“Your Highness, I have already paid tribute in accordance with the previous agreement with the Qin State, and dare to ask Your Highness, when will the covenant documents concluded between my countries and the Qin State be signed?”

This question was also what Zaoyue Clan and Fu Yu wanted to know, and as soon as they heard Si Qing ask it, they fell their eyes on Ying Changze.

“The envoy’s question is stingy, will my Qin Kingdom still shorten your paperwork?”

The courtier sitting on the side said, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

The question asked by this envoy was obviously provoking the Qin Kingdom!

“Two, four, three” Si Qing didn’t react, just nodded and handed over his hand: “It’s me who is abrupt, but your country has never mentioned this matter, and I am inevitably a little apprehensive in my heart, afraid that I will not be able to explain to my king.”

“Since you are here to establish a covenant with my Qin Kingdom, there is nothing wrong with asking this question.”

Win Changze said, looked at Si Qing, his expression narrowed slightly.

“Your attitude, my Qin Kingdom looks at it, the covenant matter is not a matter of idle talk here, my Qin Kingdom values it, do you want to use it as an after-dinner discussion?”

With a word, Win Changze’s pupils opened slightly.

Huan Changze’s statement not only made the Qin State occupy the righteous side in the matter of the covenant, but also implied the meaning of warning.

I Qin Guo give face, don’t give face don’t face!

Si Qing raised his eyes and looked at Ying Changze, with some excitement in his eyes.

She was curious about this person and even more excited.

She met an opponent, if it weren’t for the peace of the Peacock Dynasty, she really wanted to meet him on the battlefield and fight a good battle! After the envoys of various countries presented their own national tributes, there were programs and various foods prepared by the Qin state.

In the meantime, everyone was already drunk.

The banquet with the envoys of various countries soon ended, and Ying Changze soon returned to the prince’s mansion, and on the next day went to the military camp outside Xianyang.

According to Luo Net’s news, many small countries in Xiyi have already started wars in the provocation of winning Changze.

And Fuyu and Yue, under the deliberate arrangement of Win Changze, have also begun to prepare armaments.

And the Mauryan Dynasty, under the arrangement of Luo Net, unilaterally expressed war against the Qin State.

Before Si Qing’s convoy left to return to the Peacock Dynasty, he had already received news that his confused father had actually declared war on the Qin Kingdom! Si Qing hid in a small village outside Xianyang City, with a bit of doubt and resentment in his eyes.

She knew that her father had problems in making decisions in political affairs, but the people she arranged for the Peacock King to be around were all her own people.

Moreover, the court above are also their own people, it can be said that Si Qing has already put the Peacock King in the air.

So who would tell the Peacock King Jin to declare war on the Qin state?

“Why did Father declare war on the Qin Kingdom?”

Si Qing looked at Wuza, who sat at the door of the house with a puzzled expression.

He also couldn’t understand the actions of the Peacock King…

“Princess, could it be someone from the king’s side, our letter should have been delivered, why would there be a war against the Qin Kingdom?”

Si Qing thought of the win Changze he had seen, the person in the hall.

The emotion in his eyes was too deep for Si Qing to see through.

But as a person with the same ambition, Si Qing saw the shadow of his own kind in Win Changze.

Win Changze will not let go of this small country in the four directions so simply.

Si Qing looked at Wu Zha, and there was some speculation in his heart.

Maybe this matter is the ghost of winning Changze.

However, no matter how long the winning Changze hand is, it is all in the Qin Kingdom, how can it penetrate into the Peacock Dynasty.

Besides, the Peacock Dynasty king was surrounded by Si Qing’s people, how did he infiltrate the forces?

If things were really what Si Qing thought, the means to win Changze would have exceeded the predictions of all small countries! Si Qing took a deep breath, then stood up and pushed open the door.

At this time, the moon was already in the middle of the sky, and outside the house, there was silence, and although it was dark overhead, there was not the slightest bit of starlight.

Wuza led two horses from the side.

Ever since the news of the Peacock Dynasty’s war against the Qin Kingdom, the two of them had been carefully hiding their tracks, and if there was any disturbance, Si Qing would hide with Wu Za.

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