Looking at the soldiers who smashed stones, Deng Xin was a little stunned.

He laughed twice and wanted to say two more words to explain, but his eyes were attracted by those soldiers.

With a hammer, the soldier broke the large stone into countless stones.

The strength of this hammer is at least around a thousand catties, and this kind of power makes Deng Xin feel a little incredible.

As a county warden in Surabaya, he has not been to the barracks, but where are such soldiers in the barracks?

The strength of these soldiers under Win Changze is comparable to the power that ties dozens of soldiers together.

Feng Quqian looked at those soldiers with surprise in his eyes.

He had not heard about the incident of winning Changze in Xianyang City, and now that he saw these soldiers, he did not doubt that Win Changze was pushing Baiyue and the Xiongnu.

With such soldiers, let alone Baiyue and the Huns, even if they are other countries, which one is not invincible in the horizontal push.

The two were lamenting the bravery of these soldiers, but they saw a silver-armored soldier walking next to them, and the silver-armored soldier walked over, squatting in front of the big iron pot, with a hand.

I saw that the red flame suddenly shrouded the bottom of the big iron pot.

Deng Xin and Feng Qu were stunned and looked at each other.

What is this doing?

Burning soil?

Deng Xin looked at the silver-armored soldier, would he not know about this soldier? This is the soldier sent by Win Changze to burn that dark cloud.

And now, these soldiers, who are regarded as divine soldiers, are burning fire? Deng Xin was stunned, and immediately beat his chest with heartache.

Your Highness, this is a violent heavenly thing, Your Highness!

Feng Quqian was also a little stunned, the divine weapon was used to burn fire, how could he have a bit of a violent feeling of destroying the heavenly things.

A divine weapon like this should be offered!

The two stood by the side, watching the soldier’s movements, and unconsciously squatted forward in front of the stove together.

Xu Zhong, who was not far away, came over and saw the two farmers of the same style squatting in front of the stove, and he was also a little puzzled, so he said, “Two adults?” ”

When Xu Zhong’s voice came, Deng Xin and Feng Quqian reacted immediately, quickly stood up, raised their hands, arched their hands towards Xu Zhong, and said, “General Xu.”

Xu Zhong looked at the soldiers who were working and asked, “Two adults, this is?” ”

Deng Xinlao’s face turned red, and he didn’t particularly want to admit that he came to squat and study because he didn’t know what he was doing.

Feng Quqian didn’t feel embarrassed, and simply asked, “General Xu, what is this doing?” ”

Xu Zhong chuckled, looked at the soldier who was working, and said, “This is the mud invented by His Highness, also known as cement, which is used to repair the dam.”

Deng Xin and Feng Quqian looked at each other, and said at the same time: “Cement? ”

Xu Zhong nodded, and saw two soldiers not far away carrying three or four baskets of gray iron ore slag walking towards this side.

The silver-armored soldiers withdrew their hands, and the soldiers of the Shenli Battalion re-scooped the mud noodles in the pot over the stone mill on the side, and mixed the iron ore slag to grind the three things into powder.

The gray mixed cement falls in a wooden barrel under the stone mill.

Deng Xin looked at Xu Zhong, then walked over, dipped a little with his hand, and rubbed it on his fingertips.

This thing smells of stone, but it is really very delicate and soft.

Feng Quqian also walked over and dipped a little, his eyes were still puzzled.

He was also well-informed, and as soon as he saw the shape of this thing and what Xu Zhong said in his mouth, he already knew the general function of this thing.

Place between the stones that build the dam and fix the stones.

This mud is not without in the Qin Kingdom, but it is generally a mixture of ground limestone and sediment.

This effect is general, can only be used on dry land, if it is used in water does not take a few years, the continuous washing of this river water is easy to wash away the fine powder of limestone, and the remaining sediment naturally can not play any role.

Therefore, the construction of the Qin State Dam will need to be renovated in a few years.

After a few years of renovation is still good to say, many places almost do not have the so-called renovation, broken and put there no longer manage.

Feng Qu rubbed the cement powder on his hand, this thing can really fix the dam? In the general mud of the Qin Kingdom, some of the sediment can be used for a little longer.

This thing is all powder, isn’t the water washed away as soon as it is flushed?.

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