Jiang Lu peeked at Qin Shihuang’s face, and there was no joy or anger, so he said boldly:

“Erchen believes that like the previous kings of the Qin State in the past hundred years, let the feudalism of Great Qin coexist with counties and counties, and implement one country, two systems!”

“One country, two systems?” Yun Zheng chewed this word carefully and bowed his head slightly: “Talk about it!” ”

Will Lu pondered for a moment and continued:

“In the opinion of the sons and daughters, feudalism and counties seem to be contradictory, but in fact, they are not indispensable for coexistence…”

Yun Zheng’s fingertips tapped the table slightly.

He is not a man who sins with speech.

Since he is discussing with the other party, he will listen carefully no matter what opinions the other party puts forward.

Even if he disagrees with his own opinion, Yun Zheng will not blame the other party for this.

Lu Yuguang glanced at Yun Zheng, feeling a little strange in his heart.

How could Yun Zheng discuss this with himself?

This kind of major matter related to the issue of the national line should be discussed with Li Si and other important ministers.

What is there to discuss with such a little ass as yourself?

Yun Zheng touched his beard.

Regarding the system of the Great Qin, the clan family, the civil servants, the military generals, the doctors, almost all of the people’s political opinions, Yun Zheng have heard it.

Although he had made up his mind, he adopted Lisi’s advice to abolish the division and adopt the county system.

But this time, he was curious to know, what kind of attitude will Lu have?

In the previous few simulations, there were all appearances, but there were no follow-ups.

Therefore, Yun Zheng wanted to know how Jiang Lu viewed the counties and the division of the county.

It’s just that what he didn’t expect was that he wanted to do both?

But what Jiang Lu said is also correct.

For hundreds of years, the Qin Dynasty has always implemented a dual-track system of counties and counties.

The martingale did advocate a centralized system.

But he himself is also a beneficiary of the separate sealing system.

Shang martingale is also a person with a fief, called a Shang Jun.

In the entire history of the Qin State, he was the only one who was named a monarch.

Later, King Hui of Qin and King Zhao of Qin successively made Li Li Jun Yan Jun and Wei Ran the Marquis of Yan.

They were all maharajas with actual fiefdoms.

The fiefdoms of these princes were intertwined with counties.

It is not impossible to call it “one country, two systems.”

However, although Yun Zheng had no expression on his face, he had already begun to think about Jiang Lu’s true thoughts in his heart.

In fact…

The government itself did not like this dual-track system.

Because when he first succeeded to the throne, the state of Qin had a tendency to overwhelm the county system.

The first is Wen Xin Hou Lü Buwei.

His fief was located in Luoyang, Henan, and had 100,000 households.

He also used the ten cities between the rivers as a sealed land, and his power was in the sky.

Even Yan Yi was mixed with the Marquis of Changxin, with Shanyang City as a fief, and Hexi and Taiyuan as a fief….

At that time, in the territory of the Qin State, from the ministers of the court to the local officials, there was a saying:

“Are you messing with your sister-in-law? Or follow Lu Buwei? ”

Yes, they all ignored Qin Wang Zheng at that time.

There are only Yan Yi and Lu Buwei in his eyes.

Because of the concubine, Daqin’s harem was in chaos, the law of the country was trampled on, and the prestige of Qin Law fell to the bottom.

If it weren’t for the change of the Qinian Palace, he would have suppressed the Yan Yi rebellion in one fell swoop and exiled Lü Buwei, and the Qin State Sheji would probably have been overthrown.

Where is the chance of dominating the sea?

In addition, what Jiang Lu said at this time did not sound much different from the proposition of Minister Wang Xuan.

Although Wang Xuan and others advocated following the old system of the Zhou Dynasty.

However, they did not dare to advocate a comprehensive division like the Zhou Dynasty.

The idea of Wang Xuan and others was to set the location of the division in Yan, Qi, and Chu.

Because these three regions are not only far away from the Qin State.

And the cultural differences are also huge.

As for the Qin State mainland and the Sanjin region, counties are still maintained.

So in the opinion of Yun Zheng.

What Jiang Lu said is just a repetition of the old tune and nothing new.

If it weren’t for Yun Zheng knowing through the simulator that this kid was not a philistine, he would have thrown him out long ago.

General Lu still didn’t know his statement, and poked at the sensitive point in Yun Zheng’s heart, he thought about it and continued to speak:

“In the Central Plains and the Yan and Qi regions, the sons and daughters have not set foot in it, so they dare not say anything, but only talk about what they saw and heard in Chudi and Jianghuai.”

Lu’s speech at this time is based on the memory of the original master before, and then combined with his own views.

He spoke slowly:

“Hengshan, Huaibei, Huainan and other regions, as far as the sons and daughters have seen and heard, although there are many squires and gentlemen, industry and commerce are more prosperous than the Guanzhong area.”

“But in these areas, the li chief system between counties and townships is no different from the Qin State itself.”

“In addition, these areas have a large hukou and a diverse population, which is difficult to manage.”

“Therefore, if the vassals are divided, not only will there be a lot less taxation, but after a hundred years, it will also show a trend of falling behind.”

“Therefore, Erchen believes that wherever there are Qi people, the county system should be adopted, and it is not appropriate to use separate seals!”

This statement is different from Wang Xuan.

Yun Zheng finally came a little interested: “Talk about it!” ”

Jiang Lu thought for a moment and continued:

“However, the actual situation in Chudi is different.”

“This kid of Jiang Lu doesn’t seem to be as ruined as he imagined…” At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang’s voice sounded very inappropriately, obviously surprised by Jiang Lu’s discussion.

A young man of about twenty years old can have such insight and pattern, and in the eyes of Lao Zhu, he is already a qualified candidate for the prince.

When Jiang Lu heard Zhu Yuanzhang’s words, his face did not change, but he secretly cursed in his heart, when did Laozi abolish it?

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