In the tent, this feast of hope continues.

“Since you already have the plan of the Qin State, how can you attack the Qin State in turn?”

King Youliu asked, Touman’s eyes showed a bit of cruelty, and he looked at Daunton, obviously leaving this for Daunton.

After all, Daunton is his chosen heir, and this is a good opportunity for Daunton to stand up and show his face in front of the ministries.

Venton stood up in front of the parchment map behind Man Man.

The sheepskin map depicts the Huns.

Daunton looked around and said to the leader of the tent:

“This time, I will be the vanguard and lead all the troops to attack here first.”

Daunton’s hand rests on the parchment map, which is exactly where Win Changze camped in the plan.

“The wolf cavalry of my royal court will naturally not be dispatched, the wolf cavalry will go all out to deal with this team that is attacking in the rear, I have already sent someone to investigate, there are indeed traces of army activities in this vicinity, and the location of this team will be determined in a few days.”

“According to the horseshoe prints we have found so far, this team is estimated to be less than a thousand people, which should be Win Changze”

There was a pause, this was the first time he said the name of Win Changze, and his eyes recalled the black dragon flag he saw under the hillside, as well as the team and the person under the flag.

Everyone in the tent was still listening, and they were stunned for a moment, and then said: “The army under you has strange powers.”

“This assault team must be the main force of the Qin State this time, and this camp is the time to lure the enemy, according to the words of the Qin people, we will calculate and defeat all the troops in this place!”

“Then in turn, wrap the force in the rear!”

“Even if this army has strange power, our Hun cavalry is not easy to deal with!”

Daunton had forgotten the fear that was faintly rising in Fang Cai’s heart, and at this moment he was very proud in his heart, he had traveled around the Qin country for a period of time and learned some of the military tricks of the Qin people.

This is also his first use.

That prince of the Qin Kingdom would definitely not have thought that he would plot him in turn!

And now that this plan has fallen into his hands, he wants to completely destroy the prince of the Qin Kingdom!

Daunton narrowed his eyes, he couldn’t wait to cut off his head, fill it with their Hun spirits, and drink it in one gulp.

However, Daunton looked at the plan in his hand, if there was no plan, maybe they would really hit the plan!

After all, the Huns are so big, the number of people in both teams is not very large, and it is indeed very easy to be ignored.

And these two teams are directly aimed at the royal court, once the royal court is lost, their Xiongnu people will definitely die at the hands of Daqin.

After all, in addition to these two armies, there are also Meng Tian’s 300,000-strong army on the border!


The Xiongnu leaders sitting in the tent showed joy in their eyes, there was only one kind of cavalry in the steppe, and the cavalry paid attention to the position and went straight to and fro.

So they are also often more straightforward, if there is something, in their eyes, it is enough to directly send troops to crush the past, there is no need to engage in these twists and turns.

But this time, they can see the benefits of this twist and turn.

Once you send out the army, you only need to change slightly, you can annihilate the entire army of the Qin State! And take all the treasures and land of the Qin Kingdom for themselves!

Everyone’s eyes showed excitement.

The bloodthirsty desire flowing in their blood was aroused, and someone took out a machete on the spot and slashed it directly on the table and laughed.

“I’m willing to be a pioneer!”

“I, I’m willing to be a pioneer!”

This time the Xiongnu sent troops, and the various tribes together had about 300,000 Xiongnu cavalry.

Houghton rode in front of these 300,000 cavalrymen, and his eyes burned with raging fire!

This time the two-pronged approach, absolutely will not happen before, he is not a brave man, this time he must avenge the downhill! Venton looked at the tent where Win Changze was located in the distance, with a desire to kill in his eyes.

Win Changze sat on the hillside, and the 300,000 cavalry was mighty, and it could be seen in the distance.

It’s like a dense colony.

Win Changze knew that the Xiongnu began to move.

“Your Highness!”

Meng Yi hurriedly ran up with a bit of anxiety on his face.

“Your Highness, I see that the Xiongnu are menacing this time, with at least 300,000 troops, but only 15,000 people in our battalion, and only a few thousand light horses…”

Meng Yi wanted to continue, but remembered those soldiers sent by Ying Changze in the Baiyue region.

Those soldiers had only a few thousand people, but broke through the 300,000 army that could not necessarily attack the hundred yue.

Meng Yi looked at the back of Ying Changze, and the person in front of him calmly looked at the Xiongnu cavalry in the distance, with a little excitement hidden in his eyes.

Meng Yi stopped talking and simply leaned over and surrendered.

“Please also ask His Highness to order!”

Win Changze stood up with a sword hanging from his waist.

This sword is the sword he exchanged to the system just now – the Slashing Immortal Sword.

Ordinary swords could not withstand his current strength, and they were shattered before they could release their full strength.

And this Immortal Slashing Sword is not only able to exert all his strength, but even provides a bonus to his strength.

“General Meng is guarding the tent behind, so don’t let people enter the tent!”

Win Changze Road, Meng Yi handed over the order.


The 300,000-strong army came in a hurry, and the big camp that won Changze itself was not particularly far away from the royal court, but only slightly hidden.

Plus, the steppe is unobstructed and there is nothing to block at all.

Therefore, the 300,000 army came very quickly!

The Qin army was ready, and the 300,000 army was already on display not far away.

Win Changze was riding on a horse, not wearing armor, but as usual, wearing a dark robe.

As soon as the wind blew, the dark robe hunted.

Houghton rode on his horse and saw the winning Changze before the camp from a distance.

Win Changze riding on a black horse, the whole person is magnificent, not a sword, not that sharp edge, but the sky, like looking down on an ant, that kind of indifference and indifference.

It seems to be telling Daunton that killing you only takes a gentle twist.

Daunton strangled the frightened horse under the crotch.

There was a bit of caution in his eyes.

I didn’t expect him to be so cautious and bring an army of 300,000, but he was still a little careless.

Not only is the momentum of Win Changze amazing, looking at the soldiers displayed behind him, the momentum is like a sharp sword that has been unsheathed, as if it is going to stab the sky above his head!

Not to mention the momentum on Win Changze’s body, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can give to Daunton.

That feeling is like meeting a giant on a bridge.

The giant ignored him as a villain, stepped over, and unintentionally brought the wind, and crushed his life directly into the dust.

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